[HOT CLIPS][RUNNINGMAN]Is that a bug? Ji Hyo is crying.(ENGSUB)

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- Go into a warm red clay room. - Yes. - You should never come out. - Okay. - All right. - Thank you. - Gosh, it's warm. - It's warm. It's very warm. Are we really sleeping? (They will take a nap here for 40 minutes.) We're going to get so hot. It's too hot in here. (It's a perfect temperature to heat up your back.) It's very warm. Pur your feet here. It's warm. (They gather in the heated red clay room one by one.) My feet are cold. Why did no one tell me that I looked this ugly? - What? - Why did no one tell me... - that I look this ugly? - It's so funny. But you don't look the ugliest today. You looked uglier last week. She looked really ugly last week, didn't she? - She looked the worst at Mount Nam. - It's warm. She looked funny at Mount Nam. You're annoying. You're funny, but annoying. Do you know what it is? Seriously. So Min. I look sporty, don't I? - You look good in it. - You look good in it. - You look quite... - Gurada. - I'll put my arms like this. - Gurada. Pretending that I'm wearing a Gucci shirt. - It still looks fake, though. - Se Chan. That shirt looks real. How about me? - You look quite cool. - It suits you. What? He doesn't look cool. That's not cool. No. You look quite cool. - You can't tell when I do this. - Jae Seok. I'm going to put my arms like this. - I'm going to do this. - You look good in Gucci, but in a tacky way. You really don't look good in it. What should I do about you? Gosh, this place is good. - It's nice. - Yes. It's good. - It's warm. - It's warm and nice. It's not hot, though. - I feel drowsy. - I think I'll fall asleep. The floor heating system these days doesn't make it too hot. - I love it. - What's that? - It's a floor heating system. - What's that? It's a floor heating system. What? Why? (Is that a bug?) - They're a part of nature. - Over there. - Over there! - No. - It won't go to you. - I saw it. - Seok Jin. - It won't go to you. - Ji Hyo. - No. Don't do it with your hand. - Go out, quickly. - Don't use your hand. - Go out. - Don't use your hand. - Don't use your hand. - No! (Slapping) Your hand! (The ones who are watching are making a bigger fuss.) - Jae Seok. - Look at her face. (Its trace is clear.) It got me surprised. - Earlier, she... - She's frightened. Why did you do that? - No, he did it, Ji Hyo. - Why did you use your hand? (Crying) How can you do it with your hand? - I can't do it. - Ji Hyo is crying. - Ji Hyo is crying. - Ji Hyo. - She's crying. - Ji Hyo. You're a much better fighter... - than a bug. - He's right. - It got me surprised. - I sometimes kill bugs at home. - And you use your hand? - Thank you, Jae Seok. - Of course. - I can kill bugs too. - But don't you have that feeling? - When it pops? Doesn't it pop when you do it? - How do you kill it? - Do you want me to tell you? So is it crispy? She... - will die. - What I just felt was... - Gurada. - "pop!" - It popped at once. - It popped. - It popped. - Then... - Gurada. - It popped. - Did it pop? - Did its body pop? - It popped. - Actually, I usually use tissues. If it were big, I would've been scared too. But if I don't have a choice, I should kill it. - Well done. Jae Seok. - Just now... That's enough. - It was an emergency. - That's enough. - I think... - Stop and sit down. it was his first time killing it with his hand. - He is... - Right? - trying to overcome his problem. - He must be disgusted. - How about flies? - He must be disgusted. - Should I lie down too? - I should sleep. - Getting mad out of nowhere... - I should like here. Lie down this way. Wait. A bug... What? - Why? - I think a cockroach will come out. Are there cockroaches here? Under the blanket? - Where? - Why are you saying that? - It's under the blanket? - It could be under the blanket. - I got it. - I'll find it. (Ji Hyo got up, hearing that there might be a cockroach.) - There isn't one. - It's a bug. A part of nature. Yes. It's a part of nature. We should live with them. - There isn't one. - Let's search, though. It's okay. (It's rectangular. It's in a pocket. It's in a bag.) - It might be here. - It might be here. You go over there. (The two are trying to steal Ji Hyo's penalty transfer card.) Why do you say that all of a sudden? How do we steal it? So... We should use the cockroach trick again when a bug comes out. - We should say it's a cockroach? - But wait. Who is going to take it? (Who will have the transfer card at the end?) (Tapping) They're so annoying. (Rushing) Why are you coming without holding back? - I'm so curious. - Go away. What's wrong with you? - You're not supposed to... - Why would you... - So Min. - cross the line here. Why do you always fall for it? They got nothing. They're just pretending. - They... - It's because they're talking. Go away. - What's wrong with her? - Why are you doing this? - This is the men's room. - Why do you always... - Go away. - want to hear it? - Go. - She wants to know so badly. - Well... - Why do you want to hear it? Why? Go. I want to join them. For what? - She can't resist as she's curious. - I mean... She can't hold back because she's so curious. Hey. (Giggling) Why did you crawl there? - Why did you come in? - What's the matter with you? - We can't share a blanket. - Why... - Go away. - Why would you come here? Only cute people are allowed here. (Acting cute) (She shows a perfect reaction to tease as well.) So Min. Isn't she funny? - She can't put up with it. - It's so funny. Why can you not? Why can you not resist? - I'm so curious. - Over there... I'll tell you. (There they go again.) (They're addicted to teasing So Min.) But hey, it doesn't make sense. You put your ear closer even before he talked. (Laughing) Hey. You did it even before he talked. That makes no sense. - Right. - Before he talked... But you were still fooled by it. (It's also amazing that she was fooled by it.) - I mean... So Min. - It makes no sense. He put his ear closer before he talked. Why did you go to them? They got nothing. - Look at the phone for a moment. - Yes. - I'll post it in the group chat. - Okay. - All right. - It's group chat number seven. The chat room without So Min. - Yes. - Okay. - Don't send it to the wrong room. - I got you. Hey. You're talking about the room I'm in. Right. - The one with Ji Ho's account. - Yes. - Ji Ho's Dad. - The room without So Min. - Number seven. - Do you have the messenger app? No, I don't. So Min, you should go back... - to your place. - Why? Hyung In texted me. You should go back to your place. - Show me. - I'm serious. - Wait. - I can't show you. I received Hyung In's message. Why is he like that? Why did he do that suddenly? I received the message. - I received one too. - I received it. I got it, Hyung In. - Okay, Hyung In. - Okay. Why do you break the rules? (Producer Myung Jae is coming instead of producer Hyung In.) It's basically nap time. - But we can still talk. - I don't want to sleep. - After eating, how can I... - Why do you ask us to sleep? - All right. - Can I sleep for real? I can't sleep. We'll just talk. Do what you want. - I get sleepy now. - You know you get sleepy... at a moment like this, right? - I'm about to fall asleep. - When the others are talking. - When they're talking. - Right? It's relaxing. Yes. So Bal, when are we going to have a get-together? When you have time. We did it once. You say you want to do it, but you don't. - Let's set the date quickly. - Let's do it. Hey. Why does Haha need to join? Just us young people should go. "Just us young people?" (Young people?) (What?) Ji Hyo. You're funny. - "Us young people?" - Ji Hyo. That was a good one. "Us young people." - That was a good line. - Hey. (2023 Spring Summer Best Line "Just us young people") - You nailed it. - This one. - You get the Grand Award. - This is worth a Grand Award. "Just us young people." I'm the leader among us. - Good. - "Us young people." I'm the leader among us. - "Us young people." - Actually, Ji Hyo is the cutline. - So if the three of us meet... - This is so annoying. - Are you saying she's young? - He's annoying. - She's young? - Of course. - Seriously? - Of course. She counts. I also count as a young person. - She's a young person? - Ji Hyo is way younger than Haha. - Of course. - Young? - Among the people here. - Young person? - Us three are young among us. - Of course. Let me say it like this. This is "Flaming Youth." (Flaming Youth) - Get it together. - Get it together. - Please. Get it together. - Se Chan and So Min... are "Flaming Youth." Did you all know? Myung Soo was called father and grandfather in "Infinite Challenge." - That's right. - He was 35. - He was 35. - He was 35 at the time. - When he was called "father?" - It was that time. - Around 36. - He was called "father." - It was around your age. - He was around your age. - But why was he... - Times have changed, but still. He was the older one. - I was in my 20s. - He was older. - In my mid-20s. - You were 26 or 27. I was in "Infinite Challenge" when I was around thirty... How old were you when it started? - Around 34? - You were 34? Honestly, when I was in "X-Man," I thought Ho Dong was really old. (It was when Jong Kook was dancing to "Loveable.") (They were 36, 34, 30 years old.) - At that time, Ho Dong was... - I thought he was old. He was 36 or 37. - We thought he was old back then. - That's right. - But when we see him now, - If you watch the clips, - he's young. - he's young. He looks young if you see those clips now. If we see our current selves ten years from now, - We'll seem like babies. - we'll seem like kids. Who knew Ji Hyo's statement would bring up this discussion? We're living young. That's true. - We're mentally young. - In "Infinite Challenge..." Seok Jin is living against time. - Seriously... - In our older videos, we're young. - When I did "Woong's Father," - That's right. I was really young. What did you do yesterday, Ji Hyo? Me? I stayed home with my dog. You stayed home? I also stayed home yesterday. I went to the supermarket with Na Eun for a little while. - I walked my dog too. - I went to the Han River Park. I'm watching "Mr. Sunshine" these days. - You're watching it again? - No, I've never watched it before. - You should watch it. - It's really good. "Us young people" was funny today.
Channel: sNack!
Views: 463,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment
Id: s5L02YDdrmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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