HONOR Pad 9 Review - A Remarkable Android Tablet For The Price!

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this is Honor's new affordable tablet and it's  called the pad 9 and what it offers is quite a   lot of value here for the price point so this  model has a 12.1 in size screen the resolution   is 2560 x600 so it looks sharp and it is a bright  IPS panel 500 nits is its peak according to honor   I measure actually just below that it's not far  off what's powering it is the Snapdragon 6 gen 1   it has 8 GB of RAM and an additional eight that  is virtual memory so some caching there to help   speed things up battery capacity is very good it's  8,300 Mah hours it's got 35 W charging and it is   running magic OS 7.2 and that is based off Android  13 and the other surprise that I was not expecting   is the speakers in this for a more affordable  tablet they are really good so it has eight   speakers and and it's also High RAR certified and  speaking of certified the screen is certified to   be flicker free and it does have Hardware Blue  Light filtering with this model so let's take a   look at what hon it does include with the box with  our pad 9 so you have our tablet there obviously   and just under that you will find these two little  compartments so in this one right here we have our   charger so it's 35 wats maximum charging rate  and just under this side there is our type c to   type a cable so there is no uh micro SD card slot  on this so they don't give us a tool for that and   there's no stylus included because well it doesn't  support an active stylus our pad 9 here is powered   by the Snapdragon 6 gen 1 it's got 8 GB of RAM  and then another additional 8 GB of what they   call on a ram turbo this is a cing system here  so unibody build matte finish tool it it does   feel really good it's quite light too this is just  555 G which is excellent camera at the rear right   here that's 13 megapixels and take a look at the  thickness of this so it is just 6.96 mm so very   thin really light excellent build quality I think  it's very good for this price point so you can   see some speakers down the bottom here there are  eight in total here so some downwards firing ones   and then you see that left and right we have have  these other speakers here so these two uh they're   quite loud as well they put out a bit of Bas and  it does have high rear certification too with   the audio type-c port is just USB 2-speeds does  not support video out now I expected this being   a more affordable tablet from them here you can  see we've got some speakers here on the side too   so it looks like just six speakers uh but no it's  eight in total so really good build quality here   and you see up the top there we have our power on  and volume up and down button and some microphones   right there so very good finish to it now if you  do plan on typing a lot you're going to need a   physical keyboard and I highly recommend you go  for this optional accessory so this is called   the pad 9 smart Bluetooth keyboard and the back  of it here has this nice synthetic material to   it so it's a combination of the synthetic style  leather with plastic build quality is excellent   you can see that's the cutout there for the camera  and inside is where you simply just need to clip   it into place now it's using Bluetooth so no Pogo  Port pin connectors and you simply slot it into   the bottom there first you push in those two tabs  at the top and that is it it is now clipped into   place and it it's quite a nice little package here  that we do have fits it perfectly of course and   then when you close that that will automatically  turn off the screen because there's a whole sensor   and you've got yourself then a very smart nice  looking package there's the protection for it   there's the rear of it and the way it props up is  like so you simply just need to lift it up there's   this first little lip here that is all we get and  they've optimized this angle so when you are using   this just up that brightness when you're using  it uh I feel it's perfect for when you're sitting   at a desk here and it's a nice sized keyboard as  well I've been typing on it a little bit testing   it out and I do find it to be excellent it does  work really well good feedback from those keys   good travel it's a relatively short it's about  1.4 1.3 or so millim with the travel uh this is   just estimating here compared to other keyboards  that I have tested out uh but it does feel very   good and great option to have for those of us out  there they're going to do a lot of typing now this   is an excellent looking display that they've gone  with it's 12.1 in we've got an 88% screen to body   ratio and you can see the bessels they're quite  good they're about a fingernail width or so here   front facing 8 megapixel camera that is capable  of 1080P and the screen here so it is two Rin land   blue L light Hardware flicker free certified and  we do have their Dynamic dimming and Cadian night   display too as well so it'll slowly change the  color there which is good this is what you want   with a a tablet and I'll show you the brightness  here so maximum Peak that is 500 and well 500 nits   I'm missing close to that I get about 460 so it's  very good with the brightness on here and it does   dim right down nice and dim so that's going  to be great for using that say in a aircraft   cabin you're in a long haul flight watching some  movies or using this well you're not going to be   blinding yourself it really does dim down and a  lot of tablets don't actually do that often I do   test a lot of them that have the brighter setting  just I feel being a little too bright there so the   resolution of the screen it's good because it's uh  25 60x 1600 so that is excellent for our display   sharpness it looks really quite good and we got  120 HZ so everything's very very smooth here so   again and you've got the option to have the smart  resolution on now I just turned that on before in   the last clip that I was recording screen refresh  rate I force this to 120 but you can keep it on   Dynamic for a little bit of battery saving you got  video enhancer there color temperature all pretty   standard settings now it is fully laminated okay  so this glass here is optically bonded so you're   not going to see any Gap at all it's not like  those older tablets that you used to have that   ugly gap between the digitizer glass and then  the display below not here it also it's a great   looking panel I think it is excellent now touch  response very very good everything's running   really fast I've noticed no lag no slowdown  so optimization is excellent with the pad 9   now being an IPS panel right on the very edges you  do notice that it dims a little bit so it's not a   perfect uniformed white that you would get with an  OLED screen it's a little disappointing it's not   on OLED however the IPS does mean that it's 100%  flicker free we're going to have no problems I've   not seen any flicker on this now to talk a little  bit about what we get with our eye Comfort mode so   I have the Cadian night display on at the moment  so this is lowering down that blue light filter   and it's going to help you get a better night's  sleep as well we'll know that that having the blue   lights not good for us especially late at night  so you can adjust that now there's a lot of Brands   out there that do not even give us this kind of  option so really good to see it and it gradually   starts to dim that display down if you put it on  the schedule I've just enabled it at the moment   and you can turn and filter out this is hardware  level to that blue light as I mentioned before so   you can see that you can really make that quite  orangey looking just completely getting rid of   the blue there which is good for that they have  a dynamic dimming too as well that is enabled   so good to see these options here even at uh  this kind of entry level tablet that we have   this tablet does run Android 13 and Magic OS 7.2  so it's not 14 which is slightly disappointing   there I really hope that they can update that soon  to Android 14 just to give us the latest there of   course now multitasking is really good on this  tablet we can use the floating windows here now   I've been using using this actually with the the  magic uh V2 rsr that I also do have and it's very   handy and you can swap between those windows you  can see here that I can bring up now YouTube apps   that do support being a windowed uh are really  quite good for that and it gives you the little   tabs on the side here to quickly dis select  between them now you can easily make this full   screen by just dragging here and you can resize  those windows as well and swapping between them is   very good and I've noticed that even though this  is a more of a low-end chipset the performance   has been very steady and stable I've not really  noticed any problems at all with slowdown or any   kind of issues there which is great to see now you  can set these two later if you wanted to set them   up for example as a proper split screen green so  you have side by side you can do that and again   I've just noticed that the performance seems to  be pretty good now you notice that occasionally   with apps like the scrolling and loading things  up you see that okay uh maybe it's a slightly uh   little bit slow sometimes you see the frame rate  dip off but in general the performance is very   good and I can still have those two there side  by side and have here an ebook open up opened   up there and I can easily just go through and  look at that so excellent multitasking with our   honor pad 9 multitasking has also been very  good with it and notice that it doesn't kill   things off in the memory too early like some  other tablets I have covered in the past that   have very aggressive task management it doesn't  seem to be too aggressive if it's a system app it   will keep it there a little bit longer if it's a  third party kind of app often like and22 this is   probably going to have to re yeah okay reload but  that's been sitting there in the background now   for well over an hour which uh that makes sense  that is normal for that to happen so char Char   time here for the 35 W charging and our 8, 200 mAh  battery it took 99 minutes to go from 16% here as   you can see 16 to uh this is actually full 100 I  don't know why it's just saying 98% there but that   is a good charge time there considering it's only  35 wats so battery run time here I forced it onto   the maximum resolution which is our Quad HD just  over that Quad HD it's a 16 X10 aspect ratio and   got almost 8 hours running this looping stressful  test here that is not a bad result at all now for   something very light like watching video you're  going to get around about 10 hours just over 10   hours 10 to 11 hours of video streaming content  about uh 9 or so and gaming around about 7 hours   so I've noticed the battery life with the pad  9 to be very good and it's probably thanks to   this that it doesn't really have a super powerful  chipset that means it's not burning through that   battery as fast as say a flagship spec tablet  wi or mid-range this is definitely Ely low end   getting half a million or close to half a million  points here with and22 this version 10.2.1 uh so   pretty standard performance but when you're using  the UI and everything it's pretty quick and snappy   it doesn't feel uh slow or sluggish at all when I  do use it which is great uh ufs 3 for all internal   storage and you can see here that the speeds of  it pretty good those are good no complaints for   me that's not going to cause any bottlenecks or  slowdown it will be the chipset itself that would   be causing any problems with that a wide vone  level one sirt so Netflix yes I can confirm right   here that is in full HD but no HDR capabilities  no support for that Amazon Prime video I've also   tested out and that I can confirm too running it  is also in full HD for streaming content it's very   good this tablet now honor does have a lot of cool  features that you can use and take advantage of   like they've got honor share so you can wirelessly  Passover files between devices and they have honor   connect a that I've just just connected up now my  magic 6 Pro this is their new flagship by the way   I have a review of that up in the channel and what  I can do here is I can control on the screen now   my phone and it's all done just remotely wisely  doesn't have to be this close I can have it   completely off screen on another desk or something  and I can now use my uh tablet right here and then   for example place a call answer text message  all through the screen here so that's a very   good feature to have so I can just bring something  else be it here in Chrome and then do what I need   to on the phone with a separate screen which you  can of course just minimize this to as well so I   can just simply pop it up when I need it and then  use that so it's pretty handy to have that feature   on a connect is something that might be quite  useful for a lot of people out there and it's a   good feature to have just these extra options if  you happen to have another on a phone that is of   course the pad 9 can be used as a PDF reader and  eBook reader and we even have a dedicated mode   for that in the top so if you swipe down here  you'll see that we've got Wireless projection   device control oh here we go ebook mode and that  turns the screen black and white so that's going   to be perfect for reading text files such as this  so this looks very good on the screen and I'm not   capturing it too well and you can see this Criss  Crossing pattern over the screen that's to do with   just some analyzing effect with the glass and the  IPS panel below you don't actually see that in   person so if I just get it out of focus a tad and  see it looks a little better but you can easily   swap that around of course and be using that uh  like so and I find it's comfortable as an ebook   reader there too but what about heavy PDF files  I've got a demo one here how's the Snapdragon   6 gen one going to handle it so I just toggle  off that ebook mode don't need that anymore I   want the color back so just get out of that this  by the way is Google Play books which I like to   use just as a PDF uh reader myself here I just  find this a little bit better and you can see   that looks really good and you can just double  tap and you can see the text is all shout there   and performance is is quite good I don't really  notice uh any major slowdowns it's not as fast as   say an iPad to load this in I wouldn't expect it  with this chipset but at your normal reading Pace   this is not going to cause any lag or any problems  and the screen does look great and of course you   can put it into the night mode to as well if  you wanted to just reduce that uh blue light   with the screen so the sound on this tablet really  does impress me it's got eight speakers High RAR   certified the speakers sound fantastic there's  base there's treble there's mids there volume   is really good so PEX a punch this is well above  what you'd expect for really an entry level kind   of tablet it's got Flagship level sound to it the  only downside is there's no 3.5 mm headphone jack   which I think would have been perfect to have on  a tablet like this you can of course use a 3.5   mm to type-c adapter so the sample I'm going to  play you now is an NCS track here so I don't get   hit with a copyright strike and I'll play this  this at a 100% volume just make sure that is   right up and you'll hear that these speakers are  powerful put out some bass and wow do they sound good been on to gaming with the honor pad 9 so  this is pubg and it is an older title here but   it's going to run really well on the Snapdragon  6 gen one so under settings here I just wanted   to point out one thing that if you go into our  Graphics here that you need to keep it on the   balanced option for visuals and that gives  us the ultra frame rate there which is what   you want with a game like this so if you put it on  anything else it only gives us the high frame rate   option but let's have a look at some gaming  so it is running pretty good as you can see here no real noticeable lag running on  just those balanced visual settings here   it is an older title so it's normal that  it's running well who got a lot of people   shooting at me here probably should  be dead that's that's a bot obviously cuz all right so it looks like I managed to just  get one kill I've got someone oh right behind me   must obviously be a bot there but good game play  no problems getting those kills and no stream lag   or anything like that for easy to run titles like  pubg and then something that's a little bit more   demanding which is ghen impact I've got the set  to medium settings because I just find it runs   a little bit smoother with this chipset cuz if  you have it on the highest it's just pushing it   a little bit too much and I noticed that there are  quite a few frame dips in some areas of the map so   that's why medium would be the way to go but all  of the titles out there that you can find in the   Google Play store they are playable on the honor  pad 9 moving over to our cameras now with our   honor pad 9 so so the front-facing camera here  has 8 megapixels and it can shoot 1080p as you   can see it doesn't seem to have any electronic  image stabilization for a tablet I don't really   think that is a problem let's have a look at the  rear cameras now this rear camera can shoot 4K   30 frames per second it's not wonderful quality  for 4K without electronic image stabilization   just like the front-facing camera but at least  we do have this option with an affordable tablet   so all up there is really a lot to like about  this tablet here from honor the pad 9 I think   checks a lot of boxes for people that are after a  multimedia multitasking tablet that has excellent   battery life great looking screen it has the the  blue light Hardware filtering it's flicker free   and the speakers are just amazing for the size  of it and speaking about battery life too with   it that you can get around 9 10 hours of your  streaming video which of course it does support   in full HD if you're using something like Amazon  Prime video or Netflix that's going to work there   so the build quality excellent the screen which is  that uh type cover style keyboard which they call   the smart Bluetooth keyboard very good to type  on and of course it doubles as a case so we have   some protection there for our tablet when we are  out and about and I highly recommend getting this   if you are going to be typing a lot it just makes  sense to go for the physical keyboard versus just   using onscreen uh touch keyboards which let's face  it you know they're really that good when you've   got to type a lot there so charge time 35 WS isn't  amazing it doesn't have a 3.5 mm headphone jack   there is no micro SD card slot so those are the  downsides to this tablet and it still runs Android   13 although I'm pretty sure that honor must be  working on an update there for magic OS to bring   it up to Android 14 as the base but otherwise this  is a very very good tablet for those that don't   need like a gaming Powerhouse of tablet and just  for all your standard kind of task multitasking   also fantastic on this model here so thank you so  much for watching my review of the honor pad N9
Channel: TechTablets
Views: 90,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techtablets
Id: UsT_iuzGDjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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