Horror Incident Leaves Viewers Distressed

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- In this episode, you're gonna see some creepy videos that no one can quite explain. Let's take a look. (eerie music) Terrifying photographs surfaced on social media last June, courtesy of LaurenRocks over on X, offering a chilling glimpse into the eerie unknown. The images are said to have been captured by a trail cam placed deep in the forest near a hunting ground. The photos, triggered by motion, have captured two women kneeling over a deer. (eerie music) Comment sections buzzed with speculation as baffled netizens attempted to decipher the macabre scene. (eerie music) Nearly a year has passed since their emergence, yet the mystery remains unsolved, leaving the true nature of these haunting images to the realm of speculation. So as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on these strange photos in the comment section down below. (eerie music) A spine-chilling post has surfaced online, originating from an X user under the alias, ScarredForLife2. The eerie tale centers around an unsettling image captured within the Central Library in Manchester, shared by a friend of the user. According to the post, the snapshot was taken in 2019 from a security camera stationed in the library's basement corridors. At first glance, the image appears innocuous, depicting the dimly lit passageways. However, upon closer inspection a figure can be seen. A mysterious woman clad in a black dress stands eerily still. Her gaze seemingly fixed directly on the camera. What makes this image particularly disturbing is the circumstances surrounding it. The uploader asserts that the area where the photo was taken was securely locked and undergoing renovations at the time, making it implausible for anyone to be present. Moreover, the uploader's friend, a library staff member, confirmed that unauthorized access to the basement was highly improbable. During World War II, the Central Library was repurposed as a public air raid shelter, providing refuge to soldiers, airmen, and civilians amidst the chaos of the Manchester Blitz. Staff members, including Elizabeth Leach and Izzy Warman, served as fire guards, witnessing firsthand the library's transformation into a wartime sanctuary. Amid the dimmed lights and blackout conditions, the library buzzed with the presence of diverse troops, from Polish servicemen to American GIs creating a unique and at times eerie atmosphere. The library's thick walls and hidden corners might now harbor echoes of those turbulent times, fueling speculations that the spirits of those who sought shelter there could still linger, making the central library a potential haunt for those who believe in ghosts. (eerie music) - One minute I'm doing my makeup in the mirror. - [Kallen] On TikTok, a seemingly routine makeup tutorial took a spine-chilling turn for user Millie George. In a video shared to her account, Millie innocently applies some cosmetics, but watch as something quite eerie takes place. (eerie music) It can be hard to notice at first, but if we slow it down, the door behind her slowly opens. (eerie music) And it seems to reveal a face. - And then- - No! - [Millie] It gets worse. It gets worse. It gets worse, mate. I don't want what to do, I was actually (beep). Look! (eerie music) - [Kallen] What's more unsettling is Millie's obliviousness to the intrusion as the video cuts off before she registers the disturbance. - [Millie] This doesn't show on the light that's been cut. And I'm straight outside again. - [Kallen] In a subsequent upload, Millie visibly shaken, recounts the incident. - [Millie] Yeah, no, look. Look, look! Okay, so, like, the door opens. (eerie music) And then- - No! - [Millie] It gets worse. It gets worse. It gets worse, mate. I don't know what to do, I was actually (beep). Look! - [Kallen] Home alone during her parents' vacation, she was unaware of any unauthorized presence in her residence. Speculation runs rampant among viewers. Was it a trespasser or something a little more supernatural? With no concrete answers forthcoming, the eerie encounter remains surrounded in mystery, leaving Millie and her followers to grapple with the unsettling possibilities. (eerie music) In a bustling 1850's Scotland, a discovery of profound mystery emerged when John Buchanan unveiled an iron drill piece on December 13th, 1852. This artifact exhibiting modern craftsmanship was found encased in a coal seam, surrounded by over two meters of clay, presenting an extraordinary enigma about its origin and age. The coal seam dated back millions of years, far predating human existence, making the presence of the drill piece perplexing to the scientific community. Buchanan reported his find to the Scottish Society of Antiquaries, where it was meticulously examined and sparked extensive debate. The advanced design of the tool resembled modern engineering. Yet some proposed it was a relic from a historical mining operation. Buchanan vehemently contested this, pointing to the undisturbed coal surrounding the drill, suggesting it had been naturally embedded over a very long period of time. During a society meeting, Buchanan detailed the discovery near Glasgow during the construction of the Great Western Road leading to the Botanic Gardens. Under the supervision of the reputable architect Robert Lindsey, the drill was unearthed by his apprentice and nephew, Robert Lindsey Jr, three meters below the surface, encased in a solid block of coal. Villagers and workers who witnessed the extraction, provided statements affirming its authenticity. The geological context of the coal, dating back millions of years, coupled with the modern appearance of the drill, has led modern readers to ponder more extraordinary explanations. Could this sophisticated tool be evidence of an advanced alien civilization that visited Earth eons ago? Buchanan's steadfast belief in the artifact's authenticity, and his call for further investigation highlights a tantalizing possibility that challenges our understanding of history and suggests that Earth may harbor relics from civilizations far beyond our own. (eerie music) Here's an eerie little one from X user Skipper23. The old photograph depicts a man sitting down, casually smoking a cigarette. Yet upon closer examination something chilling lurks. The photo captured by Neville D'Cruz in Adelaide, Australia, back in 1975, initially appears to be a typical family snapshot. However, what sets this image apart is the discovery made during its development. Disembodied hands seemingly clutching Neville's brother. Despite rigorous analysis, the eerie phenomenon remains inexplicable. The absence of double exposure and the lack of physical space for such an apparition have confounded researchers, challenging conventional theories of the paranormal. The image was found to be so perplexing it was featured in a series of collectible cards called "Unexplained Mysteries of the World" in the late 1970s. At the time, the author of the card speculated whether the image could be an example of mind over matter, where unconscious turmoil within one's own mind might be subconsciously projected onto a physical medium like this photograph, a concept often explored in 19th century spirit photography. Whatever the case may be, the mysterious nature of this photo invites contemplation, blurring the lines between reality and the inexplicable. (eerie music) For Tesla owner, Alberto Magana, advanced technology took a chilling turn. In a recent TikTok video, Magana shared footage from his Tesla revealing what appears to be someone following him on his journey home. (eerie music) The mysterious entity seems to track his movements changing lanes whenever he does. This prompted Magana to capture the unsettling encounter on his phone. (eerie music) Magana noted that the phantom presence persisted for about 10 minutes before he began recording, leaving him baffled. Seeking answers, he reached out to his audience for theories hoping to unravel the mystery behind this eerie phenomenon. There have been numerous examples where Tesla's advanced tracking systems appeared to detect entities that the human eye can't. (eerie music) So, can Teslas see dead people? Love to hear your thoughts on this one in the comments down below. (eerie music) With their unwavering loyalty and intuitive understanding, dogs hold a special place in our hearts, often becoming cherished members of our families. Yet there are moments when their presence transcends the ordinary, delving into the realms of the inexplicable. A recent TikTok video posted by user tperezj1 thrusts viewers into a perplexing encounter. Take a look. - Can you move? - Can you move? She's taking a video. - [Woman] It's coming back. (eerie music) - [Kallen] There appears to be a shadow of a dog sitting at the doorway. - [Girl] Wait, it moved spots. It's not in the middle now. - [Kallen] According to the uploader, the spectral figure captured on camera is none other than her daughter's departed canine companion. (eerie music) Despite having bid farewell to this faithful friend some time ago, the video appears to depict a ghostly reunion. - [Woman] Me? (girl chuckling) - [Girl] No, you're not. - He left. - Wait, he disappeared. - [Woman] Now he's disappearing. He's going to play with the dogs. And then it's gonna come back. - [Kallen] In this brief, yet haunting glimpse into the inexplicable, we're reminded of the profound impact our furry friends leave on our lives, even beyond the confines of existence as we understand it. - [Girl] Wait, it moved spots. It's not in the middle now. (eerie music) - [Kallen] Before we take a look at an unsettling photo captured in an old theater in Wales, remember to hit that subscribe button, then tickle that little bell icon there and turn on all channel notifications. That way you'll be notified every time we drop our spooky and unsettling videos. (eerie music) Late night intrigue has emerged at Carmarthen's Lyric Theater in Wales, where a security camera captured an eerie image that sparked much speculation. Nathan Wyn Davies, the observer behind the footage, reports a ghostly presence haunting the theater's deserted corridors. Davies notes that the image was captured in the middle of the night, showing a mysterious figure standing between the locked inner and outer doors. He also recalls previous sightings of the spectral visitor seen either seated in the upper area of the theater or pacing the perimeter, sometimes wearing a distinctive flat cap and thick coat. As whispers of this mysterious figure spread through the theater, a subtle warning follows. If you find yourself wandering the Lyric Theater's corridors keep an eye out for the apparition. Within these walls, It seems legends spectres freely roam, casting shadows on the unsuspecting. (eerie music) Just letting you know that we now release two episodes per week over on our second channel, "Slapped Ham Mysteries." We now release on Fridays and Tuesdays, EST, United States Time. So if you haven't had a chance to check out our new channel, now's a perfect time to dive on in. We'll put some links in the description box down below, and it's also pinned in the comments. (eerie music) Now, If you wanna see some more freaky video clips, then watch that episode on the top there. Otherwise, we have a massive playlist right there that you can binge on. Now, consider supporting us on Patreon. There's some links in the description box down below with all the extra information, and that's it for me. I'll see you all next time. Pew! (eerie music)
Channel: Slapped Ham
Views: 191,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary videos, creepy videos, ghost videos, slapped ham, horror incident, scary footage, scary caught on camera, scary on camera, scary things, scary things caught on camera, slap ham, scary figure caught on camera, scary figure caught on trail camera, scary figure caught on hunting camera, ghost caught on camera, ghosts caught on camera, ghost on camera, ghosts on camera, mysterious drill, drill scotland, mysterious drill in glasgow, haunted places, paranormal videos
Id: ikD8lZThBAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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