Honey We're Raising City Kids with @kristiipartyof6

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to honey we are home we are so excited we're in the studio with a very exciting guest that we've been talking about on every single episode so we're excited she's finally here we have Christy party of six we met at this event this past summer christe basically got on this bus for this event that we were going to in the Hampton sounds so bougie and immediately I was just drawn to you like you have a glow about you and then I was like who's this Chic cool girl she looks like she's 20 freaking two truly and then she I I'm like tell me about yourself I immediately get up from where I'm sitting on the bus I go to where christe's sitting I plop down I'm like tell me about you I want what you're having tell me what you are and she was like I have four kids I spit out my Cofe no really you did and I you were shocked and I said when I launch the podcast with Caroline you're coming on you did so here we are here we we are how are you doing I'm great yeah I'm great I'm so excited to be here thank you guys so much so fun okay so you just announced your pregnancy yes tell us about it literally yester this like perfect timing cuz I announced yesterday and now I can come talk about it today the timing could not be more aligned yes how are you feeling with that um um feeling physically terrible like it's just the first trimester and I throw up every day but um feeling overall just so thankful we're so excited we're so thankful and yeah we just can't wait you announced in these amazing videos on your Tik Tok you kept us hanging there was a part one you did she does that on her but I love her her first comment is like don't hate me like it's I know I knew everyone was going to be so mad but I'm like you guys you know I do this like I important videos I break up into several parts so I'm like just it's coming I promise I won't make you wait too long but yeah well and so you guys were trying for this yeah so yes yes and no so this is this is what happened we said we were done for a really long time we were like we're done we're done we're done but then it just like was not sitting right like we just kept bringing it up and we're like wait are we done we're like yeah we're done and then we'd be like okay we're done like done done done and then we'd still like think about it all the time talk about it all the time I'm like I feel like if we were done we wouldn't be having these feelings like like something didn't feel quite complete yeah like I'm like we kept saying we were done and people would ask us like oh are you guys done are you having more we're like we're done but even saying it I was like are we done like so so then finally this fall we were like well let's just give it to God and we're not going to prevent anything but we're not going to like actively try we're just going to live life as normal and we're not going to prevent and then I got pregnant wow so it was meant to be yeah so that's how we feel we just feel like yeah it's just like this little blessing from God and it was meant to be and for so long we were preventing it and then when we stopped and we were like okay whatever is supposed to happen then it like came very quickly that's I am a firm believer that like the souls that are to make up your family like they're already out there they're just like waiting to come to you soul baby right yeah yeah no soul bab we've talked about this before that's the thing we've talked about Spirit babies but we've talked about Soul babies where I'm like they're they're already there for you like and they will come to you and so you do just have to like be intuitive about like okay you can set a goal yeah and then if there are more to come yeah well and you're just like meant to be a mom like it's clear just from like knowing you meeting you one time like you're just you're you're an amazing amazing mom you're an amazing person you can just tell like God's like she needs another so um we're going to get into like all I want to hear all about your family Dynamic your four kids I know they're not all fully for yeah whatever we're blended family we're Blended perfect word but before we jump into that quick context because you've grown this amazing presence on Tik Tok why did you start posting on Tik Tok and how like it's grown so fast yeah it did grow very fast asked I don't know I feel like it was also like very inspired I felt like because I was a mom with a lot of kids living in a big city which is not super common you don't meet a lot of people with big families living in the city cuz it definitely has its challenges and so I felt like that was like pretty rare and then I felt like because we're a blended family because we co-parent because like I just was like I think I think we're like kind of interesting like I think it this might be interesting for people to watch and see and kind of see like the day in the life of a New York City mom and so I just started posting like I just started like creating videos of my day I just take little videos of what I was doing and then put it together at the end of the day I also show like not all the time but um when I first started like how much it costs to live in New York City and that was like that's what like grew my following so quickly cuz people are nosy and people like to see like oh like how much does a coffee cost compared to where I live you know what I mean or whatever a hair appointment or whatever it may be and so I think it just peaked like the combination of all of that piqued people's interest and so it grew quickly that's exciting okay so you are a mom of four kids tell us a little bit about like your family Dynamic and I also am the oldest of four blended family oh my gosh so I absolutely love it I'm so intrigued by all of this like as a kid of that I'm like it's the best thing that ever happened to me so we just want to hear more about like your entire Dynamic like what it is okay so I got married really young like really really young and I had my son and then I got divorced so married young had a baby got divorced so our oldest diesel he will be 12 next week and he's mine okay and then David my husband he he had a little one night stand oh I remember forgot about I try and like tipto but that's just what it is he's so good about it he's like that's what it is like that's what happened andely yeah so so we're just pretty honest about that so no sometimes you go to say something you see your like life flash before your eyes cuz you're like is there another way to say this I know unfortunately there's just like not that's just what happened so he was never married no not even like in a relationship didn't know the girl I lied to you I was like I think he was married and she was marri and I do have to say like and so terrible but like such a blessing that he even like got involved and like know knows about it all because like so many people would not one of the biggest things when I met him and at first when I found out he had like a literal newborn I was like wait what wait so when you guys met he had a newborn yeah and he always super involved diesel when you guys he was he had just turned three okay two almost three yeah I think he was two almost three so and then David had a newborn so I was like wait what where's where's the baby mom like what's the story and he like told me the whole story and I was like oh my gosh because he had like every chance to walk away like every chance to walk away she did not make it easy for him to be in his son's life he had to like lawyer up and like fight to be in that baby's life wow I have chills and so when he like told me all that I was like you are a a great guy like this is huge cuz so many guys would just be like okay the mom doesn't want me in the kids's life like okay and it's so sad that that's like the bar is physically so low like that in itself is just disappointing but like to be fair like it is easier for the guy to walk away so to say like even to the point where like I'm going to lawyer up because like things happened and this happened and now like this is how we're going to handle it like does speak a lot about you yeah absolutely so very early on I was like wow like this says so much about who he is as a person a father his character and so although it was like a little messy to start dating someone with a newborn you know and I had this toddler like it just it it was what it was yeah so we got married and Blended our little family and it was so special the boys had like this instant connection my son and his son and they just were like brothers right away just so sweet and um um yeah then we were married for a little over a year and then got pregnant with our daughter and she so cute I love that is that her real name no okay I love that it's a nickname you always refer I love you have I don't say the younger two I don't say their names on social media that's a great question also that we had for later sort of like the balance of like like having your kids online but saying like I'm not going to say your real name yes yeah love that is that just to protect like their privacy yeah so it's to protect their privacy and I feel like when we're out and about in the city people come up to me all the time and recognize me and want to do pictures and and I love that I love love love meeting like my besties but also I don't want to I don't want to be at a park and have someone like up to my child and be like Oh and say their name and it's just like they don't quite understand stranger danger like the older boys understand like if someone came up and was like Hey diesel like diesel would be like I don't know you this is weird but like my 3-year-old if some 's like oh hey so and so like you know I just it's just in New York to what a great point because it is such an overly populated city and like everything you do is around thousands of people and like kids do have their independence but like yeah like if your child is used to socializing with people and like used to seeing like strangers all around but doesn't quite understand how dangerous it could be like that is such an aspect and you're just very like approachable and you show your whole life there so people probably feel like they can be inclined to come up and say hi to the kids which I love I love that but when people do come up I never let them like take photos or videos with the kids I'm like you can take a photo with me or whatever but I just want to yeah it's a very like fine line fine balance with having your kids online but also protecting their to take photos with the kids yeah they'll be like oh the kids can get in the video I'm like oh no that's okay I don't know why like something goes off inside my body where I'm like why no a like that's okay like we you know like we but we okay so when your daughter was born did it create like an extra bond between your boys like do you think it brought everybody closer yeah I think so for sure I think one because she was the first girl so the boys were so excited to have a little sister and then two it was like David and I was our child together that was really like our little love baby you know I mean and so it was so special and then the boys like yeah I feel like it really secured like the family unit yeah has a hole instead of like mine yours we you know doing this balance of like blending it all together but it really like secured it's like the glue I do have that feeling about um my sister Sarah I'm the oldest of four and the first child of like my parents together with Sarah and I did as a sibling like I had that distinct feeling when she was born I was like oh she glued us I love that so I like I always think that well and I feel like in your situation it's so fun because like you always post that you get to bond with [ __ ] like she's the one girl like if I were her I would be like oh my life is with three brothers it's so special like the bond that her and I have is so special because she's so she's so girly she loves all the girly things but then because she has three brothers like she can hang with the boys and she's yeah she's feisty she holds her own I'm voting for [ __ ] for president one day yeah [ __ ] for President also like wow like you probably you could either have a girl or a boy this time I think about that's what I was going to ask do we know we don't know will you find out yeah we're going to find out um are you hoping for one be honest no I'm I truly am not at all like you know how people are like just a healthy baby we're like yeah we know a healthy baby I would I would love a girl for [ __ ] because I am so close with my sister like my sister and I are best friends and so I want that for her but at the same time not all sisters are best friends you know what I mean you can have sister not close with them and she's been the only girl for so long so she's like she wants a sister so bad she's like I hope it's a girl I want a sister but I'm like do you really cuz it will change the dynamic for her because she's our little like family princess and so I don't know I think it's a boy like if I had to say I do feel like it's a boy but I would love a girl I would love a boy like we really don't care cuz David and I have a boy and a girl together yes and so yeah that's true do if it was twins well imagine I no I cannot imagine luckily we've had two ultrasounds already and there's just one there okay but I do know that and I have never been pregnant so we're just like couldn't you just find out at 8 months you're like we don't yeah like let's timeline wait so okay you're about to be Christy party of seven you going to you're going to change your handle no that's like the big thing I I said I was not I told David I'm like I'm not changing my name like the brand is established I'm not changing it but then also now everyone's like Christy party is seven on all the comments and I'm like I guess I kind of have to it's not as bad when you change it I forever was like I'm not going to change it when I like added my husband's name onto mine when we got married and then everyone started referring to me as that so I was like okay so I guess it's like that big of a deal yeah I know I just I don't know I don't like I don't love the number seven like I like I like I like even numbers like six so you know so yeah I have a friend that says you're like either an evens person or an odds person toally I'm an odds are cuz I want three okay and I'm one of three I don't know what I am I I like even numbers but my friend tells me that I'm like an odd like I give the energy of like an odd okay we'll see I love the even numbers so you give even energy though I'm a Libra so it's like all about the balance you know I love that okay so we do have a question from the audience it was how did your kids react when you told told them oh my gosh they were so excited it was the it was honestly the best thing ever um we told them all individually because I wanted them to be able to have their own reaction without like their sibling like trying to respond how their siblings were responding you know I wanted like a special moment with each of them so we told them separately yes yes we did and they all were just so so excited you guys just have the most fun life like truly watching your content I'm like it it gives me the biggest case of baby fever I literally shove your my phone in Mike's face and I'm like look how fun look how much fun they're all having like you guys are truly such a close family unit you have your Friday Pizza nights you have these amazing Traditions uh like what other like stuff do you do together like that that just like makes brings you closer together I think that we genuinely like love to be together like David and I love to be together you know there's some people who like can't wait to go do like guys nights or girls nights and like that's great and that's fun but like we would rather be with each other than anyone else and so I feel like our kids feel like that too like our oldest he loves to hang out with his friends but like he also loves being our family like we just love being together and we do have we do have our Traditions so like like you said every Friday we do pizza and a movie every Sunday we do Church in bagels and then throughout the week we have you know like our specific little things that and I think like doing Traditions like that you're showing the world like it doesn't have to be a great you don't have to go to the Opera every Friday night you can do pizza you can do Bagels that could be a affordable family tradition that your kids clearly love and on that note our literal biggest question from the audience was how the [ __ ] do you afford and and I remember meeting you and I remember being like like I was like maybe Tipsy at this point who knows probably yeah we were yeah we got the Hamptons that was yeah you and I really opened up you had you also had me like opening up to you about every like I not we we'll talk about this later in life but I literally took a pregnancy test with christe after meeting her for 5 it was crazy it was negative we got to go buy one we like stopped at a random tiny gas station I was like you have to buy one like we were like okay we took but were you like multiple it was a bonding moment it was a bonding moment you need to be like a therapist in your next life because or with all the free time you have because you made me feel open to doing that but back to the question everybody needs to know like H you guys clearly do well and don't be ashamed of that like we you know it's it's expensive to live here with zero kids yeah how do you do it with four almost five yeah it's a lot like New York City is so expensive I mean just like doing like do like taking our family to dinner and not even like oh like a fancy dinner just like dinner just like you know a dinner at like a local spot it's like $300 like you know what I mean it's just everything school is so expensive like all my kids extracurriculars like everything here is like double or triple what it is anywhere else it's a yeah it's a lot it's so expensive it's so expensive it honestly like at the end of the month when we go over everything we spent we're like oh my it's like terrible and you like have that experience of like you weren't always in the city so like what that comparison of like what it was right so what it is now yeah when you go you guys have the house in Utah we do yep when you do go there is it just like way more affordable oh yeah oh my gosh this is we SP like nothing like we're in Utah and we spend nothing when we're there yeah we have so much space our our home is yeah it's a big house we have a lot of space and we pay pennies compared to what we pay here in the cityu we my husband has invested really well I mean he has a great job he's the chief Revenue officer of a multi-billion dollar company so he does well but he's always worked his ass off I say David definitely has to be a hard worker worked since he was 14 years old I don't even know David and I'm inspired by him like this is insane amazing so he yeah he grew up in poverty he grew up in like subsidized housing on food stamps like with a single family home just his you know his dad left and it was just his mom and he had two other siblings and so he knew from a young age that that's what he didn't want he wanted the opposite of the childhood that he had and so he has literally worked his ass off every day since and he's been very smart with the money that he he's made he's been really smart with Investments and real estate and so that's how we're a I mean that's nice it is I will say like besides being like great fun content like it is very aspirational especially in like I'm sure you have a large New York City audience like that kind of thing where you watch someone's content and you're like oh I don't have a kid yet but like I I still love watching this because I think some of the fear that like lives in a lot of our minds especially like newly married in the city of like how do you make it work with a kid and then to like see people like not only making it work but like thriving yes and being extremely joyful and like gracious and having a close-knit family and like you take your kids to like all of their sporting activities and like you go out to eat together and like even like you said like church and bagels like it is aspirational in that way to say like you might get down sometimes thinking about all the ways that it could go wrong to like take that leap and like have a kid and to watch content like yours is so joyful and that nature nature because this is like right but look at like all the joy that it could bring you and like just you you both have the best perspective in your content too like going off of that you're just like like even the little things like it's freezing cold today but it's okay we bundled up like you said that recent like you're taking New York City can beat you the [ __ ] down and you are taking it and like taking the PO like seeing it in a positive light which I think making the best of any situation and I feel like David and I both are pretty posit POS people and and so we're trying to instill that in our kids and sometimes it's hard they're like no it's cold we don't want to go out or you know and we're like no like let's bundle up and no one will be in Central Park we'll have the whole park to ourselves you're like you mean mindset it's mindset for sure we're trying to create little positive people you know so what do you do because like being in New York I know you shared recently that like January is not your month oh yeah I yeah January is not it for me and so yeah I'm trying I'm trying so hard but with being sick I'm like okay I'm just going to hibernate my door man the other day was like where have you been like in I was like hibernating hibernating logistically do you your guys's apartment how many do you how many bedrooms is it does so we have three bedrooms in our apartment and our apartment I love it so much it's so beautiful and we have the most amazing view and it's new and it's nice but we're going to need a bigger I was just going to ask you yeah that's part of the thing too like I think sometimes like in other areas of the country like you buy a house that you can grow into totally in New York like no we definitely cannot grow into our apartment it was it's it was Tiny to begin with when we moved here and we were like bursting at the same s but you grow out of something and then you move in New York I exactly totally do you get a lot of questions like logistically where do you keep the stuff like do you guys have a storage stage yeah no we don't we okay so I guess our storage unit is our house in Utah Utah I was just going to say everything there for the most part we only brought to New York like things that we use every single day okay things we use every single day like the Necessities that's what we where are the strollers so our building yeah our building has a whole like bike room and so we keep like all the bikes and the strollers and like all the wagons all that down there like all the outside stuff we're able to store down there which is huge does that make finding an apartment harder like when you need that kind of like okay we need a little extra storage and we need yeah I feel like we got so lucky with our building because it literally checked every box for us like every box like we love our building but yeah small we have the biggest apartment in our building like we have the absolute biggest apartment in our entire building still too small for well that's why yeah everything's yeah yeah yeah um so we'll be on the hunt for a bigger apartment well you clearly have so much going on apartment hunting pregnant David I'm assuming Works constantly or not constantly but a lot he works you're busy as all hell we're dragging you to to Midtown know I love it so do you have help like do you hire a nanny do you I do help I definitely have help I have I have help I have um a house cleaner who comes like two to three times a week and I have zero kids yeah I have I have a chef who cooks for us you which I've never admitted except oh my God exclusive wait this is great though because it's realistic like it's realistic you I always tell people I'm like do not be ashamed of talking about what help we've talked the whole episode of this we were like stop it like stop making people feel bad about that's how you want to spend your money yeah yeah once I started making money from Tik Tok and sponsor deals and all that I it was just too much like I was running a full-time like content creator business while taking care of my kids and David was working a ton and we just looked into like a private chef and the logistics and what it would look like and how much it would cost and honestly it was way less than I thought it would be so she comes like once or twice a week and she will make like enough meals for like 3 or 4 days that's so nice and then they're all like my fridge is just full of our meals and then I just put them in the oven and that's so nice it's so nice cuz honestly I think we save money I think we save money I just going to say because like the thing is is like okay someone can you say whatever you want to say about a private chef but we've had this conversation on here before where we're like I don't want to cook you don't want to cook when it's just two people it's easy to just say well when you get off of work like we'll go to dinner when you have four kids a that's already not a financially responsible decision like you can't just do that three to four times a week B like you have sports schedules you have homework schedules you have multiple people's work schedules like you can't just like change your routine every single night yeah it's been so nice and it's created like those family dinners which I love and I think is so important when you have children to establish like family dinner like we do family dinner almost every single night and we talk about our days and the highs and the lows and how we help so fun like like I want to join I think please come on over why not party and this is like our five no that's like I you're confirming that like I'm ready no stop it yes you are ready no literally Mike was when we were together Mike was sending like he was like taking Lou to the park and like like splashing around in a little kitty pool with Lou and she was like holy [ __ ] you guys I was like you need a baby you need a child need a child you guys are the best dog parents in the world the child we always we need to make a video about that you guys slept on the floor of the vet's office so you yes if you're ready do that you can handle a child for sure okay okay that's reassuring but yeah so it's super helpful and I I I truly I feel like we're saving money we're eating healthier and it's been so help as far as a nanny I don't have a full-time Nanny I do not I have I have a nanny who she will do a couple afternoons a week so like [ __ ] has a really busy Dance and Gymnastics schedule and I don't always want to drag um my youngest be to the dance studio with me and so and so he'll go do like playdates with our our Nanny will'll take him and do play dates and go to the park and it's just it's better for him yeah and then she does um every Saturday she does date nights but David and I will like have dinner with the kids put them to bed and then she comes and then David so this was also one of our questions which is like like we can all talk about like what we think we're going to do in our relationship to like keep our relationship close and like set aside time for ourselves when we don't have kids then it's like maybe okay you have one kid and you find something sustainable but you have such a unique perspective on this because you are four kids in fully almost a fifth what has been the most sustainable way for you and David to like keep your relationship tight and get that like time together yeah I would say date night for sure because when we're around the kids it's really easy to get pulled away like the kids are like wanting to wrestle with him or like talk with me or you know like they they're really needy they want our attention they want and we want to give that to them so removing ourselves from the kids and really just focusing on that time to reconnect to laugh to have fun to get dressed up to go out like like I think date night is crucial and that's why since David and I have been married like we have had a standing date night for the last nine years like we have had a date night no matter what for nine years how rigid are you with because oh my God I really single every single we no matter what yeah like I've heard it's important to and I this is something I'm constantly trying to improve on it's important to like actually treat it as like a scheduled calendar event like even this weekend Mike and I are doing date night Saturday night and my one friend was asking me to like do a girls night and I was like shoot okay maybe let me try to move my date night with Mike to the day so I can do but then I was like you know what no like what then I'm ditching my husband for yeah like I think that's a Learning lesson being like especially when all of your friends aren't married yet is like it's okay for me to say no so that I can hang out with my husband for sure right there's nothing like there's no shame in that like my all my friends know that my husband is my favorite person in the world and that's i' rather like that is my best friend like I'm never going to neglect that relationship and I'm not going to feel bad for not neglecting it and I do have to remember with friends that maybe aren't married yet that like one day when they are married they'll do the same thing totally they'll understand they'll get it right now they don't but they will eventually so yeah standing date night I think has been love that you and David too I've noticed faith is a huge part of your relationship you're Catholic right we're Christian Christian okay I never you know you I'm literally Cath think that I'm Catholic I don't know the difference I genuinely don't know the difference in religious com at me if you want I I was raised Catholic but like out of all out of all the Christians in this room I'm the least like Mike and I just don't go to church as much as we want to slash never but we're I'm inspired and after this I'm going to go so is that a would you say like a big part of your family and absolutely absolutely huge we instill that in our kids like God first and that literally everything we have has come from God and we have to be thankful and you know give back and because we've been so blessed we need to bless others and I think when you have that like grateful thankful mindset like there is someone bigger than you you know what I mean I think it really grounds you humbles you and it I think it just really like connects everyone and we all like have a bigger purpose you know what I mean and so yeah we teach that to our kids and David and I always try and we always say our relationship is me and God and David like it's the three of us you know I said that too when we got married yeah and the decisions that we make and and just how we live our life and the people that we are and so I think yeah a lot of people are like oh my gosh like what's your secret or how do you you know why are you guys like so happy or so like healthy or whatever and truly I think it's because we have given like all things all the successful people are like go to church I'm sorry it's just a scientific fact so I'm I'm not gonna yeah I'm not going to disagree with you but yeah have you I think when you just have something bigger than you you know because it's so easy to be like oh yeah like I am whatever whatever it's like no there's something so there's more going I do have a question vulnerability wise like do you feel like having that Faith together having that same Foundation has played a huge part in how you guys have gotten through like a difficult time or like a transition in life yeah absolutely 100% because it gives you something else to lean on you know what I mean to lean on that this is God's plan or everything happens for a reason or this was supposed to happen or you know what I mean and you lean on that faith that higher power that you know what I mean so I think 100% yeah having that makes your your life easier totally it do especially with like death you like to know that like there's a heaven like that's that's what keeps me going it's like want to think that your loved ones are like and you but when you find that with with your partner where you like share that same belief it's like even though two people might cope with something very differently like there is a joint belief in something that like Common Ground where you both know there's more and you can always go like there are just processes through like going through something harder gr for you're like I experienced something today that I would call like a God thing or like I had this realization about like moving forward and moving on and you want to be able to share that with your partner that like they're not going to laugh at you totally yeah absolutely and I think when you're raising kids to be to have that same foundation and that same those same beliefs I think it's it just it's just easier it just makes it easier because my kids see both David and I making a huge effort every Sunday to get everyone up to get to church they see us like openly worshiping and praying and so then they feel comfortable to worship and pray and feel like oh yeah like it's not just like oh yeah my mom my mom prays my dad doesn't you know what I mean my favorite is [ __ ] being like in the like the Sunday fit Jacks like Jesus in the heart I know he love it's so cute like I don't care if you're not even like Catholic or Christian or whatever like I'm I'm going to adopt the Jesus Nicole and I were talking about this the other day I was like how funny must it be to like be a parent because like your kid must do some like insanely funny thing sometimes and like sometimes you want to be like wow that's really sweet sometimes you're like no like don't do that and then you're like but that was funny so funny oh the things that my kids say and do I'm like where did you come from you like they're just so which one is like the one that's going to be like the funniest the attention like middle child yes so [ __ ] is definitely the most like attention seeking she'll do anything for attention she loves she you guys are she just like loves all eyes on her she's a performer she just loves it but our youngest who we call Baby which we can't call him baby anymore cuz there will be a baby people are already like wait yeah like bab what's baby's name going to be now um he is like hilarious without trying like he is just funny go like he is so so funny but he's not like trying to steal the show or trying to like he just is hilarious yeah and and um those ones are lethal that like makes being a parent such a joy though because you're like you can laugh with your husband about that later even totally totally we made that I know I know like what and then our oldest he's a performer as well he actually goes to a Performing Art School here in the city and so he is like a yes he's so we've got a lot of performers we've got and then um our middle Nixon he is our athlete he like lives and breathes Sports and he's so good at sports so they all like have their own thing is really fun and really cool and we just that's the beauty of New York City too like he diesel can be in acting classes and like pursue that Tre versus like if you were in Utah I don't know if they would have no he would not have anywhere near the opportunities that he has here I mean like not even yeah not yeah that leads us to one of our things that we wanted to talk about which is like the pros and cons of having the kids in the city so like obviously one of them being like diesel has more opportunities to like do things that he loves like what is your take on this yeah so I think the thing that we love the most is the culture and the diversity because we came from Utah where everyone looks the same is the same religion like has it's just like very it's the same and so my kids came here and they had friends who celebrated all different holidays and all different cultures and all different ethnicities and backgrounds and I think it's so important to give your kids like that experience so that's like one of the things I love the most is just they can learn so much from other people and and yeah I just think the culture is amazing here um and then yeah the opportunities are unlike anywhere else I mean unlike anywhere else the fact that diesel can go to one of the best performing art schools in the country yeah and it's just like that opportunity he I mean he works so hard for it but the fact that he even has that opportunity and it's because we live here yeah you know and I think just the kids experiencing a different way of life like not a lot of kids will experience growing up in a huge City and so it's just a different experience for them and I think it's just really invaluable like end of the day when we're like oh we're spending so much money to live here but I'm like but look at the experiences that our kids have do you you extremely valuable experiences for sure that they'll take with them forever you know what I mean I think they'll truly be better more well-rounded people as they go into adulthood because they have the experience of living here think about like being a young kid you would learn so much just from solely people watching in Central Park Absol like absolutely you learn maybe too much that's that bring us yeah what do you do when you feel like your kids are around a situation like maybe on the Subway or something you're like okay like not like not today you're not going to see that today so we have a code word okay and if I say the code word my kids no like get close to Mom and we're leaving the situation smartart can you say the code or no I yeah no I mean it's it's just like a random it's it's like nothing it's like my kids know did literally that's the word no no it's not wait no that's psycho that's that's CL you guys I've told you I'm CL yeah no okay pineapp so my kids no so if we're like if we're like on the street and you know they're like have their scooters or they're a little bit ahead of me or whatever and I'm like oh hey guys pineapple they know immediately like get to Mom and we're figuring out a different path or plan even baby like does he how do you how did you like sit down and explain this to him like so that he could like fully understand what you were saying yeah so we had a scary situation I think the first maybe the first summer we lived here we had a scary situation on the subway and I just like okay this can never happen again um we got followed for like a really long time by like a really scary big guy who was like very clearly like stalking us following us like it was it all of you was it was me and the kids that's what I was going to sayz it's not even like you have two parents that can like each girlfriend and her son and yeah but it was oh my God so many kids and like oh God it was so scary without David without David and I had both my kids like buckled into their double stroller so I was like literally just down on the subway platform like yeah what am I going to do like I went to get in the elevator to go up and he followed us and so I couldn't can't get into the elevator with a person who's so I like backed out of the elevator anyway I found someone to help me I found a couple guys and I was like I'm being followed I need help one of them called the police one of them help me out but I cuz you like need to get up the stairs at that point it's like you can't run no yeah yeah so it's like okay how are we going to figure this out so I just like we also play this game with our kids called what would you do and we give them just like any scenario you could think of we'll be like what would you do if and we'll like tell them a scenario and then they have to like talk their way through it what they would do how did you guys come up with that yourselves yeah I mean that's brilliant the boys were like little even when we lived in Utah oh my God I love this and so it's just something and they love it they're like can we play what would you do just such an educate like I want to play that as an adult yeah no I feel like it's just so you know you have to be prepared I think one of the biggest things in living here with children specifically is you just have to be prepared you have to be like on alert Anything could happen at any time and you have to be prepared so they their little brains they like know what they would do and and normally their answers are really good I'm like good job you guys you're like okay I feel good about this today wild wow so obviously like our the youngest doesn't quite understand as well as like [ __ ] who six but he still gets it he knows like if Mom says pineapple something's going down I got to get to you know yeah when they probably like train each other the oldest will yeah I was thinking that too like you would grab your like younger s siblings hand or like whatever like dies so good he's such like a he's a great big brother he's very responsible he's very mature for his age amazing and so yeah he he's great I love that is it kind of just like do you ever feel because like to speak of context when my uh sister and her four and two-year-old came up to visit around the holidays Mike and I were carrying them on the subway down and up I was sweating drenched I was schlepping we had the stroller two it just with two kids felt like a schlep do you is it does it feel like that like how are you guys getting around the city every every day do you have a car here no how do what do you do this is like a burning question for me like when you take a taxi or Uber with like an infant like do you have to have your own Cary or like oh yeah so this is a burning question every parent is different and that's just what I always say when people ask on social media like what do you do about car seats what do you do every parent is different some parents carry their car seats everywhere and take the car seats and some just hold the baby they just hold the baby yeah okay I mean I mean it's New York you literally have to do what works for you I'm sorry it's like it's not built for that like yeah I just think it's a really personal choice that every parent makes depending on their kids age how many kids they have and yeah if they're going staying in the City versus like driving on the highway you know so um I really think that Uber needs to have like uber baby like they have Uber pet they do they do there are some but it's but it takes longer like there's just not a ton of uers that have car seats so it definitely does take longer it's more expensive and it's just not quite as convenient but they do they do New York they do yeah okay that's one of those least they have it but do what you need to do to get around and there's a special place hell for people who judge other people's parenting CU you don't know you don't know you don't know don't Yu somebody's yum but yeah it's a it's a schp it's I mean you just pack like I always have a bag with snacks and water and Band-Aids and extra change of clothes and then you just we walk a ton my kids are really great little Walkers and so we walk a ton they have their scooter so they'll scooter we'll walk we take the subway we do take taxis and Ubers like we yeah but it is yeah it's it's like physically it's a it's like a grind to live here in general It's a Grind we all know that but then with kids yeah it just adds an extra layer yeah how much extra time do you bake on to like leaving or transportation to well I'm literally late everywhere I go and it's like the joke on my T's like you're just a late queen I'm like I'm just late it's just with five kids people need to give Grace yeah we're already late so honestly at least you have a reason no matter how much I prepare I we're always still 10 to 15 to 20 minutes later the 15 to 20 is so real truly just build in The Bu yeah just yeah just expect it with any working mom I'm like you get to be like an hour you don't even have to come to work like just just say because I know I mean I'm laid everywhere again zero kids but I know when I'm at that point I'm just gonna it's like you try you do the best you can but even if you're like have everything packed waiting by the door then someone has to go potty or you know what I mean someone like wants to change their outfit or you know I'm just amazed with the fact that you have to like like you said earlier just prepare is preparation is key I feel like you have to be such an organized person to have five kids like what is your biggest tip for being organized like and just keeping everybody on yeah I mean I think just a lot of like I prep as much as I can the night before so like lunches are made snacks are made water bottles are full and in the fridge like outfits are laid out so I think like the more you can do in advance okay okay the better okay for sure want to do that no that's a really really I have a question yeah how do you feel like after quite a few pregnancies like what do you feel like the most appreciated ways are that David supports you like during a pregnancy yeah that's a great question well right now he's like doing literally everything for me like he got my mom out here so my mom has been here for two weeks and she'll be here for another week because yeah she's here right now and she's like taking over what I can't do because I'm so sick but David when he gets home from work he's like okay go to bed like he like brings me water and my vitamins and like tucks me in he's like I got it like I'll put the kids to bed don't even worry about it like in the morning before I even open my eyes he brings me like toast and water and like he I know you guys he's the best he's like he's a rare little gem remind me how you and David actually met cuz I know you met in Utah you were both very young you both had your kids but we didn't actually ask you how you phys like for the single ladies out there how do you find a man like a g like how you David I know he literally is the best um we met through friends so I knew of him I knew who he was he had like the reputation of being like just a bachelor like doing his thing just like you know they all do they know so he was like The Bachelor of Salt Lake City so I knew who he was yeah but I was at with some of my girlfriend friends and some of my friends were friends with some of his friends so we were all out we were like at a bar grabbing drinks before we were going to um like a club show I think Steve was performing and we were like going to that and so it was just like I showed up with some of my girlfriends and I saw him and then he like came up to me we ended up sitting by each other at the bar and just like chatting and then when we went over to the club he was just like hanging around me a and then towards the end of the night he was like I want to take you on a date and I was like okay sure sure you a date yeah and he's like no like a proper date like I want to come pick you up and like I want to take you on a date and I was like the bar is high cuz they don't I know and I was like and I had just been like hanging out with guys who were like hey let's hang out like come over you know yeah and so he's like no like a real date and I was like okay we'll see so I like gave him my number and then he like followed through he was like okay like no like I was serious yeah like what are you doing this weekend let's go on a date that's where we got to know each other yeah so then so actually that same group of friends went to Vegas like two weekends later and he was there I was there like all our friends were there and it was a crazy weekend so fun but just crazy and then it was actually like he had flown to Vegas but then he was driving home with like some of our friends and so we ended up like in the same car and we were sitting next to each other and it was like that 6-hour drive from Vegas to Utah that like he really we just like talked the whole time and that's when I found out that he had a child and he found out that I had been through a really bad divorce and we just kind of like opened up to each other and then after that we got home and the next like the next couple days he text me and then he was like I want to take you to dinner like I loved getting to know you and it's like okay so then we like went on a couple dates and then started like it moves so fast like crazy fast like right place right time and I think we both just knew like you know it's like so sh when you know you know but like we really knew we were like this is the real deal I think it's also like when you already know what you don't want like it's easier to find what you do and you had that bad divorce like if you don't mind us asking like what I mean that could be a whole episode I feel like but yeah what how did you know you know it was really time to just get out of that relationship like what made you yeah I mean it was easy to know I'll just leave it at that there was like things that went down that I that made it very clear how old were you when you I was 21 when we got divorced 22 oh so younger when you even got m i was I think I had just turned which like correct me if I'm wrong that's like very of the norm like oh absolutely yeah we dated like from like 18 to 20 I got got married at 20 and then div at 22 do you feel like that was like an expectation like when you get to that age it's like okay that's just what everyone's doing and we had dated in high school and then it was just like he had gone on a Mormon Mission and we like wrote cuz you can't like speak or anything so we like emailed for two years and then it's like but while he was gone I was like planning my wedding with his mom like and I hadn't seen him in 2 years but like and like this is like normal it's it's 100% normal like no one was like oh my gosh this is weird or like why are you planning your wedding like it was like of course you're planning your wedding like he's going to come back you guys get married like that's just what you're that's what just what you do yeah and then so wow that's you like have lived so many lives that's no like and Utah I like need to go like observe Utah cuz that's just so different it's yeah the Mormon culture there is really different yeah and you don't really realize it till you're out of it and then you're like looking back oh are the um the blended family members the parents of your other two kids are they um still there in Utah yeah yes okay okay does that make it interesting like bringing everyone to New York City because like what a change from how like you grew up to be like this is the environment I'm putting our kids in now for sure I think that Diesel's dad definitely recognizes the opportunities that are here for diesel like it's so hard for him to be away from Diesel and I know he wasn't like overly happy about the fact that we were like Hey we're moving across the country and you're not going to see your son that often you know like I think that was extremely hard for him but he also understood that it was going to be best for diesel and Diesel was going to have so many opportunities and it was just going to be this really cool experience for him and so he kind of put aside his own stuff in order to let diesel come oh so yeah and and we love them like we had a horrible divorce like I will not trigar Co that it was so bad like our marriage was really Rocky lots of highs lots of really low lows and a really nasty divorce but now like we are in such a good place and we he's remarried and has a daughter obviously David and I are married we have kids like we love them we co-parent really well with them that makes me cry we like we have like a true like family like together when we were in Utah over Christmas like we got together and had dinner at their house and the kids nice for like these even be able to see oh it's amazing but you had to put in the work for that I just feel like not a lot a lot of like moms get the credit for like getting to that place in their relationship because like that I'm assuming for you was like a lot of like I'm putting my pride aside for my child right now yeah I had to forgive a lot of things and just move forward and and yeah it's best for diesel we don't unfortunately have that same relationship with Nixon's mom and I'm guessing a large part of it is because there was never any feelings there there was never a relationship like they didn't even know each other so our parenting Styles like just everything is opposite like if you just think of us then think of the opposite and that that's them we just don't have a lot in common than the fact that we share a child yeah and and that's a huge thing to have in common but we just don't always see eye to eye and the communication isn't there even though we've tried and it's hard hard time does Nixon spend there yeah so Nixon stay he like primarily lives there the way that diesel lives here and goes to school here Nixon lives there and goes to school there but then he so he's there for like four weeks and then out here for two weeks four weeks two weeks four weeks and then he spends half the summer here and then every other holiday is it really hard when you have to send him back like yeah it's hard I think one of the most admirable things about what you've done you this is again why you're just like meant to be a mother is like you you've never referred to Nixon as like your stepchild or or half child or whatever like the they are your four kids and I was like that like you know we both have divorced parents and stuff and that's but I would like lose like sorry but I would lose my [ __ ] like someone has where like your half and I'm like I actually fight you like they're my sisters I'm like do we have beef cuz like what no that's how our kids have been raised that we are a family we are Mom Dad siblings like there's no step half whatever whatever like we don't you don't judge by that it's like you're yeah you're a family like I'm all of you you're all of me there is no separation there is no like this half there that half there like it doesn't work like that even when the parents can't figure it out if you're doing a good job with your kids like they 100% know that like they operate as like one Union like they are all unified yes and I absolutely yeah so that's really beautiful yeah yeah but It's Tricky I mean like it's yeah co-parenting and blending families it's not like an easy thing and I never want to be like oh yeah it's just so easy like it's not it takes work but our family is this is like how God created our family and this is our family and we love we love our family and we want to change it you know and we all learn and grow and it's just yeah it's how admirable it really is just beautiful it really is you guys are so thank you for sharing that with us because I think like a lot of people can probably relate there's no n like if you can show me a family where there's no divorce and no Blended these days like let me know also there's just like no right answer like you just do what works for you yeah and like love your kids yeah like for those of you listening if you're in that situation but you don't have a good relationship with the blend of like that is normal too absolutely yeah also aspire to be chrisy and I will say like time I feel like Time Heals like time the more time that goes by like I feel like the better and better things get at least on diesel side no not on but so I we honestly have like two extremes we have like co-parenting where we like love each other and we're all like in it together and we're like a united front and then we have the extreme where like there's not a lot of communication and there's a lot of just very different parenting Styles so we live like the two extremes and but what's cool is that Nixon will see like you guys tried like you know as kids get older and they like have they like gain Consciousness more about like certain things in life it's like one thing that as they grow up and like learn people's behaviors is that they'll look back and be like Oh but like my parents always tried for sure there that effort was always there and whether it was reciprocated on the other end or not like at least we tried we can say that like we really try how can you not get along with Christie and sorry truly okay so we want to end with a few questions for your Rex in the city a little okay so the first one is we want to know sorry we didn't we did not breathe you at all I know we're so Sor have categories for that soal beier okay so we want to know because you always look so beautiful what is your go-to for facials in the city and then if you're like gonna do any type of work like botox fille or whatever like because it is hard to find somewhere and you're GL glowing oh you guys are so nice well I haven't had Botox in a while and I won't be able to oh right because you're pregnant you can't do anything while you're glowing you have the pregnany glow thing I'm like oh the botox but um yeah so here in the city I go to cool Spa I see Anastasia um she's amazing it's on Fifth Avenue in like 5ifth and 15th and she's great love her you can uh say my name for a little discount but on my way yeah no she's great she does amazing but um I get filler done in all in like most of like my facials and stuff in Utah because I have a girl there who oh smart and it's and it's way cheaper of the price that is true like if you I fly home to Charleston and like still get my haircut there so many people in New York do that they go back to their hom flight and the haircut is still half the price what the haircut is here I just did that because I have been getting my hair done here since we moved here 3 years ago and it's so expensive I love Tyler shout out Tyler my hair guy he is a genius but it is like sickening expensive how much it costs and so I was like oh I'm going to be in Utah for over Christmas break I need my hair done I'll just go to my girl there so here with tip and everything it's over $1,000 to get my hair done I guess that makes sense cuz to get my hair cut like I don't get a d it is $450 for the cut I go to them and like cut everybody's like you ask for with your hair and I'm like honestly low the word low maintenance because I don't want to come back and I only want to go twice a year because mine's close to a thousand true oh my God crazy so then I went to Utah got the same thing like literally she did the same exact thing and it was 250 oh my God yeah 2 that's the cut alone in New York I know wow I guess unless it's my cut cuz the 400 really sent me for a loop I was like yeah that's Weir that was it was a great haircut but in Charleston it's $80 like we can't 400 that's yeah like I'm like I'll just go see my mom for we can get my haircut I mean no just kidding not degrading like obviously you have I know it's like an art for them but it's like I'm in an out and an hour and I'll cut your hair for 400 yeah truly we'll see who does it better I'll give you each a half of my head yes give me a couple glasses of wine and give the want you want and like it'll absolutely not don't touch my hair with wi after some wi that's the last that's the last thing I would have you do I need you like laser focus I'm going to give you like a VI an and then you do it yeah yeah so cool spa for like uh my Cosmetics stu okay okay love it's great we know you love like Bubbies with [ __ ] you just posted about that what are some of your favorite restaurants with the kids that are still good yes kid friendly also without too cuz I'm myself okay let me think about this yeah I know sorry this and honestly I hate when people ask me New York City restaurant recommendations because it's so vague it's hard because there's so many options and you just don't really know what that person specifically is looking for you know what I mean but we love laora Bianca that's like our go-to it's Italian it's delicious it never disappoints the kids love it a good that's a good Italian place with kids though yeah it's great and they're really nice we go to the one on the upper west yeah and they like know us cuz we go there all the time and the kids the kids love it and it's just like very you know love it yeah chill um uh this is going to be this one's going to be controversial uh but my kids love it my kids love the Smith and I know the Smith is like the Smith but I in Hoboken I don't know anything my kids love the Smith and same thing like it's they're really nice it's loud in there and so if my kids are loud like nobody cares yeah the key is like a loud restaurant that is so important when my sister came up with the two and her boys are loud as they climb the walls and jump off them but we went into one restaurant in Hoboken I won't name the name that Mike and I love and they turned us down I really think because we had the boys it was empty they go we don't have anything and they saw the boys were acting up and I was like we'll keep them contained when we sit down it was just weird and then we went across the street to another one that said yeah perfect we'll take it was just you you don't realize until you're with kids like some restaurants they don't discri they do they discriminate they don't want the kids there yeah we love Bubbies we go down there for brunch a lot um there's a sushi place that we like saram they're so nice to our kids and it's like nicer but they're so nice cuz we go there often and so even if our kids are like loud or whatever they're like really sweet um I'm trying to think where else do we go I don't know that's perfect what about do you have like a favorite date night spot with David yeah we love to we love to try like we'll go to like different bars so we like going to Temple Bar we like going to the Mulberry we love going to like rooftop um bars in the summer we love Veronica so we'll normally go and do like a dinner and then we'll just go and like hit a couple like fun get dream fin chat and I love that doing it Saturday date night me too okay well thank you so much for coming on I loved being here thank you guys so much for having me this so fun this was so fun where can everybody find you follow you stalk you okay well find me on Tik Tok at currently Christy party of 6 but we may change that so we'll see but it's um Christy k r i s t i i of six two eyes Christy thank you again so much you are literally the best you're light from the heavens above you are glowing we're so excited for you oh and we have something for you we're so terrible piix this up on the way we have a little gift for a little baby thing oh my gosh are you guys serious right now no it's just a cute little book s not the wrapping well they said is it a gift and I said yeah adorable no it's so cute you guys are so sweet I no I was looking for the specifically the NYC ABC's book and they like told me they had it but then they didn't my gosh this little it's so she sold me on it because the illustrations were like very colorful and cute she like L them oh my gosh we love books we like our kids are book kids like we read to our kids every night so important that's a good tip too read yes that's a good tip yeah we read to our kids every single night it's like our bedtime routine this is beautiful thank you guys so more where that's coming from we're going to oh I love you guys ask you to be in our lives truly I do it yeah let's do it I'm always down love that well thank you so much for coming um we can't wait to see what everything like has in store for you over the next few months big stuff coming yeah yeah big stuff coming and we're excited to follow along so thank you so much thank you guys so much yes we love you guys and we will see you next week bye bye
Channel: Honey We're Home
Views: 474
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Id: Of7DliFcsYg
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Length: 64min 50sec (3890 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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