Hot and Sour Dumpling Soup Recipe

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hi everyone welcome to soup top recipes if you're a longtime subscriber you probably notice that I love dumpling set on my channel I have more than 10 videos over 15 recipes for different kinds of dumplings today I'm giving you another authentic xi'an style dumpling recipe it's shrunk tongue shape down hot and sour dumpling soup not only it sounds exciting but also it's amazingly delicious if you love dumplings like I do you should definitely give this a try as usual we'll start with making our own wrappers because you won't get the same texture if you use store-bought wrappers add 1/2 TSP of salt into 200 grams of room-temperature water stir to dissolve pour the sodium solution into 400 grams of dumpling flour in batches tumbling flour is a type of flour that has a higher protein content and protein is what makes the dumpling great in texture this is what I'm using you should be able to find it in most Asian markets if not you can use bread flour just make sure you check the protein content before picking a brand this one for every 31 grams of flour contains 4 grams of protein that is 12% and should be good for making dumplings different brands of flour have different abilities of absorbing water so you should slightly adjust the reference water ratio that I give start gathering the flour together make it into a dough don't forget to scrape the bottom of the bowl dumpling dough usually contains less water compared to steamed bun or bread dough so it's pretty hard if you can't knead it smooth that is okay just cover it and let it sit for 20 minutes 20 minutes later the dough should be much more soft and pliable now you can easily knead it into a smooth dough while we're working with the dough the proteins that are in the flour of being stretching and bounding again and again which forms the basic structure for the wrapper in China we have a word called tinned out to determine if your dumpling wrapper is good or not Jing Bao means the texture of the wrapper is firm and has nice bones and structures in it kind of like the Antonine of machine it's very important especially when making boiled dumplings because you don't want the wrapper to turn mushy when cooked in order to do that you just have to keep kneading it letting the rest for 20 minutes knead it again for three to five minutes let it sit repeat it three to four times and you should have a really nice dumpling dough I know it sounds time-consuming that is what you have to pay for good homemade dumplings since there is plenty of time to wait you can make a filling from tongue trade Zhou is a specialty from white people they have a very different food culture than Han people mostly this recipe will be done with beef or lamb no pork for religion reasons so today I'm making the beef fennel filling you will need some fresh fennel there are three parts first is this big bowl you can use that to make salad or roast it with whatever meat you like second is the stalks like celery it's a bit fibery you can use it to infuse your soup or stop the part that we're going to use today is these feathery leaves it is a light aromatic and refreshing you just take that off the stalk make sure you don't tear the fibery stem off because that will affect the texture of the filling we'll need about 2 to 3 cups of fennel leaves about 80 grams wash it in cling water use a salad spinner to get rid of the moisture finally dice it I love the mildly licorice flavor from the fennel if you don't like it you can use a scallion cilantro cabbage carrot or any vegetables you like add that to the ground of the ephah you will also need a couple pieces of scallion finely dice it as well heat up 2 tbsp of cooking oil in a sauce pot throwing the scallions and stir until fragrant add 1/2 teaspoon of five-spice powder quickly stir it and add this to the filling keep adding 1 and 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce 1 and 1/2 tablespoon of oyster sauce 1/4 cup of water if you have beef stock that would be even better some black pepper to taste 1/2 teaspoon of salt cracking 1 egg mix everything together to develop the texture of the filling I like to stir the meat within one direction until the mixture becomes sticky then slap the meat hard for a few minutes and your filling is done before we start wrapping the dumplings I have to show you how to make the spiced vinegar it is the soul of this recipe you will need some Chinese black vinegar we call it Chung - or some - it's a type of HD Nagar I'll put the amazon link in the description you can check it out if you need it however if you can't find this ingredient balsamic vinegar can be a substitution it does taste different it would still be delicious but you just don't get authentic touch in a clean pot we're gonna add 1 and 1/2 cup of Chinese aged black vinegar pure vinegar is very sharp so we're gonna dilute it with 1/2 cup of water after that we'll flavour it with one and a half tablespoon of brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds 1 teaspoon of search peppercorns three pieces of cloves a little bit of cinnamon stick break them apart one piece of star anise break it apart as well here one piece of bay leaf throw in two cloves of garlic that are slightly crushed optionally open up two pieces of dried red choice stir everything and bring this to a light simmer we want all the spices to infuse the vinegar so keep it at low heat let it simmer for 15 minutes the sharp and tart vinegar taste will evaporate away and the rest of the liquid is much gentle and complex we want to reduce 30% of the liquid you don't need to measure it exactly just eyeball it you should have about 1 and 1/2 cup of liquid left in there turn off the heat fish out all the spices this amount should be enough to assemble 6 servings of dumpling soup if you can not use it all in one time you can save it in a jar it should stay good in the fridge for a couple month next we'll wrap the dumplings always dust some flour to prevent stickiness when transferring the dough flatten the dough then we'll divide it into many small and even pieces there are lots of recipes tell you to roll the dough into a long log and then divide it that is a little challenging for beginners today I'm showing you a much simple way transfer this onto a cutting board take a knife and cut the dough into thick strips thus the move flour and move the strip's so the cut surfaces don't touch each other or else they will stick together you can use something to measure it so the strip's turn out with a same thickness I just use my thumb once you finish that the small flour and line them up together keep calling them into small pieces it doesn't matter the length with as long as the dough pieces are the same size I normally don't use a skill but if you ask I will say each pieces should be about 11 to 12 grams look at that you don't need a skill and they are evenly divided cover them with a plastic film or else they will dry out while you are wrapping the dumpling set these are the uneven pieces that I picked out you can lead them together and reuse it or just discard it up to you take one piece of the dough we're going to roll it into a round wrapper this is how I do it the rolling pin goes forward and back left hand holds the dough and turns it right hand keeps rolling it repeat is fast and you will get a round wrapper with thick middle and same edge the diameter is about 8 centimeter put some filling in the middle of the wrapper use both of the thumbs and forefingers to stretch the wrapper then fold that in half pinch the edge together tightly that's it fast and easy this way you create a fat dumpling with a smooth stomach isn't that cute this recipe is enough to make 60 to 65 baked dumplings and that is about six servings now let me show you how to assemble one bowl of dumpling soup I know that is a lot of ingredients it's normal in China a lot of restaurants they always have the seasonings and ingredients ready and they assemble it as soon as they take your order okay get a big super bowl add 2 tbsp of dried baby shrimp I love the nice umami taste of it this is what I'm using it's some dried small shrimp and it's naturally salty if you don't have it it's okay to skip it keep adding a bunch of dried seaweed lots of diced cilantro and scallions 1 tablespoon of toasted sesame seeds 2 tbsp of soy sauce it looks like a lot of soy sauce but this is a huge bowl so it's not gonna be too salty here comes 3 to 4 tbsp of the spiced vinegar that we made if this is the first time you are making this recipe make sure you taste and adjust the vinegar amount so you don't over sour your soup next ingredient is a little special the original recipe called beef tallow and chicken fat what I did is that I made a beef and chicken stock not so long ago I didn't skim off the fat just leave it in the fridge to chill until the fat is solid this is basically beef and chicken fat mix we'll need 1 teaspoon of that if you don't have it feel free to put in a teaspoon of butter I have tried it tastes great just in case you're wondering where do I get the original recipe from it's an old book talking about authentic shines in cuisine let's cook the dumplings in a pot of boiling water drizzling a little bit cooking oil then throwing the dumplings I usually do 10 to 15 pieces per serving gently stir them to prevent sticking the dumplings will drop down the temperature a little bit keep the heat a high in a couple minutes it should come back to a boil and all the dumplings should flow to the top pour in 1/2 cup of cold water to drop down the temperature again cover it and wait way to come back to a boil again add another 1/2 cup of cold water we call this the unlearned shred in Chinese it helps you to control the heat easily and make sure the dumpling is cooked through when the third time that the pot is boiling your dumplings a hundred percent cooked through turn off the heat we're going to scoop some of the water and use it as the dumpling soup I did add a little salt because this bowl needs about 3 cups of to fill it up so you definitely need a little extra salt for the taste when you pour in the dumpling water make sure to melt the fat you can also use beef stock if you have it this recipe is going to be flavorful so it should work just as good take out all the dumplings add it to the bowl spice it up with some chili oil I used about 3 tbsp this is homemade you can check my Citroen beef slices in chili oil recipe to learn how to make it chili oil is a basic ingredient in Chinese cuisine if you like spicy food you should definitely have it in your kitchen sprinkle a little more sesame seeds to reinforce the nutty taste I add a drizzle of toasted sesame oil top some extra cilantro and scallion you're done look at that so beautiful the first thing I would do is to taste the soup and get myself ready for all those tangy flavors then you can enjoy the dumpling set the fennel gives some nice Swedish aroma the filling is so juicy and delicious it does not need dipping sauce because it's a recipe that combines the sauce and the soup together I could not stop eating it there's no other words for me to describe how delicious this is just look at that ball it's bigger than my face and that amount to be honest it's enough to serve two people I ate it all and didn't waste a drop of that soup I was full and satisfied that was good I hope you give this a try see if you did leave me a comment let me know how it goes as always you can check the link in the description and find the printable recipe thank you for watching and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Souped Up Recipes
Views: 261,467
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Keywords: dumplings, dumpling soup, how to make dumpling soup, dumpling recipe, homemade dumplings, chinese dumplings, dumplings from scratch, how to make dumplings, chinese dumpling recipe, asian dumplings, how to make chinese dumplings, how to make homemade dumplings, chinese soup dumplings, soup dumplings, hot and sour soup, how do you make dumplings, hot and sour soup recipe, dumpling filling recipe, chinese dumpling filling, souped up recipes, suan tang shui jiao, 酸汤水饺, 陕西水饺, 牛肉茴香水饺
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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