Horrible Histories George The 1st

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gorgeous Georgians did you know George the first King of England actually came from Germany and that made things a little tricky for him the right honourable member of parliament mr. robert wall Your Majesty I bring grave news I'm afraid the company we set up to profit from slave trading in South America has it seems been promising rather more than it can deliver without firm action this crisis could well spell the end for both of us versus thus your English seems to have got worse again your majesty of us have you been back over to Germany again yeah yeah yeahs liebe Deutschland yeah yes I know you love Germany someone say for an English king you spend rather too much time though us nothing we have a bit of a crisis yeah yeah I'd like to help solve the crisis but I don't have enough power yeah yeah do you understand me or you're just repeating the word yes in German yeah yeah Your Majesty you cannot make this problem just go away simply by repeating yes after everything I say and I think about it would you like me to solve the crisis for you yeah and would you be willing to make me First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer basically making me in charge of the entire country a sort of Prime Minister fuss no the other word yeah that's the one well thank you very much if you wouldn't mind just signing their make it all official wonderful well that's that then oh um I think about it would it be okay for the country to buy me a nice big house you know as Prime Minister no problem did you understand that or you're just saying some English words you remembered no problem yep thought as much happiness in that's right Walpole got Horton hall thanks to george the first but in 1732 George the second gave him a new London residence number ten Downing Street so whenever the Prime Minister of Britain walks in to number 10 he has George the second to thank oh by the way did you know where George at second died hmm on the toilet well only appropriate I guess he wasn't number two
Channel: undefined
Views: 122,965
Rating: 4.9468637 out of 5
Keywords: Horrible, Histories, CBBC
Id: ytFP40e7sRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2011
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