Horrible Death In a Cave - The Plura Cave Disaster

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the pleura cave disaster terrifying last moments on tuesday 26th of march 2014 some five finns cave divers had traveled to norway to explore a deep water cave in pleurodellon while on the diving they encountered problems that led to the death of two divers out of the five divers with their bodies left at 129 metres depth underwater the remaining crew was taken to hospitals as a result of having to cut their decompression stop short they had planned to die for five hours divided into two different groups before two of the divers tragic death their main objective had been to get to steinougelflaget opening at the other end of the pleurdalin cave system getting to the other end required the five of them to pass through narrow dark passages and swim down 130 meters underwater the standard depth in which most divers operate is 30 meters not spending longer than an hour the group plan to surpass that depth instead they plan to reach 130 meters depth underwater the events leading to the plural cave disaster the group of finns had a tremendous experience they weren't the average divers the group was experienced underwater cave explorers and were eager to take extreme challenges some of the group members have done similar in the past they planned to dive into two teams the first team consisted of two divers diver one and diver two and the second team was made up of three divers diver three four and five the second team members were expected to enter the water two hours after the first team had started the route planned was to go from pleura to steinougelflaget across the night in a rented house near the pleura entrance then drive back the next day the group estimated five hours of dive time and the highest planned depth of 129 meters both teams had agreed on a bailout plan and enough bailout gas and bailout rebreathers were taken along with them in the case of an emergency along the way the backup oxygen that is the gas enclosed circuit rebreather apparatus was vital the first team started to drill holes in the ice at the pleurus start site simultaneously the second team was tasked with transporting the exchange clothes and the gears to steinougelflaget end the second team returned to the pleura dive beginning site helping the first team start their diving after helping out the first team with their diving the second team made their preparations and planned to begin their diving two hours later after the first team had started the group members consisted of patrick granqvist and jari watarinon who belonged to one group the other three group members were vessa rantanun jiari usamaki and kai khan canon the first group the first part of their diving was boring in the aftermath of passing restrictions which were located preceding 129 metres of depth the team started to move upward they navigated their way through narrow dark caves leading to their agreed destination 129 meters deep on the way diver 2 equipment got jammed in the rock 110 meters below the surface the partner diver tried everything possible to free fellow teammates but failed the trap diver couldn't get out and at the same time had a problem with the rebreather diver one tried everything within his power to free the partner despite his attempts diver 2 gets drowned and dies at the restriction after trying his best to rescue diver 2 diver 1 had no choice but to continue ascending alone to steinougelflaget's end due to too much time wasted at the depth diver 1 approximated time to be spent increased from 5 hours to more than 8 hours thus using all the margins in the dive plan diver 1 was forced to cut about 45 minutes out of the last 6 meter decompression stop but he survived without decompression sickness symptoms diver one gets to stay at the steiner flaget while waiting for diver three who was already noticeable in the water during the last decompression stops the second group the first part of the diving was boring in the aftermath of passing the restrictions which were located preceding the maximum depth of 129 meters the entire team started to ascend on their way at 110 meters diver 3 comes across the body of diver 2 who had died earlier and tried again to free diver two bodies without success diver 3 tried taking off personal equipment to find a way around the restrictions the body of diver 2. while doing that diver four on the other end started to encounter difficulties with the rebreather and had started to use the extra oxygen at that moment diver five tried to help out diver four but unfortunately diver four dies at 111 meters diver 5 tries informing diver 3 of the circumstances encountered but the message never got through diver 3 found a way to get past the restrictions assuming that diver 4 and diver 5 had turned back diver 3 continues to ascend towards the steinough flaget alone due to too much time spent at the depth diver 3 approximated total dive time increased from 5 hours to more than 8 hours using all dive plan margins on his way diver 3 encounters diver 1 at about 12 meters at 6 meters diver 3 cuts off around 80 minutes of decompression time which caused mild joint pain after an hour of surfacing diver 3 starts climbing up and out from the cave and diver one after the misfortune that had befallen to die before diver 5 goes back to the plural direction diver 5 tries to inform diver 3 to come along but the message never got through to diver 3. due to the too much time spent at the depth dreadful dive route and later breakdown of the diver propulsion vehicle diver 5 estimated total dive time increases from 5 hours to more than 11 hours diver 5 had to cut off 90 minutes of decompression at 6 meters depth due to having no more resources to commence the decompression nevertheless no decompression sickness signs manifested on return to the surface the surviving divers called for help from the locals police including rescue forces informing them of the tragedy which had just occurred diver five was the last to survive of the surviving divers all three survivors were flown by medical helicopter and medical plane to tromso hospital jari hoterinan and jari usimaki were the divers who lost their lives recovery of the bodies despite warnings from the norwegian government some groups of divers from finland decide to recover the bodies to a depth where it was safe for the rescue team to retrieve the bodies their recovery mission was a success the bodies were sent to their families the death of those divers was so tragic and their memories live diving won't ever be a completely safe sport especially hazardous cave diving
Channel: DarkChronicles
Views: 260,764
Rating: 4.34308 out of 5
Keywords: scary crime, horror, horror narration, serial killers, crime, Creepy pasta, true crime youtubers, true crime documentaries 2020, true crime storytime, crime and punishment review, crime and punishment summary, true crime, scary stories, cave, claustrophobia, claustrophobic, documentary, cave exploring, accident, stuck in cave, cave exploring gone wrong, claustrophobic cave exploring, cave exploring death, crime watch daily
Id: UPKlh9-wwNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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