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You can pass it here Yeah Because I'll smash it (You're not smashing it to us...?) How many kilometers per hour do you usually get when you smash? In the case of serve, it's about 80~100 km/h. (Was I hit by 80-100 km/h?) (Almost palm traffic accident) Awesome! Show me once (The spike of the master who conquered the world with power and speed!) (Fantastic spike!) (Oh my god) (Satisfied) -She's satisfied. -Are you satisfied? Yes, this is enough But it must be quite different from what you feel on the court, right? Yes, it's different Then someone should experience this once - Would you like to try? - Captain! The captain should (My palms are still sore) The captain should lead us (Lead first?!) Then I'll ty it once (Okay, I'm a captain) Cool, captain! You can just stand like this! I'll go easy at first Okay, it's good now Good job~ I think you can do it harder! Okay this much? (If you really want it...!) (What the!!) (Survival instinct rather than captain instinct) Suddenly got stronger! I thought it was a cannon. (World's No. 1 military force) What to do if you avoid it in advance Yeah, you shouldn't get afraid! Wow, it's really fast I'm too scared to receive it But in martial arts, there is such a training To get this, you should receive something stronger than this, it has the effect of making it easier Then you go now. It's difficult, right? This is difficult Then I'll just get it once Then this will be easy Ah, yes, that's right! I think it makes sense -It makes sense. -It makes you not afraid, huh? Come forward It won't come on my face, right? I won't do pass it to your face (Looking away...?) okay! Who called you? Who called you? Over there! why? why? Who is calling you now? Somebody said "Donghyun" Are you sure? Don't care about it! You don't have to care about who's calling, just focus on your job. Don't call me~ I wanna try once (Seunggi's turn) Yeah! Seunggi has a strong athleticism. - Now go! I'm going! - properly! (Seunggi, King of dodge ball) No, you should have seen her teeth! Like this...! Since throwing the ball! (The face is full of a murderous spirit) (Conclusion: The answer is to avoid the full power of Master) But in order to score with a spike, accuracy is also important, hitting an empty spot You have to spike to empty space to score, so accuracy is so important. Then, do you think about where to hit when you jump? That's a 0.1 second judgment. While watching the blocking move, You also have to think where the defenders will move You judge it all at that time. Then when you spike, and here... Uh... Can you hit the water bottle? Is it possible? I can hit anything you put Yes? You seem a little unsure? I do, but... let's do it with a water bottle. Water bottle? okay! Everything else is okay! Let go of anything! But today, with a water bottle! - Yes, that will be fine - Okay Show me once It looks small, definitely This looks too small right now As you may know, the coat is very wide than you think It's wide, it's wide The water bottle is this small when you see it on the other side of the court. What should I do first? - This! - Number 4! -Number four? -Number 4! Why do you ask me something difficult Okay, number 4! Because we score a lot through number 4 place diagonal! Okay, there it is! Number 4! (Small point beyond the net, requires immense accuracy) -Is it number 4? -Number 4! It's difficult (Will the world's No. 1 cannon can hit the target?) (Super spike) (Hit at once) (She herself is also surprised) (If it was a real game, she scored in an empty spot, avoiding blocking) At once! This is the world class!
Channel: sNack!
Views: 2,520,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment, messi, Luis Alberto Suárez Díaz, Suárez Díaz, FC, FIFA, volleyball, 배구, YEONGYEONG, Barcelona, F.C., soccer, STUN GUN KIM, 이승기, 신성록, 양세형, ENG SUB, SUNG ROK, MASTER IN THE HOUSE, Yang Se Hyung, Lee Seung gi, EUNWOO, INTERN, hot, HOT, clip, 차은우, 은우, sNack, 스낵, 집사부일체
Id: zxKRV9O8EWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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