Host your app 24/7 with Render (Free and Unstable)

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hey in this video I will show you how to use another hosting service to run your scripts 24 hours a day replit was the best one to host Python and nodejs apps definitely but after the last update we can't use it 24 hours a day for free okay there is another service render here you can deploy your app but there are a lot of restrictions you will get only 750 hours per month for free that means you can run only one application on one account and you can run some app only from GitHub or gitlab repos then you need to have GitHub or gitlab account to upload the app one more thing you can't change any settings and files when it's working so you have to get cookies or some API codes before before you deploy the script okay in this video I will try to host simple Discord bot written on nodejs and telegram bot on python you can deploy any app you want in the same way comment below which app should I show like steam hours boost or twitch Miner you can use your Google GitHub or gitlab to sign up or just use email first let's take Discord bot it's simple Echo bot on node.js you can use any other one I found this bot on GitHub and I will try to run it you can use only GitHub or gitlab repos so to run the script you have to upload it to GitHub or gitlab I just Fork this repo to my GitHub so I can make changes open index.js and make sure you use the environment variable like this it's token for the script and then go to package.json file you must have dependencies here there should be all the libraries that are used on the bot you can't run the bot without it and to run it all the time add a new file keep uncore alive. JS if you do that on replit before I think you know what it is and add it to the index.js don't forget to save all changes all right then go to the render website click new web service select the first option build from GitHub or gitlab page click next if you have private repo connect your GitHub to render or if you have a public one just copy the repo link and paste it here okay then you should make some config name is anything you want in runtime select what kind of script you are using now in my case it's node.js build command if you use node.js enter here npm install that's why you should have the package.json file with libraries start command is the default Noe index.js scroll down select here a free plan or some paid one if you want to run some serious project with a paid instance you don't need to use uptime robot and it costs from $7 per month cheaper than replit I will use a free plan then enter the variables you have in the script in my case it's token enter a key with the same case as in the script and in value I put my bot token you can add as many variables as you want and now you can just deploy it click create web service wait when it will be installed it takes some time you can see all logs here my bot is logged that means it's working let's make it work all the time without falling asleep you can see an application link here open it and if you see him alive here it works correctly copy the link and make a new monitor on uptime robot or other Service as you can see the bot is online and it's replying to me what if you want to make changes in the bot go to the GitHub repo you use to deploy make here some changes for example I want the bot show messages in the console save changes here then go to the render app again click manual deploy deploy latest commit wait some time and now it's good the next one is python telegram bot it's an echo bot as well I created this repo the main file is in Python add environment variables differently os. Environ doget and the key name in break itss don't forget to import OS to to work at all the time add the keep alive here you need to add the keep alive. py file to the repo and also it's needed to create a requirements text file and enter all the packages you used in the app add flask here if you Haven it all right go to render click new web service add it from GitHub and then copy the GitHub or gitlab link and paste it here if you are using some private repo just connect GitHub to render and make a config name it as you want runtime is Python 3 leave the build command as default and in start command enter Python and the name of the main file in my case it's I choose the free plan add a variable token and in the value enter actual token from telegram then just click create web service wait some time and now it's working click this link and if you see alive you did everything right you can add it to uptime robot to run the bot 24 hours a day the bot is replying to me so that's good if you are looking for steam hours booster at twitch minor just wait when I will upload new videos thanks this man for providing useful information leave a comment if you have any question or you have another hosting service that really works thanks for watching
Channel: Gunther
Views: 11,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: render hosting, free hosting, free website hosting, render, heroku alternatives, free heroku alternatives, replit alternatives, programming, discord bot, replit alternative, replit, render hosting features, render free hosting, render deploy, deploy, free deployment server, nodejs, web development, gunther, hosting free, hosting render, python, discord, host discord bot free, telegram bot, discord bot hosting free, discord bot hosting free 24/7, free hosting 24/7
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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