Horizon Church - Sunday AM Service - 19th September 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi i'm matt and i'm aziza and we're the online campus pastors at horizon church and we are so grateful that you joined us today hey we'd love to connect with you so why don't you take a minute to hop onto our hello page on our website fill in your details and we will get in touch our online community is growing fast and we can't wait to connect with you enjoy the service and we'll chat soon [Music] [Music] so [Music] here's to the one who made the morning to the one who taught the stars to shine here's to the one who graced the dead of light pulled me from the dark set my heart alive [Music] who gave us [Music] [Music] wow [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] your is here's to your freedom here's to the day i see you here's jesus your greatness here's to your kingdom he is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] your name over everything [Music] here's to the name of jesus oh praise his name praise his name thank you lord church i'm so glad we can come and worship today who's glad who's glad everyone in our online family we're so happy that we can all worship together i want to read a scripture to start our time with him [Music] it's in the passion translation and it's in psalms 95 and it just makes your heart want to worship i tell you if you don't feel like it today if your feelings are taking a little time to catch up to your spirit this will do it come on everyone let's sing for joy to the lord let's shout out loudest praises to our god who saved us everyone come meet his face with a thankful heart don't hold back your praises make him great by your shouts of joy at home you can shout as loud as you want in here we'll shout in our hearts for the lord is the greatest of all king god over all other gods in one hand he holds the mysteries of the earth and the other he holds the highest mountain peaks he's the owner of every ocean the engineer and sculptor of earth itself come calm horizon church come come come and kneel before the creator god come and bow before the mighty god our majestic maker for we are the lovers he cares for you are the lovers he cares for and he's the god we worship so drop everything else and listen drop everything else and listen to his voice he is god he is our god this morning he is mighty you are mighty [Music] oh we love you we love you oh we love you we love you [Music] mighty god we're coming down [Music] this is the air i breathe [Music] this is the air i breathe your holy presence [Applause] [Music] living [Music] this [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm desperate for you [Music] without you [Music] this is the air i bring [Music] we're here with you lord this is the air i breathe it's your holy presence [Music] living [Music] this is you this [Music] is spoken to me and [Music] i'm desperate for you oh we worship you lord i'm lost without you come on [Music] i'm desperate for you yes [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm desperate for you [Music] [Music] [Music] we worship i'm just before you this is not just works but i'm desperate for you it's not just words [Music] where would i be [Music] jesus jesus i'm lost without you [Music] yes i'm lost without you and i'm desperate for you oh i'm lost without you [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] oh thank you jesus and this is my daily bread [Music] this is my daily bread it's your favorite word [Music] it's spoken just for me when i [Music] i'm desperate for you come on pour out your love on him this morning come on break it open [Music] my [Music] [Music] i'm just before you [Music] i'm lost without you i'm desperate [Music] i'm lost without you i'm just before you i'm lost with us before sometimes we like to fill the space with so much noise but all he needs is our heart all he needs is your language before just before lost without jesus through it all through it all my eyes are on through it all through it all it is with me [Music] this mountain that's in front of me will be thrown into the midst of the sea [Music] and through it through it all my eyes are on you and through it all through it all it is jesus and through it all through it all my eyes are on you and it is well it is well so let go my soul and trust in him the waves and wind still know his name [Music] let go my soul and trust in him the waves and wind still know his name [Music] his name [Music] still know his name come on give it up oh let go of my soul and trust [Music] [Music] his name we trust in jesus [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] it is [Music] yes it is [Music] soul [Music] you see it is [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is [Music] cause through it all through it all my eyes are [Music] my [Music] with me is [Music] [Music] there is a presence holding all heaven and watching the earth and it came to pass with waters and quench everything [Music] heal what is broken break every curse yes lord [Music] there is a power to save every captain and cover every shade keep every promise break every [Music] is power in this room and every darkness has to light move breaking through and everything that exhausts itself must fall underneath the power of our great god there is [Music] every outcome lift every head is [Music] and everything that exalts itself must [Music] come on we serve almighty god today let's agree together the power of the name of jesus is greater than anything else come on in the name of jesus there is power come on agree with your clap and in the name of jesus there is here that's it in the name of jesus there [Music] in the name of jesus there is [Music] there in the is in the name in the name of in the jesus in the name of jesus jesus oh there is [Music] [Music] itself must fall underneath is [Music] well as we unite in communion this morning i want to talk about one word the word is confession exciting right now before you get too uncomfortable in that chair i want to tell you a story uh really quickly you see a couple of years ago i was hanging with navy chaplains and the beauty of navy chaplains is they're all from all different walks from all different denominations uh throughout christianity and this particular chaplain that i was talking to was a a catholic priest i was so excited to talk to him and i had so many questions and as i was asking question after question i one answer really surprised me i asked him out of all the rituals out of all of the sacraments out of all the things that you do in as a catholic priest what is the one that you love the most now he looked at me and he pondered and he he thought to himself and and he replied something that surprised me he said confession he said that in the moments of confession that he's had some of the most intimate times in his relationship with his lord and savior that took me by surprise it made me reflect on my own life and my own walk and what role confession plays in in my journey [Music] there's a scripture the daily verse if you read it this morning 1 john 1 verse 9 it says this it says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness now as we approach communion this morning i'm not asking you to stand up in the lounge room and confess all of your sins out in front of everyone even that tim tam that you stole out of the fridge and you didn't tell anyone i'm not asking you to do that today but what i am asking you to do is maybe humble yourself seek god's forgiveness and maybe confess to god that you've missed the mark maybe there is that sin that's a part of your life that you want to just give over to god right now before we partake in communion together [Music] the good news is that he is just and he is faithful he is full of mercy and forgiveness and he wants purity for us all so as we partake in communion right now i'm going to pray and i'm gonna as i pray i want you to reflect on confession well father god we thank you so much for this moment god lord we confess our sins as we unite with your body that was broken for us we partake in the bread right now [Music] and lord right now we we drink from the juice it represents the blood that was shed for us for the forgiveness of our sins [Music] lord we stand here in all of you we love you we are grateful for you we thank you for this day forgive us our sins in jesus name amen at horizon church our heart is for every person to be known valued and cared for and the best way to do this is through our amazing life groups life groups provide an opportunity to hang out with great friends and to grow in your relationship with god right now our life groups are meeting online and it's never been easier to connect so if you're not already part of a life group it's easy to find one that will be just right for you simply head to hz dot church forward slash groups and one of our team will be in touch with you well good morning church it is so wonderful to see you in church this morning special welcome to our san andreas campus our sutherland campus and of course our online campus that gather all around the world and the states of australia it is such a joy to see you and also special shout out to any dunsborough person who's watching this service i know you guys are enjoying your services over there but you do like to pop in sometimes do our online service and we love that hey if you are a guest or you're new today we are just so thrilled that you've chosen to worship with us this morning the best way for us to connect with you and we would love to connect with you is through our hello card you can fill that out online it's actually at hsn.church forward slash hello or just right now there's a link in the chat you can just click on that um that just helps us to grab your name and your number and for one of our team to connect with you this week we'd just be so thrilled to be able to do that hey these are these are really strange times wherein and i just know this series that pastor brad and pastor ali are preaching what's on your mind have been a deep encouragement to our church if there's somebody in your world that you know would benefit from this service why don't you like share the link of this service um so that they can join in and benefit from what you're enjoying in god hey church you're gonna really enjoy part two today i'll see you at the tail end of the service horizon kids at home is online biblical content created with your kids in mind with interactive videos resources family devotionals activities and competitions with prizes we have so much to encourage your kids in their faith and to teach them valuable truths in creative and fun ways we have made it easy for you to navigate and set up for your family so for more information and to access this great content head to hz hzkids.church we can't wait to see you online good morning church it is my honor to be sharing over our weekly ties and offerings this morning there's various ways you can participate which you'll notice are on your screen on this week's bible reading plan we've been reflecting on the books we've been reading throughout the course of september and particularly first and second peter and there's a couple of truths i want to bring to your attention this morning that came from my own personal reflection of those books and the first truth is this is that as born-again believers we have an inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade that is incorruptible and undefiled reserved in heaven for us the second truth i want to convey is this is that we've been purchased by the precious blood of jesus and have been identified as a royal priesthood as a holy nation as a people belonging to god as his own special possession so when it comes to giving and generosity what a tremendous opportunity it is to store up treasure in our true home even though we live temporarily in this world we're not to be consumed by the things of this world but we're to use the things of this world that have been entrusted to us to serve those around and about us for the glory of god it's also an opportunity to reflect the character and nature of our heavenly father who loved us so much that he gave and boy did he give he gave his very best so that we could know him let's pray father we are so grateful that we have an inheritance that can never perish spoiler fade reserved in heaven for us and father in the time that we have here on earth i pray that as a church we would live it for the glory of our lord jesus father bless your church this morning as we come around our weekly tithes and offerings in jesus name amen amen at horizon church we believe god answers prayer if you've got a health need a financial need if you're carrying a burden or going through a difficult time right now the bible says to cast all your cares and anxieties on the lord and his measureless grace will strengthen you email us at we pray at hz.church as we want to stand with you in faith as we believe for supernatural miracles because at horizon church we believe god answers prayer well good morning everyone it's so good to see you again this morning and i hope you enjoyed the worship and i know that the presence of god is just so strong even though we're online i pray that you were blessed encouraged strengthened of course for those of you who don't know who i am my name is brad my wife allison and i we are the pastors of horizon church and last week we started a new series called what's on your mind and i've had so much feedback from people who've been blessed and who've really taken this sermon series on board and if you haven't had a chance to listen to last week's message can i please encourage you to do that because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty in god to demolish strongholds and so of course today we're going to continue with that series and we're going to have a look at part two what's on your mind so if you have your bibles this morning could you please turn with me to the book of philippians we're going to have a look at chapter 4 verse 6 and we're going to read one of the great passages in the word of god in this area of worry anxiety and what goes on in our minds philippians chapter 4 verse 6 says be anxious watch this for nothing and so the question is is that even humanly possible paul gives us an answer he says instead of worrying and being anxious about things he says but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god verse 7 says and the peace of god who's thankful for the peace of god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in christ jesus i don't know if you've ever had a time in your life where you've been worried about something perhaps that worry has led to anxiety anxiety left unchecked can lead to depression and severe discouragement i've certainly had times in my own life where i've worried about things i've definitely had occasions in my life where i've been one of those people who you know a little thought about something and you think about it next thing you know you're having broken sleep 1am 2 am 3 am just stewing over things you know the bible warns us against worry and anxiety worry is so powerful that it can actually cause havoc in our well-being it has the ability to produce headaches and neck pain can lead to an upset stomach stomach ulcers back pain jesus actually warns against worry he says to us do not worry and for some people worry will act as an occasional visitor for others it's a constant a constant companion i know back in my youth ministry days i would definitely say that i was a worrying person i'd worry about friday night youth going back many years ago i'd worry about young people and i had to learn to take those worries and become a person that learned to depend on the goodness of god in this season in this global pandemic in this lockdown that we're a part of here in new south wales i know that many people may be suffering right now with worry and anxiety worry is one of those things that we keep to ourselves we internalize we don't share it with too many people we we like to stew over certain things and i want to encourage you as we go through this series what's on your mind that this whole series is about you and i taking the time to actually consider these thoughts are these thoughts congruent with the word of god are we thinking and worrying about something that to be honest probably will never actually eventuate and god gives us some solutions in the passage that we read this morning because i believe that the word of god has a solution for your worry if you're a person who's prone to think anxious thoughts and you find yourself moving in a direction in your thought life that is unhealthy for you well at horizon church i want you to know that we believe that the word of god is powerful in fact the scriptures tell us that the word of god is living and powerful and there are solutions for your worries there are solutions for the anxieties and the things that you feel and the things that you are going through god cares about your thought life let me say that again god cares about your thought life last week we mentioned a great scripture proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 which says as a man thinks in his heart so is he another way of saying that is as a man thinks in his heart so he becomes your thoughts matter to the lord in the passage that we read this morning out of paul's writings out of the book of philippians paul tells us that we are not to be anxious for anything be anxious for nothing the greek word that's actually used there for the word anxious literally means to be pulled apart in other words your thoughts will go in a particular direction then the next thing you know it's been swayed in a in the opposite direction and our hopes go in one direction and anxiety pulls us in another way in other words anxiety has the power to literally pull your life apart it causes you to dwell and think on things that rob you of your joy robs you of peace and robs you of life god's plan for us is that we would not be robbed of peace and of joy and of life god's plan for us is that the thoughts that we think about the thoughts that come into our minds and also come out of our minds are congruent they are in sync with with what the word of god what the bible actually says about you so this morning we read philippians chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing and the word gives us an antidote it actually gives us a solution if you are a person who's bent towards worry it says but in everything watch this three things by prayer by supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god so the bible says that we are to pray with supplication and lastly with thanksgiving now i want you to capture this before we actually look at these three things that the bible says that we should do i want you to write this down and it's this the cure for anxiety because there is a cure the cure for anxiety is not by suppression but by expression let me say that again the cure for anxiety is not by suppression but by expression look at the three things that the bible tells us to do pray supplication thanksgiving all three that paul is calling us to do he is calling us to express something and you'll find that when you are bent or given to worry and anxiety we tend to try and work it through ourselves but the bible says there are three things that we can do and it calls us to a place of expression not suppression first thing that paul tells us to do and that is we are to pray never underestimate the power of your prayer life when you pray worry must flee in the name of jesus let me say it this way prayer and worry cannot coexist prayer is powerful now think about this for a moment warring takes a lot of energy anxiety takes a lot of energy and paul said that we should take that energy and rather than allocating it to bad thoughts negative thoughts paul says take that energy and put it into prayer be anxious for nothing but in everything the bible says we are to pray can i encourage you in this season to be a person of prayer there are many things that are demanding our attention at the moment thoughts of the future thoughts of will life ever get back to normal i want to let you know this morning that when you pray there is something powerful about communing with your heavenly father where you get proper perspective on life and on situations and most of the things that we worry and think about will actually never eventuate what when we pray our minds and our hearts sync with the purposes of god for our lives the devil is a thief and he wants to rob you he wants you to think think through the night he wants you to think thoughts of depression and hopelessness jesus said that he has come to give you life and life more abundantly we need to pray we need to pray in the morning we need to pray during the day we need to pray in the evening we need to pray before we go to bed because worry and anxiety must bow its knee to the lordship of jesus christ as we pray paul tells us that the type of prayers that we are to pray he uses a word i suppose that's not really used in everyday language and that is he said we are to pray with supplication that's the second thing paul tells us to do now supplication essentially is this when we say we pray prayer can be somewhat general but supplication is when we pray about something that's actually specific in other words it's not just general player prayers excuse me lord you know bless us and help us and encourage us paul says take the good things take the things that seem small and insignificant in fact the new living translation puts it this way and it's a great way to understand this word supplication it says don't worry about anything instead pray about everything watch this tell god what you need i want you to dwell on that thought for a moment tell god what you need when was the last time you actually told god what you need i love prayer and i love spending time in prayer but sometimes it's easy for us in our prayer life for us to become a bit of a a supposer a habitual experience an experience of doing something that we do day by day which is fantastic we never want to neglect that but when was the last time you actually told god what you need so i want to challenge you in that right now what is it that you need what is it right now in this season that you're believing for that you can say to god god this matters to me in other words what we're saying is we are taking prayers to the lord supplication and we are asking for something specific sometimes we find it difficult to ask god for something specific and you know why we struggle with that as believers because there's an inward dialogue that's actually going on and it's simply this is god really that interested and the answer is yes he is you know why never forget this if it bothers you then it actually bothers him he loves you so much he cares about you he cares about the inward dialogue he cares about the things that you think about remember this there is nothing too great for god's power and nothing too small for his fatherly care in the exact same way as we take these things to god our interests and our concerns we we need to be specific with god we need to let him know exactly what's on our mind now some people may find it actually easier to write it out i want to encourage you when was the last time you actually wrote out the things that you specifically need from him when was the last time you got your iphone out you pulled out your note file and you said hey god can we just have a real conversation today jesus these five things they really matter to me can i bring them before you we can cast all our cares upon him for he cares for you amen it's good to identify these things it's good to take these concerns and these worries and to bring them before the lord you might be worried and concerned right now about a son or a daughter you may be concerned about your financial future you may be concerned about your health you may be concerned about your marriage and things have been really difficult for you in this lockdown season and maybe you you can't see too much hope in your marriage perhaps for you you feel as though life has not really gone anywhere in the last couple of years and this pandemic has just simply highlighted a lack of forward momentum you've had dreams in your heart some of you you're getting closer to 40 you're getting closer to and you're thinking lord these dreams that i had in my heart as a young person will they ever come to pass the word of god says you are to take everything to the lord in prayer with supplication write it out be specific and say to your father in heaven father these things are burdening me can you help me in this situation and the promise of god to the righteous to the believer is that he hears our prayers paul says that we ought to pray with supplication and lastly he says that we are to bring these concerns to the lord with thanksgiving be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving i love 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 18 that's such a challenging scripture the word of god says in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you psalm 34 verse 1 i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth what a challenge you know this is one of the great habits to develop in life to be a person who gives thanks you know i've made it a habit a character that i give thanks regardless i give thanks in the morning i'll be driving along in the car and i'll just find myself saying thank you lord what am i saying thank you for i don't know but thank you lord why because i will bless the lord at all times there's great power in thanksgiving thanksgiving has the ability to shift your thinking thanksgiving has the ability to eliminate negative thinking negative thoughts it's two ways you can give thanks you can give thanks and remember you don't have to remember necessarily in order to give thanks sometimes you can just say thank you and later on be like yeah that's right thank you god for that give thanks and remember or you can remember and give thanks so much that he's done for us there's so so much good that the lord has blessed us with there's so much to be thankful for you know as part of this break that alison and i had for the last couple of months which we were so thankful for there was a day where it was kind of very easy for us to be ungrateful because we had all these plans we were going to go and visit family in perth because of the border closures we've not been able to see family in perth for coming up to two years now many of you know that my mother passed away so my dad lives by himself so going over to perth at least for a week to see family really meant a lot to us we had planned a little family holiday in queensland and uh and we were kind of just looking to do some things that would just be really good for us not only as a couple but also as a family well a couple of weeks into the break lockdown kicked in and the vast majority of our lockdown or our break i should say was actually spent in lockdown man i was upset because i wanted to go to perth i wanted to go to queensland and all those plans were thrown out the window one day alison and i we were just going for a nice walk in the shire staying in our lga and man it was just so good it was just so good to walk and enjoy the fresh air and all of a sudden i realized there's so much to be thankful for it may not have worked out how i wanted it to but i was thankful i was thankful that i was with my wife i was thankful that i was walking i was thankful that i could breathe i could i was thankful that we could dialogue and all of a sudden as i had an attitude of thanksgiving watch this the things which bothered me they just dissipated and gratitude shifted something in my emotions and in my mind [Music] paul says that if we do these things if we pray with supplication and thanksgiving he said there's a result there's a promise there's something something that god does you do your part and the lord's going to do something awesome for you philippians chapter 4 verse 7 says and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in christ jesus in other words you should be fretting you should be worried but when the peace of god comes it transcends all human understanding thank god for supernatural peace thank god for jesus the prince of peace other people are going to worry other people are going to stay up during the night thinking about work thinking about the job and thinking about what's going on in the world because they've been watching way too much youtube but you spent time in the presence of god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding has guarded your heart and your mind in christ jesus i love that word that's used there the word guard think about this for a moment paul says supernatural peace that god gives has the ability to guard your heart and your mind the word god the greek word that's used there is paul saying think of a roman garrison roman garrison was essentially made up of 300 to 1000 soldiers paul knew a lot about that meaning chains uh he knew what roman prisons were all about for preaching the gospel paul says the peace of god is so powerful that it's literally like three hundred to a thousand soldiers guarding your heart and your mind in other words shielding you from anxiety and worry there is a biblical solution god has a plan and that is will we pray will we be specific in our need and by faith will we give thanks and the peace of god which transcends human understanding will guard your heart and your mind in christ jesus there are a lot of people who are struggling with worry struggling with anxiety anxiety is so powerful at times that can actually paralyze people literally physically people have an inability to move we take authority over that as we embrace god's amazing word and the future that he has planned for you and for me maybe today you're watching online and you're engaged with our church horizon church and you've been exploring christianity but you've never really opened up your heart to god i want you to know today you've not watched this broadcast whether on youtube or facebook or you've been invited by a friend i'm not too sure you've not watch this by accident or by chance worry is powerful it can really hurt you but you've heard this message today because god loves you and he wants you to know that there is a solution and it's found in jesus we are in a moment gonna pray a prayer it's a simple prayer that invites the son of god jesus christ to come into our lives maybe you've never prayed this prayer before or you did a long time ago but you've moved away from the purposes of god as we pray this prayer i'm going to ask you wherever you are in your living room maybe in your car you're on your phone i'm i'm not too sure on your computer wherever you are god hears you today he cares for you and he wants to help you why don't you pray this prayer after me dear jesus i believe in you come into my heart and be my savior i receive your forgiveness love and complete acceptance i am now set free from my past i am now a child of god amen [Music] well what an absolutely brilliant word i just know that many who have listened this morning are going to be going back again and again to listen to that word that's very very practical and real and powerful for right now why don't you share the service i'm sure that there are many that weren't in here this morning that are gonna love what was preached today and be blessed by it hey if you made that decision today to follow jesus we are just so thrilled for you that is absolutely the best decision you can make in your life we would love to hear from you and be able to connect with you and send you a little gift in your inbox this week the best way for us to do that is if you fill out what we call our belief card at hsn dot church forward slash believe but of course the link is also in the chat and you can avail yourself of that um hey if you are new or a guest today don't forget you can fill out our hello card link as well um and give us your details we would love to connect with you but can i also encourage you if you are a part of horizon church a regular part of horizon church but your details have changed why don't you fill out the hollow card things are changing rapidly at the moment especially in the state of new south wales if you're viewing here and we want to keep you connected with what's happening with horizon church in relation to some of these changes so why don't you fill that out church have a phenomenal week we love you dearly and we'll see you back here same time same place next week 9 30 online bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Horizon At Home
Views: 1,709
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Id: 6GIxr0w2ckA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 55sec (4555 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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