Honest Video: Things I wish I knew when I started programming

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Hey Guys where are my Spectacles hi everyone quick announcement before I start the video we now have a Discord group Linked In the description anyone can join it and you guys can Talk Amongst yourselves if you want to talk to me though there are special groups that only people who have done some assignment that's given on this channel will have access to so if you were one of the people who did the coding assignment that I gave in the web3 roadmap you will be added to a group where you can talk directly to me and the more assignments you do the better tier of group you'll be able to get and the better access you have to me that way I can talk to people who are genuinely interested in coding and also doing assignments that I'm giving out on a day-to-day basis if you have not done the assignment I will give out another assignment in this video and in every following video somewhere in the middle of the video I will speak out some random thing that I want you guys to build these are things I want built in the world but I don't have the time to do it and I know it's very easy to build these if you use the tools out there which I will be discussing in the video as well so use chat GPT use stack Overflow figure out I'll give you all the jargon that's needed from the very top and then from there you have to build the whole thing tag me once you've done it either in the YouTube comments or in Discord and we'll add you to the members group where only close people who've done assignments and who are actually motivated to code and can also do a little bit of self-coding by themselves are a part of so just wanted to say that link is in the description check out the Discord group things I wish I knew when I was coding I started coding around eight years ago in my second semester in college I coded three years in college and around five years after it in this video I'll share how the landscape has changed over the years if you want to learn how to code what are the things that you should keep in mind and if I was in college today if I was just starting out how I would Implement my learning workflow to use all the tools that are available today and code a little bit faster with that let's get right into the video so when I was in college the first pedestal I used to learn and I shared this with my friend Harnoor in a reel as well it was my seniors it was people who I saw working at startups or in FAANG in big Tech I saw them going to these internships I saw them going to San Francisco in Google's office and that was the initial motivational bit for me also I watched social network if you haven't you should check it out that's also a decent motivation for most software developers out there I want to become like Mark Zuckerberg and be a billionaire by 19. that used to be the best way to get motivated today a postcovid world people are not going to colleges a lot of people have like completely skipped on colleges and are doing online colleges I think that's great I think that's the right thing to do and the downside that comes there is you don't know how you can find these seniors and people so try to find some motivation out there I think personally for me the best way I've learned and it took me a few years to understand this was I was learning very passively I was learning because oh this guy got into this hackathon and made four lakh rupees or I should probably learn about infosec because infosec is where a lot of people are paid this much so that's a decent way to navigate initially and I think that's still pretty relevant today the only the best thing is you can find coding celebrities out there on YouTube or in a bunch of hackathons that you go to so try to find people and find that motivation even if it's not in your seniors if you're in college I'm sure you can find seniors who are pretty awesome and then try to follow them with that let's move to the second point the second point is learning new things it's always very difficult to learn something new I struggle with this as well at work I would be given sometimes like a random assignment not an assignment but like work we need to figure this out no one else is free okay Harkirat is free, harkirat try to figure this out and then I have to chew glass and understand that whole thing how that's done in the industry and as I said earlier everything is available on Google on GitHub on chat GPT these days so you can always figure out what is the mediocre to good way of doing this maybe not the best but enough for you to meet industry standards and that's the best way to learn someone gives you an assignment which I am going to give you now and you try to do it all on your own figure it out from the internet the coding Community is much what's the right word it's not better but it's more open than let's say the JEE Community when you're preparing for IIT Jee it's a very closed circle of people you can find move to kota go to an on-site tuition do a nine to five there and then in two years crack that examination in coding Luckily everything is available out on the internet you can find the right way to do something for example building a website so in the last assignment you created an airdropping website and the assignment today is create a website where you can send any token to another Solana address so a website where there are two input Fields the first input field being the public key of the address you want to send some Solana or some usdc to second field being an input box where you can select the amount and the Third Field being a select where you can select a usdc sold any other native token that you let the user choose the user chooses these clicks on submit and those tokens go to your go from your wallet to that other person's wallet decent assignment I think should be doable use chargpt if you need more help let me know in the comments I'll create a very long comment explaining what's the best way to do this but try to figure this out yourself in the next three days and the people who do will be part of the elite Discord member Group it's not elite but like you get the point I'll be there so you can talk directly to me so try to finish this in three days and coming back to the point best way to learn is learning something difficult that you've never done before first time it will be very difficult second time it will be easy third time you'll be charging clients a lot of money for something you can do like this because you've done it three times so with that let's move to the third Point focus on the quality and not on the quantity what that means is I've given an assignment in this video I will see a lot of people will Google use chat CPT which you should but make sure you understand what you're writing in the end use all the tools out there to write your code but once you've written it you should be able to explain it to me end to end and and the only way that happens is if you write quality code versus quantity code so don't try to do 100 assignments that I give in in this video series just do one but do that do that really well once you've done that well then move to the second one focus on quality versus quantity because if you don't do that you will be able to do this assignment again and again but if I give you a slightly different assignment let's say I tell you okay now try for NFTs you might be stuck and also your this time also you'll need chat GPT when you shouldn't you should understand okay these are tokens NFT s are also sort of a token so you should be able to write that code all by yourself the way to do that is you write quality code understand everything that you've written maybe structure it a little bit better because it'll be open source other people can look at it and if you've written nice code you might be able to find Opportunities people who want to write these websites transfer tokens so open source your code write quality code and also deploy it on the internet for everyone to see with that let's move to the fourth Point focus on the project not on the framework and not on the language again you've been given a task you need to do it initially do it in any language you're comfortable with slowly and steadily start to understand other languages optimal languages and why people use let's say strongly typed golang versus JavaScript or even typescript versus JavaScript but initially if you do that initially right what will happen is you'll get stuck somewhere when you're writing typescript code and throwing very weird errors at you which you don't need to understand on day zero on day zero you need to build a website so that you get minor dopamine hits when you create your first website you'll get a dopamine hit when you post it on GitHub you'll get a dopamine hit when you join the Discord group and are able to talk to me hopefully you get a dopamine hit and that's the right way to do it versus if you try to build it in rust on day Zero most probably you will get stuck somewhere and then leave it forever so my advice here is do it in any language don't focus on the framework initially eventually choose better Frameworks that pay well but when you're just starting out choose anything just do the assignment get it done and move on to the next one the next point is super important focus on yourself not on others it's very easy to feel oh my friend is now in Google and then sulk for three days but trust me world is really small opportunities are out there if he/she made it to Google India maybe you make it to Google US tomorrow if you make it to Google US maybe someone makes it to I don't know open AI or NASA so there is no end to comparison there is no need for comparison the race is very long and in the end it's only with yourself so make sure you don't spend even a second feeling bad okay this guy's in Google and these guys in Facebook and I'm still trying to find internships I know these are hard times but people who will win will be people who have great skills today you may be able to fool uh by using data structures & algorithms maybe get into some job but eventually the work that you do will become most important and I don't mean eventually as in when you grow in your career I mean eventually in five years data structures and algorithms will most probably not be used as a metric it will be okay we need this job done we need to find a person who's good at this and then they'll find someone who has that skill so focus on skills and don't worry about hack or oh this person got into Google with just basic preparation or like he was lucky maybe he was lucky but it's fine just get motivated from it if you need more motivation join the Discord group and find people who are still struggling some people who are doing great be happy in other people's achievements and eventually trust me you'll get that tech is too big opportunities too big too many jobs too few software developers so you'll get there just keep on doing and don't stop and especially don't stop because someone else got in and you did not fifth Point very important find mentors doesn't have to be a course that you have to buy you don't have to pay for someone's time you can if you want to but generally by Mentor I mean someone you can talk to casually trust me everything is out there on the internet you don't really need someone for one-to-one guidance but it does help if you can at least talk to a mini coding celebrity out there if you talk to them you get some motivation or even a senior who made it to Google or like whatever your dream job might be talking to them instills some motivation which is good for you to work that extra mile work two hours extra in a day and again I don't think like using people's time for doubts or questions is the best thing here you should use people's time for motivation ask them what they did ask them for whatever a roadmap or like what were the things they used to spend time in why they got into that company that might be a dream company versus asking them uh simple questions maybe ask those simple questions in the Discord group but when you're finding mentors find people who you get personally motivated by and then try to take five ten minutes of their time to get motivation or like follow YouTube folks who like share their Journeys around whatever might be your goal FAANG or remote jobs The Real World experience that these people are getting the place where you can get looking at the end of the tunnel helpful it does help uh if you're losing some motivation so try to find mentors if you can't join the Discord group again you just need people man uh it's this is not rocket science you need people who are doing it if you look at them you'll do it as well it's as easy as that if you find people who are gaming a lot you might become a great gamer if you find people doing playing Cricket all day usually smart people come out of small communities so let's try to create one join the link in the description cool that brings us to the end of this video again the assignment is a token transfer website where you can transfer any token on the Solana blockchain to someone else if you already completed the last assignment join the Discord group and there there'll be a few moderators who will get you into the other group in which I am in and then feel free to ask many questions whenever I get the time I will answer I'm not saying I'll be answering questions 24/7 but try to answer and figure things out by yourself that's the whole idea again me answering every question is not scalable but you guys answering each other's questions is super scalable and also chat GPT so with that I'm excited for the Discord group I'll see you there and I'll see you in the next video so I was in the US for a month now it is during this time I met Harnoor as well who's now a good friend and just wanted to share okay like when you're in college it's hard for us to look five years down the road but trust me in Tech if you're doing even okay average and slightly above average all the things that might be your dreams or the things you might need or you might feel like you need you'll get there only people I've said this a few times now what people find people who want to do the same interest in that group you get there second time let's end the video I'll see you guys the next one
Channel: Harkirat Singh
Views: 73,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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