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[Music] all right where we ended up last week we were trying to get out of chapter 3 and chapter 3 the last verse of chapter 3 is verse 5 it says this afterward the Israelites will return and seek the Lord their God and David will be their king they will come trembling to the Lord and to his blessings in the last days David will be their king now we're going to we're going to talk about this until I'm happy okay that we've covered it there are several scriptures in the Bible that actually say David will be their king what where's David right now dad is it yeah dad is a hammered dead as a doornail he's in the grave alright but the Bible says he's going to be king we've always sort of been taught that what that really means because he's dead that really means that it means somebody from the lineage of David okay Jesus we know he's going to be king and so everybody thought that that meant what it said David will be king of Israel it really means Jesus will be king of Israel now all of these scriptures right here say that David will be king let's look at them 2nd Samuel 7 16 7 16 got it your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me your throne will be established forever your throne will be established forever he's talking about David now I want to go on to the next next persons because they're easier to to see Hosea 3:5 I just read that's what I said in the last person chapter three I just read that a min ago look at Ezekiel Ezekiel 34 34 verses 23 and 24 you look at it I will place over them one Shepherd my servant David and he will tend them he will tend them and be their Shepherd verse 24 says I the Lord will be their God and my servant David will be Prince among them I the LORD have spoken I want you to remember that word Prince because we're coming to that word in another place so David has specifically mentioned asking to be the shepherd and he's not it's not mentioned to be a descendant thing now look at Ezekiel 37 verse 20 for my servant David will be king it says it's specifically my servant David will be king over them and they will all have one Shepherd they will follow my laws and be careful to keep my decrees okay now to go back to Jeremiah 30 verse 9 okay listen this is a very interesting verse instead they will serve the Lord their God and David their king who I will raise up for them that just jumps out at me now based on what we're getting getting ready to talk about I will raise him up where is David and the grape dead as a doornail I will raise him up to be their king what does that mean what does it sound like what it sounds like I will raise him up alright those are the verses I want I want you to be aware of now I want to go through this timeline there's several times there where it says specifically David will be king he's dead so how's he gonna be king he's got to be resurrected some way or another alright now let's go through this timeline just mainly I want to go through this timeline just to make sure we understand what the melon millennium is all right thousand year right we started in the beginning and that's Genesis 1:1 that's where it all began in the beginning and we went through 2000 BC David was king in 722 BC there's a civil war David he's long dead by the time this happens there's civil war where somewhere along the way right here there's civil war where the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom are created and in 722 Assyria takes the northern kingdom cat captive they deport them they're scattered among the nations the southern kingdom does not learn from the northern kingdoms mistake and will come to 586 BC and Babylon captures the southern kingdom for the same reason spiritual infidelity to Yahweh but the same fate does not have befall them because of a promise God made today but we read it just just a minute ago his throne is going to endure forever so for that to happen Judah can never go away completely the northern kingdoms gone alright so that happens in 586 then in the mi southern kingdom stays under captivity under Babylon for 70 years and then the Medes and the Persians take over and but after Babylon Falls there's in Nehemiah there is a decree given to the king of the Medes and Persians given to Nehemiah to go rebuild okay and that's in the my two versus one through ten and that kicks off the 69 weeks prophecy and Daniel which we don't need to talk about it but right today we've already talked about it before but at the end of those 69 weeks of years which is 483 years those 69 weeks end and they end with the crucifixion of Jesus that's where it ends then it goes into we go into this hiatus but to the end of the 69 a week waiting on the 70th week of years to begin so that's the last 1 week of years of seven years and that is now gonna kick off until we get to the Great Tribulation those are the seven years of the Antichrist okay talk about that in detail but we've talked about it enough to you know it's a bad time for the Jews world before the Great Tribulation starts the rapture will occur we're all believing Christians out here and all Christians who are in the grave will be resurrected okay so they'll be gone to be with jesus will be in heaven and then a great the great tribulation occurs and we finish this this seven-year period which is the 70th week of that prophecy and Daniel and it ends with the second coming of Jesus that's when it when it happens and that starts a period of time that lasts for a thousand years about thousand years we call the thousand year reign of Christ or we call it the millennium so if you ever hear the millennium we're talking about that thousand year period that begins with the second coming of Christ and at the end of that during that during that period of a thousand years Satan is captured he's captured and kept in captivity for a thousand years at the end of that thousand years he's released there's a big war that I think is covered by Daniel 38 and 39 but it talks about this Satan being released and he talks about this big war in Revelation 20 verses 7 through 9 and then at the end of the thousand years when all that stuff is over we see the new heaven and a new earth come down and that's in Revelation 21 that ends time that is the end of time that is where eternity begins see all this time you think when Jesus returned he'd be an eternity but you're not in eternity you're still measuring things by time things aren't measured about time and eternity so we get to that end of that period we go into eternity what I want you to understand is this thousand year period because we're going to be all of these prophecies of restoration that we've been talking about in Hosea or during this period of time hello something when we studied Ezekiel I just have to do this because when we studied Ezekiel I was totally troubled wine you may remember this Gary even we got to the back part of that book and it starts talking about the division of land in the Millennium first had instead the Millennial temple spent six chapters talking about it in great detail but after that it talks about the division of the land and one of the it talks about the tribes to get this much land where it is and all that stuff but there is one part of the land that is divided that is given to somebody called the Prince we never really figured out who that guy was I think I know because of my limited understanding of endtime stuff and the stuff that we just read just a few minutes ago all these scriptures about David being King I know I knew that was David the other way I could make it fit was for it to be Jesus but then I thought what does Jesus need to be given land for but that's another thing in there y'all flip over to Ezekiel 44 they kill 44 hoping I can do this coherently Ezekiel 44 I want to make sure everybody's got it got it everybody Ezekiel 44 verses one through three then the man brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary the one facing east and it was shut the Lord said to me this gate is to remain shut and you could put a little brackets right there and say forever it must not be opened no one may enter through it it is to remain shut how many times I gotta say that it's forever it's gonna remain shut because the Lord the God of Israel has entered through it here we go the prince himself is the only one who may sit inside the Gateway to eat and the presence of the Lord he is to enter by way of the portico of the Gateway and go out the same way what can I tell you I said I never understood that verse we talked about this stuff we kicked it around we studied Ezekiel and I never was comfortable with saying the Prince was Jesus that's kind of where we ended up we just kind of didn't know what else to say but it does not make sense because in these three verses that's where this is talking about the Millennial temple these gateways and all that stuff it says the prince is to come in through the one gate and he is to go out the same way he came in he cannot go deeper into the complex and I'm saying Jesus Christ ought to be able to go anywhere he wants to go huh I I think it's him I think it is he goes in there to eat and the only guy that gets to go in there with him is the prince now what was David caught where was it I told y'all to remember that 37:24 cool right there we'll just go look at Ezekiel 37 24 actually calls David the prince Ezekiel 37 24 says no it's not there well it's one of those we don't need to go back look it I pointed it out to to you when we read it might have been my 31st but he's actually called with prints now this is this was very difficult to talk about and now let's go down to to the division of the land Ezekiel 45 verses 7 and 8 I'm saying wow if my assessment at the time was Jesus is the prince how come they got these limitations on it I never was happy with that then you go down to Ezekiel 45 verse 7 and 8 the Prince there it is again the prince will have the land boarding each side of the area formed by the sacred district see they've given what they've done is given a way to distribute the land in the temple complex alright and now it says the prince is going to get a part of it here's how he gets that the prince will have the land bori each side of the area formed by the sacred district and the property of the city who will extend westward blah blah blah go down there to verse 8 this land will be his possession in Israel and my prince my princes will no longer oppress my people will allow the house of Israel to possess the land according to their tribes you know what have you ever talked about who that princes are I never even heard that the word Prince in the Bible till we got the princes were were divinely appointed in in numbers back in the Book of Numbers to be heads of tribes and nations their kings all right there King so you could use talking about the princess here you can say their little king okay so the prince called backwards used the word prince that we talked about the prince that goes to sits in the Gateway teaches his Lord all that there's a king he's not just a prince he's a king he's a special guy he's the king all right so then you get to just look at verse chapter 46 verses 1 through 4 46 1 through 4 says this in Ezekiel this is what the sovereign Lord says the gate of the inner Court facing east is to be shut on the six working days but on the Sabbath day and on the day of the new moon it is to be opened the Prince the Prince I just think he put in there the king the Prince is to enter from the outside through the portico of the Gateway and stand by the gatepost the priests are to sacrifice his offering the prince has to bring something that's gonna be an offering it's gonna be offered as a burnt off it's like everybody else has to okay and his fellowship offerings he is to worship at the threshold of the Gateway and then go out but the gate will not be shut till evening first for he is to worship I already read that so that's it eyes are going crazier on the Sabbath and new moons the people of the the land are to worship in the presence of the Lord at the entrance to the Gateway the burnt offering the Prince brings to the Lord on the Sabbath day is - that means if that is Jesus that means Jesus himself is having to bring a burnt offering how does that make sense to me but the prince is somebody else the prince I do believe isn't David the Prince he is gonna be king David is going to be king of Israel just like those verses say and this is Israel this is not the whole world this is Israel this Prince is the Prince of Israel he is the king of Israel king of nothing else he is the king of Israel so this verse 4 says the burnt offering the Prince brings to the Lord on the Saturday is to be 6 Bell Labs at around all without defects so sword and so forth so I had to share that with you because I was so I told Jen whenever I get to a point in the Bible and that happens a lot where I can't be happy with it sticks with me and I never forget it until that answer comes to me why you talk about something here if you get to that point write it down somewhere if you're stuck somewhere you got a question just write it down go on to something else someday God is gonna answer that question for you well this is one of them for me because I remember teaching those that I thought how can I honestly go in and teach this class about this stuff speaking of the Prince how about be wrong as you could possibly be but I am happy with what I had the conclusions I came to this time and it's all come about in the last three weeks and it all started with somebody actually coming out and saying that King David being king of Israel it doesn't it does not say or imply in the lineage of David it says David when I heard somebody willing to say that I thought I can live with that and that everything else just starts falling in place alright so and I say that because we've already seen a couple of times in Hosea where David it's said to be will be king of Israel sometime so that's the reason I'm beating this thing down it's because we don't get to come back to this because see what happens if you don't do what I'm doing right now when you run across it you run across one verse if anybody thought of something else and that's why I've lived in a state of confusion about this for 50 years okay okay no I probably have confused okay so listen let's go over to chapter 4 you
Channel: Kenny White
Views: 343
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Hosea 3, Hosea 3:5, Ezekiel 37, ezekiel, Ezekiel 34, Ezekiel 45, 2 samuel 7, teaching, Kenny White, What God Did
Id: cWwFK6K-mug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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