Horizon Gala 2020

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hi everyone we're checking in from susquehanna style magazine in lancaster pennsylvania we're so excited and honored to partner with horizon this year for their annual gala giving back is a core pillar at susquehanna style which is why we absolutely love horizon's mission and give back to those in need we hope everyone has a fantastic night tonight bye bye wow ah happy gala day horizon friends we are so excited to be a part of this special night i'm christine from wild precious now and honestly i'm even more humbled um by the way that breathing in the horizon story has brought purpose and meaning to my life i cannot wait to see it do the same for others so congratulations on your big night cheers i know it's gonna go great i'm using my influence for impact to empower orphaned children around the world from the moment we began breathing in the story of horizon earlier this year we knew there was so much inspiration and hope to discover the more we learned about the organization the mission and the lives of those involved the more we resonated with the work being done by horizon for children across the globe you need this as much as we need you they're bringing direction where there was desperation and abundance where there was scarcity horizon is empowering children to reclaim their birthright of belonging love opportunity and hope they're building pathways out of poverty and bridges to new beginnings and with every story that we heard we found ourselves wanting to be a part of it and to learn more my name is jim pesky i am co-founder along with daryl but i'm a board member and a grandfather to a lot of these kids yeah so my name is daryl heller and i'm a co-founder as well and my role is chairman of the board currently so horizon is an organization that was founded on a core purpose of rescuing orphaned children and empowering them to sell sustainability when we first began it was very rescue centered and what i mean is rescue centered is in the early days you couldn't go into town to get groceries without having 60 70 street children chase you around asking you for food and some of them as young as three four years old or 13 year old girls with babies so you're big on rescuing all of them like how do you pick right and and then as we transition we got into restoration how do these kids make it in the long run i used to spend a lot of time overseas and i would watch outside of our gates the village and how it functioned and the village took care of itself and i thought how do we create a village for these kids not an institution and that's where the micro community idea was burst where literally everything was on one site that that was the package it was a village we were creating villages i want to be there in my imagination what does it look like what does it feel like you're driving down this muddy road in a van packed full of people and you're seeing grass and mud huts and naked children and then all of a sudden you come over a rise and you just see this property a waste of it's just that it's an oasis it's just stunning and as you pull up you see these big huge gates say horizon and then you go for a walk out into the compound and in one 360 gaze you can see a library you can see a school you can see where the kids sleep in their own beds you can see poultry you can see cows you can see lush gardens like you've never seen before and and there's a harmony about the place that's just you just don't want to leave and there's a piece that comes upon you that the whole world falls off your shoulders when you're there i hate coming home but most of all i've always asked what was the greatest thing that you experienced to our guests and it's always you can feel the peace and the love in this place just watching the staff engage with each other when you have farm staff that are in charge of farming but you watch and they are dads to the children and how they all take care of each other and share their duties it's a place of magic peace is the operative word it captures it better than anything it's melodic there it's calm it's peace even though there's so much energy there's just something inside the body that relaxes and you feel something you don't feel other places so you know what the children are experiencing because you're experiencing a small derivative of that what i love about horizons micro community model is that orphan children aren't just being placed in an institution to grow up and likely return to poverty but instead horizon builds a whole community around their children designed to not just provide for them but to heal and empower them well into adulthood and break the cycle to me their approach feels less like rescuing and more like empowering less like coming in and taking over and more like paving the way for orphaned children to reclaim their human right to happiness fulfillment and a bright future and ultimately what we're trying to achieve is self-sustainability as noted by our purpose and there's two components of that one is the sustainability relative to the operations so the farm and a lot of additional wealth generation things that we're doing outside of that farm though in country is creating sustainability at a financial level which is very important in the long term and then self-sustainability is for those children and we do that through an inheritance program where we put them on a track of either academic entrepreneurial or vocational and by allowing them to be resourced at one of those levels they put themselves in a position that it's highly probable that they will become self-sustainable one of the paradigms out there that we're trying to shift is most people say that 70 to 80 percent of orphaned children revert back to where they came from and what we're doing through an inheritance program is trying to invert that model where we think 80 hopefully higher percent of our kids will be self-sustainable so they'll come out with an education they'll come out with a trade they'll come out with an entrepreneur track and then another attribute is the wealth generation sides is one that that entrepreneurial side of our board and a lot of those key benefactors are very enthusiastic about and we're just starting to scale that moving into honduras moving into guatemala we want to proliferate this across the world we want to be seen as thought leaders as innovators maybe it'll have to evolve over the next five years 10 years and if so that's okay we're confident that we can do it well that's how we see the world we don't just get caught up in this myopic it's all about a micro community model it will transform it will evolve we're going to be about seeing the need seeing the child crisis and saying what can we do about it and what is the most effective model that we can create to help mitigate it we're starting to do for-profit enterprises that we think will put our sustainability numbers at a place that look a lot different than our peer group and ultimately over time create the true self-sustainability that we're trying to achieve both from an operational perspective in addition to the self-sustainability that we're trying to help that child create for themselves i think in the early days i would have been just happy that the kids have some milk and a few eggs and some tomatoes because when we had them it was bread and water if i would have known that we could feed the kids i would have been so happy i had no idea that we would be supplying most the tomatoes to grocery stores in our region i had no idea that we would be exporting eggs to the sedan i didn't know that there would be pickup trucks lined up at our gate to come and pick up milk to go to all the other villages and then we'd be making money that would be then put in place to give the kids an education i had no idea where this thing was going but it's been wonderful to watch to me the real-life superheroes that walk among us are ordinary people who move in the direction of extraordinary love to impact the lives of others i'm always curious about the origin stories of such heroes how does someone go from living for themselves to living for others when is the moment that love is louder than all of the other things in this life that call us to think only of ourselves and our own ambitions i'm so inspired by the openness it takes to walk this earth ready to turn in the direction of people in need i wanted to know more about that moment and what led up to it my personal journey would have started in uzbekistan in 1999 i was on a mission trip found myself in a state-run orphanage that is a very despicable environment very substandard there was stacked beds there was kids that were tied to the bed so they couldn't jump out of bed had been kids defecating on the floor as a concrete floor so they will wash it down and it just through parallels are growing up in a farm that these kids are treated like we treated farm animals and that broke my heart but within minutes of being in that room my eyes fixated on two kids one in particular had dark hair four or five years old he had a gash in his head it was an open wound and it had it was infested and there was flies and such so i just lost it emotionally and i left that group of about a dozen people and i walked out into the courtyard and i just cried like a baby and i prayed and that was the transformation of my life i simply decided that to whom much is given much is required life is not about me or my career is about helping others and that was the impetus that sturdy motion i wrote a business plan on the way home soon thereafter my uncle larry kreider we also consider a co-founder of this organization and paired me up with this maniac it's funny because i think i had the same kind of wake-up call mine started in in my basement in canada watching a commercial uh by an organization that does incredible work with orphaned children about to put huge two huge t-bone steaks on a barbecue but the commercial was all of a sudden these kids and i looked at the stakes and i was like wow what a difference but i can remember too at that time praying and saying i hate this stuff i hate seeing it on the screen because i can't do anything about it and that was sincere but i just sort of looked up and probably said the most honest prayer in my life which was don't show me this stuff ever again unless you want me to do something and it was only about a month after that that i had my feet in the church world and in the business world and daryl's uncle larry kreider called me and said you want to come to kenya and i said why this is you can teach both and you have both lessons saves me a trip for somebody else and i said sure i'll go and we went did a conference uh it went so well that he said would you stay another week i'm going home i want you to fly to these cities and teach at these cities and i said sure i'll go and i went well they forgot to pick me up for three days and so i'm in a strange city in kenya don't know anybody don't have a cell phone all by myself but being the maniac that i am i ended up on the streets for three days and i saw a street child after street child after street job and the ones that really broke my heart were the little four and five-year-old girls i was trying to wrap my head around what do we do how does this happen what does this mean they finally did pick me up and if you know anything about kenya and the city is traffic is horrendous and we're driving down this busy highway there's diesel trucks everywhere there's a smell of diesel everywhere there's people everywhere and right in the middle median is this little boy and and what they do is they sniff glue because it numbs the paint and they hold their sleeves up to their nose like this with this blue bottle and he he was standing in the middle of the median and he was so high on glue that he was just waving almost falling over and on both sides were these transport trucks going by and i looked away and i just heard this voice saying you look back and i look back and what i heard was if that was your son sam what would you do to save him and like daryl i mean i broke down and said i'll give the rest of my life to this if i can save one boy like that and that was my initiation into horizon a common thread that i see in people who are able to walk in faith and follow the call on their lives in big ways is how they're able to see meaning and connection in the world around them it's as if everywhere they look there's confirmation of their purpose and affirmation to keep moving in the direction of love instead of fear i'm going to tell you a story of the cape buffalo i've been on safari many times they're they're huge bigger than the trucks we were riding around in and everywhere you went these beasts had these little birds aux peckers is what they're called and they're only two ounces and they would be on their nose and on there and i would just say why do these big beasts put up with these stupid little birds everywhere like why don't they shake them off like these things are like two three tons and so i did my homework and found out that parasites like to go in the ears and the eyes of the cape buffaloes and if they're left unchecked they will infiltrate lay their eggs in the animal's brain and kill the beast a parasite but it's the aquifector that pecks these things out and keeps them clean and it intrigued me that a two-ton beast can't survive without a two-ounce bird and and i started to think what why am i getting this picture in my head what's this story and this is where we got the whole symbiotic relationship and that might surprise people how to rise in those two voices that were we're trying to listen to and speak for we're definitely trying to speak for the orphaned child and so we become that voice by building you know the micro communities that that daryl has talked about but we're also a voice for those here in the west that are looking for meaning they need a voice too our younger generation needs a voice why am i here what am i supposed to do what's the purpose of my life at horizon i think we can provide a voice for both in that voice see both of them come together and in the fulfillment of bringing them together that's when we really see horizon produce what we want it to be which is life on both sides and you need both sides to do it you think you're the helper you think you're going to give and i've seen so many people come back wrecked and the wreck happened when they realized that they were impacted in a way that they never ever could have been impacted and that really they got more they receive more than they ever could have given there's so much in it where you know you're doing things for others and it just brings this level of substance and meaning and purpose inside your life that makes you feel different and when you go plug yourself back into the west in this case it's troubling because you you just forever have changed the lens that you see life through and your perspective changes and the first couple weeks back jimmy and i are both fresh back and i've struggled it's been very contemplative time i've spent hours in in my car driving around that's kind of how i get that's my self-reflective time that's why i take inventory time that's my i figure out my life so i just spent sunday a couple hours just driving around and i learned so much about myself and it all tracked back to the strip so it's powerful you come back with purpose and inspiration so it's just it just transforms you it shakes me for weeks thereafter every time we've been challenged lately by this idea of slacktivism that passive way that most of us take in stories like this maybe we like it on facebook or share it with a friend or talk about it over coffee and in doing these things we're certainly showing our solidarity and helping to pass the good feelings along but true activism the kind that brings purpose and meaning to our lives is not passive true activism is when we allow ourselves to be moved to action when we start looking for our place in helping the cause when we are stirred to donating volunteering mobilizing and intentionally elevating a message if you are moved by what you've seen here and motivated to add your thumbprint to this important work there is a place for you connect with horizon through their website and join us in using our collective influence for impact to change the course of history in terms of you know partnering with us we are an all-inclusive organization there's so many different ways you can partner with us there's the logical monetary side so we have something called 100 promise so that simply means that when you take one of your hard-earned dollars and put it towards us in a partnership that 100 of that goes right to our work so we don't have an admin burden we don't have the 15 20 that most organizations do so our fiduciary is at the highest levels that's something at a board level that is really really important to us and it is clearly part of the tenets of this organization that's a piece of it we want people to experience what we experience we want their ability to find purpose in their life we want their ability to drive around on a sunday as i did and just see things that i had never seen in my life because i got clarity and cleared my head but beyond that we want people's heart and we want to know how do you fit in to the same calling that we have on our lives and how do we partner genuinely partner and that together as we partner our lives will all be richer and more blessed but then again we'll be a greater blessing to those outside you can sponsor children you can get involved on teams task teams to come and do duties you can get involved in task teams here in north america for fundraising and engagement of young people in schools then i would encourage you like if you're sitting at home going this is daunting how do i do this i would just say take the first step i'll play off that jimmy said it well but it's just it's one small single step have the courage to take one step and when you take one step it's probably going to inspire the second step to start the third step the fourth step when i go there and i see one child just one child can i really help one child's helping so not only is it one child for us it's not just 10 it's not just 50 100 it's hundreds now soon to be thousands but if you just take it down to one child that's all that matters that's a precious human being that has dignity that ultimately deserves better distill it to that one child one step you can get involved at whatever level you want to get involved uh with what we're doing and daryl and i have had the privilege of getting involved on every level but we're human beings and we're drawn to certain kids who become more than just our kids they become friends as they grow up i've followed a young girl since she was nine years old with nothing no education nothing not even any clothes and she shared her vision way back then of being a banker of all things there weren't even any banks in her village years later she has her master's degree in finance she now works for horizon and she is in charge of all her alumni now she's sponsoring kids and she goes uh once a month and mentors the young girls i can sit back now and just watch her go and like when daryl says you know that it's one kid no now she's gonna she's gonna touch many and they'll touch manny and they'll touch many and that's our legacy what will your legacy be do you breathe in this story filled with gratitude that there are people like daryl and jimmy and the rest of the horizon team in the world who are dedicated to this beautiful work or are you ready to take a deeper breath and breathe something new out into the world whether you're inspired to support this beautiful work or you're motivated to follow the call of love in your own life to make a positive difference for others in your own way we're excited to see what you will exhale as a result of breathing in this story all along the way as always i hope you're making the most of your one wild and precious now contact hmm you foreign wow oh so is foreign from all of us at alpha dog advertising we are excited to be part of tonight's special event and we support the ongoing efforts of horizons empower the orphan an organization that truly understands how investing in the future of one child at a time is an investment into all our futures so cheers and thank you cheers so wow so oh wow so is good evening dan waltz here from walt's vineyards estate winery we are excited to be the horizon wine sponsor this evening and we are proud to introduce our new line of premium wines seller 15.99 we are excited to join together in raising funds for orphans around the world horizon is an organization that was founded on a core purpose of rescuing orphaned children and empowering them to sell sustainability my name is jim pesky i am co-founder along with daryl but i'm a board member and a grandfather to a lot of these kids yeah so my name is daryl heller and i'm a co-founder as well and my role is chairman of the board currently my personal journey would have started in uzbekistan in 1999 i was on a mission trip found myself in a state-run orphanage that is a very despicable environment very substandard and it just through parallels growing up in a farm that these kids were treated like we treated to farm animals and that was the transformation of my life i simply decided that to whom much is given much is required life is not about me or my career it is about helping others mine started in in my basement in canada watching a commercial by an organization that does incredible work with orphaned children about to put huge two huge t-bone steaks on a barbecue but the commercial was all of a sudden these kids and i looked at the steaks and i was like wow what a difference but i can remember too at that time praying and saying i hate this stuff i hate seeing it on the screen because i can't do anything about it and that was sincere but i just sort of looked up and probably said the most honest prayer in my life which was don't show me this stuff ever again unless you want me to do something we want people to experience what we experience we want their ability to find purpose in their life and we want to know how do you fit in to the same calling that we have in our lives and how do we partner genuinely partner and that together as we partner our lives will all be richer and more blessed have the courage to take one step and when you take one step it's probably going to inspire the second step to third third step the fourth step when i go there and i see one child just one child can i really help one child's helping so not only is it one child for us it's not just 10 it's not just 50 100 it's hundreds now soon to be thousands but if you just take it down to one child that's all that matters that's a precious human being that has dignity that ultimately deserves better distill it to that one child one step um welcome everyone to horizon's annual gala i have to say i've been looking forward to tonight for a very long time i'm honored to be joined in studio by tim keller of h k keller as well as horizons chief growth officer jacob keeler we are humbled to be joined by all of you with over 800 attendees watching live tonight and numerous watch parties happening around the world to officially kick things off i have the honor of introducing the co-founders of horizon daryl heller and jim pesky who will be leading us in tonight's opening toast daryl take it away good evening on behalf of the horizon board it is my distinct pleasure and honor to welcome each one of you to our first ever virtual horizon gala jimmy fantastic to see you thanks daryl i'm really excited about the impact that we're gonna make tonight by the way you're looking pretty good brother thanks jimmy you're very kind as always and if i must say i think you look quite dapper yourself so tonight is such an amazing opportunity as so many of our incredible horizon friends are gathered at watch parties across the globe that's right i'm joining here from toronto but i know that we have watch parties all throughout canada pennsylvania michigan georgia tennessee and now even california our global family is growing and i'm excited about this it sure is great to have all these folks partnering with us at horizon so tonight we get the opportunity to use our influence to provide hope purpose and meaning to orphaned children across the globe every dollar counts the night and that is made possible through our corporate sponsors as well as our private donors that allow us to walk out our 100 promise what that means is that every dollar you give tonight will go directly to the field and to our children tonight is not just about fundraising it's about engaging hearts it's about inviting you along with these children on their journeys their journeys of loss their journeys of pain but also their journeys of victory we need partners to accomplish this great work and tonight it is an invitation to engage in that well said jimmy let's make it happen to get it started please join me in a toast sponsored by our great friends at walt's vineyards here's to each one of you tonight and to the impact that we will have together as we change the course of history one shot at a time cheers thanks guys i forgot my lines but i'm going to drink this wine anyway thanks daryl and jimmy and again thank you so much to the amazing sponsors that made tonight possible now if you know of someone who is having issues watching us on facebook tonight just send them to our youtube page at youtube just search horizon gala 2020 for our link and just a quick reminder that the silent auction does close at eight o'clock tonight now if you haven't registered to bid or donate do so now by texting horizon 2020 to this number two four three seven two five in addition for your convenience we suggest using a tv or computer screen to view the live program and your phone or tablet to bid so you won't miss any of the action tonight now let's check in with tim to give us an update on the silent auction tim thanks lisa this is incredible i am so glad to join you again this year as we raise money to impact children from around the world as you can see our current hot auction item is a three night golf and spa getaway at omni bedford springs resort we have no items that haven't had any bids the generosity we're seeing so far is incredible thank you so much if you haven't registered to bid can do so right now don't miss out on these fabulous auction items how to bid is listed at the bottom of the screen now knowing that this has been a unique year we have listed some immediate needs due to covet 19. if you would click on the raffle the projects and more tab in the giving center to view and to donate we certainly would appreciate that too also something new this year is a 50 50 raffle and this is to support unsponsored children now the winner of this raffle will receive 50 enter often increase your chances to winning while supporting a great cause and just to note if you if you've been out bid you'll receive a text message so that you can bid again you may also set a maximum bid that's my recommendation set your max bid let us view the live auction items we have some amazing auctioneers we'll be selling in just a few minutes they'll be auctioned a little bit later on tonight but they will all be closing at the same time too i'll tell you more about that later there are so many opportunities to give to support and help the global horizon family as daryl said each dollar donated tonight goes straight to the cost so i'd encourage you to bid often and give generously now let's check in with jacob who's going to share more about horizon thanks tim and thanks to each of you for joining us on this journey as we strive to empower orphaned children around the world we're excited to be together tonight and would love to hear from you and even see you check in with us by taking a photo and using the hashtag horizon2020. thanks to those of you that have done so already and joined join me earlier on a zoom call i appreciate seeing you all there and meeting you uh i i don't know if we have some pictures of that to share here uh with you but there were people from tennessee uh kentucky i know uh dennis was looking really sharp in his hat at his watch party as well so we're so grateful for all of you tonight in addition for those watching on facebook though you might be having some challenges or youtube feel free to share the link to invite others like lisa said so far we have over 800 people joining and more if you share and invite others to join so to begin our journey i have the privilege and honor of introducing you to a colleague and friend of mine sami kayunga sammy is our african regional director and an all-around amazing man last year i had the pleasure of traveling the kenyan countryside with him going to his church and even taking a nap on his couch through our time together i was able to glean from both his knowledge of and his heart for orphaned and vulnerable children we've asked him here tonight to share more about what happens to a child when they are orphaned all right without further ado here's sammy hi daddy i want to let you know what happens to a child when they lose their parents it is difficult for anybody including adults to lose their parents but even more difficult for children because they have not developed the faculties that make it easier for them to adjust these situations a child who loses their parent actually loses their identity they lose some very important aspect of their life that is their ability to be identified and for that they also may suffer from people who try to traffic them they also suffer from pedophiles people who want to take advantage of them the other thing that happens to them is that they are likely to lose faith in human beings in general because the few adults could have done something to save their parents and therefore they have a lot of little faith in human beings they also lack self-confidence and as i know and you also know that self-confidence is everything it's the dread that makes you succeed in life if they lose their prayers therefore they feel like they have nothing to live out for ladies and gentlemen let me ask you to join me as we watch this short video that is going to explain more about our children and children in general caribou i think it's the embers floating gently towards the stars but give an open campfire its mystical draw we can sit for hours singing telling stories reminiscing dreaming it's magnetic for too many of the world's young that flame has been doused by a cold hard reality its ember is replaced by rising smoke that chokes and scatters the circle no longer a warm safe place to be orphaned and vulnerable children have amazing resilience by a very young age they've already experienced more death abuse and trauma than most adults in the so-called developed world but even the most resilient have a breaking point when the guardian the child identifies as their last attachment to hope goes missing that is the moment in the life of an orphaned child when they question their value there is no safe harbor confidence fades with each school day missed for lack of fees and a clean uniform cooking and cleaning for the families of cousins and former playmates and classmates is her new daily bread and our father died when we were still young so we remained with our mother who didn't have an employment or something to do like business so she used to go and work in people's farms so that we could get something to eat or something to wear so it was difficult six is a big number when you don't have an income sometimes we could just go hungry sleep without meal staying with a stepmother was the worst thing ever on this earth even wish our father who died in order for our mother to live so that he could provide for us that parental love that we needed her stepmother used to beat us she could not give us some food my mom died when i was three years old my uncle raised me as like his own child so when my uncle went to work the wife used to mistreat me give me hard work i just started crying so i wish that my mom could be alive sometimes she could beat me up and tell me you know you should go to your mother's grave and cry for her orphan hood is no one's plan most of us can and do plan for the worst so our children will always have that circle of hope but for other multitudes simply being born into poverty can be a life sentence however a small ember can survive under dirt and water it can be fanned into a life of meaning once again when we connect a child to a committed equipped caring human being and family with the same warmth affection and responsive care that we needed to become who we are we restore identity to the point where she once again can trust gain self-confidence have a sense of belonging develop faith and connection to a community of values then it is proven time and time again that the nightmare gives way to dreams a stolen past can once again hope for a future like the embers dancing ever upward towards the stars what a powerful perspective and what an opportunity we have tonight to help turn nightmares into dreams and fan the flame of hope for these children i'd encourage you not to lose sight of this as we now head into the live auction but first just a reminder that the scion auction will close at eight o'clock how to bid is listed on your screen now get those phones ready as we head over to tim for the live auction tim are we ready we are so ready lisa this is amazing now's the moment that many of you look forward to each year it's the start of our live auction your bidding will be done on your phone or on your computer we're gonna highlight our live auction items as we go through them and then all those auction items will close at the end of the live auction and i'll announce that time as we get closer so my encouragement bid high bid often you'll be notified by text if you're the winner and all live auction winners will be displayed at the end of the live auction there is a lag in the broadcast so be sure to pay close attention to your phone and tablet if you have a favorite bid quickly bid your maximum so you don't miss out now when you need medical advice you go to a doctor to get professional advice when you need legal advice you go to an attorney to get professional advice here's my advice as a professional fundraiser put in your maximum bid right now tonight you have the opportunity to change the destiny for these children i want to encourage you to place your maximum bid you don't have to wait till we get to highlighting that auction item you can bid right now but we're going to begin the live auction with a lancaster favorite the first item item number one is cinnamon rolls from the kitchen of julie heller now these delicious homemade cinnamon rolls are lovingly baked by julie heller the mother of horizon co-founder and chairman of the board daryl heller this is a sweet treat for one lucky bidder julie will deliver these warm within 20 miles of lititz or ship them to the winning bidder's address get your phones ready here we go i see we have a thousand dollars for it a thousand dollars how about twelve hundred and fifty one thousands bid one thousand bid a one thousand there we go one thousand to go one one give us one give twelve fifty twelve hundred and fifty dollars one thousand bid twelve hundred and a half twelve and a half twelve and a half one thousand is our current bid twelve hundred and fifty one thousand twelve and a half have you been twelve and a half one thousand twelve and a half i have one thousand bid looking for twelve hundred and fifty dollars one thousand bid in twelve and a half twelve and a half one thousand bid those are some delicious baked items delivered warm to your address if you're within 20 miles of lititz if not we'll ship them to you anywhere in the world i have eleven hundred eleven hundred bid and twelve hundred eleven and now twelve eleven hundred and twelve to be twelve hundred eleven hundreds of bid and twelve twelve to be twelve hundred eleven and now twelve hundred i have thirteen hundred and now fourteen thank you thirteen and now fourteen thirteen hundred and fourteen you wanna bid 1400 the bidding's gonna go on we're moving on to item number two you can keep bidding on item number one two all the way to item number 25. we're highlighting them as we go through oh i see our bidding is up to sixteen hundred dollars we're moving to item number two bids at a thousand dollars now this is another delicious treat sticky buns from julie's kitchen julie's tempting us with another delicious treat homemade sticky buns that will be delivered warm within 20 miles of lititz or shipped worldwide to the bidder's address i have a thousand dollars a thousand dollars give eleven hundred one thousand bid eleven hundred we're selling item two right now one thousand eleven hundred one thousand bid and eleven bit eleven hundred one thousand there's eleven and now twelve hundred eleven and now twelve eleven hundred bid and twelve whole to be twelve hundred eleven and twelve twelve to be twelve twelve would be twelve hundred eleven dollars twelve and now thirteen twelve thirteen twelve and thirteen uh thirteen i have 1200 bid and now 13 12 13 13 12 the more you pay the more you like them 1200 give me oh 15 16. i have 1500 and now 1600 15 is a bid and 16. 15 and now 1600 you're free to keep bidding on these we're moving on to highlight item number three this is a chesapeake sailboat excursion and dinner for four donated by gerald mack thank you so much join the horizon interim ceo gerald neck on his 32-foot o'day sailboat the not at work i love that name not at work on a three-hour cruise on the chesapeake bay departures from qatar marina on the middle river in essex maryland this cruise will include snacks and drinks and hopefully some wind you'll enjoy the beautiful scenery learn about the challenges of sailing dinner will be arranged after the sale at a an amazing seafood restaurant selling details including the date and time will be determined mutually between the winning bidders and the weather conditions so here we go sailing on the chesapeake what do you want to give i have 17.50 give me 2 000 for it 17 and a half 2 thousand dollars to go two to oh you've been 2 000. i have 17.50 and now 2 000. 17 and now 2 000 to go to until you've been 2 000. 17 2 000. except this is going to be an incredible experience i have 17 i'm looking for 2 000. we're 22.50 2500 22 and a half and now 2500 22 and 25 how to be 25. 2500 22 and a half and 25. 22 and a half is the current bid we're looking for 25 and way beyond that we're gonna keep that one open just like all the other live auction items look at that 42.50 thank you very much we're at 42.50 how about 4 500 45 and 4 500 42 and a half and 45 have been 45. i have 42 and a half and 4 500 45 high to be 45. let's move on to highlight auction item number four look at we're at 5700 every time we want to move on they keep bidding i love it you can bid as long as you want until we say the auctions close so all these items are open until we close all of them together when we get to item number 25. here we go number four is a seven-day getaway to marriott's grand vista resort in orlando florida donated by daryl and charlene heller treat yourself to an unforgettable vacation at marriott's grand vista with a villa that sleeps up to six people this includes the full kitchen dining and living areas no washer dryer and a master suite including at a from a world-renowned golf course it has indulgent spa treatments four heated swimming pools a complete fitness center and unparalleled excitement of the world famous theme parks there's wonderful things to do with the whole family this is also to be redeemed at a time when when mutually agreed upon date in 2021 we're all looking forward to 2021 this would be a great way to celebrate it i haven't been at four thousand give me five thousand dollars four is a bid now five i have five and six thousand six thousand five a bit and six thousand five thousand bid and six five and six you wanna be six thousand give me six thousand i have five thousand now six thousand five and six five hundred six thousand dollars how about fifty five hundred we'll go slow five thousand and now fifty five hundred five thousand to bid fifty five five a million fifty five hundred fifty five you want to fifty five we're gonna keep the bidding open on that one we're gonna close them all at the end we're on to number five an evening of whiskey and cigars at the hellers this is donated by daryl and charlene heller relax in the tuscan inspired home of daryl and charlene heller as you enjoyed hand rolled cigars paired with top shelf whiskey offerings this evening will be held in the lower level enclave comfortable lounge seating state-of-the-art ventilation system a walk-in wine cellar this is also to be redeemed at a mutually agreed upon date in 2021 that's 2021's looking to be a great year we have some great things happening all right i have a bid at 18 000 18 000 and now 19 18 000 to bid 19 000 18 and 19. i have 18 000 19 000 uh an incredible experience you're going to love it 18 and now 19. i have 18 000 19 000 to bid 19 to go to 19 18 and now l19 18 and 19 you ought to be 19 18 000 is the current bid looking for 19 000 18 and now 19. 18 and on 19 19 thank you anyone at 19. the bid stays open on to item number six this is dinner and a movie for eight as metropolis cinema still house and this is dona donated by matt hostetter thank you so much zotropolis is a home for high quality art films spirits food and music a cinema still house where they they enhance the movie going experience by pairing it with an on-site micro distillery and a restaurant the menu share is shared plates tapas concept with large and small plates of creative food for your enjoyment this is also to be redeemed mutually agreed upon time in yes you guessed it 2021 plenty of time to schedule i haven't the bid currently at thirty four hundred dollars thirty four hundred and thirty five hundred thirty five and thirty five hundred thirty five to thirty five hundred thirty five thirty four thirty five i have 34 3500 there's 4 400 now 4500 4500 thank you [ __ ] coming in 4 500 45 and 45 high have been 4 500. thank you so much for your generosity i am 57 and now looking at 5800 5800 575 800 58 bid 58 5800 newton 50 yell 60 look at that 6200 the bid 62 and now 63 6300 62 and 33 163 62 is a bid 7200 we're at 72 72 give me 7 700 72 and 77 bid 77 77 i have 72 and 700 the bid goes on for item number six you're welcome to bid on all these items even ones that we've previously mentioned go back place your bids and then we'll close all those items at the same time next one item number seven we want to highlight is a bourbon and brisket dinner for six people at the hoover homestead this is donated by eric and vicki hoover enjoy brisket and bourbon dinner at the hoover homestead myers town pennsylvania its authentic smoked brisket texas style will be prepared by eric along with a sampling of bourbons this is an amazing treat for six lucky guests this will be scheduled on a mutually agreeable agreed upon date in 2021 here we go what do you want to bid i have 7 300 bid 73 give me 75 7 500 75 000 bid 7 500 7 300 is bid 7 500 73 and 75 hot up 75.5 73 in 7 500 night oh does that say 8 800 900 that's what i thought 98 and now 10 thousand there it is ten thousand eight ten eight give eleven eight eleven thousand eight hundred eleven to go eleven and eight hundred eleven eight hundred eleven thousand eight hundred dollars i have ten eight bid eleven thousand eight hundred eleven and eight you wanna be 11 800. ladies and gentlemen i just want to take a moment to pause and thank you for your generosity as we were looking over the silent auction prices we saw that many items sold for multiple times of their retail value thank you so much for your generosity we're at 13 000 for this dinner that is some great brisket 13 and now 14. i have 13 000 and 14. 13 fourteen hundred fourteen thousand thirteen thousands of current bid 13 and now fourteen thousand dollars we're going to keep it rolling we're gonna move on to item number eight current bid on item seven is thirteen thousand dollars idle mate an eight day getaway this is beautiful at a penthouse condo in tamarindo costa rica donated by david and debbie hollinger this is incredible escape to beautiful terramindo costa rica enjoy the penthouse condo three bedrooms three and a half baths it sleeps six people there's a large wraparound deck with vaulted teak ceilings and fans and it features an incredible outdoor living space lounging area dining table for eight built-in gas grill has your own spa the views are incredible the views are of a nature conservancy from all of the bedrooms it's just spectacular each bedroom has its own full bath and the home overlooks the longasta beach club you'll have full membership privileges during your stay the beach club has an infinity pool overlooking the most friendly family-friendly beach in the area the club also has a french restaurant pool oceanside bar private cabanas service on the beach complete fitness center and exercise classes this incredible experience is to be redeemed on a mutually agreed upon date from may to september of 2021 a beautiful beautiful place an amazing trip to costa rica you have the it's just a just incredible facility you see the pictures who wouldn't want to spend a week there we currently have a bid of ten thousand five hundred ten thousand five hundred give me eleven thousand dollars ten five eleven thousand ten now eleven ten five and now eleven thousand eleven ago eleven bit eleven thousand i have ten five ten and a half eleven thousand ten and a half and now eleven thousand eleven there now twelve eleven and twelve eleven now twelve thousand dollars eleven thousand bid and twelve twelve to be twelve hot 12 000 you're also free to bid more than i'm asking if you'd like to thank you so much i have twelve thousand and now thirteen twelve and thirteen twelve and thirteen thousand twelve thousand bid and thirteen twelve and thirteen twelve and thirteen thirteen you wanna go thirteen 000 i have 12 000 bid 12.5 and now 13 12 5 and a 13 12 5 and 13 you under 13 12 and 13 13 12 oh by the way the crew's allowed the bid two i have 12 and a half 14 and now 15 14 and now 15 i have 14 and fifteen fourteen fifteen thousand dollars oh i'd love to i think we sold this for fifteen thousand dollars last year this would be an incredible time to break that record we're on our way we're fourteen thousand five hundred let's at least tie it if we can fifteen thousand dollars fifteen to go fifteen there's fifteen thank you so much fifteen and now fifteen and a half fifteen thousand bid fifteen five fifteen five fifteen five fifteen five i have sixteen thousand dollars i think we broke the world's record for this condo sixteen and now sixteen five thank you so much sixteen and sixteen five sixteen thousand is bid sixteen thousand five hundred think about it have a board meeting with your spouse if you need to get your bids in on this we'll be closing this when we close the rest of the items in just a little bit number nine penny's ice cream truck for 100 this is fabulous this was donated by caleb sarah ben and lindsay kaufman thank you so much if you're looking for a creative party idea this is it this party package is up for a hun up to 100 people this includes ice cream at the location of your choice and two hours of service if you bought the condo in costa rica you can have pennies come down there with their no no okay within the region is where pennies will come they will not go to costa rica for your ice cream party each guest receives a scoop from penny's pre-selected event flavors this experience redeemed a mutually agreed-upon date in 2021 penny's ice cream truck here we go what do you give i have six thousand bid six and now sixty five hundred six thousand and sixty five i have six thousand sixty five hundred six thousand bid and sixty five hundred sixty five six thousand that's some good ice cream six thousand sixty five six thousand sixty five hundred i have six thousand bid and sixty five anybody else at sixty five hundred thank you oh does that say eight that eight thousand dollars we're at eight thank you eight now nine eight nine thousand eight now nine you would have been nine thousand dollars eight nine i have eight thousand bid and nine thousand dollars the bid rolls on we're going to item number 10. this is the weekend at the bay with the howlers donated by rick and joyce haller enjoy a chesapeake bay weekend hosted by rick and joyce at their home on the chester river this is beautiful this includes includes two nights for up to four people it's a crab and shrimp dinner on the deck and then next night maybe a boat cruise to dinner overlooking the kent narrows with fantastic water views now this is located just minutes from historic chestertown one of maryland's thriving eastern shore towns has a great collection of shops boutiques art galleries cafes and a farmers market to stroll through set aside time for relaxing and rejuvenating what a wonderful weekend on the water stunning sunsets guaranteed this is also to breed redeemed and a mutually agreed upon date in 2021 weekend on the bay with the howlers i have 16 000 16 and now 17 16 000 bid sixteen and now seventeen thousand sixteen and seventeen you order seventeen thousand i have sixteen seventeen sixteen and now seventeen thousand sixteen thousand bid in seventeen seventeen seventeen sixteen seventeen i love the fact that the bid can go on we're at sixteen thousand dollars looking for seventeen thousand or sixteen five and then we'll go to seventeen we have sixteen five and now seventeen thousand sixteen five and seventeen bid seventeen thousand dollars weekend on the bay seventeen thousand seventeen to go you wanna be seventeen thousand but anyone sir i have seventeen and now seventeen five seventeen five hundred seventeen five seventeen thousand seventeen five of at seventeen five that item stays open just like all the others we've presented until we close them all together in just a few moments number eleven chef's table experience at amarette now this is an exclusive event this is donated by tom panessa along with the private donor thank you so much you get to enjoy an elegant dining experience right in the heart of downtown lancaster with a two glass best of award uh best award of excellence winner from wine spectator amarette brings you an innovative eclectic menu featuring the finest quality seasonal ingredients available with a sophisticated urban atmosphere chef's table experience can be redeemed mutually beneficial date in 2021 i'm telling you 2021 is going to be a great year here we go where do you want to be at i have 5 800 58 6 000 58 now 6 000 58 and 6 6 000 58 6 000 6 00 5800 6000 to go into mid 60 mid 6000 looking for six thousand dollars high 58 and now six thousand fifty eight six thousand dollars to go to six thousand fifty eight now sixty three now sixty five sixty three's a bid and sixty five sixty three and five high to sixty three and sixty five hundred a beautiful dinner at amarette chef's table i have 63 looking for 65 6300 and now 65 6500 65. i'd have been 65 you gonna go 65. the bid's currently at 6300 you are the only one that can change that go ahead 65 we're moving on to item number 12. this is another fantabulous fantabulous i just made that word up fantabulous this is a fantastic fabulous fantabulous experience this is eagles tickets this is four vip eagles tickets on the 50-yard line this is donated by rick haller and daryl heller enjoy four vip eagles tickets located in section 101 row 13 on the 50 yard line your seats don't get much better than this this is to be for a game in 2021 it includes entrance to the vip touchdown club you get a full buffet there's a bar that opens two hours prior to game time this is an incredible experience and our current bid is fifty five hundred dollars i have 55 and now six thousand they're six and now sixty five sixty five hundred sixty five hundred sixty five to go sixty five i'd have been sixty five sixty five odd i've been sixty five huh you know what i hear people singing that eagles fight song right now or it's 65 give me seven thousand dollars 65 and now seven 65 and 7 000 vip eagles 50 yard line seats get the touchdown club an amazing experience for you the bid's at 6 500 and now seven thousand sixty-five and now seven sixty-five and seven of seven got seven and seventy five hundred seven thousand bit thank you seven thousand seventy five hundred seven thousand seventy five five out of seventy five hundred current bid is seven thousand dollars looking for seventy five hundred seventy five hundred seventy five hundred all right we're moving on item number thirteen this is a chef wine pairing at blackworth live fire grill this is donated by eric and vicki hoover thank you the blackworth live fire grill culinary team will provide a unique chef's choice dinner it's always better when you let the chef pick it this is for eight guests including appetizers salads main course desserts using fresh local and seasonal ingredients prepared using the live fire hearth dine with fire embers and wine this is to be uh redeemed in 2020 or 2021 this would be a great way to celebrate here you go what do you want to give i have a bid at ten thousand ten five ten thousand now ten thousand five hundred ten thousand ten five five ten five ten thousand of it ten five ten thousand five hundred ten thousand five out of ten thousand five hundred ten thousand five hundred ten to go ten and five how to attend to five ten thousand five hundred ten thousand five hundred ten thousand five hundred currently the bid is at ten thousand dollars this will be closing in just a few moments i'll lead you through that closing before we sell our last items i want to let you know that our live auction items will be closing at 8 13. now we realize that some people may be on a time delay look at your computer screen hope you're all synced together with verizon or whoever you use for your carrier but it'll be 8 13 with the official time right here at our headquarters 13 eastern standard time all the live auction items end here's the last one now this is this is amazing this is numbers 14 through 25. you can bid on one or 12 or as many as you want but we have the moon psy corleoneus cabernet sauvignon donated by rick and joyce haller this is amazing 12 bottles this remarkable cabernet received the corleones designation which means heart of the lion i love that heart of the lion to mark its position as the very best of the best that moonsai produces this has been a tradition here at our gala this fine wine is an extraordinary combination of fruit from a trifecta of napa valley's most celebrated vineyard blocks with dense flavors of ripe blackberry blueberry black plum with hints of mocha and coconut enjoy this limited production fine wine with special celebration you can use this for a gift or an addition to your wine so what a fabulous addition to your wine cellar ladies and gentlemen i just got notified the live bidding will end at 8 14. we extended it for one minute somebody was having trouble with their flip phone so we're extended for one minute 8 14. when our computer says 8 14 hopefully you're you're linked up with that it's 8 14 our time right here the auction all the live auction items will end whoever's the high bidder at that point is the winner we have 12 bottles of the moon psych corleoneus cabernet sauvignon now item number 16 is looking like it's lagging on behind all right there's eight oh this is a wonderful opportunity to get those bids in there and go ahead and just put two thousand dollars in there for your next bit use that max bid feature because these are going to go away in just a few minutes and what this happens every time people say i wanted it and i didn't know how to get i got outbid you don't need to get outbid just put in a crazy amount a high bid a max bid and i promise you'll get it that's the key to winning auction just keep bidding so we have uh bids from twelve hundred there was a ten thousand or at twelve hundred there's 750 there's a 777 bid keep bidding on those there's some activity happening the auction is closed ladies and gentlemen thank you so much you'll find the winners you'll find the items displayed on the screen on your screen you'll be notified as a winner thank you so much for your incredible generosity this auction is one of my favorites in the whole wide world thanks for letting me be a part of this tonight thank you so much for your generosity and making a difference for horizon lisa thank you tim tim you were amazing and all of you out there were amazing congratulations to all of our silent and live auction winners and those must be some amazing sticky buns an amazing brisket too all winners will be contacted next week to arrange for delivery now continuing our journey this evening let's head back over to jacob to learn more about horizon's unique approach thanks lisa i'm sort of upset we didn't get those uh that trip to costa rica just outbid by a little bit huh the crew went in on it but didn't work out once again rather than tackle this myself i have the honor of welcoming my much more knowledgeable and charismatic colleague anesimo feliz to walk you through our approach to empowering orphaned children anessimo lives in the dominican republic and oversees our operations in latin america over the past few years he has spearheaded the development of our programmatic framework that challenges us to view each child as a unique individual ultimately ensuring we are able to track his or her progress toward a life of self-sustainability anessimo continues to elevate our standard of orphan care through both his knowledge of childhood development best practices and his amazing heart for children all right i'm going to stop there and let him fill you in on the rest take it away in smo hola amigos that means hello my friends in spanish hi jacob thank you for having me tonight at horizon we believe that one life can change the course of human history we truly believe that every child is made on the image of god and do not follow the pattern of the traditional orphanage we look at a retail need and go through a process of rescuing restoring and empower so that they can be leaders of the rest of the world and that they can also break the cycle of power and see where they are coming from i invite you to see the following short video that speaks a little bit more of what we do millions of orphaned children it's hard to comprehend a giant mountain to climb but we found a path to the peak generational impact fueled by long-term sustainability for us sustainability means two things operational sustainability ensuring impact for years to come and individual self-sustainability for the children we serve for children our focus is simple we put family first family shapes our identity guides our values and cultivates a sense of belonging and it's the absence of family that ultimately prevents orphaned children from reaching a life of self-sustainability we know family can be messy but we've developed a map to keep us on course first we rescue orphan children this is accomplished through research trauma healing and ultimately integration into a family next we restore hope to each child our holistic approach to childhood development focuses on the physical mental and spiritual health of each child through trusting relationships with their parents and counselors our ultimate goal is to empower each child in addition to identifying a career path and learning the corresponding occupational skills we focus on leadership and character development allowing each child to reach their full potential as productive and generous leaders in their communities while family is what nurtures the development of each individual child impact investing is what fuels our ability to impact generations here's how it works by partnering with and empowering local business leaders we launch and manage large-scale businesses with all proceeds going directly back to support our children it's pretty ingenious right we are grateful to our in-country team that manages our farms schools and medical clinic in kenya guatemala and honduras their efforts around operational sustainability directly support our mission of empowering orphaned children to long-term self-sustainability this journey will be long it won't be easy but we're in it for the long haul we're committed to a brighter future to impact generations and change the course of human history one child at a time one child at a time as anesmo said that is what drives us and time and time again we see how one life can in fact change the course of history this includes our amazing staff and parents in country rita this lovely woman here is our farm manager in honduras and she uses her agricultural talents to live out her calling to impact orphaned children while esther one of our amazing social workers in kenya has poured her heart into children for years helping them to find hope and identity and our alumni these amazing individuals continue to inspire us with their perseverance and their generosity as they live out what true empowerment looks like doris who after losing both parents as a young child was able to earn her masters of finance degree ultimately choosing to join our staff in kenya as our alumni coordinator and we're so glad she did and mark who in the span of 12 years went from being a young boy with no parents to a thriving young man and on december 13th of last year mark earned a degree in public health and is pursuing a career in health care to impact the lives of others and then there's you our amazing partners and supporters there are countless stories to share but here are just a few of the most recent our longtime corporate partner paramount recently sponsored the building of a reservoir in honduras resulting in an increase of annual crop production by nearly 50 percent and in atlanta saving susan ministries and their parent partners continue to passionately pour their hearts into the lives of the children we serve in guatemala finally just last month an up-and-coming pair of podcasters in toronto broke the world record for longest podcast to raise money for our mission thank you luke and aaron they were sponsored by red bull if you can't tell to keep them up i think they're still catching up on sleep now back to you lisa thank you what inspiring stories if you were wondering by the way it was 53 straight hours to beat the world record for longest podcast and now in a few minutes we'll be attempting to set our own record as we move into the mobile give thanks to the generosity of private donors and corporate sponsors every dollar will be matched up to one hundred thousand dollars so that will be our target to raise in just five minutes if you haven't registered please do so now by texting horizon 2020 to 243 725 and then click on the donate button on the left navigation from there you can select whatever amount you feel called to give you may donate as many times as you would like are you ready let's kick it off with this short video to be human is to explore to push our boundaries from the depths of the ocean to the earth's highest peaks but many are alone lost unsure of what their future holds for years we have been on a mission to elevate the standard of orphan care by connecting humanity and empowering the orphaned with sensitivity dignity and sustainability our incredible team from in-country staff to faithful donors have already changed the course of history allowing our children to do their best to be their best to live a life full of purpose as they seek to impact those around them but the journey continues we're pressing on pursuing partners on this climb fellow trailblazers to push us forward if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together let's climb all right everybody it's time to climb the instructions for how to donate are below and as lisa said you can donate as many times as you'd like remember every dollar you donate goes straight to the field real people are impacted and lives are actually changed with each dollar donated to help highlight this i have the honor of introducing you to a few more members of our global horizon family all right let's get your phones out i'm gonna i'm gonna pause for a second to make sure everyone's ready because this is a really impactful time within our journey together here tonight all right here we go so we've done our best to make this process as simple as possible the instructions like i said are below all you have to do is text horizon 2020 to 243 725 or if you're outside of the us use that link and then just click donate now and you can donate any amount you want remember everything you give tonight is match dollar for dollar up to a hundred thousand and i know that's our goal but judging how the silent live auction went i think we can blow that out of the water as well just your generosity has been inspiring so let's keep that going i'm proposing we need to meet a hundred thousand in four minutes versus five so let's try that out so let's see if we can get some of those big dollars in now to keep us going we're already at twenty thousand five hundred and growing let's uh if you haven't been part of the gal before this is just such an inspirational part where we all bond together and watch this number climb in front of our eyes so together we're going to change the lives of orphaned children around the world lives like charity who lost her mom and dad and grandmother by the time she was nine now she's a certified public accountant in nairobi and she's raising her beautiful daughter naba hanaya and then there's mark another alumni who's managing his own children's home for orphan children while still raising his own three kids thank you for your generosity we're already over 31 000 keep it coming now there's george and christine these are the people that you're supporting they're new parents in kenya and they're the ones impacting the lives of children each day you and your support are supporting our kids being kids already over 41 000 come on guys keep it coming these are kids that love doing fashion shows and dance competitions and soccer games the amazing thing is they're able to be kids and your support is allowing them to do so here's a recent photo from our team they faced off against the local community team and we we drew 2-2 but had a great time doing it that's us in the yellow your donations are changing lives changing children's lives lives like francis and emanuel um we're stuck here on the slides so just you know come back to me but they are uh they are amazing children that you're supporting and are parents your finances are supporting them toward holistic care of these spiritual emotional mental and physical aspects of our children and like lisa said we're aiming for a new record this year as well let's not just set it for the costa rica trip but let's set it for this as well last year we raised 103 and we're 56 in climbing with half the time spent so let's keep it going here's an idea to help us uh keep it going even further if you're at a watch party i'd suggest taking your phone and handing it to your neighbor beside you to the right and then donating on each other's behalf and be generous because money's not even yours at this point hey speaking of generous how about those runner-up auction item bidders i know you were planning to spend the money on you know the the brisket or the sticky buns but isn't it just as sweet to know that you're still supporting our cause and you've planned to spend that money anyway so go ahead and donate if you need further motivation let me introduce you to a few more of our amazing members of uh at horizon so this is a this is our child francis uh uh i think we're gonna cut to him or he's way cuter than i am so i'd love to show him there's emmanuel um these are children that you're impacting the the parents uh zuri and christina in guatemala um yeah just so grateful for all of them we have our school director uh skipping a ahead of you samuel who has been working diligently in this unique time to create a learning environment that is safe for our kids while still nurturing uh holistic um care and and education then uh there's the amaya orlando and elsie all these names of these people i i say this uh just so mainly you don't have to keep looking at my face because that's not as motivational but because they are the ones that you are impacting so like many of us they are all juggling their schooling and their work and they're the ones that you're supporting we're already at 82 000 so keep it coming we're nearing 50 seconds and we still have a ways to go but we are so close if we get to a hundred thousand that's really two hundred thousand because every dollar is matched so remember you can donate as many times as you'd like and multiple times i'd encourage you even this second time as we go to 30 seconds round up out of zero let's keep it going and get over that mark ninety 93 233 000 we hit the mark so so grateful for all of your donations with 20 seconds left we're on our way to setting a new horizon record at 20 i'm not even that great at math lisa help me out here 238 589 dollars what an amazing experience you all are so generous it is so humbling to be part of this know that we take your generosity seriously and look forward to putting it to good use as we empower these kids to self-sustainability wow lisa how awesome was that oh my gosh oh you are telling me this is amazing amazing again thank you so much we are just so grateful for your donations and we are just so glad that you could be with us here tonight as we're tallying up the total amount raised tonight i want us to head back over to jacob one last time to learn how you can stay connected with horizon not just tonight but throughout the year and years to come like i said we can't express how how extremely grateful we are for your generosity this evening but as jimmy said earlier we don't just want your money we want you to be part of this to open up your heart and to join us on this climb i mean you may have logged in tonight because a friend or a business partner invited you or maybe your son is co-hosting and you wanted to be a supportive mom mom thanks for joining really appreciate you being here whatever brought you here this evening know that you're here for a reason and if you have a tugging in your heart to remain involved listen to it if there's one thing that this unique time has taught us it's that tomorrow is never guaranteed i think we're all feeling it a heightened awareness of how precious time is and that we need to be investing what we've been given to impact the lives of those around us it doesn't have to be horizon but i'd encourage you to find a mission that speaks to your heart and to pursue it now is the time for action for those who have a heart for orphaned children we're inviting you to join us on this climb in the next few minutes we will be texting you a link to a short survey on your experience tonight one of the questions is will you join the climb as you heard earlier we want to genuinely partner with you and have developed multiple ways of doing so including sponsoring a child subscribing to our brand new monthly coffee subscription through square one or by lending us your passions to raise awareness through a new initiative we're calling giftings thank you once again for your generosity and we look forward to continuing this journey together as we strive to change the course of history one child at a time before we announce the results of total amount raise let's announce the winner of our raffle all right lisa did you get your ticket in i did oh yes let's see are you the winner i don't you are not alina louier thank you so much congratulations for your winning of the 50 50 raffle see we can give and receive all at once that's the beauty of 5050. all right lisa are we ready for that total number uh thanks jacob yes we are ready it is time for the big moment to reveal the total dollar amount raised tonight are you ready i'm ready that amount is not 34 000. it is 652 650 355. wow i'm speechless that is amazing that is truly amazing on behalf of the entire horizon team thank you again for your generosity that is extreme i think that's the best word i can use to describe it we truly have made an amazing impact tonight oh my word uh for those that are interested to learn more jacob will be hosting a virtual after via zoom to say hello and answer any questions you may have to log in access the link that we just messaged you thank you lisa we're so grateful for you to be here tonight and i look forward to connecting with you all later though after party sounds more probably exciting it'll be me on zoom so set your expectations low but one last thing before we sign off i wanted to give a heartfelt thank you again to our sponsors and auction item donors as well as the dedicated team that made this evening possible thank you to our gala planning committee brenda stoltzfus charlene heller joyce haller vicki hoover laura warner and christine schneider as well as our team at horizon kayla schneider caitlin dagin dan feinberg marsha and our horizon emeritus alan roland lastly to the allegra events team for their guidance especially christine schneider and her family whose house has been consumed by vip watch party boxes for the past few months i think they're excited to have those all out you all are so amazing thank you so much now let's wrap up and celebrate together for our post show that's a wrap good night everyone search the distance high five wow so so you
Channel: Horizon: Empower The Orphaned
Views: 964
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 80hJQPG9Tes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 26sec (6986 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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