Hoping To Adopt | Being Rejected As Foster Parents | Adoption Journey

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I sort of expected this to be a more official formal video I guess making dinner and like it's just consuming my thoughts right now I'm just faded sharing this but I guess I wasn't really comfortable yet so I'm gonna go back to the beginning for a second as you guys know we welcomed our first biological baby there he is now he's in a size chair what you don't know prior to him our family plan our goal for hopefully the near future was to Foster and someday um adopt so we went through the entire process we took the classes we did the inspections we prepared our house we child-proofed everything we've bought all the stuff for kids and babies and whatever you know what I should go back even further real quick I have always envisioned my family being comprised of exclusively children that I had fostered and adopted don't know why exactly but before meeting Ben before having Huxley if you'd asked anyone they would have told you you know I'm never gonna have my own I just I don't know I felt drawn to that and creating my family that way felt right when Ben and I started to kind of get serious I remember having that conversation with him number one do you want kids that was important but also you know how do you feel about adopting them and you know going through the Foster program and he said yeah absolutely but how would you feel about also having biological kids and for the first time ever and really you know surprising myself even I don't think I even hesitated really I just said yeah I could do that we're okay fast forward again so we went through the whole process I wanted to yeah to Foster kids first before we had our own it was exciting it was a little emotional it was a lot of work and then I remember I will always remember I was sitting in the parking lot outside of store that I had just driven over an hour to get to specifically because I knew they had a bunch of baby items that we were still needing from the checklist they provide you with and so I just finished paying for them it was yeah it was a really exciting moment because I had like a car seat and I had already made a special point to go and buy a crib you guys may remember I went to Ikea my first Ikea shopping trip and I kind of like hinted at there being a specific exciting reason we were there it was for a crib that's the crib I wanted and it was for fostering kids at that point never in my wildest dreams and I consider that for any reason we wouldn't be qualified that was how that ended um so I'm sitting in the store in the parking lot and in one of like the most devastating moments of my life I got an email from our agent defects is what it's called here that's Department of Children Services we got I got an email from her saying hey we can't explain or we can't divulge exactly why uh you'll have to ask Ben because it has to do with him but we are effective immediately revoking your entire application closing it whatever I mean it was just it was very short it was just like nope we're done now sorry can't tell you why I lost it in that parking lot of course I emailed back right away I contacted Ben right away but I just I will never forget yeah the emotions that I felt that had been my my dream for my family my plan for my family for well over a decade and someone had just taken it away from me so I went through a lot of emotional issues over this whole situation and it will always I think be just like yeah it will it will always be a really setting thing for me but now at least I I tell myself you know if we had gone that route in that moment I wouldn't have actually so I kind of try to console myself with that asked Ben about it and of course you know he tried to be very supportive comforting whatever he reached out to them and basically Ben is a lawyer and some of the cases he takes on involved kids the Foster system parents in the Foster system adoptions whatever and so for that reason they deemed it a conflict of interest for us to be foster parents that that was that I mean closed case no negotiating no options they said you know we're allowed to decline you for any reason and we don't even have to really explain it so short of Ben like quitting his job we were done and then obviously in talking about it we decided you know what like we were really ready for kids not just in terms of you know we had everything we needed for him we emotionally had prepared for it and we're excited for it and so it was on the heels of that that we said okay well why don't we start trying I guess we have a beautiful baby boy happy ending ish while fostering is not in the cards for us adoption is still a possibility and something that we just feel extremely yeah drawn to I'm sorry I'm cutting all these vegetables and I'm realizing they're probably really loud celery scallions carrots I have continued to research it look into it join support groups about it and recently really uh kind of become serious about it I'm doing some some groups about matching privately with adoptions where instead of using an agency we looked into agencies and we may end up using an agency eventually I don't know right now I kind of want to try to privately match which is where yeah just using social media and word of mouth and whatever you try to match with a birth mother on your own we still have to get a home study and go through some of that stuff you still have to be kind of by the book with this but basically instead of paying an agency's fees and having them set you up with the birth mothers that come through their program you just you do it yourself and you try to locate a birth mother saying all this just because yeah I've started like preparing our profile and I picked a home study group that we're gonna use some of the groups I'm in birth mothers have posted it actually since I joined them you have a little profile out yourself or you have your website or whatever it is and you just submit you just submit that to them and they you know they read through all of them and if they feel like they're somebody that's a good fit uh they reach out to you so we've already done that a little bit we know we want a big family adoption is going to be part of that family story so if anybody has any experience with adoptions open closed agency and if anyone has any insight on that let us know we're trying to to get started now because this can take years and years and years if it ever happens you know if it happened tomorrow we're ready for that too so we're starting it now we'll keep you guys kind of informed as we go I've never felt so nervous like introducing myself as I do to these potential birth mothers and we're open to anything from newborn to up to like three or four years old honestly that was part of the reason I was so excited to Foster and to try to adopt through the Foster system is that I think it would be really wonderful to have a slightly older child uh so yeah we're putting ourselves out there you guys have been a part of my whole family Journey the whole building of this so far so as we go forward and see where this takes us [Music]
Channel: Adri Rachelle
Views: 4,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adri rachelle, farm life, homesteading, homestead, animal rescue, family farm, farm vlog, backyard farm, animal sanctuary, animal care, family vlog, adoption lawyer, adoption story, private adoption, foster care, adopting a baby, open adoption, adoption process, infant adoption, domestic adoption, how to adopt, adoption attorney, independent adoption, adoption journey, how to adopt a child, how to adopt a baby, adoption agency, adoption agencies, domestic adoption story
Id: oWF7K5L5vgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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