Hope with Tony Robbins | FII Priority | Miami | #FIIPriority

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first of all that the only way to talk about hope today and I don't think hope is enough I think hope is a start if you just get the hope and you get stuck there you don't take any action it takes certainty for people to take action and I think we want to talk a little bit about ways we as Leaders can induce that not only in ourselves so we lead by example to solve some of our own challenges so that we can also help other people do the same who's interested in that just out of curiosity there good fantastic and I'd say Ramadan Mubarak first of all for those in the room from there and happy Passover shortly happy Easter for others if we want to have some hope we can look at the people of the book all of them are celebrating things in the next week or so and for thousands of years they've helped the guy they're not the only religions in the world but they've given us principles Universal principles that have guided human behavior and helped us make it through Wars make it through pandemics make it through recessions and depressions and you don't have to worry about hope all you have to do is look at the pattern of humanity and you're going to have some certainty that's a very different world than just hoping in my opinion but I hope that I can do something of real value for you here in this short period of time because my challenge is I'm excited to be here it's a privilege to be here but the shortest thing I usually do is 50 hours literally 5-0 so sit back and relax I usually do four days of immersion it's not because I like to speak that's because my biases to action if you just learn something if you let your learning lead to knowledge you become a fool if you're learning leads to action you can create real change and my hope is out of all these Brilliant Minds here and all the brilliant discussions that you've all are going to leave here with some specific actions that you think are important for you to take because that's the only way the world changes knowledge is not power we all know that knowledge is Trump by action by execution every day of the week so that's really my focus so let's see what I can do here in a short time here to try and support you in this endeavor if I may um so let's talk about this just for a second this idea of Hope we as human beings are driven we think by our minds but in reality if you study Humanity it's all emotion we are a culture where a group of people that have a herd mentality and if we are challenged enough and if we induce that deep emotion called fear or greed human beings make massive actions and they lead others sometimes to do things that don't really serve them so when I think about human beings I think about what is the most powerful force in the universe or at least on this planet let's just not exaggerate and that would be human emotion because what creates a war it's not intellect that creates War it's human emotion what creates peace when people exhaust that feeling of war and they're tired of it the Abraham Accords maybe are a beautiful reflection of that maybe we're beginning to be tired of what we've gone through for so long maybe it's time for something new and people are beginning to see that there's new leadership that has new views new beliefs new ways of looking at life some of them are not colored by the past you got a leader in Saudi Arabia I was just there for four days who's absolutely incredibly brilliant he's created a vision for this country and seen more change in four years than they've had in 70 years well part of that is because he wasn't alive in 1979 when his country was attacked 70 of the population wasn't so sometimes change happens because of generational shifts but the emotion is the most important thing it's what got you married it's what got you children is what gets you divorced it's what makes you start a business it's really the driver behind everything and yet most of us are not that good at it technology is exploding we all know what's happening with AI but our emotional development maybe not quite as fast that might be the biggest challenge we have to face so when I think about human emotion and behavior and how to how to be a leader what is a leader a leader is a person of influence true your job as a leader is to influence you only solve problems if you only solve it by yourself you don't need an organization but if it's a big enough problem we have to organize we have to be together you have to have influence you have to bring a vision you got to influence the thoughts the feelings the emotions and the actions another human being to do that we might have to start with ourselves as well and if we do that we can look at a ladder of emotions where maybe the lowest ladder is that survival section that every one of us have in our brains but we all have a two million year old brain and it's wired for fear because it's a survival Instinct fear tells us this is something we got to pay attention to we got to fight it or we gotta flight from it or freeze and hope it doesn't notice and there's no saber-toothed tiger anymore for us to be diving from so now people worry about what people say in social media or how much money they have even though they live most people in countries where there's great opportunity and where it might be hard not to survive maybe not have a great quality of life but not to survive some places that's obviously very different and so if you look at it and say fear is that base emotion what does Fear lead to usually one of two things it either goes internal a person becomes depressed and overwhelmed or it becomes externalized in forms of anger which we're seeing so much more around the world certainly in this country and anger is not a great emotion but it might be better than depression because at least it creates change it's not elegant change it's not always the change that we want but it's going to make something move how many of you can think of something in your life I'm curious whether it's something you said you're going to change you said you're going to make it happen you promise yourself you're going to do it and you got right to the edge and pulled back right the edge and pull back and you're pissed off at yourself and you did it several times who's done this before I'm curious raise your hand if you would say I and I'm asking you that because if you sit passively and listen to me research shows you'll remember less than 10 what I said so I wasted your time and you did too I don't want to do that but if you engage your body your nervous system drives it a little deeper so if you didn't raise your hand you lie about other too let's be honest Okay so we've all done this so it what is it that finally pushed you over the edge who's ever been in a relationship way too long who can relate to that say aye nice and Loud there come on let me hear you okay why because you'd rather deal with the devil you know than the devil you don't know it wasn't good for you you stayed why did you stay you stayed until one day you rationalized it'll get better it was better in the past but what happens is there's a day we go it's been painful in the past it's painful in the president could be pain in the future I am out of here who's ever made such a decision changed your life in some way or say I so the bottom line is that anger emotion can sometimes be useful if we can convert it into some positive action if it's negative action obviously be very destructive but it's going to create change either way so fear is the base of motion so what's above that yes Hope is beautiful when somebody is hopeful what changes their emotion it's a different emotion but what changes when you start to have hope there's an energy change that's right you go from it's impossible you go from the anger or you go from you know feeling depressed or overwhelmed to it's possible hope means it's possible and so it's a critical emotion but if you stay on the ladder of human emotion and hope you won't act you'll be looking for someone to rescue you you know I can remember one time I went down with a group of you know alpha males who are all part of the Hollywood industry and we went down the Colorado River and people weren't paying attention I remember this guy was saying to us the guy sat us all down and he said you must participate in your own rescue because guys were doing stupid things and they thought someone's going to save them we got to participate in our own rescue and the bottom line is in hope you don't do that quite as much it's possible it can lead to more but not always what leads to real action certainty true and where do we get certainty from when we're trying to do something it's never done before that's the challenge the challenge for most people is they think of a great dream a big goal a big desire a big change they want to make in their company and their family in the world but then the problem has never been done before so they're uncertain and uncertainty slows action doesn't stop it completely but it certainly slows it so the question is how do we increase it well what's a step above hope would be certainty at one of those forms of certainty might be a thing called faith not only just religious faith I mean faith now how do we use Faith did anybody teach you that Faith no you were born with faith thank God or you wouldn't be able to function how many of you drove here at some point either to the airport or someplace how many were driving in a car to get here at some stage here let's see your show hands here good and so that means you're driving down the street probably where there was nothing but a yellow line dividing you from insane people people some of them are drunk some of them are going to fall asleep some of them are texting true or false true or false true and every single day in every country in the world and every city in the world somebody gets killed by somebody who falls asleep text is drunk or something happens every single day and the only thing saving your life is a dotted yellow line no no no how do you drive faith because the alternative is stay home and do nothing we tried that during Cove it didn't work too well right destroyed a lot of people's psychology emotion and now momentum as we described just a few months ago a very important thing it was described by aunt just a few moments ago momentum is everything so if we're we have faith inside of us and you've got to ask yourself what's the difference between fear and faith what would you say it is I'm looking for a discussion just not talking at you anybody what's the difference between fear and faith what's that love oh that's beautiful I like that someone else what's different between fear and faith in your mind what is that a decision very nice I agree with that here's what it is think about fear and faith they're both based on the future you're not afraid of this moment you're in this moment you're afraid of what's coming what are people afraid of they're afraid of not getting what they want or losing what they have those are two fears that most people have now what is fear it's an imagination you're imagining who's ever freaked yourself out been worried about something that never happened who's done this before say I good no Liars this time fantastic very good we've all done it right and we've done it many times right sometimes who's done it about the same issue several times even though you're smarter than that say hi right so it's like okay I'm imagining the worst case scenario and it doesn't happen and we've all heard the old phrase right a coward dies a thousand deaths a courageous man or woman only once because when you imagine it you feel like you're dying you feel like you're going through all those problems so when you have fear it's imagination when you have faith it's also imagination you don't know what the future is going to be so how can you have certainty because the difference is fear is Imagination undirected it's like weeds fear is automatic you don't have to work on fear it's built into the nervous system Consciousness raising allows us to move towards things called Faith where we direct consciously our imagination to the outcome we really want and isn't that what all great leaders do think about it in my own country here and I know many of you are international audience but I'm pretty I'm can remember as a very child even it's more mythology for me because I was so young John F Kennedy and he had a vision they talked about his vision publicly what did he do he challenged Americans not what are you going to get from us what are you going to give to America but most importantly he had Vision what do you say we're within a decade we're going to take a man and land him on the moon and bring him back to Earth safely what are the people of NASA said he's insane he's insane we do not have the ability to do that we didn't have the technology to do that that's leadership you decide what the vision is and you don't worry that you don't have certainty because never done before you figure what you want and why you want it and the reasons if they're strong enough ignite the human imagination and we find answers and we land on the Moon and came back with technology that has less than one percent of the amount of energy that technology you have in your phone right now it's mind-boggling how we got there and back right because someone put the stakes in the ground someone was a leader Martin Luther King got up and shared his dream it was a big dream still not a complete dream but certainly has changed when for eight years white people brown people black people all voted for President Obama right it's a different world we can always find what's wrong what's wrong is always available so is what's right and you have to be so careful because when you're constantly envisioning something that's wrong if our vision now what is our vision in America I don't know division might be our vision all right what's the vision in our world today oh we're going to survive global warming that will not Inspire anyone human psyche comes from inspiration that's where our power is not desperation although that can cause us to have some changes that's for sure I can remember when I was just in junior high school I was in the seventh grade and I had I'm old enough to remember some of you may remember at the time we had the oil embargo and suddenly there were gas lines miles long and if you want to guess you couldn't get them in certain days because you're licensed determined it if you had an odd number you got to get it in one day an even number a different day and I was just a kid I was like I'll never have a car I'll never drive this is insane and I remember I came into this class the shock class and we had this 70 year old teacher and he was really a wise guy and Y is both in wisdom and wise like razzing people and he sat us all down and he goes you guys I know you're all worried about the future I know you're all worried about the oil and you have plenty of reasons why let me just read you this article and he reads this article from The New York Times and that talked about how lights out right no more oil the energy is going to drop the quality of life for people all over the Earth is going to go down it went on and on and on and on it was around the time the club of Rome was saying the end of the world at the same time in the 70s how many times have you heard the world's ending in your lifetime if you lasted 50 or 60 years or more you've heard lots of times but guess what he reads the whole article at the end it sounds totally depressing and then he holds it up and he reads the date and it was whale oil he was talking about and it was the New York Times and of course we found a new way and he said something so simplistic we've all heard a million times but I've never forgotten it he said necessity is the mother of invention when we have to humans find the way how many have always found the way when you had to for your own life for your own change right that you don't need to have hope you're gonna have certainty by looking at the pattern of yourself and other humans but on that ladder of growth in order for that transformation from Hope to certainty you have to have a reason to do that you need a vision so that's what a Kennedy does that's what a king did right that's what if you look at Lee Kuan Yew what he did in Singapore took a place that was a god-awful place and transformed it or go to UAE NBC is a friend of mine and Shake to noon and they partnered actually with the next prize to we've got a 15 million dollar prize to find solutions for new forms of food I put up the first million and a half and they put up all the balance great people but you see what they've done with their country but they learn from their father Bubba Zayed what did he do he came along and he had a vision we're running out of oil instead of freaking out and saying oh my God the world's going to end he said let's create it's the difference between being a person who's trying to manage your circumstances versus a leader which is someone who decides I'm going to create the experience of this life not just manage the circumstances and so what do you do he came up with a vision Dubai anybody in Dubai 25 years ago and he's been there 25 years ago a couple of you dirt three-story buildings two-story buildings with the highest buildings in the whole place he decides I'm going to build a place that all the world's going to want to go now there's nine million people there and 88 percent of them are expats and he told me his dad said you must think in 20 and 30 year segments not quarters you have to have a larger vision and you got to know why you're doing it and he was attacked viciously because Christians wanted to come oh my God and build hospitals that they didn't have and many people thought but he said here's what's clear everybody's worried the Christians are going to recruit the Muslims away he said no they're just going to do good works we're all going to learn how to live together you've been in Modern Dubai today it's pretty wild it's people from all over the Earth pulled in because there's vision and clarity and like I said Saudi Arabia my gosh four years ago you couldn't drive a car if you're a woman probably not going to be in the workforce couldn't go to a fashion show fashion shows anybody see what the fashion shows used to look like in Saudi Arabia they had drones carrying the purses they didn't want any women up there doing that but now you have a millennial 37 year old man who is driven and Visionary and he's got 20 30 goals and I had for four days and nights I had eight or nine meetings a day and then the three hour dinners and sure enough what was extraordinary during that time is everybody knows those 20 30 goals there's an alignment there's a power there's a vision there's a Direction without that change does not happen and if your vision is not a compelling future you're gonna have a hard time creating long-term change I hear people every day talking about oh my God I'm not going to have a child there's a generation of people that are afraid to have a kid because they think the world's going to end in 12 years the world is not going to end that is species hubris the planet's going to be just fine you might not be what do you mean we're gonna Save the Planet what kind of BS is that the planet's fine it's like what are you doing and by making the worst scenario people are trying to use fear to get people to behave a certain way instead of creating something more we've always solved it there's Solutions right now there's a new solution I just saw that I can't even hardly believe I've signed on mou on it so I can't describe it but it really is green energy that is cost effective hydrogen done locally and where all the waste products whether it's any form of hydrocarbon is putting graphite and a graphite can then make batteries unbelievably efficient right now available it's just about to be released and I'm sure there's dozens of more examples like this that are about to happen most of the stuff we have out there obviously doesn't support it doesn't produce enough California says you can have a car it's terrible by 2030 even two days later you can't plug in your electric car we're just a little ahead of our skis but we're going to get there but painting the worst picture of fear is not going to happen there's enough depression out there wouldn't you agree the numbers went crazy in my country here during coven when people are shut down you take away a compelling future what happens people get depressed they commit suicide highest level of drug overdoses in the history of this country why no compelling future actually I was approached by Stanford they had two professors that went through one of my six day programs I do once a year there's a documentary if you're ever interested in seeing it called Tony Robbins I'm not your Guru on Netflix that's very popular and so they saw that then they came to this program I do once a year and it's a program where you basically decide what your values and beliefs have been and you figure out where they're strong where they're weak and you decide to change them I don't tell you what to do I better show you how and it's a rewiring of your biochemistry so they said these two professors came back and both of them have been clinically depressed no symptoms of depression they said we can't even believe it what data do you have I said well I have millions of people's lives and testimonials for this is going to be my 46th year doing this I started when I was two of course and they said no but like science I said well what if you want to do one let's do a study they said yes I said well tell me depression's out of control right now what's the best treatment what are the meta studies show and I found out something was I don't know if you know this is horrible sixty percent of the people who go for treatment of depression have no improvement whatsoever or drugs or therapy sixty percent forty percent improve but the average Improvement is 50 so they're half as depressed as they were now some people get fully well and some people don't but I said you can almost do that you know with a placebo and they laughed and said yes I said what's the best study that's ever been done and I said well there was a study done four years ago at Johns Hopkins and they treated people for a month with psilocybin magic mushrooms basically and therapy well I hope the their lives changed after a month of that right sure enough after a month of that they got the greatest result that's ever been measured in Psychiatry up until now 54 percent of the people 30 days later had no symptoms of depression nothing like it in the history of psychology and then I said why don't we do a study I said well why don't you do it just like this one we just won't use the drugs use the same contrasting group and they did at the end of 30 days the results were so astounding they didn't want to publish it they thought no one's going to believe it so they blind sent the information out to other organizations and they finally published it in the Journal of Psychiatry last year 100 of the people after six days not a single person had any symptoms whatsoever of depression even more importantly 17 of the people who had suicidal ideation none had suicidal ideation even better a year later 11 months later they tested the same people having no new interaction and found a reduction in negative emotions of 71 percent and positive emotions by 52 changes anxiety changes anything you can imagine 11 months later because they had a biochemical change and emotional change not a temporary emotion because the emotions are coming from our beliefs and our values those are the anchors that hold us in place so I tell you this because there's plenty to be excited about there's plenty of tools and technology that people can use to change but we need to create a compelling future for people and what's getting in the way of that I think our dear friends in the media have the best of intent I have many friends in the media I'm sure you do too they have no bad intent whatsoever but the system rewards getting your attention and we all know what gets your attention anger and fear and so that's the entire economic model I mean people say we're in the information age you and I both know that died a long time ago right I mean we're drowning in information we're starving for wisdom so what happens if it bleeds it leads no one's trying to do us harm and today I was reading the fii study that was showing that was 130 000 people 13 countries I'm sure you guys saw it 70 of the people in wealthy countries other than Africa have a very negative view of the future people in poor countries and people in the Middle East and people in Asia there they're growing totally optimistic about the future what's the difference media I think you and I have to stand guard the door of our minds every day because the media has no bad intent but it can be poisonous I have one of my dear friends who was one of my teachers decades ago said to me one day Tony think of it this way what happens if your worst enemy drops strychnine in your coffee or drop sugar I should say worse than if you drop sugar in your coffee I said well you'd have sweet coffee he said what if your best friend by accident drops one drop of strychnite you'll be dead it doesn't matter their intent so we have to guard at what that looks like and by the way is there reason to be more than hopeful all you got to do is look at the pattern of humanity in the last 120 years since 1900 to now 123 years to be accurate we have doubled the lifespan of human beings that's unbelievable and we're probably going to do something very similar at least 50 percent with the new technologies come out anyway I put a book out for you because I have so little time to chat and I want to add value to you and you're all leaders and the one thing I know is a person with health has a Million Dreams a person without it has one so this is a result result of interviewing 150 of the top uh scientists regenerative doctors in the world things on stem cells things on everything you can imagine so that is a little gift to you that I hope will bless your life in some way but the point of the matter is if we're going to make Real Results happen we got to be able to see how well we've really done so we've doubled the lifespan we've tripled the per capita income of Every Nation on Earth if literally on Earth over the last 25 years 30 years excuse me 120 years in that case we have taken the cost of food down 30 fold still got problems with distribution significant ones we've taken the cost of communication down literally millions of percent travel by hundreds of percent we've made so much change in 1990 there were 1.9 billion people on the earth now there's 8 billion there weren't that many people back then right we're just hitting 8 billion about two right now but think about 1.9 billion people living on a dollar ninety a day an extreme poverty was the definition 1.2 billion of them are no longer in extreme poverty and we have more humans on Earth there's only 685 million now covid in our response to it has made it pretty tough in some places so I'm not deluded by that because I was fed when I was 11 years old and we had no food so I'm highly sensitized to food security because I've lived it I don't want anybody to suffer back when I was really young we got fed and I decided when I was 17 to feed two families and then four and I got to a million people and then eventually I got it up to 2 million and then about eight years ago I was doing this interview 50 interviews of the 50 smartest investors on Earth the Warren Buffett so right now use the Carl icons trying to take what they had simplify it for the general population as well as my billionaire clients and in doing it at the same time doing these interviews with the richest people on earth I'm watching our Congress in America Wipe Out the snap program it used to be called food stamps take away 6 billion from it means every family in America that needs food really needs it would have to go out with a week without food every month unless people like you and I stepped up so I called my offices and said how many people have I fed in my lifetime and it was 42 million people I was thrilled and I thought vision what if I fed as many people in one year as I've done in my whole life what if I've had 50 million people in a year and I thought what if I found a hundred million people in a year and I thought what if I fed 100 million people in a year for 10 straight years and provided a billion meals I need a great partner for distribution so I went to feeding America and three weeks ago I just completed that two years early which is that a billion people in the US alone to give you an idea that's what I'm very thrilled about thank you thank you thank you I appreciate the Applause but I wasn't telling you for that reason because the problem is much bigger now because just as I'm about to complete this and I'm sure you've seen this in your life when you're about to complete a goal the purpose of a goal is not just to get the goal it's who you become in pursuit of it right what you get is never going to make you happy who you become that'll make you really happy or really sad and so as you're starting to achieve a goal you don't want to see that drop that happens you want to set the next one why do I have to work on it because Governor Beasley reached out to him I met him through mbz a few years back mbz said Tony should come to lunch there's someone who's feeding more people than you are I said great I want to meet him and of course he's the head of the world food program for the U.N he's going to be leaving shortly beautiful man Governor Beasley he won the Nobel Prize a couple years ago for what he's doing he knows more about food insecurity on this Earth than anybody else just try to influence governments everywhere and he said Tony it's much worse because right now right now in the past you have 80 million people a year on the verge of dying from lack of hunger you have a child that dies every five seconds it's horrific but now it's much worse why because our policies around covet stop travel and in African countries some of them 80 percent of their income comes from tourism they have no money for two and a half years second the war in Ukraine I'm sure you all know it's the Bread Basket normally feeds 400 million people shut down the WF would prefer that we don't use fertilizer and yet it produces 50 percent of all food on Earth right now and most of it's coming out of Russia which means it's not coming so there are 18 Nations on the verge right now of famine so he was having a Twitter war with Elon Musk and I said I don't know if that's the best solution right elon's kind of an independent guy and he said well will you come with me and let's go around to all these individual wealthy people and ask them write a big check and I said well when I interviewed Warren Buffett years ago he told me the giving pledge didn't take off right away even with Warren Buffett but when he started sponsoring the Forbes philanthropy dinner the wealthiest families of the world started getting competitive in a good way and then the thing whole whole thing exploded to the beautiful thing it is today I said so I know Steve I have some friends who are trying to buy Forbes right now and I said um maybe Warren would let us have 45 minutes at that dinner because people don't understand even if you don't care about people the instability in the world that's going to come from this if we don't do something and I said you know I'll speak for 15-20 minutes but I said Governor Beasley you should get up you know more than anybody else and tell the story and sure enough Warren agreed to it and then Warren got sick so we took over the dinner I met some good friends there and we raised five billion meals on the plant right there because I said look I need 99 people like me we're gonna do a hundred billion meals we have about a 75 billion challenge let's get above it and then we're working on the X prize for the long-term solution but right now we need over the next 10 years 100 billion meals and uh people stood up I figured I'm not a multi-billionaire we got to find nine anymore people like me so we did we got 5 billion meals on the spot and now a couple other people have stepped up we're at 60 billion meals in six months for a 10-year goal of 100 billion meals so anything's possible with vision and certainty because when I first came up with it it sounds impossible right it's not been done for 100 billion meals when I came with a billion meals it sounded impossible everything's impossible until somebody does it we got to bring that to the table that's what this room is made up of leaders can find that certainty in yourself and most of you have done it that's why you're here right but we got to transfer that to other humans on a major scale if we do that it's a different game and can we have certainty about the future can we truly well let's just look at it you're all Geniuses in some area I'm not trying to throw smoke but if you got in this room you got to be really smart I love wickedly smart people what makes people wickedly smart well the thing I want for my children I have five kids five grandkids I got a 49 year old daughter and I have a two-year-old daughter I have quite a spread right and what do I want for all of them when I read about the fact that every study shows that AI is going to replace things nanotechnology right robots 40 50 of the jobs are going to disappear now that's not a problem we'll get new jobs it's the tempo that might be the problem right 125 years ago 85 percent of America was a farmer today it's three percent we feed the world but that was over 130 years to find out there are other jobs like webmaster but guess what this change is going to happen so fast think about it if all you did was take Uber drivers truck drivers and taxi drivers five million of them in the U.S just in the U.S do you really think they're going to have a job in five years or ten I don't know what the real time is are you going to really as a company pay for a truck driver that can work eight hours a day complains and has very expensive health insurance when you're gonna have a robot truck that works 24 hours a day without a mistake and you get to write down the depreciation on it five million jobs in that category alone no one is warning these people that's how many jobs were eliminated during 2008 so you know when all hell was breaking was five million jobs so we have to do something but here's the good news certainty is available because we can look around and see history you're all patterns good at patterns here's what I teach my kids there's three skills you need tell me if you agree skill one pattern recognition if you're good at pattern recognition you'll always be great at learning and you can learn whatever you need to go to the next level pattern recognition allows you and I to move from a place where we're in fear because things feel random like we're unclear about it it feels like chaos to know there's a pattern to this and if you study history there's clear patterns what's the history of humanity it's creativity it's solution orientation we've made it as I said through everything no war lasts forever no pandemic lasts forever no recession no depression lasts forever longer than we want probably but not forever we always find the way we always turn it around you don't have to hope you can know but it's our job to bring that forward because you're not hearing that in the media which is the primary source of information for the average person today unfortunately and all they hear is gloom and doom why because that's what gets your attention that's what sells at CNN you know I don't know if you guys saw the project Veritas guy was interviewing one of the directors there and he was talking about how they have the red phone and Jeff Zucker would call and say put up those death numbers covered put them up because the numbers would spike and then no one's responding anymore and he goes okay here's our new strategy the guy talked about it because he was being recorded and didn't know it he said Jeff said our whole new strategy is this climate change because you can scare the hell out of people and it never goes away right we just keep pushing that people watch they're fearful for yourself so we have a responsibility to do something more let's look at history for one second if you have pattern recognition the second skill is pattern utilization everyone in this room who's good at whatever you're good at if whether you're a great financial Trader you're great in business you're a great writer you have great pattern recognition but you also know how to use patterns not let the patterns use you and those that are really powerful people in this room and hopefully what this room was about is pattern creation new pattern creation that's when the world really changes right so if you think about this let's look at the core pattern what pattern recognition and utilization changed Humanity from wandering around as hunter-gatherers not knowing going to starve or not to having communities and cities one pattern recognition what was it who knows what changed Humanity one pattern one recognition of Pat productivity okay but before productivity what made us productive let's start when our hunter-gatherers the answer is seasons when we understood the pattern of Seasons Humanity changed because we learned something if you do the right thing at the wrong time you don't get rewarded if you plant in the winter I don't give a damn how hard you worked it's not going to happen once we understood you plant in the spring you protect in the summer you're reaping the fall and you keep some for the winter we could build communities we could put cities states that's where the whole world began to change so now let's look at the pattern of History just for a second by the way are there patterns in your life 0 to 20 is a pattern it's different for everybody but there's some overall pieces you're mostly being taught how to think and be 21 to 41 or 22 to 42 and it's different for everybody that's when you're the soldier of society that's when you say bull I was taught on these things but I want to test what I believe when you're less than 20 you're Invincible you know you're going to be president of the United States you're going to be a multi-billionaire and have 100 relationships now you can't even keep one relationship in your bro so you have to figure out how it works so 22 to 42 is that figuring it out right the soldier 43 to 50 to 63 roughly that's when you're in your power that's when you become the leader now you can do more with your thing pinky than you used to do 12 hours a day who can relate to this how many of you because your contacts your relationships your experience your intelligence you could do more with almost less than you ever did before who can relate to this in this room right that says you entered that stage and then maybe 64 to 84 up to 120 is the oldest living humans maybe that's the time that you get to be the mentor you get to share because you're not trying to prove yourself to yourself or anybody else you know who the hell you are with this stage and you got some wisdom to be able to share that's actually real it's not about ego it's about helping in some way so those are stages but there's also lastly I want you to see patterns in history so let's do a quick quick simple one whether you're from America or not 1910. stay with me for a moment if you're born in 1910 those first 20 years of your life 19 years of your life a lot of cool things happen if you were in America as an example well Tons Of Inventions we won World War One there was this tremendous excitement for the end of the war we all sudden had radio we had television we had planes cars and people were partying man they were having at the Roaring 20s right so these kids growing up and that's time they were looked like Millennials were look like by older Generations or now the Z generation Millennials are now getting old they're 42. right the oldest ones they're coming into their power but a lot of people say they're snowflakes you know if you have a different point of view they can't handle it right they're not safe that's not all Millennials there's some but guess what that generation that I'm telling you became known as the greatest Generation in American history and they were disrespected they were irresponsible and they were weak but here's what happened they grew up and right around 19 years old if you're born in 1910 it's what year calculators are available 1929 what happened in 1929 worldwide depression here in America people jumping out of buildings people standing in red lines the Midwest was a dust bowl right at the point they're going to get a car and go party their entire world was shooken up and to survive it they had to get stronger and they went through 10 years of it not a year or two you know 1932-33 a little bit of a break but boom right back into depression and guess what what was the reward they got when they made it through 10 years of depression and now they're 29 years old what year is that 1939 what happened in 1939 well none of us were alive then but let's remember it's called World War II right I thought we had the greatest War the war of all Wars no we got a much worse war and by the way if you were alive at that time and you had a grandparent they'll tell you it looked like the world was ending not like we're going to go up a few degrees in temperature the world was ending Hitler was coming along and strafing countries in days he was bombing London and they went to war these weak people went to war they were no longer weak they became incredibly strong they won the war they came home and now they're what 45 years old 50. and there's a new season that was Winter 20 years of winter you can watch a thousand years of Roman history and you'll see about every 20 25 years this same cycle you can look at I remember I went to speak I was coaching the president United States at the time President Clinton and I left him you couldn't do this today and I went over and talked to the Speaker of the House Gingrich who was a republican I'm an independent I wanted to help both of them no one said a word today someone would shoot you in the head if you attempted that right but think about it they both had the same book on their desk called Generations a book you might want to read large book 585 years of anglo-american history and it shows how as Generations are raised how it changes they wave they respond to Big crises and how history creates these Cycles there's another book that's probably easier to read called the fourth turning if you haven't read I highly recommend it it'll help you understand it's not chaos these patterns happen you'll be reading the book very much like the gentleman I told you about who was my teacher and you're reading something you think it's now and then they go and show you as 80 years ago and they'll show you another one from 80 years before that it's the same dynamics that we're dealing with the seasons are pretty consistent so here's my question what happened we went from winter time to now spring Isn't that cool what follows the horrible night is the day what follows winter is Springtime in springtime there's optimism at least in this country people came back they were excited okay to the suburbs if you're a veteran we gave you a house it was a cool time think how different the late 40s 50s to about 1963 when Kennedy died think of the optimism in this country if you knew it or around that it was incredible optimism and then you go through the hot summer of internal turmoil that happens every 80 years like clockwork and what happened Kennedy is killed then Martin Luther King is killed then Robert Kennedy is killed all hell breaks loose how are kids responding completely differently in the 60s and 70s than they were in the 40s and 50s they're not going to go to war hell no I won't go some of them were conscientious objectors they didn't want to go because they didn't want to hurt somebody they thought and hurt them others just didn't want to go a very different world if you ask people which they've done for 50 almost 60 years now in college this question which is more important for your life a philosophy of life that makes you happy or the practical skills to be financially free what do you think the answer was by 82 percent of the people in the 1960s and 70s in college which one philosophy of life to make you happy or pragmatic skills for economic freedom philosophy to be happy 82 percent but then they think of the 90s and 2000s or anything like the 60s and 70s completely different mood isn't it it's a new season by the way all of a sudden Wall Street greed is good there's a whole different world that's out there and when they ask the same question by the way those baby boomers were protected by their parents they were sent to college they're told they're brilliant you're going to be smarter than me and their kids believed it but they were not there for their kids they were busy on their mission or finding their inner self so most of their kids were raised differently latchkey kids they had to be very pragmatic they had to take care of themselves they had to turn on the TV and let themself in you X Generation people in this room know what I'm talking about not everybody's the same but as a generation it was different and when they asked those people in the 80s 90s 2000 83 percent said which one economics right and now where are we today we're in winter again we're about halfway through it if you study history we're not done it's going to get more difficult before it gets better there's probably going to be a big war there certainly will be at least a cyber War there's certainly going to be some major conflicts is the changing World Order occurs so you don't want to freak out because it's winter if you freak out because it's winter like you got you got to love the season you're in and every season has opportunity and challenge every single one you can freeze the death in Winter or you can learn to snowboard and ski you can build by a fire with your family and develop what that needs to be done but we've got more challenging times that doesn't mean this is by the way what winter looks like in South Florida right mayor right this is your horrible winter here right so winter doesn't mean every day is horrible just means the overall level of optimism is quite low and people focus more on the problem and the solution and it's a pattern that we go through but you don't have to live the pattern of the world that's what makes you a leader people are followers follow the culture leaders create the culture I suggest that's really what we have the opportunity to do so I'm not worried about Millennials or Z generation I think they're going to be the next great Heroes of our next Generations because they're going to face huge challenges and they're going to grow how do I know that study history is it guaranteed there's no guarantee you and I can walk across the street get hit by a car but the probability is a lot more than hope who's with me on this say aye if you agree with me on this right so let me give you three quick little skills that you might find useful to accelerate the pattern of change because I get called in I've worked with so many different sports teams I'm privileged to have rings from three different NBA teams major league baseball team hockey and I just I'm a owner of a couple teams the lafc we won last year I just got my next ring it's kind of fun but they're kind of symbols of being able to produce a massive change very quickly in a sports team which is really measurable and then I have the forged Good Fortune I have 111 companies now we do seven billion dollars in business I had no business background but I learned the patterns of business learned how to grow business to learn how to expand them same type of thing but one of the things I've learned was mentioned on the stage a few moments ago by Adam momentum momentum may be the single most important thing we need to shift as leaders you've done that here in Miami and I'm not just pointing it out it's a different city it's a different place crime has been changed even though you've had challenges during spring break and so forth the technology that you've done you and I have talked about it where you know a gunshot goes off and boom they can Target where it is in the city all of a sudden the Drone goes there and they also at the same time release the ambulances so lives are ashamed people are caught quite amazing what you've done with technology and a whole different view of what the city can be this gateway to technology this gateway to South America so change again comes from those types of Visions but momentum is what we need so do you ever notice the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and I don't mean just financially rich I mean really rich ever notice how happy people tend to get more happy angry people get more angry sad people get more sad who notices pattern out there right so that's momentum you see it in sports all the time there's a team that is dominating and then somebody something and Sparks a change and what happens it's not hope it's excitement it's certainty the team goes we can still win this and all of a sudden there's this transfer of momentum so I'd like to show you because I've worked with so many athletes so many Business Leaders because we all lose momentum at times who's ever gotten stuck where you're just not fighting the solutions even though you're smart you have four of you the rest of you have never been stuck thank you very much who's ever been stuck okay good thank you no more lying in this room thank you I appreciate that so let me give you something you take a picture of this if you want it's really simplistic that's why it works by the way one of my philosophies rate towards momentum and business is uh you know most people make things too complex jot down complexity is the enemy of execution complexity is the enemy of execution make it two complex people don't follow through so I want to make something really simple so this is what I do with athletes business people and so forth so you see these four squares potential in the top left action on the right results at the bottom and belief or certainty on the left so here's my question what do you think the potential is for any human being to have an extraordinary life what's the potential my limited okay that's powerful guys how many think it's unlimited I'm curious Make Some Noise if you're out there if you're still alive out there you're out there ladies and gentlemen let me hear you come on unlimited so guess what it's not totally unlimited right there's limits to our potential but how many would agree our potential is much greater than most people realize how many agree with that say I so do most people's results this bottom right hand corner over here do most people's results reflect their true potential what would you say yes or no no why not why not well somebody said because they're not taking enough action that's true I'm a real believer on the Massive Action can be a cure-all but if you take Massive Action and you're uncertain that it's going to work you're hoping you're that's what we call trying do you remember somebody say oh I've tried that it didn't work how many times did you try it how many different ways did you try what was the state you tried to do if you're in sales and you knock on a hundred doors and say you wouldn't want to buy this from me would you someone's going to buy because they don't want to see your kids starve but it's not going to be a high percentage so it isn't enough to take action it's action with execution requires certainty so watch this if someone says let's go make this thing happen and it's have you ever done this how many have you ever done this ever said I'm going to make this happen you said some goal some huge thing you're going to make happen and right after you did it your brain went who are you kidding who's had an experience like this before I'm curious right so what happens is if we don't have a lot of certainty are we going to maximize our potential yes or no no way and when you don't aren't certain and you're not using a lot of potential are you going to take Massive Action with total certainty no so now you're going to take little action little potential little action and what kind of result is that going to create it's predictable little crappy results when you get little crappy results tell me what that does to your belief or certainty your brain goes see I told you it was all Bs I told you couldn't be done I told you it was a bunch of hype I'm told you it doesn't work now you believe even less you have less certainty with less certainty guess what you tap less potential right you take less action you get even worse results and your brain goes C and now you're in the downward spiral I know you've never done this but how have you seen other people do this in some areas of their life other people come on show that's good right but can it work on the opposite side I just bumped in my friend Tom Brady in the hotel I'm coming their way down thumbs unbelievable right greatest quarterback in history what's made Tom so great I've been a friend and client of mine for a while it's his ability when everybody else is uncertain to bring certainty to the team he's down by 10 points it's the Super Bowl and there's two minutes left and he just goes in this mode where boom he's going to execute and make it happen now it doesn't always work but he's got more Super Bowl rings than any team right pretty pretty amazing what does Tom do I tell you exactly that's because I worked with him he produces this certainty we all get uncertain do you think Tom ever gets uncertain of course but he knows how to snap back into it into his body in his mind and body which work as one if you can find a way to get that certainty then all of a sudden when you're certain you're going to tap more potential and when you're certain you're willing to take Massive Action because you're not going to be disappointed you know it's going to work so now when you take massive potential with total certainty Massive Action what kind of results are you going to get more than likely pretty damn good results when you get great results what does it do to your belief or certainty your brain goes see I told you I was a stud or studette I told you I'd make this happen I told you this is how it was going to be right and then what happens you're even more certain more potentials you get more accident more results by the way you've done this enough times then you develop a history that when happens your brain goes I can handle that which is what Tom does it's probably what you do in your business I've been around for a little while so when all my businesses they all have different Cycles just like human beings have Cycles you've got these young businesses growing yet mature businesses they all have different things like different children but I've done enough of it that when everybody's panicked it's like how many of you have more than one child who's got more than one child here how many of you raised your second or third child different than your first yes when your first child has an earache it's an earache oh my God call the doctor by your fourth child it's like it's an earache do you love your child less no it's just you have a few experiences now you know this is part of the pattern you don't overreact to it so this momentum can be created so let's try something you've been sitting for a while we're almost done would you stand up just for a moment Let's test something out just for fun shake your body out you've been sitting for a while here you're going to shake it out a little bit here that's right and here's what I like you to do if you would like you to put your feet so they're touching pointing straight ahead touching right against each other that's it and then I want you to raise your right index finger like this and when I say now I want you to turn clockwise comfortably and just notice where you naturally end okay now turn clockwise comfortably notice where you naturally end okay come back around take your finger out of your neighbor's ear these were close quarters drop your hand now most people if you throw that graphic back up again most people if I said if you're on the downward spiral right we've all been there sometimes right in fact how many of you been on the upward spot one area of your life let's say your business downward on your body or your kids or something else who can relate to this here say aye so if you're on the downward spiral where do you change it do you change your potential no it's already there could you take more action yes but if it's not certain action well I got to believe more but how do we believe more when I've never done it before what every great leader does and I'm sure you've done a million times whatever great athlete does is they produce the result in their minds so vividly over and over again that then the body and everything takes over so let's try in a little simplistic example keep your feet together close your eyes with your eyes closed just for a moment I want you to imagine your fingers coming up again don't actually do it but vividly imagine your fingers coming up again and now you're turning twice as far and it's effortless feel it and then again in your mind bring that finger up in your mind and this time feel yourself turning three times as far and it's effortless and then one more time this time when you do it imagine you're like an owl your feet stay straight and you turn all the way around and it's effortless go ahead and reach up go all the way around and every time you do it you go further and every time you expect to go further and every time you enjoy it when you're a kid did you ever say Mom Dad measure me I measured you last week I think I'm bigger okay open your eyes bring your finger out now turn as far as you can comfortably and let's see where you go now this time as far as you can completely what happens oh by the moaning of something changed how many went significantly further this time say aye how many win at least 25 percent further say aye giving grab a seat if you wouldn't answer this simple question for me if we look back at this chart could you did you have the potential to turn as far as you did the second time the first time yes or no of course then why didn't you because you even have a belief about how far you can turn you're just not aware of it so how do you change it all we did was get our brain to imagine it over and over again until it believed it and then the body took over by the way if you remember the four minute mile for almost a thousand years humans try to run a four minute mile humanly impossible until one man in the 50s Roger Bannister did it does anybody know how he did it he practiced in his mind he stopped running he saw it over and over but he was it's not practice makes perfect it's perfect practice makes perfect he practiced mine over and over he saw the result over and over and over again but what's even more powerful about certainty is no one has done that in history and Watch What Happens three months later throw up on the screen 45 days later another guy runs a form in a mile why because he wasn't hoping anymore he was absolutely what certain it could be done so if that guy could do it so can I how many of you have had that in your life if that person could do it so can I let's see it show hands so that's why we reward high performance disproportionately a year later three more Runners now 200 Runners 24 years later by the way many of them are high school students doing four minute mile every four years we go to the Olympics and people compete and we jump higher we run faster we lift more weight how's that possible drugs no just kidding just kidding I did a Model continue as we see salt we disproportionately reward those that produce those results because they make it possible for someone else to step up and the more that step up the more Society changes how many have you ever seen an athlete walk out on the field let's say football if you know American football and I could kicker or maybe NBA basketball and someone's going to do a free throw and you look at them and you say even if you're not into the sport they're going to miss it and you were right who's done this before say I how did you know you could see the lack of certainty inside them so momentum is created by that certainty so what do we need for more momentum try energy is the single most important element to transformation of anything more energy more resolution more choices more options more actions lower energy and guess what we have we have an entire world that was shut down for two or three years sitting on their ass sitting on machines so much so that in my country they don't even want to come to work anymore three days of work no effing way why would I do that why would I come to work well I can stay at home in my pajamas and sit on my ass for more and gain another 10 pounds that's not in Saudi Arabia that's not in the Middle East that's not in Asia that's America which is why if we don't change there's going to be some big changes in what they're already happening and it's a psychological problem isn't it so let me give you two tools to finish is this helpful awesome thank you and by the way you've been really wonderful so next let's look at what will control that first of all you all run businesses or organizations you know the most basic key to running a business successfully is what you don't measure you don't manage in order to manage something you got to measure it when I take over a company or I buy a company or buy a piece the very first thing I do is figure out a dozen of the most important elements of that business and I measure it like crazy if you measure once a year you're gonna have bad years if you mention once a month you're not going to have bad years because you've got 12 times you see what's going on you've got time to fix it if you measure once a day you're not going to have bad weeks and some of those businesses all measure things hourly for the first few months until I train everybody to be focused in a different way where focus goes energy flows and so we have to measure question is are you measuring your own energy because the challenge is our standard of energy has gone through the floor as a society and if you come in all a lot of energy like easy for you what's wrong with you but you know successful people do what the failures don't and energy is the secret so here's my question in a relationship let's use a relationship because it's easier it doesn't have the same charge if you're two people in a relationship and they're totally completely in love I mean they adore each other and they have super high levels of energy and taking care of themselves they're rocking it what kind of relationship is this going to be it's going to be okay is it going to be terrible is it going to be good is it going to be amazing shout it out what's it going to be it's gonna be amazing now what if the same two people love each other just as much but they let themselves get worn down a bit by all the challenges of life I got a small business there's some cash flow issues you know they're exhausted they got 13 soccer practices they're trying to make this happen trying to be every role they possibly could be and their energy drops down not bad it's just like you know it's good you know better than dead is it going to be the same quality relationship yes or no even though they love each other just as much yes or no no you know it's not what if they get beat up they get overwhelmed by their world by listening to the media the world's coming to an end oh my God what are we going to do recession's on its way inflation's out of control oh my God we're gonna global warming it's just the whole thing is coming in we're gonna have to we're gonna have to give up everything it's a different world a shrinking world or there's a deal in their daily life and they're burned out they don't take care of their bodies their energy is super low who's ever been in that place yes okay more truthful people not what he's been in that place okay good so when you get in that place you can say and do things you don't really mean and people don't forget it true is this going to be an amazing relationship a good relationship or is this relationship going to have problems you tell me my show of hands honestly that energy might be the single most important key to changing anything increased energy then if that's true we have to embody it we have to measure it so let me ask you an honest question you've been here for a couple of days you've been in a great environment if I were to ask you honestly on a 0 to 10 scale 10 is Unstoppable energy it's okay and Zero's dead if you were totally honest because the truth set you free and if it wasn't good it's okay because you change it just have it where would you say you're midpoint is where would you been on average would you say shout it out all right let me let me get simple I'll ask how many would say it was five or below how many say six seven eight nine tens by the way I want you to notice something tens did something no one else did you hear what it was they made sound you know why because in order to get to 10 you got to use your body including your voice I'm Tony Robbins and you're not over the next 7 000 hours of this seminar who's been around somebody just want to shake them because there's not enough energy there right so you can shift your energy very very quickly but I'll give you a little clue where does energy come from where does it come from food food how many of you can remember your last big holiday meal how many remember the last big giant holiday meal who can remember in this country Thanksgiving Christmas how many can remember your last holiday email come on who can remember that what do we do on a big holiday like that we go it's Thanksgiving so I want to give thanks to my body so I'm going to have broccoli and no that's not what you do what do you do how much food do we eat at that time how much more than we can possibly bear and when you can't eat another drop what do you say I'll never eat again and someone goes pumpkin pie and you go okay and at the end of that are you ready to go for a Sprint you're gonna go play football what do you feel like doing well get in front of the TV a little nap right so food is a source of energy it's not the source of energy in fact how many of you've ever fasted for three days or more three days or more does your energy increase not the first day first day is a right but two three days into it does your energy increase without food or decrease which one shout it out which one the food is not your source of energy someone else said sleep well how many have ever had eight hours of sleep and you 've been you're freaking tired raise your hand if you can relate to this right it's not sleep either it's psychology it's a habit so just for a second would you do something crazy with me for a second would you try something it's a habit it's the way you move it's the way you speak so try some just for a second stand up just for a moment shake your body out just for a moment let us give you one last thing after this thing you'll enjoy here's what I want you I want you to find somebody to room and point them and go I own you um say it like you mean I own you on you now are there any competitive people in the house any competitive people at all in the house good what does the word competition mean and it's Latin root competition means to conspire together if I'm going to play basketball with you I'm going to push you as hard as I can to make you better I want you to push me as hard as you can so I get better and we can do the same thing with energy so here's what I want to ask you to do you're going to try it again you're going to go I own you no I own you just playfully like little kid this is not harsh don't worry and then what you're going to do is what you're really saying is I am challenging you low energy person I'm going to outdo your energy and what we're going to do for just 20 seconds is wake your body up because you've been sitting forever here and let's shake your body awake and here's what I'm asking you to do I'm going to ask you to celebrate like a little kid out celebrate that person for no good reason my people that's stupid why would I celebrate For No Good Reason well most people don't need a reason to feel like crap you go how's it going uh okay how come woke up so just being playful who's going to be a kid just for 20 seconds here just want to give it a shot here just put Spanish so your job is out do your partner's energy that means you're jumping moving and using your voice play now let's start with a voice that's less threatening right now make the sound you're making if you were totally excited you're a kid make an exciting sound go ahead do it again and enjoy it this time one more time and really enjoy it does that feel good in your body yes or no more energy or less energy in your body how many of you love to sing when no one's around you're in your car you're singing you're rocking you're rapping and you're 70 and you're white and I'm confused and you're sitting there you're rocking out you go to the stoplight you're rocking out you look at someone next to you in the car next to you they're staring at you what do you do you quickly grab your phone right and act like you've been talking to somebody the whole time how do you like to sing even though you sound terrible how many like to sing you sound terrible why is that because emotion is created by motion the more you move the more you feel we don't move Much Anymore there are 47 different muscles in your face for some people this is the largest area of unemployment in the country all right
Channel: FII Institute
Views: 17,903
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Id: bMmecr7koZE
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Length: 65min 8sec (3908 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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