Horizonte Ensenada - Pastor David Guzik

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it's so wonderful to be here it's such a privilege yeah me too i can assume privilegio and first i want to preview with reading from our Church in Santa Barbara to yours in America Crusaders that is un saludo the newest regulation in Santa Barbara assimilation from my wife and family to yours les pasa mi familia es su familia we're so happy to be here and we count it as a great privilege someone finishes that IKEA assumed unpretty Malaysia it's exciting for me to be here because I've had a connection with the Domingo family and the work here in Ensenada for a long time as move on CNN Department selecting por que tenía una conexión con la familia Domingo yes iglesia por mucho tiempo many years ago I was a small part of the outreach that started this church I said muchos años y una pequeña de Larroque Rancic investigation and then I remember standing with pastor Wanda may go right here on this property before the church everbody in my probably given a visa so I couldn't pass up on dominguin s approval and physically glacial a problem and telling him you should buy this property not the other one Monica endoscopy is comprised annual our trap it was very easy for me to tell him to have big fail and I'm a senior lady and I get to eat afraid I love telling other people to have faith I mean can't I see that los demás getting angry and then just to see the work that God has done here over the years it's a very great privilege available alright give your site sake a visible sign says no no para me so I thank you and I thank you for your patience with me since I don't speak Spanish entonces yeah I assume you see the minted ice with the Basia prokhanov the spaniel I'm happy that I have a good friend who does say Felipe I didn't when amigo que si habla espanol and maybe together we can learn something from God and renew a la palabra yo soy so I'd like you to open your Bibles to first Corinthians chapter 15 the video cameras before too early and pre-medical use capital of cleansing now we're going to read three passages of Scripture together this morning vamos a little praise pasar his de l'esprit to line esta mañana first Corinthians 15 pre-medical hugest cleansing mark chapter 15 Marcos Tinson and the Gospel of John chapter 19 11 kellyo the one below dissimilar so father I thank you does this bother us yes I have so much joy in with my brothers and sisters in Ensenada we want them to vote for estar aqui con mis hermanos Y hermanas in Ensenada I praise you for the work you're doing here telescope orlova casa psyche and I pray that we would learn something from your word if Peter can't pronounce algo to collaborate that you would touch both our head in our hearts in Jesus name the dog is mnestheus a mr. Corazon de nombre Chris Torres was a madman now in first Corinthians chapter 15 the Apostle Paul talks about what the gospel is okay all right in the capital criminal according to your skin say el apostle Pablo I'm not okay I'll even tell you he brought an important message all over the Roman Empire Yahoo esta means a importante in a veiled approval in video romana he brought this message to King's into slavery yes Klaus he brought it to Greeks and the Romans as vehicles yellows Romans to the rich into the poor of Rickles yellows bonus and the message was about what Jesus has done for Humanity it means that case is look at least oh I ate soap or no money that especially what Jesus did on the cross a special mentor look at least loose on that goof that's why the but the Apostle Paul says this Ebola so he says soul Apostle Paul a 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 3 and 4 pre-made a Corinthos capital oh he needs a particular stress in quantum for I delivered to you first of all that which I also received that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures porque primera mentaiko sin senado lo que sí mismo recibi cake listo murió poor nuestros picados confirm NSA esquipulas que fue septal Todd oh I refuse Ito antheridium conformal assess clitoris yeah Palacio Braun particular the memos I went a little too far okay stop it's not a tremendous message assume in second creevley about what Jesus did for us on the cross they look increased reason for nosotros in that group and really this is the enter of our Christian message yes el el Centro de Nesle menchaca Cristiano where Paul preached the power of the cross over and over again probably poder they like whose restlessness and it's really not a message about feelings you know someone's I had a sentimiento it's really not a message about having a different mental attitude muscle means I didn't mean badly for anything it's a message about who Jesus is and what he did for a second please thought I saw a teen is in and Paul put it into three events right here in these verses Impala no pony impressive into Salinas louver signals that Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures say crystal mu do pornos hospitals of corn molasses we put us then he was buried before seventh album and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures he told there's any other corner las esculturas I'm sure you hear all the time about Jesus dying on the cross medicine astaizu locusts which has totally temple ulu do produce picados I hope so mimosa sparrow it's a very important message as a means I can move important thing it's the most important message I said I'm in 2nd mass important thing and I hope you hear a lot about Jesus rising from the dead this better guess to tell them in mutually history services in Denver it was worthless I mean that is a message not only for Easter Sunday assuming 2nd no solamente is the pasqua it's a message for all the time so in second but I got a momento but have you ever heard a message on the burial of Jesus but whenever says isn't telling me exactly they lie Sepultura the kiss was Paul listed that is the second thing Pablo mention ahora la segunda cosa the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus la muerte la supported Island restoration the Casa Cristo now I suppose there should be one Sunday that you hear something about the burial of Jesus there a there at minimum domingo case which has a loyalist abdullah like a super islam and why it is important he porque es importante what God has to say to us through it ok the most deceptive is disco so that's what I want to talk to you about this morning yes a look at the governments are not only some monument now the Jesus is mentioned in all four Gospels do a physical assessment zina in los cuatro values and each of the four Gospels has something to tell us about the event Carlos of Ontario's most common that was at that event if you want the whole picture of the burial of Jesus you have to read and study carefully each of the four Gospels sukira Stolp andromedae is there in fulness it has variously almost Quatro uncleanness but for the sake of time this morning pero por tiempo we'll just look at two of the four Gospels so let me give a demo from both of us there was what are our values and what they say about what happened when Jesus was taken from the cross and buried looking at least and I said look the passo fundo Christopher Kamala dela Cruz it was a brutal so let's read first the Gospel of Mark chapter 15 Sun says the lady was pretty murder 11 million Americans have been tokine's him starting at verse 42 but some little but it's a group wedding date race but now this when evening had come because it was the preparation day that is the day before the Sabbath Joseph of Arimathea a prominent council member who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God coming and taking courage went into Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus Pilate marvelled that he was already dead and summoning the Centurion he asked him if he had been dead for some time so when he found out from the Centurion he granted the body to Joseph then he brought fine linen took him down and wrapped him in the linen and he laid him in a tomb which had been hewn out of the rock and rolled a stone against the door of the tomb cuando llegó la mode support a para la preparación s decir la vez para del día de raposo cosas de Matteo miembros nombre del consiglio que también es para el vino de Dios vino in Oh Solomon Tipene luttrell opilio el cuerpo de esos pilato's say sorprendido de que el Centro Jana ESA muerto y haciendo venir a la pregunta see ya estaba muerto inform Oh por el centro doin yo el cuerpo inform ato perdón por el centro you do and work for a Jose a Qualcomm proneness our Nike tan la la la involve you in the salon I love personal support look estaba cavada in an opinion a so road our own appear am la entrada del second chrome now as we read those words could you see it happening in your mind the ordinary silver circles where this vehicle muscle so you know it's going to maintain I hope so espero que see because it's a real event for your phone event program and so as we read now the passage from Matthew now it should be from John chapter 19 yeah a little pass a key the one missing women think of it let it be like a movie that plays in your mind as we read these words being said ok said una película de sentimental scale lame-o sisters Belarus Matthew 19 beginning at verse 38 1dc living but something worse igloo think it's after this joseph of arimathea being a disciple of jesus but secretly for fear of the Jews asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus and Pilate gave him permission so he came and took the body of Jesus and Nicodemus who at first came to Jesus by night also came thinking a mixture of myrrh and aloes about a hundred pounds then they took the body of Jesus and bound it in strips of linen with spices as the custom of the Jews is to bury now the place where they had crucified Him there was a garden and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had been laid this was a todo esto esto Swan dicen el treinta y otra cosa de Lima tem que la discípulos a sus perros accreta meant a poor Mira no Studios remote we dot o que le permit Esad a VAR el cuerpo de que sus pilato's a lo concezione entonces vino si vous el cuerpo de sus Dominico demo l can't a Sevilla visit odd o s us de noche vino trial end o o convoy soda Mira Laura's como se libras Thomann wesson cuerpo de que sus along goal Miren any Enzo's con aspasius automatic --is según es costumbre support our entry goes adios en el lugar donde es es clasificado Avion were Tom in were torn second corner were equal in el cual el nino sevilla see the Presto mean mundo well let's summarize historic you've almost a little assuming the historian there was a man from the town of Arimathea named Joseph a Yellin or a little below the element the SMI was safe and he was a secret disciple of Jesus yet only signal sacred bodhi kisses he was also a prominent member of the council that governed the Jewish people in the minute on miembro preeminent Adel Concilio clear fel will follow Israel the Sanhedrin is an adrenal when the Sanhedrin condemned Jesus to death Joseph of Arimathea did not agree one loyal coroner is an adrenal dementia okay isuzu amore Jose noda-kun Allah but he didn't have the courage to speak up and to defend geez no to love a lot of the Allari the vanilla Isis he could have stood up and said no this isn't right we shouldn't condemn this man it's a porno system I know that it was a condom addressed Emery but how to fear he stayed quiet report a more secured okay yellow he was a godly man I don't know me piano song he was wealthy at a tinkle he loved God Molyneux and he waited for the kingdom of God yes apparently no videos so much so that he did not want to be buried in his hometown of Arimathea ok in no pity I said stay put I'll go in so very much that him attea that was the custom of people back then I said I liked the school day in Venice influences you would be buried where you lived there's a booth on Monday I believe in them but he said no I want to be buried in Jerusalem pero Yo no quiero ser $7 and he'll saline and because he was wealthy he bought a dime income he could buy a brand new tomb in which no one had ever been set before in compliment musashi of wisdom because actually the Jewish people at that time would use a tomb for several bodies but again this intone says those who use the selling of mental apparel area square foot so he's described as a rich man a good man and a just man possesses the RICO number one note you know Mary who spoke with Jesus was crucified on the crystal Felicity Salomon he was courageous enough to ask Pontius Pilate for the body the war in my lord they as if guys have been known to upon gop-led open up an evil cuerpo that was a great thing to do as over when I wrote the mutual alone because he publicly associated himself with the condemned criminal por que Bonita Mendez a socio-economic Ramin el único Pilate was surprised to hear that Jesus was already dead beloved listen new escuchar Lucia be immortal so he asked the centurion who supervised the crucifixion insisted we do I seem to do cassava super-obese Angola crucifixion is Jesus really dead is that wealth or ailment a crystal the Centurion said yes he was it Centurion dijo ceaselessly and apparently the lifeless body of Jesus remained on the cross for some period of time yellow parece al cuerpo who wanted a hisses / - yo abuse poor algún tiempo we don't know how long was I lost quantum maybe it was an hour I'm a home now or maybe it was two hour long horrible for us but there it remained on the crapper I stood on the knuckles now Joseph needed special permission from the Roman government to ask to take the body down from the cross those who say mrs. Bellamy so special is Romano's cava heaven cuerpo de la Cruz because normally the Romans left the bodies of the Cross they become in the lumen of the con el cuerpo in the truth I know it sounds terrible to think of the second chapter he depends on a mystical but the Romans wanted the bodies to remain on there even after the person was dead for as long as possible Jose Munoz Romano's que tiene el cuerpo / - Sierra and icicles Gulam conceded muslin it impossible a crucifixion was a public event organization a donor in tapu wrinkle and the Romans were happy to wait until the bodies rotted or were eaten by animals no importa si se poder en los cuerpos se los caminos anomalies but Joseph asked for permission to take the body down but also simply put me so far Allah had an acquittal so he didn't do the job of preparing the body himself and those it's any personal mental you know pretty vital and wearable another wealthy influential man named Nicodemus helped him otro hombre the influencial a yo-yo Monique lemon they took the body down from the cross maja dela Cruz they prepared the body for burial Reverend and open a seventh album they wrapped it in linen smeared with spices and ointments beer on a Miss in its a salon as the booze alone and they'd this they did this according to the burial customs of the Jews unos dicen que la gente como las cascadas de los who deals they set the body in the tomb it was nearby the place where Jesus was crucified Lucien I mean whoever not to viola set there and the grease for Franco city column and that tomb had never been used before Jesus's body was placed in it yes a pumbaa nunca se Roku sala unphysical were to put a castle for cuesta enrollment set guards outside the vamanos Paseo in the water via supporter and some women from Galilee had seen the tomb where Jesus was lady wasn't working together yeah the enemy stiletto but now that is a very bare telling of the story yes miss REM muy in cubierta the historian but if you think through it piece by piece it's almost overwhelming pero si Lopez's pilot a poor apart a casa da Booma door they came to the body and they had to take it down from the cross in your little cuerpo in loading income a holiday la Cruz now the Bible tells us specifically in Luke 23 generally says Pacifica maintain local address that joseph of arimathea did this a Jose Arimathea SMK Luisa it says II took him down Yale Law aha now Joseph was a wealthy man there are for sale alumina Rico so is Nicodemus and welcome in column all they had dozens of servants working in their household tinium brought him into boston and this immundus out hunting for that it would have been easy to say hey servant don't take that body down we does anything in there Matt Hossack word for it would not be pleasant work to remove a dead bloody dirty body from across about Hollywood want us a million tofu that all day like roof but Joseph looked at his savior crucified para hacer es el salvador KU SI te amo and he said i cannot give this work to any other person multiple the leg arrest a trabajo trabajo na ah he must do this Yolo they what I said and so I don't know if he climbed the ladder I don't know if he reached on something no there's no sense in Busan escalator and I said ok ok there must have been some tool that removed the nail from his hand to his feet though they were never I mean that every movie has a claw this is manases yes and there's the body fell over the shoulder of jose el momento que el equipo que yo Soleil in emerald echo say there was all the blood it's our last angrily there was all the sweat soils the law there was all the dirt from what Jesus had undergone I mean a total for wool in a mood a they look a christophe emé vivo Joseph and Nicodemus carried that body and laid it out on a place where it could be prepared for Perico say nikolay moiseev alumnus a queer boy yo lugar donde puede ser preparado para el entierro there is a very famous sculpture by the artist Michelangelo able to remove famosa por la vista a new language it's called the Pieta same idea that do you know the sculpture that I speak up a nice hotel assessment tool and it's very beautiful is more blessing it shows Jesus laid out that the dead crucified Jesus laid out upon the lap of Mary es una imagen de que su estado solar las pilas de Maria and as I said it's a beaut scope bsns cultura Preciosa but it's completely biblically inaccurate but no I said that when we come in T because it wasn't Mary we did this or the Navajo Maria it was Joseph and Nicodemus from Jose amico demo and they laid his body out and then in John chapter 19 verse 40 he says that they did this according to the burial customs of the Jews yes for escameca stalinistic wherefore know the same juandissimo a way he said unless so come follow me veto veto Dino's who deals I heard a man speak on the burial customs of the Jews and it sort of turned the light of an from escucha el nombre de casa de los libros de los videos daelin quiero un camión and loosened me he reminded me of all that the Jews had to do to bury a personal convenience a los caballos by Sepultura onion they didn't just take him from the cross wrap him in some blankets and put him in a tomb little Mandela kou Zi Luo Tian in the Savannah settlement en la Puma no but in a ritual full of prayers and ceremonies the Jews prepare a body for burial nothing in a ceremonial you know there are Sunnis you know the repose but at least seven quid for the first thing they do beginning at the head and going all the way down to the feet nobody we don't guess in total quit for is they remove any foreign matter that's on the body of him ovn quick it overhead book for daniel they'll quit about Joseph and Nicodemus took the crown of thorns off the head of her youthful saying Nico they Melissa to eat that like foreigners Venus de la creme de cassis and every broken point of a Thor and they tenderly removed from his brown he got a subpoena case a we are hope to be saying cristela Solis ofrenda every splinter from the wood of the cross that was in his back and shoulders they had to take out piece by piece Stella a hey got a steely against espalda a lacustrine go get that wound on for Luna and they had to make sure that there was nothing for and embedded into his bar the Incas who are second again extend more poison so quite a pop then according to the Jewish custom of burial no one else to live who deals they would carefully wash the body with water from the head to the feet la langue in okinawa de la cabeza aerospace think of all the blood that was dry in the hair of Jews Gonzales America yes I was second in there coagulate sauce these men had to so tenderly clean it and remove all the dirt all the blood it's a something that they knew that the ink remover thought I told on a Saturday wash out his will a loose a diva's the great hole that was in the side of Jesus wooden or yoga the Yankee InFocus fellow from the spear of the Roman soldier well at lancelin there's a lot of a mano later Thomas would put his fingers in that hole and say I believe Lord this was Thomas and when vessels - any food and they say oh this year yo creo Senor but Thomas wasn't the first one to put his fingers in her prim erimeter so dedos Sao Joseph and Nicodemus did it right before say amiga demo and can you imagine them doing this work without crying all product in my heinous a sinless it but I was in senior at Lincoln momento they had heard him teach marinas coach Alvin senior they had seen his hands touch others he healed I mean I thought was a mannequin pecados against a novel they saw those lips speak words that no man had spoken before switch a little aggressive la palabra skin area a teacher and the eyes that you look at people with such love in such grace those eyes were shut yes a soulful scary and resource-intensive them nor a tentacle asea order seven terrible according to the rituals they would pray over the body - Alito cesarean or an look on incredible and I can imagine they were saying Jesus wake up wake up James me my he no gay selling this you know his Elizabeth homeless beer then the spirit that I don't know how they could not have just wept through the entire time no say come on Lisa don't but I know you are so after all of that then they would wrap his body in strips of linen with spices and ointments in this Pleasant oliso location is key muy bien so pitiful in Salinas in the pony anything doesn't say that suspicious and then they would take that body and set it in the tomb tomorrow and I said wait for Leo Mightyena Pumbaa Jesus understood that this would happen to his body at the cross this was in Indiana KS Lee also say they're as awkward for a necklace and of course I don't know exactly what happens when a person dies Yoga means the most is sad I mean the guys who say they cuando el nombre I don't know if spiritually a person is aware of what happens to their body no CCS believed one minute in understand consume their locus to say the consequent I don't know nothing but if anybody knew what was happening to his body it was Jesus the aliens had yellow gazelles are saying in the consequent practices he knew it would happen so ya que you want Posada and he knew it was happening at the mall he said yeah this also said in Luke 1 Lossless a deal can you imagine how humbling that was for Jesus he might has no umi yen think of it as healer so practices some of you have all their parents that need a lot of care and no more horrible spacing in batteries in my your is in a satanic moods are you them in their older years they have some dementia or alzheimer's I'm a hardened in dementia or Alzheimer's and they have to be cared for almost as children visit as close as in como si fuera and meanness and it breaks your heart that romp el corazon because you feel like this person used to care for me when I was a child and now I have to care for them as if they're little chill you seen this it's a person who is open the only way you look without a and como si el for home baby it breaks your heart because it seems so hobbling for this person they Rumple chorus over gates in the tangent a para el yo I don't know who would ever volunteer for that no sincerely and say that move on una tarea para cerveza but Jesus volunteered for but also his loose a blue moon patio but I said when I die I want these two wealthy men to come and to take care of my boy from the young boy okay so something Rico squid endemic whereupon they will wash me as if I was washed when I was a little child I'm in love I'm an Iranian and move on the wrong way they will pray over when arrived for me they will weep over be her a time for me and they will put me in a 200 I know nothing man it's easy to forget that at least in theory it didn't have to be this way as fast or without convenient area not in Yucca servicing do you believe that Jesus paid for our sins on the cross risk increased opal opal to specialist in lacrosse I hope you believe it it's been obviously I believe it your look there Jesus said that he did this with a hookah luison before he died he said it is finished and didn't consume aloe is another way you could say that is paid in full what reformed eyes Hitler is sporadic or come fill it on before Jesus yielded his life his spirit up to the Father and died the price was paid and there's in crystalline Yasuo speedy - if one in Bali I'll place a foot pedal all the wrath all the guilt all the shame that our sin deserve toda la culpa toda la paix nankai - emos por nuestro picado it was poured out upon Jesus well there's a model silicosis and he bore the price perfectly in his own body alpha little pressure perfectamente su cuerpo and so we can be forgiven because the price was a what was said for the NAS per good place your foot pasado but after the price was paid for this was against Ebola Brazil why did he have to remain on the cross a moment longer forget thing is that in a Coulomb a symbol I mean what's the prices paid give it to stay do you will never see the princess but Ellen Athena pick it I don't think would have been amazing if this happened we lysosomal also see it's like a superhero Jesus with his dead body on the cross single muscle burn anyway his who's going to what one month in lacrosse if he would have resurrected straight from the cross missus if that is like time in Tennessee momentum you know flash of power and glory you know the nails just pop out from in Napoli's Blanton you know slow solemn Orlando and he says to all those religious leaders who mocked him what do you think of me now I thought of any physical 11 in kia ora he says to the Roman soldiers who nailed him to the cross you want to try that now they send little dusky local our kid was wondering been that I'm resurrected in all my glory there's nothing you can do to be it Italian told me politely not like him a place as him I mean in theory he could have done that until here who loved it a choice for the price had been paid in breath of Oklahoma but he did burn alloys oh he said I'm gonna remain on that piece of wood for some time they hope better man they say anything my little I wouldn't game point and then I'm gonna allow two unlikely men to take my body down in the cross this was if I get lost on this poco perilous taking me home anywhere pas de la Cruz prepare it prepare a little bit of padding in valise a cool towel and then put it the - you know palma why okay well let me give you just a few reasons don't ask one another that's honest I think first of all it was clearly to fulfill Scripture they were looking pre-made I mean take obviamente era but I can't believe less we do this you see it says in Isaiah chapter 53 verse 9 they say any CSC when they the basic one way way that Jesus would be with the wealthy in his death okay cristi lazar cornrows Rico's and soon with him and that they would put him in a grave in Kiruna matera natumba what that promise from the Old Testament had to be fulfilled said the new employer as a promise Island go testamento and Jesus himself said that he would die and be put into a tomb crystal is my home even more real he said western natumba so to fulfill the prediction of the Old Testament does about a completely operating single and dual to summon them to fulfill the prediction of Jesus himself but a political no playing Sunday his minimal he had to be put into a tube then a guy said a person who nothing but now I'm not really all that satisfied by that answer but louis lesce yeah but that means a service person even though it's true okay sinful because I know that if it was in the plan of God God could have predicted differently in the new test in the Old Testament we receive and planned and pull away the provincial otra cosa Jesus could have predicted differently in his own ministry its ability to attract wasn't so I don't know if that really tells us why it was important to Jesus for no no they say el parque de importante que ellos fueron Sepultura so let me give you a few reasons it doesn't want us on this first it was important because it proved that Jesus was dead numero importante porque and I'm not plural Monica Chris estar muerto you see if you want to prove that you've been resurrected those against Paul Adam yeah Lucy tunnel first you have to prove that you were dead Medina's give her a lot of kiss that was wonderful because if you were never really dead then you were never really resurrected or guess he's anything come Maurice ain't exclusive ask if you have any doubts whether or not Jesus was really dead on the cross he said you know that you see mr. bellington you do not who's just ask Joseph of Arimathea or Nicodemus jose de madera or nico de Meaux they will tell you it yesterday then I know that there's some you know doctors and scholars today they say que algunos victorious or rito say India they try to say well Jesus didn't really die on the cross he said why no his eleventh they know more in that course he just fainted no mas there's my job you know like an old woman when it's too hot outside Nancy anaconda say mucho calor no bread could you imagine telling that to Joseph Anton I could even imagine and this is Lisa force a one-column oh they they probably punch you in the mouth if you said that well they will be int this is how was he we saw his body was of those being was so helpful we know the difference between a dead body and a living bodies it was almost lady friends and from one from one thing whatever you want if he was still alive do you think we would have buried a dog race Kasey la posibilidad de Quesada we no clue animals in Peru we didn't want him to be dead nobody animals cazuela more thought maybe we had hope that he was still alive he's it almost construe it everyone but no he was dead but I saw more of them we know is no sabemos secondly this was important because it gave Joseph and Nicodemus a time to no longer be secret disciples Sunnah means is so important a poor kill Enzo celery Mattia yeah Cody moon opportunity no sir a DC bureau secreto it's interesting about both Joseph and Nicodemus knew in Toronto for Sagamore because mo both of these wealthy influential men were secret disciples of Jesus those homely the wrinkles in fujian this and then piano secret boss no more Jemima's now they stanford say we will be identified with this crucified man i said one in the base in humility fijo necessary clasificado we want everybody to know that we're with him it was good Toto said monkey Samos Canaan we love this man we care about our mom was looking Amos and there was value just in drawing them out a secret to Cyprus yeah I don't know must cetera Lewis estado de d symbol of Sacramento's now there are very public cypress jarasandha's equals more poorly Costa Kasasa Jesus wants you to be as public decide SOC Anika says so this he broke public oh I know there are people who may laugh at you because you say you're a public follower he said gave us analysis and that would allow that people get to this Esqueda Sun Cristiano maybe there are other people who will treat you poorly and the moment they get them another man it is worth the price for one la Penna it's better to be a secret disciple than no disciple aura is 107 DC blow sacred oh can you know say only super long but nobody can remain a secret disciple for very long not that there is they get out of moon the symbol Acevedo mucho tiempo it's time for you to be public about who you are in quarantine it is increased on and that was good for both Joseph and Nicodemus yes a little but who say if I'm empanada in equal mo but then there's something else about the death of Jesus and his bearing but I'll try close that I'm one of the exclusive fools something that I think is very powerful for us to think about a little can we pull it also put up and say it's the fact that Jesus wanted to identify so closely with us it's a little kiss was giddy acted in we can say intima Mendte con nosotros all through his life and ministry Jesus wanted to identify with us in to us with a mini city of crystal second identity capitals look he is God in heaven this verse in the seal all right of majesty double bother but Maha spell well wouldn't it be easy to Jesus you don't know anything about me or my life or what I'm going to say is nothing me them you know pasando you know I would feel nervous being around the powerful men of this world much less God in heaven amazing video semester cada uno Madero son este mundo quantum Escondido sin el cielo but Jesus went to every length imaginable to say I know you I care about you I want to connect to your life bro Chrissy's a porn or imaginary total possibly Paris if they tell more take on knows who get off on a guitar make it all feel a tsunami come to you I don't want to live just as a distant God in heaven I want to come right down among you and share your life with the old East and in and say look at us F gambling really maybe that many people and if you're gonna share life with me is it was a we will to be that conmigo you're gonna know some weakness and some humiliation vasa conocer they believe that in unison and don't you see that when Jesus allowed himself to be buried he said I will share in your weakness I will share in your humility you want no Christopher separate add-ons Allah is you know where your comparative entombed in death welcome partying clearly that it is such a humble thing to allow your body to be washed by two grown men kill me on decay those abou those lavender purple it's such a humble thing to so short weakness is I want a know me and a the most self than that I believe that but sometimes you're weak aren't you various stories they really know sometimes you are low and humility verses 82 million do you realize that Jesus went all this far so that you could say I know you I love you I care about you I can connect with you at your level that's Kentucky crystal it's a bubble super operator latekka no scoped in you know who didn't if academy contigo para las gentleman has been even he did this throughout his entire ministry his he saw her life in thoughts vientos ministerio he was born in a humble place and I see only one wheeling he grew up in a humble community it's a Creole not gonna Devon really most all of his life he lived in obscurity and humility because it was with a uniform is conocida he wasn't famous when he was a carpenter when I found most of one their own got a Quintero oh I'm sure people knew that he did good work my uncle Naseem guess I guess I wouldn't rob a school if you want a good table if you want to good this you go to Jesus he does good works he doesn't know when I miss have a cool hey Zeus and his wound care of him dead oh but it's not like he was famous and then I found more song no he lived most of his life in obscurity just loving his family and caring for them mi vida es conocido animus queenless familia Amanda su familia nobody knew who he was no you know promise ya and then even when he did the years his ministry he identified with those who were weak and sinful and in trouble jung-hwan Louis yes any significant ok just get on with my day just in him problemas and even when he died he died a very lowly death he won the movie a movie I'm in the morning no you mean Lee and then in one more step in his humility he allowed himself to be buried in this way impossible mother for me that burn it burn we do go for a separate al Oeste format it's as if he took steps down a ladder all the way down to the lowest points como Sierra tomado passes a noon Escalera llegando whereas mass profundo and the lowest lowest point was his burial in momentum as before voice was happened to that now here's the good news alright it is yes after the burial everything was up his place again was a blue Tonto for everyone that was the lowest in the last point in his humiliation as a follow masbath when to me yes Union but he did all that for a reason but it's a solo it's over another son so that he could connect with you on your left para poder connect a second ago a tune even you can't go up to heaven to connect with him nobody so we let see a lock on a tentacle man go ahead find the spaceship somewhere and go fly off and find help a baby was kinda nervous by selling didn't that you got as yellow it's not gonna work like that no one's on that no but what has he done brocade Oh Cassie he has come down to you in your lab in Baja at the attune even there are people who feel very alone I think they get hindered and swollen they feel very weak and despised by people of this world is ending than they listen - gracias por la investor mundo they wonder if anybody can connect with them at their love you see seven tons hay alguien que si is possible Hardison develop our economy tell Phinehas do you see that that's Jesus for you right now today that's when the guesses hey soos but at the OData that you can put your trust in him and your love towards him for Esperanto confianza and they need to I'm more important that you can say Jesus I know you came down this way I love you I trust you would you please fill my life with the words just like a do any sesame mundo your damn we got taken to a place in that I mean either he went to all this lengths to show his love and his care for you and he some thoughtless estas cosas para demostrar Maurice who carry me important now it's your place to receive it you notice a moment okay to love us and to connect your life to his do connect the Scooby that we live in he's not above you know some in similar team all of course in some ways he is slab they see in the Lunas formas voice but in his humble nature he's come down to your left but Allah say Allah shall go up them even and now he says come know me there are ladies have any corn awesome a that's why it's important that Jesus was buried for this is important the case was for separative oh I pray God will help you to connect to the very humble geez libido adios get the you that I was gonna say I say hey sauce Oh Millie father this is my prayer for your people his losses me bud assume palaces personas I pray especially for those who are lonely and feels so weak and despised debido a special meant a porticos casings and soul in the specialist I pray Jesus that you would draw so close to them at this very moment they build a circus tent oh I listen este momento that they would picture your lowliness of mind and heart complaining my Nana said to me that they got a song for the Mende how you allowed yourself to become so weak and so help us come open me desiccated for less than they be seen I do that so that you could draw near to the weak and the helpless like a saucer car unless they release the arrows Minos press yellows thank you for doing this mo Silesia Celesteville thank you for dying on a cross family that says primordial ooze thank you for rising from the dead from others Podesta sit a little more dose but thank you also for being buried her glasses pour our CEO said please Allah in Jesus name and oblivious of amen amen
Channel: Horizonte Ensenada
Views: 5,002
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Horizonte Ensenada, Horizonte, Banda Horizonte, horizonte ensenada musica, Musica horizonte ensenada, Musica horizonte, horizonte musica, banda horizonte solo tu, solo tu, horizonte ensenada en vivo, horizonte ensenada alabanza, Predicas cristianas, Vinonuevoep, Vino nuevo, Mas vida, predicas, Radiante, predicas cristianas escritas, sermones, sermones cristianos, predicas para jovenes, jesus es suficiente, no hay otro dios, solo tu
Id: DKW86Rp8nYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2013
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