Horrible Histories Greeks; Spartans cowardice in battle ,Spartan Girl dolls

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groovy great we Spartans got into a lot of trouble if we were ever cowardly and a short sign if being a coward was to throw away your shield go Sparta alpheus oh oh it's still alive yo dawg no Persian soldiers gonna get the better of me I didn't think from where she shield what um well I certainly did not throw it away so I could run away from a Persian soldier and I resent you even suggesting it I didn't right well anyway I didn't throw it down and run away like a coward no no not me well I should hope not good your shield doesn't just protect you it protects the Spartan beside you in the palace to lose your shield is to put their lives at risk every Spartan should return from battle either holiness yield I'll be carried home dead upon it yeah that's only others how exactly did you lose your shield mm well it would take quite a long time to explain how about time course you have uh well it's quite complicated actually why don't you lend me your shield and I can show you what happened ah yeah yeah okay right well um hey thinking those help I hear they're all right we should shield well it's just a bit I'll tell you what let me your shield and I'll show you you're it ah oh you you're kidding me Spartan mothers used to say to their sons come back with your shield or upon it basically they meant come back victorious or come back dead thanks mum I'll miss you too yes the Spartan women were just as tough as the man who wants to play with that soul which you can play with new Spartan girl yes now available in her adorable wedding outfits shaved head and men's clothes Spartan girl takes part in all sorts of exciting activities along side the boys each with a fabulous outfit there's gymnastic with no clothes wrestling still no clothes races yes you've guessed it can I just serve up no Spartan girl doesn't wear clothes while she's training but he does have all her Spartan girly accessories right you thought javelin hunting knife and to war in a handbag not the last one and also available Spartan baby but make sure they're strong and fit or out there left on a mountainside to down mountains I've got included Spartan girl an all-new Spartan baby available now can I have my pretty Dooley back no do you want to be left out on a mountainside a better
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Views: 10,571
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
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Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2015
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