Horrible Histories - The Great and Wise Oracle | Groovy Greeks

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we ancient Greeks were quite superstitious we believed in ghosts and horoscopes and that the gods decided our fate we thought that God spoke through Oracle's and so we could learn about the future how may I help you my son hello maybe just seek counsel from the Oracle of Delphi you wish to know the future well I'm Aeschylus the playwright you might recognize me well anyway I've just written a new play and I just want to know it's going to be a success or not well don't you worry it is the Oracles greatest pleasure to relieve the good people of Greece of the burden of uncertainty excellent great so is it just three and there are certain administrative expenses associated with the management of a good Oracle of course there's water and heating funds okay and there's temple maintenance as well if you noticed the roof okay the Oracle awaits you thank you empty a great and wise Oracle will you please ask the god Apollo what the fates have in store for me [Music] the Oracle speaks in the strange language of the gods but we do provide of translation service really at a very reasonable price yeah okay she says you will spend a lot of money right that is what I'm doing now I want to know what's gonna happen in the future is my play gonna be a success will you do you require additional translation services um yeah right she says beware The Tortoise really the way the tortoise well I could I could lie but that's good that's really excellent actually don't shoot the messenger mate yeah thanks for nothing yeah same to you ridiculous what was I think he'd beware the tortoise I mean it's just absent oh she's good it's true this class really was killed when an eagle dropped at or toys on his head the bird thought his shiny bald patch was a rock and tried to use it to smash open the tortoises shell and that's the story of The Tortoise and the no hair a straight welcome to Horrible Histories
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Views: 113,134
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Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, slimy stuarts, vicious vikings, awful egyptians, history for kids, tv show for kids
Id: eXbe3S8k4O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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