[HOT CLIPS] [MASTER IN THE HOUSE ] How much will EUNWOO's t-shirt be..?🤑🤑 (ENG SUB)

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Next is the hand massager. You put your hand in here and press the power button. The massager contracts and expands inside the case, and it massages your hand. There's something like this? How fascinating. - What? - My goodness. She's like Iron Man. My goodness. (It's not a replay of the previous scene.) It must feel good. People might misunderstand. This is not an advertisement. It's not. I brought it from home as my treasured item. Right. Try it, Eun Woo. Put your hand inside. It works on both left and right hands. Se Hyeong's hand massager has a very different start... from Hee Seon's treasured item. - The bid started at 10 dollars. - Right. - Someone wrote 10 dollars. - Right. Someone wrote "pass" for the first time. (Pass.) - Pass? - Pass. This person wants to pass this one. Thank you for your low enthusiasm. The highest bid is... 40 dollars. - 42 dollars. - 42 dollars. - That's perfect. - I am sorry, but... - please refrain from... - Don't go higher than that. - That's a perfect amount. - Someone bid 50 dollars. - 50 dollars. - Don't go higher than that. Stop. Let me remind you again. This is not a new product. There's not even a box. That's all you get. - So... - We will put it in a plastic bag. - Yes. - So please don't bid higher. We are grateful that you want to spend for a good cause. But you can spend on something else. So don't bid higher. We forgot the charger. Get the charger. - There's a charger. - The charger. This charger isn't the one that came with it. I just brought one from home... that fits. But it charges, right? It charges, right? - It charges. - Right. It feels really nice. You can plug two USB cables. You can plug something else here. - Hold it. - We will send it to you. - We will send it safely. - Right. All right. 5, 4. - I don't recommend it. - Three. - 2, 1. - He doesn't recommend it. - Time is up. - Time is up. We have the bid. It was sold to 3345. (He didn't recommend it, but he's curious about the price.) It was sold to 3345. (He seems excited.) - It was sold for 60 dollars. - 60 dollars. (He's relieved.) I will tell you this. I used it, so I couldn't ask for a high price. If you are my fan, you get to feel my hand. Eun Woo became the last user. It feels really nice. We have to tell people the truth. I brought these shoes with me because it would mean a lot... if they get sold for a good cause. All right. Everyone. I will show you the product up-close. Kobe Bryant's basketball shoes. If you like shoes, you will know how unique this design is. And you might want it. I've been his big fan. He passed away, but it would be meaningful... if it gets sold and the money gets used for a good cause. It would be better than just keeping it in the house. Someone said, "I want to buy it for my husband, but it's too big." What if he wears two pairs of socks? If he wears about three pairs of socks, you can wear it even if your feet are about two sizes smaller. That will prevent your feet from getting blisters. That's right. Yes. I tried them on too. I just needed to wear 6 to 7 pairs of socks. My shoe size is 250mm, and it fits me too. (It was the socks that wore it, not his feet.) We haven't gotten any messages yet. It's 290mm. Is 290mm considered very big even for a man? It's very big. Yes. Shoes are... - I feel impatient. - It's very big. (Feeling impatient, he puts them on.) - You should... - And... It suits him well. It's nice. It's nice. When you jump while wearing those shoes, you can touch the ring. You can dunk. - You can dunk. - You can. It's nice. - We are getting the messages. - We got messages. It looks like this. We are getting a lot of messages. 50 dollars. Shin Seong Rok shoes. 70 dollars. 150 dollars. 300 dollars. It's getting heated up. If you put shoe inserts... - We will... - We will close it. Even someone with the shoe size of 270mm can wear it. - Thank you. - 3, 2. - 1. - 1. Time's up. (Seong Rok appealed it to the people with the shoe size 270mm.) (How much did Seong Rok's basketball shoes get sold for?) - It was sold to 3580. - Isn't it 3508? It's sold to 3508. It's sold for 350 dollars. - Congratulations. - That's crazy. Thank you. (We hope he wears them nicely.) - Eun Woo. - Should I go next? Personally, I love teddy bears. Right. I brought a cap I wore... and a teddy bear shirt I wore very often. - The back is the nice part. - The back is the nice part. It's got a part of my name, "Woo". I got it printed. - I put my name "Woo". - "Woo". If you check out my Instagram, you will see me wearing it. Can you put on the cap? The cap? You wear it like this. It suits him. It suits him well. It's the shirt I wore often. Please consider buying it. Lovely. We are getting lots of messages. - The bidding began. - Really? (Eun Woo's shirt 30 dollars) We are getting so many messages. We are getting a lot of messages. 400 dollars. - What? - What? 400 dollars. How much? (They are shocked.) I dry-cleaned it myself yesterday. (They are very passionate about Eun Woo's item and about donation.) Great. Great. The back. Let's start the countdown. - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. - 4, 3, 2, 1. - Time's up. - That's it. - That's it. - We will close the bidding. - It's crazy. - I'm shocked. Eun Woo's shirt and cap are sold... to 2366 for 550 dollars. (Cha Eun Woo's item for 550 dollars) That happened so fast. That's... - Thank you so much. - Thank you. Thank you so much. Many people are joining the auction... not just to buy things. - They're doing it for a good cause. - Right. - Right. - I feel the warmth. - Thank you. - It's my first time... to do a live stream. I never expected so many people to join so passionately. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Are we selling the hairdryer or not? This is a great chance for Seung Gi's fans... to buy a hairdryer used by Seung Gi. Listen to this. Focus. (- Finally, it's Seung Gi's. - I've been waiting for this.) (The duo does an honest demonstration.) - It's working fine. - Is it cool? - It's hot air. - Is it? I am sorry. Just dry it like this. Just dry it like this. It's nice. It's really nice. Everyone is saying it's too loud. - It's too loud. - It's too loud? All right. (They accept it fast.) - 3, 2, 1. Time's up. - 3, 2, 1. Time's up. It's sold to 9666. - It's sold to 9666. - Congratulations.
Channel: sNack!
Views: 628,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment, Master In The House, 집사부일체, Lee Seung Gi, Cha Eun Woo, Yang Se Hyung, Shin Sung Rok, Kim Dong Hyun, 이승기, 차은우, 양세형, 신성록, 김동현, 김희선, Kim Hee Sun
Id: z6Et0DFXX9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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