Honor Everyone - Ben Stuart

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well my three kids headed back to school this week which was kind of a bizarre thing we got them all masked up suited up ready to go but as we got them ready to go attempt to be back in a classroom it struck donna and i our children for the last six months half a year have really just been around us which has been pretty sweet because it's been a lot of time we've taken walks every day and sat on the couch and read an enormous amount of books they've had so much time with us as their parents to be loved by us cared by us led by us and then for us to teach them how to treat each other as siblings but now as we were preparing to send them out into the world it struck us y'all haven't been out in society like do you even know how to talk to strangers anymore like have you become strange we realized we kind of had to reboot them here's how the stewards operate in society because we're not sure you know anymore i remember when donna was pregnant with our firstborn hannah a movie came out called hannah and we thought let's watch it and the first half of the movie was this dad with his daughter and he took her far away from society to protect her from the craziness and he basically just taught her how to hunt and fish and gave her ninja skills and i remember looking at don and i'm like i like where this is going i'm kind of vibing with this uh philosophically but as the movie progressed inevitably they had to enter back into society and their dad's sheltering of her actually left her unequipped to know how to navigate the relational networks she was inevitably going to face you realize oh okay i see there was a flaw in this logic we have to acclimate the children on how to move out into the culture and i say that because that's what's happening in first peter i mean first peter's doing what every organization does every organization has a statement of vision and of values this is who we are and this is how we act in the world every family every organization does that and peter's doing that saying hey as the people of jesus who have allegiance to him this is who we are because of our intimacy with him and so this is how we act in the world intimacy with the almighty has changed the way we move into society that's what peter says and so at the beginning of the book he's talking about this relationship with our dad with our family and now we're at the pivot point in the book which is really where we're going to plant in this series we're entitling free people it's the pivot where he says now as the people of god the family of god here's how we as people enter society and he gives you this great statement we live as free people but not using our freedom is a cover-up for evil but living as servants of god we honor everyone we love the brotherhood we fear god and we honor the emperor it's like he walks his children out into the culture and makes us do quarter turns and says it's the people of jesus here's how you handle those who believe differently than you here's how you handle the people who believe the same as you here's how you treat the god who made it all and then here's how you handle the government under which you'll be subject and we'll cover that one in three weeks it will be very exciting but we're going to hit the first one of those today we honor everybody but we can't just start there because the bible never does we got to get a running start at it because the bible peter in all of scripture argues that you have to get identity right first because your identity determines your activity who you are determines what you do and so peter for a chapter and a bit is telling us this is who you are and your identity has implications for how you live in the world i remember i had a friend that went on a mission trip years ago and he realized quickly i'm the youngest person on this mission trip by far and so he just kind of felt a bit of that insecurity i don't want to speak up but he was witty and smart so he just kind of slid naturally into well i'll be the jokester just giving a little funny commentary to give a laugh at whatever happens until finally this older guy in the group grabbed him and pulled him aside and said hey man you're the pastor because he had just become pastor of their church and he said so you're our leader act like it lead us and he said it was the first moment that it hit him oh yeah i took on a new identity and that has implications for how i act in society and that identity is more fundamental i am their pastor and so i need to act like it but it's true of all of us if i'm going to tell you to do this do this do this we got to start with who you are because i promise you what you think about when you look in the mirror determines how you feel when you walk into a room and it'll determine how you perceive what people say about you and what you choose to say and what you choose to do i'll give you a horrible example uh i read an interview several interviews recently of women who were in the porn industry the common denominator of all of them is that they were abused as little girls and though none of them heard someone say it directly to them that experience lodged into their mind some truths about them that you are unworthy to be loved no one cares about what you think or how you feel but you are valuable to the degree that you're sexual and you're dirty and so no one will want you as a person so therefore this is your lot in life and these women subjected themselves to abuse over and over and over again why because they believed that identity fundamentally this is who i am so this is what i deserve or what's best for me and so if you came to them and said hey you just need to stop doing those movies that's not enough it was a lie lodged in their heart that launched that lifestyle it has to be supplanted with truth and so the reality is for us the same is true before peter says you need to do this he says let me tell you who you are your relationship with god has reoriented you to the rest of the world you are not what they said you are what he says so the question is who are you and we're going to cover three points here but the first one is who you are and so i want to challenge you to do this if you're taking notes and i hope you are grab a piece of paper and write at the top of it your full given name and any relevant nicknames and i'm going to tell you is point one five things that are true of us as people who believe in jesus what's true of us so point one is we are god's people we are god's people we belong to the lord and peter says a lot about that we'll just jump at five really quick in this first point and because these things are gonna inform not just our identity but our activity he says we are god's people and as such we are chosen that's what he said in verse nine you're a chosen race or in verse one when he was introducing himself to them he said i'm peter and you are the elect exiles elect chosen same idea that god selected you according to the foreknowledge of the father it says that he wanted you it was intentional and it's closely tied to the next word you are chosen and you are holy he said you're a chosen race a holy nation that word holy means set apart pulled out pulled away from there and brought close to here he does it again in the intro he says uh that you are uh elect exiles according to the foreknowledge of god the father he chose you on purpose and to the sanctification of the holy spirit sanctification holy same word you are set apart away from them and unto me now you can get into big theological philosophical arguments about those two words we could spend the rest of our time doing that i'm not going to they are meant to be a comfort to you there's something precious about knowing someone wanted you you're chosen and set apart for me we're reading harry potter with the kids and little ginny weasley cover your ears kids because we haven't gotten to this part yet she's like the eighth child in the weasley family a poor wizarding family but the great harry potter wanted her and chose her to be holy unto him as his wife it's nice to be chosen donna could have been with a lot of other guys she chose me and set her affections on me and i am my beloveds and she is mine and that's a comforting thought so you're chosen and you're holy set apart for him and as such you're beloved notice in the text verse 9 again you're a chosen race a holy nation a people of his own possession he says i want you for me says once you weren't a people but now you're god's people you're my people once you had not received mercy compassion love and care he says but now you have my compassion came towards you and i love it in verse 11 he calls them beloved and i love that because it's not just saying the verb like you're loved he takes the word love and he makes it the noun he makes them their name you're the loved ones beloved is your name right next to your name the word beloved do you believe it for a lot of people that's the hardest one to believe it's easier statistically if you came from a loving two-parent home to believe you're the beloved it's hard for a lot of other people to buy that one of the last conversations i was blessed to have with ravi zacharias was he told the story to me of how as he journeyed through the middle east more and more he was beginning to tell the story in that context that jesus told about the prodigal son and he said they really understood the first part of that story the gravity of it the insult of a son saying to a father give me my inheritance ahead of time because i don't want to be with you anymore i just want the money and i'm going to go spend it on whatever i want they saw the shock and the offense the dishonor to a family for a son to say something like that he said you felt the anger off the crowd but as the son ran away and lived in riotous living and realized he made a huge mistake as jesus unfolds the story the sun wonders i wonder if my father will take me back in his house and ravi said as he told the story of the son making his journey back he said you could feel the tension in the room he said but when i began to tell them when the father saw that son for many of these men in their culture the father would absolutely reject that son possibly take the son's life he said but as i began to explain to them that the dad when he saw his son still a long way off he ran for him and embraced him and kissed him present active continuously kissed him and dressed him and robed him and celebrated him he said the room was filled with a pregnant silence of people he said you could feel the longing could that possibly be true that a dad could love his wayward child like that and that's what jesus was trying to communicate that's what your father god is like when you're a long way off you've ran for you he embraces you he chose you he set you apart and he loves you you're the beloved all through this passage he keeps calling himself dad i'm a father i'm a father you're children he talks like that i love the way he intros him he says from the foreknowledge of god the father through the sanctification of the spirit to the obedience of jesus christ he picks the triune godhead father son and spirit wants to wrap you up in the love of god surrounded by the love of the holy trinity my children love to crawl up into the bed to be snuggled between mom and dad they like the safety of it and peter's telling these people who they are you are snuggled in to the love of the triune godhead you are chosen you are holy you are loved you're part of a family you're part of a family your children and notice all these words are plurals a chosen race a holy nation a people for his own possession once you're not a people now you're god's people he goes on to say people who know jesus are from all different ethnicities and your ethnicities and cultures and different parties that you're affiliated with the you don't lose those identities but now they're secondary to this one great identity god took all of us and just adopted a big random eclectic community of kids you're part of a family and you're part of a family that are heirs that according to his great mercy he's caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead that's how we got it not from anything we've done but because of what he did to an inheritance that's imperishable undefiled unfaded kept in heaven for you who by god's power are guarded through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time and in this you rejoice he said you have an inheritance in heaven your future is secure no matter what happens in life you know all our stories end in victory you are a royal priesthood you have rolly royal blood in your veins the kingdom is coming to you and that's a comforting thought and we could go through all these they all have different implications you see in the text as children who are holy and chosen and loved we're meant to obey chosen according to the foreknowledge of god to the obedience of jesus christ he says earlier in the passage his obedient children don't be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance but as he who's called you is holy you be holy my kids were chosen by donna and i we chose to have them they didn't make that choice we did and they were set apart to us they're our kids and they're beloved by us we loved them before they had done anything wrong or right they are beloved children and as such we want them to obey and that is not tyranny it's for their good my son the other day was trying to eat grass out in the yard because that's what he saw a deer do it is not tyranny for me to feed him the food that will help him survive he does not know what is best for him i do so by obeying me he's doing good to himself it's not tyranny it's actually liberty but as kids i want them to obey as heirs we're meant to rejoice he says if you know all of heaven and all the world is yours you rejoice i don't know if jeff bezos has kids but i promise you they're probably not worried about how they're going to pay for college and the christians not meant to be a warrior all of heaven and earth are ours we can rejoice right and as a family we love and we'll do that one next week but we need to move to another implication we are god's children we are god's people we belong to the lord that's the comforting beauty he's trying to get across to us but now he presents a second reality that's also hard for a lot of people to accept but for different reasons he says we are god's people so we're not like other people we belong to the lord and that makes us different from the world and you see it in verse 11 beloved i urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh which wage war against your soul at the beginning in verse 1 he called him the elect exiles chosen by god and weird to everyone else that's the reality holy and loved stranger in exile there's something weird about you as you enter back into the culture you're different and that difference you'll feel the tension and the tension is in the title you are a sojourner or an alien in greek it's the word para oykios okios means house para means alongside it means there's a community in the house and you're near them but you're not in them so you live by them but you're not part of them and the other word carries the idea of you're in this culture but you're passing through it and so to those two words together of sojourner and exile or some translated alien and strangers they work together to say i live here but i'm not from here and i'm not here long it's how many people conceive of their time in dc i live here but i'm not from here and i'm not here long but a great illustration would be of a diplomat or an ambassador i belong to another country and i have a home in this one but it's not a permanent home i'm here but i'm not party here but i'm here i'm rooted but the roots are shallow and i'm here for a while but not forever and then the question is how do you act if you know you're a stranger right how did the beloved also be pilgrims that's the idea and what he tells you is the first thing is we act different because we are different we act different right and so he gives you that in verse 11. we as sojourners and exiles abstain from the passions of the flesh i love the way john piper said it he said the christian is at home in every culture and at odds with every culture because the gospel is at home in every culture and at odds with every culture the message of christianity is not change your life adapt your lifestyle visit some holy city you don't make any changes where you are dressed how you are acting like you are no matter where you are the message comes that god came for you he sent his son for you that son lived a perfect life for you that son died for you that son resurrected for you that son offers life to you you are adopted not based on your work but his you are renovated from the inside before you've done a thing so the gospel comes to any culture any political culture skater culture rap culture hip-hop culture country culture it comes to any culture any ethnicity it's at home in any country the gospel can move in and yet the gospel's at odds with every culture not all of it that's why christian worship can take a myriad of different flavors and use all kinds of instruments but every culture because they're fallen will be challenged in different ways by the gospel that's why some of you may be from a more liberal political persuasion and at times if you've been tracking with us i'll say things that you'll go hmm yeah right and then i'll see other things you go why did you say that because parts of your culture will agree in parts the gospel will challenge and if you're from a conservative political culture i'll say things that you'll go yeah and then i'll say other things you'll go why did you say that because the gospel is at home in any culture and also challenges every culture that's the beauty of it and so he says go home back into your culture but once the gospels landed in you you have changed citizenship your citizenship is now you're a beloved chosen child of god now go back into the culture but know you're going back different and you'll walk back into it and some things will be different and there's some things you used to do you don't do any more you abstain which means stop it you don't do certain things why because they're passions of the flesh there's a part of you that'll still want them but you know now they waged war against your soul it's a deeply personal reason why we don't do what some of our other friends do it's because we knew what we thought was freedom was actually slavery actually this passage wages war on the modern thought that freedom is following your desires just follow your passions and we know that doesn't work because our passions conflict i have a passion to be in shape i also have a passion to eat about a pound of cookies every day i do i love them and those passions conflict that if i'm free to eat all i want what will happen well i won't be able to run as far lift as much or live as long that freedom will actually become restriction and so when i restrict myself now it's for the freedom of lord willing meeting my grandkids right and so freedom is not the ability to do whatever we want honestly the bible calls that tyranny johnny cash had a bunch of fame had a bunch of money he said i can do whatever i want so he started doing a bunch of drugs and drinking a ton and then he said man yeah i thought i was drinking that bottle and then you realize no that bottle's drinking you i thought i was free to do all that and i realized what i thought was freedom actually put me in bondage i talked to a young man who was in recovery for sexual addiction and he said i thought it was free to explore all these varieties of ways of acting out sexually he said and then i got addicted to them and he said now that he is abstaining from so much of what was part of his life he said i feel like i'm getting healthy relationships back i'm getting love and intimacy back and he said here's the crazy thing i'm getting my creativity back i didn't realize how much that freedom had stolen from me and so what we call freedom is actually often tyranny and so the bible says we abstain from certain things why because they were warring against us they were hurting us so we stopped doing some things i remember years ago don and i watched that show the biggest loser and you know this kid had pulled away from a society and lost a lot of weight and was learning about how he had really put his body in jeopardy and when he came home he had a completely different body had lost so much weight and a really different mentality about how to live and as he got home his girlfriend wanted to celebrate his changes by making him a huge sheet cake a bowl of ice cream and a bunch of chicken wings and you saw him look at it like that that almost killed me that will kill me i can't do that anymore and she was offended and it hurt her feelings she's like how dare you and dawn and i were like get away from her she's no good for you because you're like hey this girl wants you indulging some things that kill you but you see the tension there she thought it was good he knows this will kill me and now you see the tension and as the christian will go man god's changed my heart there's some things i used to do i can't do anymore i still love my friends but i can't do everything they did and when you walk back into that they won't understand so we are different and will be treated different he says it's so they will speak against you as evil doers that's what he said the next passage there will be people that won't understand your abstinence will be odd and some of you have encountered that you say hey man i can't party like that anymore people are like why not dude what's the matter with you are you religious now you think you're better than us is that what this is and they ascribe motive that's insulting to them or some of you maybe you've been a part of a work culture that they do some things and you say i can't do that and they go that guy's anti-social that guy's not cool that girl doesn't like to hang with us she must not like her she thinks she's better than us and they begin to dislike you and even call you an evil doer that's what happened in peter's day the christians wouldn't participate in certain parts of the culture in the day gladiatorial games some of the big love feasts they wouldn't be a part of and they were branded as anti-social and then branded as a danger to society you aren't just odd you're dangerous and so peter says here in his day and it's often true in many countries in our day people look at the believer and say you're an evil doer you're dangerous we don't want you here so we are god's people which makes us not like other people we belong to the lord that makes us different from the world and there'll be tension so what do we do how do we live now we're approaching our key text right what peter's not going to say is what you do is launch a social media campaign and you come at them and you let them know and you light them up you blow them up you slam them you own them he doesn't say that he's not in attack mode he says we are not just different from them this is your last point we're not just different from them we're different for them so he tells you to stop doing something abstain from sinful desires but then verse 12 is the same sentence actually keeps running he says but keep your conduct among the gentiles honorable so that when they speak against you as evildoers they may see your good deeds and glorify god on the day of visitation notice there's no violence in the text he doesn't say you attack him you come after him they disagree with you you own them he doesn't say that what does he say i abstain from some things and that will make me odd but i engage in some things and that will make us attractive i decide to keep my conduct honorable among the gentiles the word ethnos the different nations if we're part of god's holy nation now and we enter into different nations as we're mixing with people with different values different ideas i want to treat them in a way that has honor why do i do that so when they speak of me as an evil doer if people don't understand me if they mistreat me if they think what i'm advocating for is really something that's not and we disagree and i'm characterized or mischaracterized he says no we're gonna keep being honorable why so they may see our good deeds so that's an active word i'm doing good in the world i'm not shrinking back from it i'm not moving out into the woods with my kid and teaching her bone arrows and ninja skills although you can do that maybe in your recreational time i'm moving into the culture and i'm doing things that are good that the culture will perceive as good that they see man what these people are doing but that was a good thing and then he tells you the result of doing that i'm gonna do good deeds why so that they may glorify god on the day of his visitation i'm different from them but i'm not just different from them i'm different for them so i'll be odd but i want to be odd and attractive i want to use my oddity for their benefit not just retreat from society and be different from them i want to step into it and be different for them why so they can know the god who loves me because he loves them and i love him so i love them and so i want to treat them in a way that makes them see how glorious my god is so on the day he visits they'll celebrate they'll know him they'll want him because they saw his beauty reflected in me we're meant to be like superman stranger from another planet my kids and i have been reading the superman origin story we're reading a lot of books i mentioned that earlier what happens you're not from here but you're here now and you're different and in the origin story we read he was using that difference to excel at football crushing other high school kids really not right and his dad tells him man you're not just supposed to be different for your benefit you're different for them your greatest freedom is being a servant to those people who need you and it's the same with us we're different from them by the grace of god and so we're different for them so they'll know that grace too so that they may see my good deeds and glorify god on the day of his visitation and peter's just getting this from jesus by the way jesus said it in luke 6 he says love your enemies does that sound anything like what you've encountered on social media this week enemy what should i do oh yeah love love your enemy and then jesus says do good same word actively express that love in doing things that benefit them and then he gives you an example land expecting nothing in return he says consider lending the money why your reward will be great you'll be sons of the most high for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil god was gracious to us when we were rebels so we're gracious to them so they can know the god that loves rebels and changes us into something new that's what we do our abstinence will repel us but our actions will attract them and that's what we do we're not just different from them we're different for them so verse 16 we live as free people we're not obligated but we don't use our freedom as an excuse to do evil we become a servant of god because we know that true freedom is just changing masters because everybody's going to serve somebody we serve one who loves us and gave his life for us and how do we serve him this is where we were getting to verse 17 we honor everyone what's the good we do we honor them everyone in greek is the word all it means everyone every person you can think of if they're a person you honor them and the word honor comes from the word to ascribe worth or value i treat every person like they're valuable why because they are because my scriptures tell me in genesis that we all come from the same parents and that god made all of us in the image of god it's not based on capacity that you have dignity your dignity comes because the maker laid his hands on you we have the image of god on us not based on what we do but because of whose we are he made everybody and so everybody has dignity genesis 1 says that we are all made in the image of god and the bible doesn't really explain what it means to be made in the image of god but you get two explanations one later in genesis it says if someone's in the image of god you don't murder them and then in james he says if someone's in the image of god you don't slander them so whatever it means to be in the image of god it means that i don't hurt you bodily and i don't hurt you with my mouth that i treat you with honor why because god loves you so i love you so i do things that communicate honor to you that you will recognize as good so i do things to you that you would understand is good i remember i was speaking at a college campus they asked me to come speak uh to a leadership seminar about leadership but i came as someone who was leading a christian organization and i remember a young man during the q a just said to me i'm uncomfortable with you being here because you're a religious leader and quite frankly i don't know why they invited you here in a secular school and he said i'm from and he named a different country in the middle east he said so i'm just real curious for you as a christian what do you think of me and i loved that question i said you want to know what i think of you i said my bible says you are made in the image of my god who i love so you have value and you have dignity you have dignity if you disagree with me you have value if you hate me and so he told me i love my enemies i do good to those who hurt me i pray for those who persecute me this is the words of my jesus so how do i treat you i honor you and i love you that doesn't mean i always agree with you we may profoundly disagree and peter says that later you got to be ready to give an explanation for the hope that you have but you do it with gentleness and respect i may disagree with you but i can disagree with you and still honor you francis schaefer was so good at that he was basically the c.s lewis to the hippies francis schaefer used to say i don't want to debate people he was always asked on university campuses to debate some atheist or something he said i won't debate them i'll have a conversation with them though and he said i want to get on stage and he said my idea is i want to strongly object to their ideas but so honor them in the process that it would not feel at all odd for me to invite them to dinner afterwards and he always would and they would often say yes that i can disagree with you and still honor you and for all of us as believers we have to find a way to do that how do i find a way as i enter my office where they're going to see me as weird enter the culture enter into the contentious political world that we live in and communicate honor to people in the name of jesus so that they'll know him we've got to figure out how to do that that's our great challenge and call as believers i had a friend that right out of college he went to work for a company and he wanted people to know jesus because jesus had changed his life and so he was telling people about jesus and if you've ever had that guy at work often it doesn't go great hey you want to come to church with me no bro get away from me what are you weird like it just it went nowhere and finally he realized when i say the word church i got a definition behind me of love and acceptance and beauty and god renovating hearts when they hear the word church there's a lot of other words associated with it that are not the words i'm talking about so we're not communicating in a way that says what i'm trying to say but he worked in a company that had work teams that would be assigned different projects and if you project dropped on you man you could be working all day all night through the night and he said there was one day he was packing up my project's done i'm going home and he saw another team and he knew they were in for a long night probably a long week no sleep living off coffee is gonna be rough and so he said he just walked over to them and said all right i went ahead and ordered y'all coffee give me your dinner orders i'm going to take your orders i'm going to pick it up and i'll bring it back and they're like what are you doing he was like i'm taking your dinner order give it to me they're like why are you doing that because you're probably going to be hungry give it it he said it confused them why are you attracted to one of us are you trying to win over us so psychologically is it some kind of jiu-jitsu what are you doing but over a while they realize no you're just a cool guy and you care about other people you're not just incessantly trying to climb the ladder maybe maybe business success isn't the most important thing to you hey you're not just chasing the almighty dollar maybe money is not the most important thing to you how you're not just kissing up to the people who will help you advance in your career you're also being kind of people who won't help you advance maybe your career is not where you find your sense of identity what's going on with you and it was alluring and attractive honoring led them to draw near we do good to them if perhaps they might glorify god on the day of his visitation if your god's like that i want to know a god like that watch my knees to tell the story of being in china and a man was irrigating his rice fields and he found he would go out there and all the water would be drained out you know you got to keep them really wet and he realized his neighbor would come and cut a hole in their fence so the water would drain down to fill his rice field the guy was stealing all my labor and work what do you do as a normal human in that you go to the guy's house and you just have a conversation with him right let him know take a man's water as a christian what do you do he said what i did is i just started pumping enough water to fill both of our fields and when the guy saw that obviously he understood i was stealing from him and rather than attack me he served me that makes no sense i don't understand you but i want to understand you and the man came to know christ because he saw christ in that man polycarp was the bishop of smyrna and the day when christians were persecuted christians were being dragged at that point into a coliseum and murdered for sport in front of people wild animals are lit on fire his parishioners kept trying to hide polycarp because he was the bishop we don't want to learn you lose you as a leader and finally he said guys i can't run anymore they're going to find me and so soldiers came to the door to arrest him the crowd was already in the coliseum it's time to kill you polycarp and when they arrived at the door he greeted them and he said i know it was a long journey to get here can i get you something to eat and he fixed them refreshments and while the men who were there to arrest him and kill them ate the food he prepared for them he prayed for them for an hour and the record says then they felt really bad about killing him they realized this is the best kind of guy we got why are we coming after this guy we should all be like this guy not persecuting this guy what's this guy like and i'll tell you what he's like he's like god because while we were sinners christ died for us this is love not that we love god but he he loved us and he sent christ to be a sacrifice for our sin behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we'd be called children of god why would we be called that but such we are it's because we who knew no mercy were shown mercy we who knew no grace were shown grace while we were a long way off god came running and when we could not fix us the great physician came to heal us when we could not live a perfect life jesus did it for us when we could not pay the debt of our sin he paid it and when we were powerless in the face of death he broke the back of its power and when he rose from the grave he said you're coming with me and whoever believes in me you don't have to do a thing i'm changing you on the inside and you once weren't a people but now you're god's people you belong to no one now you belong to me and that'll make you mine and it'll make you weird you'll be different but different doesn't mean offensive doesn't mean offended those who know grace we show grace and we're not just different from the world we're different for the world we come with a resource of love that overflows the banks of our hearts so that when they see our good deeds they say surely there is a great god behind a man like that behind a woman like that and the gospel get adorned by the love of the saints
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Views: 9,786
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Keywords: Passion, Passion City Church, Passion Sermons, Ben, Stuart, Washington D.C., Passion D.C., More Money, christian, sixsteps, (six), passion conference, passion, passion city church worship, passion church, passion music, worship, jesus, ben stuart, free people
Id: uETRm8GtR7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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