Horrible Histories - Dodgy War Inventions | Compilation

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don't award inventions number 16 the first world wars Zeppelin airship Zeppelin's were basically massive gas balloons with engines designed by the Germans to drop bombs on British cities they were brilliant because their enormous size meant they could carry Lords of bombs but there was one small problem their enormous size also meant they were almost impossible to miss anybody have some chewing gum in a bicycle pump Georgy Warren inventions number seven the Roman catapult called an honor the honor was a nifty catapult made of wood which used leather ropes wound up like a rubber band to lob rocks and flaming missiles long distances brilliant but there was one small problem leather goes all floppy when it's whipped so the roots didn't work in the rain all right own up who's clever idea was it to invade Britain in February dodgy war machines number fourteen in eighteen times King Paris of Greece went to battle with the Romans and brought with him a secret weapon elephants Greek war elephants were brilliant because once they started charging they didn't stop and trampled anything in their way particularly the enemy troops it was brilliant but unfortunately there was one small problem elephants are scared of fire and pierce so the Romans set fire to some pimps and set them charging at the charging elephants [Music] [Applause] making King Paras really wish he'd left his secret weapon at home dodgy war inventions number 79 when the Romans invaded Britain they had a bit of a problem in East Anglia the land gray found there was wet and marshy very very wet and very very marshy but then one Roman general had a bright idea why don't we you stilts his plan worked brilliantly the stilt stopped the Romans getting wet but there was one small problem the Celts worked out that the Romans on stilts were very easy to knock over the Romans fell like dominoes and the Celts swiftly finished them off oh well guess it's back to the drawing tablet and quickly don't you our inventions number 28 the second world wars Russian anti-tank device the penniless Russians needed a cheap way to destroy the unbeatable German tanks so they invented dog bombs yes dogs are trained to run underneath tanks with bombs strapped to their backs the Russians sent their brilliant new doggy weapon into battle but there was one small problem the dogs have been trained to run under Russian tanks so they ran under the Russian tanks well that the drawing board doji war inventions number 21 the 19th century ironclad ship used in the American Civil War this ship was covered entirely in metal meaning enemy fire bounced right off it plus it could destroy wooden ships by ramming them the ironclad ship was indestructible but there was one small problem the other side had one too so the battle went on for hours how about well you just call it a draw doggy war-machines number 81 the German u-boat sleek silent fast deadly it was the perfectly designed fighting machine well I say perfectly designed it was fitted with a very complicated high-pressure toilet system during World War two one u-boat captain went to the toilet and tried to flush it and flush his sewage out he'd opened the wrong valve and let roll sewage and sea water in it seeped into the engine room mixed with chemical batteries and produced a lethal gas the sub had no choice but to surface 12 miles of Scotland it was instantly spotted and had to surrender to the British dirty inventions number 84 the Bessemer Sir Henry Bessemer was a great Victorian inventor who used to get horribly seasick I feel dizzy I think I'm gonna be sick so he decided to invent a special ship that wouldn't make anyone seasick he called his ship the Bessemer built in 1875 it was fitted with a remarkable machine which made the deck stay perfectly leveled during the voyage no matter how much the sea went up and down it is marvelous simply marvelous on the bessemer's maiden crossing from Britain to France the journey was so smooth that nobody felt sick it was an immense success but there was just one small problem henry had paid more attention to his anti sickness engine than to the steering the ship was almost impossible to turn it arrived in France to the loud smashing right into the pier at Calais I felt dizzy I think I'm gonna be sick again bring us Martin bucket
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Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, slimy stuarts, vicious vikings, awful egyptians, history for kids, tv show for kids, war inventions, dodgy inventions, inventions for kids
Id: ki_wbisQZxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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