Horrible Babysitter

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today I saw a video that perfectly demonstrates just how fixated people have become with social media and just how ingrained in our DNA it is to post every second of every day online for validation from complete strangers it's reaching a point where it's becoming like an obsession for a lot of people to post everything all the time and I swear to God drinking an entire gallon of mercury is less poisonous than spending an hour on Twitter you could be boofing Arsenic and it'd still be less detrimental to your overall health than just Doom scrolling social media it's getting out of hand and the video that I'm about to show is a babysitter who gets in an argument with the father of the child that she's babysitting because the dad is upset that she posted a photo of that child on Instagram without telling him and when he's confronting her about it like hey can you take it down I really don't like that you did that she's [ __ ] flabbergasted she's dumbstruck her whole universe collapsed it was like she had just seen a ghost I like aliens are just [ __ ] invaded and blew her mind the whole concept that this father didn't want pictures of their child posted online for strangers to look at blew her away and she got extremely aggressive about it even calling him a pedophile because he saw that she posted that shouldn't be posted photographs of my children on Instagram she looks really cute in it she does look really cute but why are you put it in the public anyone could be looking at her No One's Gonna think about no your address isn't on there your phone number isn't on there it's just her face this caption here is going in Sano style the parents I babysit for got annoyed I uploaded a picture of their child yeah that sounds like a pretty reasonable thing to be annoyed about at the very least the fact that she posted this herself once again is delusional people film their worst moments and post them online thinking they're right and expecting people to Pat them on the back about it like wow what a champion you really showed that father that posting a photo of his daughter online was actually a good thing and he was stupid for thinking otherwise she's just living in fantasy land here like this is a load of dirty Barnacles she is 100 in the wrong and it's inarguable it's totally understandable that the father would be upset it is absolutely his choice whether or not photos of his child get shared online it's not the babysitter's choice there's no argument in her defense here it's completely understandable why this father wouldn't want pictures of his child posted online without his knowledge I I completely respect anyone's decision not to post photos of their loved ones or their children or anything online there's [ __ ] weirdos out there you don't know who's looking at that [ __ ] it's not some kind of social obligation that you have to share everything from your life with the cyber world this cyberspace so it's just you know it's unnecessary and if you don't want to partake in that [ __ ] then don't in fact I encourage you not to I don't think you need to be over sharing everything about your life online now another thing I find very fascinating here is the babysitter says that she didn't share a phone number or address anything and she's stunned that this is even a problem she only shared a picture of his child the child's face and everything is now out there in public and that's not a big deal which is wild to think of how quickly this mentality has shifted I remember when social media first started to pop off first started to get gas in that fire the general consensus not just shared with the geriatric octogenarians but even like my classmates and everything was don't post too much [ __ ] about yourself online like don't tell people your name on the Internet don't put pictures of your face on the internet outside of like your Titan Myspace group because there's strange creepy people out there some [ __ ] freaks and you don't want them to have that information there could be some bad actors that has completely vanished from the general mindset nowadays it's considered creepy if you're not sharing photos of your face and updates on your life all the time online you must be some kind of socially anxious weenie some loser it's my that's not the point where you don't follow your babysitter that's weird well I do in front of a babysitter and it's just as well I am one photo We're not gonna pay you until you you take that photo off so she was scrambling around in the dark and thinks she found that diamond here to use against this guy for ammo why are you following me on Instagram you have something to hide tough guy you [ __ ] creep so she's 16 years old and now this guy follows her on Instagram so she's about to start accusing him being a pedophile some kind of low-life scumbag who follows their babysitter on Instagram and I think that is so weak I I think that is an absolutely dog [ __ ] Point she tries to make there's a perfectly logical explanation for why the father would follow a babysitter on Twitter this person is going to be home alone with their child they want to make sure they didn't just hire Jeffrey [ __ ] Dahmer or something there's gonna need to be some level of background checking and what's the best way of doing that going to their social media where they share absolutely everything it's a good way of gauging if this person is even safe to be around your kid and can be trusted now if this father was commenting on all of her Instagram posts and leaving weird emojis obviously then we'd have a problem here then we'd have ourselves an EDP situation but from everything in this video that's not the case he just follows her on Instagram and saw that she posted this photo of his child well I'll just stay here until you pay me then what are you gonna do about it no I'm not giving you my phone there's all sorts of free loads of my friends do it that babysitter you shouldn't be doing it why it's literally just a photo look the Northeast woman up stop posting oh yeah you being one why are you following me I'm a 16 year old I'm not I'm trash complete trash to say the father is a pedophile because now you're getting offended that he's upset at something you did wrong is beyond stupid it's so [ __ ] dumb now him threatening to not pay her till she deletes the photo I think is totally reasonable I don't think there's anything wrong with that you have done something very much against what you are hired to do and you won't be compensated until you just do the bare minimum of deleting the photo it's a super simple request you shouldn't have taken the photo or posted the photo without talking to the father first so the least you can do is take it down and then receive your payment for this and wash your hands of the situation it's it's just so easy but she's making a big fuss about it making a whole song and dance out of it well why have you got Instagram in the first place how old are you you shouldn't be even babysitting you haven't got a DBS you hired me didn't realize there was an age limit on Instagram well like she's just so lost in this sauce now oh you're so weird you have an Instagram how old are you goofball huh you ancient fossil stupid goober you have an Instagram you're going to jail hope you like going to The Slammer you [ __ ] pedophile wait until I call up the police and tell them that a 45 year old man has an Instagram huh yeah they might just come over here and execute you on the spot via firing squad for your pedophile crimes against humanity signing up for Instagram when you're 40 something years old despicable I'm 16 years old I'm still in school so you could be doing anything well you know me I'm not like that I'm shocked we're gonna have to tell everyone that you're a bad babysitter I can't believe I mean well I'll tell everyone that you follow me on Instagram a 16 year old girl how's that going to work out for you threatening to just call this guy a pedophile to society because he's refusing to pay you for something you did wrong he's just very simply asking you to remove the photo he's not even being like over the top aggressive or mean about the situation like his only threat so far is we're gonna have to call you a bad babysitter like that's something you say to your dog when you're disciplining them after they pee on the floor like bad dog please don't do that again I don't like cleaning up pee please you know just don't do it again it's easy you know like he's not even being like an [ __ ] here he's a hundred percent in the right he is completely justified in being annoyed and frustrated with her and yet he's still going to pay her assuming of course that she just takes down the photo which is super easy it's super simple like everything she's doing is so over the top and downright criminal to falsely accuse this guy beating a pedophile I don't know what to say I'm shocked for words all I want to do is will you please just take that photograph off Instagram and we can move on from this you can get your money you could go home here's a bill could be safe is that it then just take the photo down and that's it you give me my money and I go yeah I mean I don't know what else to say well yeah that's fine man uh finally a happy ending a great satisfying conclusion here she gets paid for the babysitting job and they both go their separate ways in the story until she posted it all online for a Tick-Tock clout I guess she should have been feeling overwhelming embarrassment from this whole situation and yet she felt Pride that she'd be getting a lot of Internet likes for it because she stood her ground against an unreasonable father or something I guess I don't even know what angle she was trying to go with here she just looks really [ __ ] awful here she looks downright evil to just blatantly like go on this tangent about how this guy's a pedophile because he followed her on Instagram is so crazy to me the whole thing is just so wild and I'm about to make a really obscure reference that I feel like a lot of people aren't going to pick up on or appreciate but the father in this video really sounds like the Duck Brothers from Courage the Cowardly Dog they were only in like one or two episodes but they're the ones that are like stop laying eggs with duck brothers that those guys he sounds just like them so I don't know if he's done voice acting in his past but he is like extremely close to their their voices has not nothing to do with anything I just wanted to get that out there before I forgot to mention it but yeah I think this is just a perfect demonstration for how distorted people's perception of reality has become there is nothing wrong with not wanting your child's picture online or your picture online or anyone's picture online or information about themselves privacy is still a good thing privacy is still a great thing I don't know why privacy has been vilified all of a sudden I think it's great keep things to yourself you don't have to post [ __ ] online so yeah I just wanted to talk about that a little bit that's it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,104,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FcWd9aSwXKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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