"Hornet's Nest" / Home of the Russian Submarines / Top Secret / Combat Approved / New Episode

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[Music] tv channel's vesda is on the air it is combat approved and we begin this issue in the very place that in the united states is officially called the hornet's nest here it is the hornet's nest of the russian army we are talking about the submarine force of the pacific fleet but to call a cat a cat this is one of those rare places on the planet where submarine sailors draw their duty probably in the harshest conditions this place is called vilcinsk most of the year it is frosty almost half a year it's covered with ice and only three summer months can be considered completely snowless there are no submarine bases operating in such severe weather conditions neither in the united states nor in any other country in the world only our gejivo in the barren sea can compare to vilhyuchinskoy it is also cold and harsh there but the warm gulf stream still comes there and therefore kamchatka is clearly in the lead in absolute terms of negative temperatures among all such bases on earth this is a true pole of cold and from the point of view of geography this is the closest point of concentration of submarines to the united states moreover those with nuclear missiles for our overseas colleagues it is a real hornet's nest which will become even more powerful over the years [Music] it may not immediately catch the eye but now there is a large-scale construction in the coastal zone and these are not only submariners special training centers and classrooms these are for example many kilometers of underground tunnels and water mains with distilled water so what today's life of the underwater capital of the far east is and what it will be like in the future [Music] [Music] combat approved to see the nuclear submarine fleet in the pacific ocean with your own eyes you need to fly to petropavlovsk there you get into your car and enjoy the views of the volcanoes and the ocean then the eye catches on the icebreaker crushing the ice but you go on in one hour you pass the first checkpoint in another 40 minutes the second checkpoint now when you directly approach the territory of the submarine forces of the pacific fleet your documents are checked here you find yourself in a kind of lock chamber gateway here we pay attention to the machine gunner who has his own loophole we pass on so you get into the hornet's nest but not in its center one can say you get to the outskirts here you will have your documents checked for the third time finally when you come close to the pier when you see the submarine with your eyes it turns out that there is another control zone here and here we the journalists are only allowed to go through with an escort please come up here now accompanied by a high-ranking naval officer with the appropriate access permit there is another gateway by the way it says so here lock chamber entrance one by one produce your pass despite the fact that the officer accompanying us has an electronic pass he still is producing his identity card [Music] we as journalists prepare our passports after the fourth check everything seems to be over but no an armed watchman meets you on the pier in theory he can open fire alt who goes there captain first ranked kuznetsov with inspection here is an interesting moment we have reached the border of the post it was here when the same armed watchmen shouted halt who goes there we were stopped captain first rank with inspection this is our escort by the way he is assistant division commander the watchman contacts the officer on duty in the conning tower he in his turn with the senior officer on board soon the fifth document check begins and this is despite the fact that we have all the permits but that's the order this is about how the submarine forces of the pacific fleet are protected well it took us almost three hours to go through all the cordons and at last the first goal of our visit the nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine tver was achieved tavare is a ship of project 949 a anthony the ships of this project are usually called the names of cities tver omsk tomsk are on duty in kamchatka the main purpose of these ships can be understood from the name of the division to which they belong anti-aircraft carrier and today the tv is practicing an attack on an aircraft carrier group first the simulated enemy is attacked by missiles with all 12 of them at once then torpedoes are used it seems to many that this is a journalistic cliche if a film is about submarines there must be exercises in it maybe but no matter where the submarine is whether it's in the base or offshore there are exercises on it not just every day but several times a day combat approved has filmed such things many times even here in kamchatka today's exercise is the kind of exercise that we have never seen before first tough guys with machine guns draw our attention they are not called just somewhere but to the main command post by the way they are all from the crew of tv then the submariners are preparing to fire an igla it may be surprising what is the connection between the submarine and the man pads but this is how the training on repulsing an air raid takes place but this is still not the most interesting thing it will be a discovery for many that a nuclear submarine carries not only missiles and not only torpedoes as its weapon but also what is it in this case you are presented with the dp-64 grenade launcher the main purpose of which is to destroy fighting underwater swimmers that is to provide underwater anti-sabotage defense this weapon can be used at a distance of up to 400 meters there are two grenades here exactly so and both combat and signal grenades are used that is with the marking of the location of the saboteur and the concentration of fire on him another 20 minutes pass and scouts are called to the command control center they have galoshes on their feet there are flashlights in their hands they will have to go on a recce to a smoky room realizing that this task is deadly in a real situation the officer clearly follows the instructions he must make sure that the scouts are ready and that none of them has left behind any tools and now attention there's a question what do you think happens on board a ship if there is a fight with saboteurs a battle with an aircraft carrier a torpedo attack and a fire at the same time the answer is an annual inspection but not of the submarine crew but of these officers in black uniforms at first it seemed to me that you were checking the actions of the staff is this true no today our main task was to show the trainees how the flagship officers operate using correct methods of the assessment of the staff operations in soccer the competence of the referee is checked roughly the same way the players on the field can do whatever they want breaking the rules it is important that the referees give their actions the correct assessment not only the crews of the submarines are under special control here but also those who inspect them and even those who inspect the inspectors after all there are nuclear weapons on board these submarines in the united states your base is called hornet's nest why well americans love big names in fact our division is called the joint submarine forces command of the pacific fleet it was formed in 1938 with the arrival of the first three diesel submarines here during this time it has been consistently growing and the unit was called a battalion then a brigade a division then a submarine squadron submarine fleet and now it is named the submarine forces command we recorded this interview in the summer of 2019 six months later another star will be added to the commander's shoulder boards and then these vesda tv channel had a unique opportunity to visit the holy of holies of the underwater capital the command post journalists were admitted here for the first time a squadron of nato warships was detected southeast of the kamchatka peninsula crossing northeast consisting of the cruiser uss mobile bay the destroyers uss john mccain and uss decatur unlike what we heard on board the submarine there was no longer an exercise but a report on the real situation which went to the very top to the national defense control center information about the active movement of such a large group of nato ships was taken very seriously there the commander of the submarine forces start deploying forces to combat areas a few minutes pass and a second report is sent to moscow the first measures have already been taken in order to neutralize possible threats from the squadron of nato warships the joint command redeployed forces forming combat duty tasks and now pay attention to how the situation in the control center has changed how the number of large stars on the shoulder boards of the officers present has grown this means that the submarine forces are on the high level of alert a couple of days will pass and it will become clear the march of the submarines is only part of the reaction to the komchatka campaign of the american fleet at this moment in avoca bay the corvette suvershini the command control center ship marshall krilov are coming together the cruiser variac is getting ready for the sailing let us repeat the submarines have already departed and the submarine base itself continues its usual life here is another interesting and little-known episode for most people demagnetization the fact is that the metal hulls of submarines are getting magnetized it is akin to static electricity which tends to accumulate magnetization is dangerous because it unmasks the submarines therefore each time preparing for departure the submarines go through a demagnetization procedure they anchor in a certain place where after a while they will be wrapped in a cable the electrical current in which will remove the magnetic voltage in front of us is a multi-purpose submarine of project 971 b its main task is to protect the strategic warships in general four types of submarines are based in kamchatka the shuka that is one the anti-aircraft carrier antony which are already familiar to us that is two they are also called baguettes for the characteristic shape of the body number three are kalmars with ballistic missiles on board and finally the most modern component of the submarine forces are the new ships of the bore project they also carry ballistic missiles the task of both borey and palmar submarines is to imperceptibly go underwater and carry out combat duty performing the function of nuclear deterrence [Music] and can it happen when we depart to the pacific ocean there will be potential enemy submarines waiting for us somewhere on the way out of course the opposing side is closely watching our activities they take measures we take countermeasures it's a constant game if i may say so a cat and mouse game that's creativity that's art the art of the submarine service how much does the introduction of new ships such as the bore class strategic missile submarine cruisers add to your trump cards in this game cruisers like bori probably add trump cards not to me but to our entire state because these are unique ships the essential characteristic of such a ship it is a floating space launch complex only instead of satellites the payload there is of a different nature [Music] so the next morning we start with a trip to the floating space launch complex vladimir von nomak it is still dark here when the staff lineup is being prepared [Music] a typical start of the day for the crew of any submarine after which the personnel and this is more than a hundred people must rather quickly go down to their workplace the problem is that there is only one entrance to the ship and it is narrow we stand in line for a submarine [Music] after standing in line and going down the ladder we come across two announcements wipe your feet this is understandable the second the use of mobile phones is prohibited but this is strange what mobile phones the cellular network is not available on board the submarine but a modern telephone is also a camera and photographing without special permit is prohibited here the main weapon of monomock are the bulova ballistic missiles right now we are in the fourth missile compartment and the missile silos are located here you see they are marked with numbers one two three four there are 16 such silos in total and during her history monomock has launched four ballistic missiles each launch is marked with a star here we can see one star two stars with the same date here november 14 2015. this means that there was a double launch here they are these shots were taken in november 2015. we do not know when the next training launch will take place and whether it will happen at all but on the day when combat approved was working on board the submarine monomock put out to sea but not into the open sea but into an ice-covered bay and this means that today monomock will have to break out of this icy trap at the same time one must understand that a departure from a pier of such a huge leviathan as a missile carrying submarine is a very serious operation even in open water conditions the assistance of at least three tugboats is required proper deep birthing is a kind of technical art it is necessary to carefully move the ship away from the pier so that she can sail slowly well now when the tugboats have arrived the ship has moved a little and we have an opportunity to determine the thickness of the ice here you have to understand that this ice is not solid it is constantly being crushed in the coastal zone by icebreakers and tugboats and the second moment since today is not a very frosty day before today there were quite warm days the organizers of this operation decided not to use the icebreaker the ice they say is quite soft today and the tugboats will sure cope with this three tugs will participate in this operation two of them are now pushing up the submarine sides and one more will go with the escort here on board this third tugboat there is our cameraman who will monitor this whole operation from the outside as soon as the submarine departs from the pier for a couple of meters the tugboats begin to clear the ice and push the ship with their boards here it is necessary to explain that the tugboats at the moment only help us to maneuver turn left or right in general the submarine moves independently with the help of her reserve propulsion unit rdk to put it simple with the help of electric motors rdk is a reserve propulsion complex there are four of these on the submarine we filmed them at the sevmash plant where the boris ships are being built they provide movement now the process is led by dimitri longunoff the commander of vladimir monoma [Music] from the top of the bridge work he controls the operation like an orchestral conductor he selects the course gives instructions to subordinates and also controls two tugboats it comes out that the commander has three steering wheels in his hands figuratively speaking three steering wheels the complexity of this pilotage lies in the fact that it is necessary to keep the ship exactly at the designated course in ice conditions how do you rate the ice for today the ice is good today it is punctured so motion is possible without significant problems if the ice was thick would you put an icebreaker forward sure the icebreakers provision would have been necessary to leave the base [Music] meanwhile in front of the eyes of the seals the submarine goes out into the open waters it seemed from above that we were crawling like turtles but if we go down it seems that we are as good as dolphins here it would be worth asking the commander a question what is the ship's destination but that's exactly what we were instructed not to ask well now our caravan has entered the ice flow and here it is necessary to tell that monomock has the experience of passing under a really large ice floe it was in 2016. the submarine made her way here by the northern sea route did you move under the ice all the time yes the way under the ice was dangerous so to speak the maneuvers are all limited under the ice but we have managed because the passage under the thick pack ice on a submarine is very risky it should be noted that not all crews are given the right to participate in such operations at the exit from abacha bay we hear the command to half-mast the colors we are passing a memorial place this is the place where the anglo-french squadron in 1854 was defeated by the residents of our city petropavlos kamchatsky for many this will be a discovery but they tried to take these lands away from russia the british and french even landed troops but our ancestors defended kamchatka to the colors half-mast the colors hoist the colors stand easy navigator driving officer how is her head 356.5 points hold 356 holding 356 inertia good to the point as soon as the ship left the ice flows it seemed that it was already possible to relax but then the commander announced a muster drill there is a breach in the hull the first step is to urgently batten down the compartments and then put on waterproof suits the main thing is to do everything quickly we are now in one of the missile rooms here is this huge wall one and two these are actually the silos in which the bulova missiles are located and now one of the elements of the shipboard damage control is being trained here which one specifically specifically the outside water entry to compartment five what are the guys doing at this moment the guys install an extendable support to fix the leak the main purpose of such classes is to achieve automatism seafarers must be able to fix any leak as quickly as possible even in the smoke even in the dark warrant officer yushikov turn off the hold lights now the lights will be turned off and we will take out our flashlight so that the viewers can still see what is happening now what are they doing at the moment at the moment they are opening the emergency dehumidification valve to drain the hold manually right now it's more or less easy with our flashlight let's try to turn it off in this situation how do they navigate guided by touch let's be honest as long as there is no real leak the accident does not look terrible to get a feel for what a real flood is a whole training center has been built on the shore what is the advantage of this educational and training complex here you can arrange a real flood on a ship when water will beat from the walls from the floor and from the ceiling and moreover exactly the same flood at this time can be organized in the second room here comes the rescue party the submarine has a standard number of five people and now their task will be to stop the water in another room at this time we take only ten steps to the side and here we already have a fire one of the compartments is on fire what happened there there was a fire in the electrical panel and the skin of the ship wow the pyro cartridge went off right our operator comes in let's explain in such a situation we should use portable breathing apparatus it is a device designed to protect the respiratory system every submariner should have such a pba without fail yes it is opened until it clicks and you put it on inhale exhale the smoke is filling up in the meantime an emergency team comes in here a fire in a submarine is worse than any leak in a confined space the smoke spreads so quickly that even submariners do not even have time to put on breathing apparatus and here we are in less than 10 seconds everything around us was clouded with smoke firefighters get a fire extinguisher a hose they start the foam a few seconds and the fire is extinguished from myself i can add that this device pba turned out to be much more convenient than it looked during filming some kind of strange kind of plastic but it is very very comfortable there were no breathing problems no smoke penetrated that's it guys we've done the job let's get out we shake hands with the winners of the fire the fire has been extinguished in the compartment it's done however this fire did not seem dangerous it was extinguished too quickly and then the submariners proposed to increase the degree of testing it is interesting that exactly the same fire here on the territory of the training center can be organized in a room that resembles a submarine as much as possible here we see a conventional fragment of a solid hall the flashlights at the entrance are exactly the same as those used by our submariners and unlike that simulator here of course the flame can be made much brighter i am now asking to add brightness adding wow how strong the fire is you can even add a little more you probably can't see but there is already a specialist inside come here please let's film the instructor here he is now just ready to start fighting the fire come even closer to us so that you can see that there is a man in this hell he is alive he is wearing a special suit here it is no longer a pba but a much more serious product called id6 let's kick up the fire again and start fire extinguishing the instructor fills the open flame with a special composition and then everything is covered with a layer of foam a characteristic feature of this simulator is a very powerful ventilation just imagine a room where literally three minutes ago the flames were as tall as me until now these walls are hot now here you can breathe quite calmly without any pba without ip6 at the moment of the fire it seemed to us that despite the special protective suit the instructor would still get burns but on the contrary he was soaked all over as if standing in the rain while we were extinguishing the fire in one zone of the training center in another the submariners were taking turns in leakage control tests in the third zone they mastered the methods of rescue using the ilr a special inflatable life raft but really extreme loads are experienced by those who were closed in the blind space of the torpedo compartment it is a real hell for those who suffer from claustrophobia but this is how submariners will save their lives when there is no other choice it was a revelation for me that it turns out that every submariner shall pass such a procedure once a year that's right they pass once a year do all the crews come to you here all crews and everyone personally from the commander to the last sailor shall undergo this test that is a person with 25 years experience has passed the procedure for 25 times yes sir it becomes really scary when they let water into the compartment if something is wrong with the suit it's guaranteed death in the dark cramped and stuffy conditions however in our case as it should be everything goes according to plan and the sailors submariners safely get out of the pipe to freedom if you remember the history of the underwater fleet have there been cases of such ship abandonment there have been cases of ship abandonment even in rabaki it was 15 years ago the personnel left the submarine right in the bay using a torpedo launching tube did everyone succeed yes sir everyone is alive healthy still living and happy and the children serve as submariners and are also undergoing the same training with us the training center is just one of the gears of the large and complex organism of the pacific fleet's submarine force base there is a military town a headquarters an officer's club a complex security system and the city of vilcinsk adjacent to the base with its ice palace and a huge water park all this was built especially for submariners and their families but all these hockey fields and water slides are nothing compared to what is now being created next to the piers of nuclear-powered guided-missile cruisers [Music] there is a compressor station and chemical laboratories and workshops for the repair of diving equipment and rescue suits ventilation chambers refrigeration units you will not see this in every plant take the cns the charging network station it really deserves a special notion this is not just a building it is a smart charger comparing a submarine to a telephone [Music] and here is what this cns looks like inside the first premises of the station here it is necessary to explain what you will see inside is not intended for the maintenance of the infrastructure but it is exclusively for the submarines the fact is that voltage surges must be excluded on the submarine and the current must precisely match the specified parameters moreover different types of currents are used on submarines for example in this hall the incoming alternating current turns into direct current which is used for example to charge rechargeable batteries moreover not everyone knows that in military equipment not only on a submarine but also for example at the s 300 s 400 stations high frequency current is used we have 50 hertz in sockets here it is 400 what is it for it is used to reduce the size of transformers motors and other electrical equipment and now attention here comes a question if all this everything that you saw here is installed scaled down on a submarine then why was all the same built on the shore it's true she really can provide everything she needs but when a submarine comes to the base gets to the pier it is extremely important that the infrastructure provides her with all the means so that her materiel that works at sea could rest could save her motor life the life cycle of a submarine is about 30 years if she is self-sufficient she will live just this period but by providing resources from the base we can make the life term of the submarines longer the base in vilchinsk is the first facility of such significance in our fleet where the state is making serious investments in the infrastructure you see only a small fraction of what is being built here a large number of facilities are not even here but near this place here many buildings will be changed more birthage will be built even the landscape of the base itself will be changed this is a tremendous work it will only name one number to illustrate it more than a million tons of soil will be removed from here more than a million tons yes more than a million tons my goodness this number alone makes it clear how big the changes that await this coastal area will [Music] and be look at the many kilometers of tunnels that have been dug here underground immediately i remember the film the secret fairway the fight against saboteurs real fortifications although in reality everything is somewhat different here is a stainless steel pipe high purity water supply water in fact is distilled after that potable water and water for the fire extinguishing systems [Music] what's most surprising there's more than one such tunnel here here is the next one let's dive in in this gallery high pressure steam and sewerage system will go then the power supply system right now here in this place they are just laying the cables but now everything here is being built according to the latest technology 82 years ago there was a wild land in these parks the submarine forces of the pacific fleet started with just three submarines and a small vessel called saratov on which the crews lived [Music] indeed almost in the wild a submarine base was created on the island of lakhtagne there was nothing here but woods and wild animals now the base has grown stronger and has become the main eastern pillar of the nuclear shield a special role in this shield is played by two boring nuclear-powered submarine cruisers alexander nevsky and vladimir monomak that recently arrived to the pacific fleet so we come back again to the floating space launch complex the next day begins with a torpedo attack training of course the cruiser gets into position reaches the correct depth and raises the periscope periscope number one rises number two rises all stand back periscopes number one and two rise [Music] yes this is not a mistake modern submarines have not just one but several periscopes there's no one around so we can go on now in order to launch missiles it is not necessary to show up on the surface comrade commander there are normal launch conditions for all dimensions this is the drill missile attack diving officer yes sir dive pre-launch preparation takes a few seconds and the cruiser can fire not just one but several missiles at once while the alarm sounds in the boat's compartments an automatic pre-launch check takes place senior assistant commander control of normal launch conditions normal launch conditions confirmed c41 complete control of nlc nlc that is normal launch conditions these are the correct speed depth healing trim and pressure in the compartments when everything is normalized the most important command sounds standby for action missile attack a mandatory maneuver after an attack is to dive deeper into the side depth 20 two on the bow we die at this point it is especially important to understand that the hull has not leaked and that all internal systems are in normal operation the pressure in the hydraulic system is normal and of course that there is no enemy nearby the acoustic horizon is clear the battle at the command control center ccc is certainly good but there is clearly a lack of a real enemy this problem was also solved in kamchatka on the territory of the base a center has been opened where submariners can fight against each other let it be on a computer but in a mode as close to reality as possible the way it would be during a real underwater duel initial tactical situation counteraction of enemy submarines of the virginia type is expected on the deployment route we are now under the premises of the universal specialized tactical training complex duel here with the help of automated workstations combat posts on nuclear submarines of the generations two and three are displayed now they have a torpedo attack yes now there is a torpedo attack they are performing a desk combat exercise an attack a counter-attack of an enemy submarine torpedo launching tubes one two five six fire fire confirmed diving officer hard a port steady on course 80. horse 80 confirmed 250 the boat is diving depth level forward 200 increased the speed by 10 knots working forward 200. this is the third time that combat approved has come to biliuchinsk and again we encounter something new the base is growing at an accelerated pace but here i must also say that not only the base is being built but also the ships for it these are shots from the secret workshops of sevmash the hulls of bori a-class submarines are being assembled they belong to the four plus generation as the designers say there is nothing more perfect in this class in any other fleet in the world the names of those nuclear-powered ships that will be on duty in the pacific ocean are already known these are the generalissimo suvrov and emperor alexander iii the legendary commander and one of the most important russian monarchs in history the first once wrote the science of victory and the second said russia has only two allies the army and the navy well let's add the submarine fleet to this list and there the pacific fleet submarine forces a unique formation which despite all the hardships of nature grows and develops [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: russian army, combat approved, russian military power, russian military, zvezda tv, military, army, russian weapon, weapon, navy, russian armed forces, submarine, hornets nest, submarines, nuclear submarine, us navy, nuclear submarines, nato, top secret, kamchatka
Id: o_j783A8XUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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