Honest 9 month review of ULANZI COMAN ZERO Y TRAVEL TRIPOD

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okay guys what's cracking it's Ralph here and nine months ago yulansi and Komen released the zero y travel tripod since that release I have used this tripod nearly every single day I made a review about the tripod about nine months ago in fact there was a couple of reviews and it'll be the end of this video or you can just grab one up there if you want to get a feel for all the functionality and all the things it can do that's not what this video is about we're going to do a review on how it's gone after nine months of use because at the time there were quite a number of people that are like will it last will the legs fall off well it literally Fall to Pieces here's a little long stay are in the market can I trust the investment and today I'm here to answer those questions for you for no particular order I am going to speak to the quality of this I'm going to start by saying what has happened is the legs have got a little bit looser they used to be really really tight now they're fairly loose and what that means is when you put it out if you're on an uneven service you can sometimes have one leg shorter than the others and not quite quite realize now I tightened up the tripod at all in the last nine months so that's impressive for any tripod I reckon now your lens you don't even know I'm making this video they didn't ask me to do it they didn't inquire about it I just thought it'd be helpful for you guys but I've also noticed that when you put a camera on top sometimes the lever is hard to access it's hard to find so the best place I found is to have it here but that means a lot of moving around with your camera and fiddling around to make sure it's in the right place so after a lot of use one of the frustrations is not even a massive frustration but it is certainly a limitation that it's hard because you loosen it off and there's no like break to actually carefully reposition your camera where you would like it to be let's leave it here means your extension column can increase and it does so but you're never quite sure if it's fully breaked in so it's hard to know if that's break or breaked in and you could potentially at times think it's breaking in and it's not so that's just a good good learning but the brake like push that in yeah I'm applying a great deal of force to make that go down that would be the case on most tripods I think so I don't think that's working against it at all it's a little bubble level on top I'm yet to use that um it's cute it's nice I don't use it now this has been inside outside on rocks in sand in dirt in water on the beach and they look at them okay good quality they are still bloody worn down they don't even come loose but I can take them off and replace them with spikes or with more substantial shoes shoes if I chase it which I never have I don't even don't even think I've ever had to tighten them up let me share with you the most significant weakness of this tripod and perhaps one of the only deterring reasons why you might actually buy that and that is that when you put a base plate on this is just my lens bracket you put a base plate on you tighten it up and what happens fairly soon doesn't matter how big your camera is on here this loosens this loosens and so you can find sometimes that your camera is actually fairly loose and substantially vulnerable to falling off and so if they were if your lens if you're going to upgrade this at all the one thing you have to do is get better function here so that when it's tight it stays tight because if you're moving this around let's say you're just you're moving this around or even you're doing a little bit of this literally after 15 minutes you can find that this is loose and that wasn't loosened when I started it has become more loosened it's like the torque that holds it there maybe the Springs struggling if there's a spring in there it'd be just good if this had a more substantial lock on it so when it stays locked it like it ain't moving ever because you can put some big gear on this you can put really heavy gear on this and not be freaked out so I just spent a whole 10 days in Tasmania which is further south there's a bunch of Vlogs on my channel if you want to check out that experience and all they took with me was this travel tripod except the other gear I had with me was a Nikon z9 and a Tamron 150 to 600 they're really really big gear and you need a ftz adapter to connect the two and so it's really heavy it was like two or three kilos resting on this in fact it was probably closer to three kilos resting on this or six pounds and it didn't balk I had to be careful and smart about it like I wouldn't set my camera up with that full gear and just walk away if it was a windy day but it was Secure and it held that Center column didn't diminish the legs held it nice and secure and stable and I've got some great shots because of the stability of this tripod so I was extremely pleased because I was thinking oh how do I take two do I take my larger tripod and leave this one at home it's a travel tripod so you should be able to travel with it if you can travel with it you should be able to use all gear on it and I found you can use all gear on it see this Center column has this cool screw it's a like screwdriver and what I've found is sometimes that loosens and loosens and you don't realize it and now I pull it out it's a bit Rusty too so have a look at this you see the rust on that just by sitting in the center column so nine months later a bit of rust it still works fine but you need to be careful that it doesn't fall out on you if you're banging this around and moving this around and shaking and jiggling this can gradually fall out if it had a little washer in here that just tightened it that would be an enormous benefit to having this and as you can see the hook the hook is a bit stiff given that um yeah it's just it's just getting a bit old nine months in you expect a little bit of wear and tear on your gear you just don't want it to break and it's I've been pretty impressed actually I tell a lie I've been very impressed the clips are still really strong sturdy you can tighten them up I've never needed to I've never had an issue or a problem with them it's been clean and um like just easy to put together and Pull Apart as we said right at the start and I just yeah you can't you can't push them in the clips have just been amazing they've not missed a beat and never caused me any hassles whatsoever finally the bag the bag has been outstanding this has been like through all sorts of junk and what happened rubbish and all of that but it's just been it's upheld supremely well I love it it's nice and tight it's small you can pick it up like this you can attach it to your camera bag like this it has a strap that you can hold it like that if I've got here I just took the strap off because it just bangs in the way when I'm doing a video but there's the strap and it's not it's not broken down or gone funky or stopped working or anything the bag hasn't torn it hasn't worn and it has still supremely looked after the lanzi zero y travel tripod so at the time when I first made this video for the travel tripod you asked a bunch of questions about will it be worth it will it break down should I get it and no one could answer those but now we can nine months later I've been really really impressed by it so if you're looking for a really high quality travel tripod that might like might compete against the likes of your Peak designs I just I'd encourage you to give it a look to um to explore and see if it's going to work for you and if so there's a link in the description below that you can get more info on it and even purchase through thanks so much for watching everybody it's been a delight to share this journey with you and if you're new to the Channel Please Subscribe give us a thumbs up and I'll see you in the next video bye my wife who loves fashion and stuff says Ralph you should never put blue and green together blue green it's like blue and green should not be seen without something in between so I put my face in between there you go lindel fashion Guru look how sick this shot looks I should think of a video to do while I'm just looking at this oh I should look at the camera not on the screen that's a cool idea
Channel: Ralph Mayhew Photography
Views: 11,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ulanzi travel tripod, ulanzi and coman tripod, travel tripod, coman tripod, ulanzi accessories, best tripod of 2022, best travel tripod of 2022, best tripod ever, best travel tripod ever, lightweight travel tripod, brilliant travel tripod, multiuser tripod, new tripod on the market, Ulanzi zero Y tripod, zero Y travel tripod, zero Y, carbon fibre travel tripod, carbon fibre tripod, beginner photography, ball head tripod
Id: kKUI_YO4l04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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