Host Rest API end point on GitHub GET Only Mimic API | Make GET API like URL on GitHub

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hello guys so in this video we are going to see how to host a rest API endpoint on GitHub so for the Simplicity I have prepared all my data and naming so what we need to do is first of all go to GitHub login with your credentials and simply go to repositories so just create a new Repository and give it whatever name you want so I have already mentioned what names and information I'm going to use just copy it and paste it in the description and make sure select it as a public so create a repository once it is created we need to create a file here so just simply go for create a new file and give it any name whatever you want so I just keep it users underscore pets and then you need to paste this data over here I just copy this data paste it over here and just commit it so if you already have a file you can upload it as well so my file is done and just go to settings under settings go to Pages under pages in Branch just select your branch that is main branch and save it so that's all we need to do so what we need to do we just need to wait for 20 to 30 seconds then it gonna publisher Repository so let's wait for a few seconds let's refresh okay it is not our study yet let's wait for few more seconds let's refresh it again to cross check okay here you go so your site is live at this address so simply visit your site and you will be able to see 404 so we have not created any default page so what we need to do we just need to remember this name so just copy this and put it in the last of URL and done so here you go you go to your data so that's all for this video if you have any doubt do comment in the comment section thank you
Channel: Jatinder Verma
Views: 13,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rest api, host rest api, make rest api, host rest api on github, create api on github, rest, api, custom response, make api
Id: aZzLwzkiAfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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