Hope Isn't Lost For English MOTHER 3 On Switch...

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hey everyone Zen over here from Nintendo life so the most recent Nintendo Direct the partner showcase which in North America gave us a bunch of stuff and in Japan they announced that Mother 3 U is available now on the Japanese Nintendo switch Game Boy Advance online app but of course the game isn't available to play in English it's only playable in Japanese currently but the man most famous for creating and writing the script for Earthbound and the mother Series in general shasat etoy has come out and give us some sort of Hope a direction and something to look forward to so to chat all about it today I'm joined by The Fantastic Mr Felix hey did you see I was delayed just like we are awaiting the delayed release of Mother 3 hey you know what I will wait all day for you just like you do for me all the time we can we can keep waiting for Mother 3 hopefully so one thing I want to clear up right off the bat is I I keep seeing whenever we complain or we talk about Mother 3 and we talk about wanting an English localization I always see a lot of comments of people saying ah like quit quit whining there there's the fan translation it's better than the original than Nintendo's version ever would be yada yada I completely agree with you I completely agree with everybody that says that you should go out there and play the the fan translation cuz it's it's there go buy a a Japanese cartridge find your way to play The Fan translation do it but yesterday I was in a car ride with my sister-in-law and we were talking about Mother 3 and the announcement and I was kind of I was explaining the game and all the things that I loved about it and then it occurred to me they're more of a Casual Gamer no matter what I no matter how good I tell them this game is they're probably just not going to go out of their way to try to play The Fan translated version just because of the barrier of Entry how many people do you think in your life do you have that you would love to play Mother 3 I I guess I'm talking to you Felix but also just to the audience you know like how many people can you think of that you would love to play Mother 3 that just aren't going to jump over that barrier people are busy people have have more Hobbies than just video games and if this were just like a a movie or a book you know that we could we could just share with them easily I think you know I think that's what a lot of people want for Mother 3 is to just have it be accessible to the general public so they can play this game cuz this game is the story means so much doesn't it man the story is amazing I've played Mother 3 and I've actually it's the only game in the Mother series I've played and it's one of my favorite games I've ever played it is tough in places but the story is so beautiful it covers some really serious topics and the the way it depicts like the whole modern world of and how it's transforming I feel like it it Nails the the like how capitalism works and all that I mean it would be really cool to to have it more accessible and all that but also just for Nintendo to acknowledge it to actually because se you you showed me this amazing documentary by fan gamer or about like mother and the whole translation process of the third game and it just means so much to so many people and there's this whole thing that Nintendo just they're just not acknowledging it really at all here in the west and it just it would just I would love to see how the the internet would react to that and and it would just make me so happy to to finally see that there there's been a lot of word over the years that a lot of people have talked to different employees at Nintendo and said that you know Mother 3 is never coming and that lots of people want to make it happen and that it's just it's harder to get you know Green lit than any of us can probably ever imagine but then yesterday coincidentally it was confirmed by Wario 64 on Twitter that Earthbound Beginnings switch icons are being added to the my Nintendo program and they're only going to be available for a week like Paul messaged me and said like is this salt in the wounds Zeon and in a way it is but it's also it feels like a cry of desperation from Nintendo employees like that want so badly to to give us something you know I think it can be really easy to like be mad at Nintendo in situations like this but the more vocal we are like that's that's really all that we can do we can only stand up and just try to tell other people to play this game and hopefully Nintendo will realize that money is being left on the table over here that they could be making and maybe they'll realize that this game is worth bringing over that it's okay yeah I think yesterday I felt that okay this is the end it it just means it's not coming in the west cuz they just releasing it in on Game Boy but all Pope is not lost right I dude I felt the complete same way you and I we've talked before like you know with Alex and the I think a previous discussion about you know Super Mario RPG the way that that was handled you know we had so much hope that oh Mother 3 hasn't come to the Japanese Nintendo switch online app cuz they're they're surely making a remake ah that that makes so much sense the switch user base is so large that you know they could sell a million copies you know because they so so many people have a switch maybe it'll happen so this Japanese exclusive only reveal had me pretty sad but then John cartright friend of the channel who used to make videos with us he tweeted at me and reminded me about Fire Emblem shadow dragon which was a famicom uh Japanese only game uh which released on the Japanese Nintendo switch online app on March 13th of 2019 and then over a year later it released as its own separate download in North America fully translated in English by the Nintendo Treehouse so maybe Mother 3 could get the same treatment the only thing I hope it doesn't get is the fact that this Fire Emblem re-release the English version was only available for about 4 months and then it was taken offline and anybody who bought it can still play it but Nintendo tried to make it this exclusive thing and Mother 3 deserves better than to be on the eShop for a couple months it's kind of a double-edged sword I guess cuz you see something like this and they're sure there are things to complain about but at the same time it get it can give us hope that not everything is lost Maybe Nintendo is saving Mother 3 to do something special with it yeah no I I think after looking at that it does mean that it could potentially happen now is going to happen probably not but I would I would really like to see it cuz man it's just so much iconic stuff with this game I one of my favorite things is like all the different frogs so if anyone who doesn't know the frogs is how you save your game and there and these like normally they're just in in a regular position but they can they can be like in a balloon they can be in a car yeah yeah yeah all sorts of of weird stuff it's always uh subverting expectations and the same thing with how you heal there's these baths and it's one of the most beautiful moments in the game now I don't want to spoil anything cuz you should just go and and experience this game line cuz there's so many twists and turns that you would never expect from a from a game like this right like it is a turn-based RPG but the way that the the combat is handled with the Rhythm and the combat is super fun I didn't really know about the the Rhythm thing cuz it doesn't really well it does teach you I just I didn't really get the hang that you could if you kept pressing to the Rhythm you could kind of combo and there's so many different music tracks in this game where they have all these weird sort of rhythms so you have to memorize the patterns for each type of enemy or they have different variations of tracks just to spice it a bit up yeah and so right you're not just getting the same battle theme over and over again either yeah and each character has their own sound effect when they actually do hit it so bony the dog has like woo woo woo that was the worst impression of a dog but hey if that's if that's what it sounds like it is what it is so that's all right I oh oh I I don't know um I can't remember someone has an electric guitar someone has a bass but it it's like you are making the the song with these Combos and it's it's not always easy to hit these combos post but it is really really fun yeah yeah after all this after watching the documentary I was playing some Smash Bros and suddenly it hit me man it's incredible that we actually do have Lucas we have a mother the main character of Mother 3 right is in yeah yeah he is in Smash Bros it's actually kind of unbelievable when you think about it but it's so cool so I gave him a go and I don't know something clicked so now um I'm trying to to get the ropes of him uh there was just this special connection so uh he's really fun to play again I just can't I'm really happy that he's in the game even though I just never really paid attention to him uh suddenly it was just wait a second yes in the game I was just back visiting family and uh one my one of my nephews plays a lot of Smash Bros and he's 11 and we were playing we were at my grandpa's house and we were playing his uh his like NES classic system and I was thinking that like you know him and like a couple of my other cousins were their nephews were going to be like really bored of this or something but it turns out out like they had already played a lot of these games through their own like NES Classics that they have at home or through the Nintendo Switch app and so like we played punch out we were we were flipping through this Nintendo strategy guide that my grandpa has that has star Tropics in it and my nephew knows more about star tropics than I do which is like an NES Zelda like Style game that also kind of reminded me you know like we live in a bubble sometimes you know but there are so many people outside of our bubble that also care about these same games you know and it'd be so nice if somebody it turns out their favorite character in Smash Bros is Lucas but they they can't play Mother 3 like IL legally in America like it doesn't it just doesn't make any sense you know like he that that 11-year-old kid should be able to just play the game maybe it's tooo adult of a game for him you know but but does yeah thinking about it now you know I'm thinking about all this in real time right now but I can't remember who it was on Twitter that shared this originally but Earthbound icons and Mother 3 icons are coming to the Japanese Nintendo switch online app uh and the Mother 3 ones those are coming was it March 7th is that what it is for only for a week so that has a few people wondering like what's going to happen on March 7th yeah cuz they've also done the same thing in the US but without the Mother 3 icons so it's like this is just speculation yeah yeah that's true we're also getting Mother 3 plushies of the like the main cast oh my God they look so good don't they they look amazing I would love some mother plushies Lucas clouse duster and kumur it is kumur uh no bony though maybe this like a oh you're right but uh that's okay it is still cool to see maybe we'll get like another set of three cuz they did that with the Earthbound ones where they released like the main the main playable characters and then they released a Mr Saturn I think it was separate and Porky or Pokey or picky whatever you want to call them so maybe we'll get Like Flint hinoa and and Bone all as like a another like little triple pack or something in in a year's time yeah and these are all available through shasat ET toys's own company website hobonichi and they're also selling these plush fridge magnets of Lucas Lucas's brother klouse and then salsa the little monkey along with like a bunch of characters from Earthbound or mother too as well so the thing that I wanted to end this video on is actually a handwritten note by shasat etoy that was uploaded to hobonichi website and it was translated by lone Challenger and Cody niolo over on Twitter who run the fan mother forever and I just want to read it here quick in case if anybody doesn't catch it so at toys son said Mother 3 was like my final child it's strange funny and heart trending looking back on the story of this such world the characters the events the flow of time and emotions all of that has been so dear to me I made this game as an older man and it was a challenge to get out as my child I believe it has grown up to be a fine adult that understands the heart of people very well I believe that every corner of mother 3's world has Trac R es of me I'd be so happy if you could play it and enjoy it and then in response to someone named Aster on Twitter who was asking for Mother 3 to be released in English and due to the fact that Mother 3 is trending heavily on Twitter a toys son said please talk to Nintendo about that not me so it sounds like a toy's giving his Blessing it's not up to him we don't know what it is but for some reason Nintendo in the west doesn't want to release it or maybe they have other plans that we don't know about right now the biggest thanks again to Cody and lone for translating this letter and always getting mother stuff in my feed with their F site mother forever so of course let us know in the comments down below if you've played through Mother 3 before if you're still holding out hope that a fan translation will come it's of course always okay to be realistic but hope it's okay to have it sometimes too and of course if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more videos like this then why don't you smash that subscribe button 16 times and then ring that notific ification Bell to be notified whenever we put up new videos including Earthbound ones because there's no reason to stop until Earthbound can truly be played by the masses thank you all so much for watching and thank you to Felix for joining me for this discussion I'm Zeon from Nintendo life stay safe out there and we will see you all next [Music] time
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 35,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Nintendo UK, CREATOR
Id: uwP8PDhBwG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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