Honda Prelude Brake Rotor Upgrade

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welcome back to jfix today um i've got my 99 playlist in front of me and we're going to do a bit of an upgrade on the brakes uh we're going to change out the rotors and the brake pads for performance parts so they sound interesting stay tuned all right so the first thing we want to do is um turn the steering full full lock to the left so we've got um easy access to the brakes okay so now that we've got the steering on full left lock uh to give us easy access to the brakes you can uh start taking the calipers off but uh before we do that i want to show you guys um what i'm installing on here today so we've got the uh slotted discs they painted up so it gives them that extra well looks a lot better if you ask me uh for the prelude that we're dealing with the fifth gen prelude that's the part number you'll need so let's have a bit of a look at them see what yeah i can't wait to put these on i really can't um so let's get stuck in okay so to get these calipers off we've um we're dealing with two 17mm bolts and they're up if they're anything like mine they're going to be up pretty tight so 17 mil and we'll just get stuck in as i suspected they're up pretty tight so i'm just going to grab another spanner put it on the end give us a bit more of an extension and see how that goes no good so far put some more penetrating oil on it i forgot to mention that before it's best that you soak it in penetrating oil for as long as possible i'm going to do that again let it sit aside and i'll see you back here in about 10 minutes okay guys i've just uh got under the car just give you a bit of an idea what we're dealing with the two bolts that we were talking about here to get the actual caliper off of this this one here there's another one up the top here both 17 we need to get them off to get the actual calipers off um and all i can say is just soak them as much as you can in penetrating fluid and give it your best all right guys i'm back here get it about 10-15 minutes of soaking time with the penetrating fluid so let's give it a crack ah yes that's the top one okay let's give this bottom one to go see if it's um as good as the top one hopefully oh wow that one was actually a lot easier than the top one so that's really good now it's just a matter of taking these out and we can remove our caliper okay so i've taken one of the bolts out that hold the calipers on i've left the top one in because what i want to do is now take this off so we can put this in a place where we won't damage the brake lines so it's a uh 12 mil so we'll take that off now uh you might have noticed so already i've soaked that in penetrating oil as well so okay now that's out make sure you put your screw back in so you don't lose it always good practice okay so now that we've taken this uh adapter well bracket off um we're at a stage now we've only got one bolt which is this top bolt holding the whole uh caliper on um what we're going to do is grab some wire take this last bolt out and then um tie this wire around here and around the suspension somewhere just so it's not holding not putting any pressure on this we don't want any torn brake lines or anything that's the last thing we want so we'll go ahead and do that when taking this off too you might get a bit of resistance the brakes and that but shouldn't be too bad you should be able to get it off reasonably easy in fact it should hold itself on there when you take this bolt out but which it has so grab our caliper off okay and with our wire just feed it through up and around the suspension somewhere it doesn't really matter where all right guys now that that's uh taken care of we can actually start looking at getting these rotors off so um there are two retaining screws here that we need to get rid of before we can actually take the rotor off so let's get stuck into that today i'm going to be using like an impact screwdriver pretty simple um hit it with the end with a hammer and it'll loosen those screws off pretty easily so let's give that a go okay so that's one and two they weren't too bad just take those out okay once they they're out we can actually have a look at uh hammering this off because i dare say it's not going to come off by itself no i didn't think so um you could use a hammer extreme and use a rubber mallet today give it a few hits it should come off there we go that's it now if you have a look at the hub assembly there there is a little bit of dirt on there which is going to be have to be cleaned up so we'll be back to do that in a tick okay so i'm going to use today a wire brush something similar to this i reckon these are really good the thin ones so you can get into all the nooks and crannies also a good idea to do your wheel nuts as well because well in this case they're actually pretty dirty so good idea to clean them up but you want this surface to be as clean as possible when you're putting your new um rotors on i forgot to mention too always wear safety protection eyeglasses important [Music] all right so once all that sanded back um it's a good idea to give it a bit of a bit of a hit with some brake clean and um hit it with a rag as well just to make sure you get everything off there before we start mounting foreign okay that in my opinion is well and truly clean enough so let's get stuck in and put the new one on can't wait well before we install these rotors we need to uh clear a protective coating that's on these uh best thing to use is brake clean but um being a painted surface in the center there i don't really want to put brake green straight on there so what i'm going to do is spray it on a rag and do it that way i think it'll be much better on the paint so let's do that now i should have used a wider rag to show you that the stuff does come off but take my word for it you can actually see it on there just make sure it's off same with the other side there we are now we're ready to put these on let's do it okay so now that you've got your rotors you'll find that they'll only go on one way because of these retaining screws there so just line them up and i'm looking better already all right so we're all tied and tightened down on the rotor side um just a matter of now putting the brake calipers calipers back on now i've thought about this for a bit in my opinion i think i'm going to just put the brakes back on as they are and then change the pads out after i've got the caliper back on i think that might be easy easiest way to go instead of trying to hold it and risk tearing a brake line or something like that so that's just a matter of putting your screws back to get back in and then we can change out the uh brake pads now i am going to use a bit of uh loctite on these uh caliper bolts i think it's a bit important so just put a bit on i don't need much that's probably all you need do that for both bolts [Music] so well i don't know about you but they're looking pretty amazing right now next job change those brake pads out see you back here soon all right now it's time to tackle these brakes put some new brake pads in um we're going to need a 14mm spanner straight up uh and we need to take this bolt out here if we can i'll say if we can because they're probably going to be tight they always are and this one's no exception all right so we'll grab a spanner another spanner 14mm another one on top of it okay so these bolts are indeed tight i didn't think they were that tight but um i actually managed to snap one of my spanners now this is a cheap spammer don't get me wrong and i was swinging off it quite a bit but this gives you a bit of an idea how tight these are but let's go get another spanner a bit more penetrating food can't hurt now this is a bit better quality span of this one so we should be right let's do it again that is being very difficult see back in 10 i'm going to give it a bit of a soak and see here we go right guys um i've actually come back the next day because we had a bit of bad weather yesterday so that's had plenty of time to soak so we should be able to get that bolt out in theory so let's give it a crack i think there we go that was up extremely tight i'd dare say someone's going to town with that loctite on that and they have that's why we had so much trouble getting it off but we'll clean that up uh now it's uh just gonna get this flipped up so we can get our pads out all right what we might do is uh we'll just take this out sit him up here out of the way and hopefully it doesn't fall down that'll just give us access to our pads here now something to note with these pads too is they're actually different so when you go to install your new ones you'll find that they're they are different i'll show you the difference on the new ones actually it's a good idea to try and get um some brake clean this is there's the other one that's slightly different anyway a wear indicator there you can see there's quite a bit of meat left on these but having new rotors i thought we might as well put new pads on it at the same time so okay because i don't want to get any brake clean on our new rotors because of the paint i'm just going to get a rag spray that with um some brake line and just clean it up as best as we can especially where our pads and that are going to go so i'm going to get a little bit in there okay so for use guys at home that's the part number for the new brake pads i was going to get some um performance pads but i could not find them it's a little bit disappointing but anyway all right so these are the pads that we're going to be installing today you can tell the difference easily one's got the wear indicator on it the other one doesn't you also notice that there's a little knob thing there so let's get these installed all right so we're at a stage now where we can uh install our brake pads um before we do though we're just going to put some um copper anti-seize on the on each of these ends just to make sure they slide evenly so let's go do that then we can just put them straight in so just a just a tad you don't need it you don't need a lot of it and then we can just install them same with the other one anti-seize on each end and they're in ready to go now with um in regards to your your uh actual brakes you'll probably find that you'll need to push the piston in um that's easy enough job just uh go up to engine bay and uh open up your reservoir so you can a little bit of air out you can use a g-clamp or something like that or if you've got their proper tool you could use that but just squeeze that in we can uh put it back on here put everything back together and we're done just take it off you don't need to take it right off just get some air in there okay another thing we need to do is um clean this off so we can put some new uh silicone paste on it let me just grab that i reckon put a little bit on the um actual this stuff's growing a bit old too so trouble getting it out i'm going to chuck a little bit in this hole just to help it because i've noticed when you put this in uh there's little the rubber seal just take it all off so do that get some on there as well you don't need to go overboard just enough to lube it up a bit all we've got to do now is get this piston back in um like i said if you've got the appropriate tool the proper tool to do it that's great i'm just going to show you how to do it without the proper tools so basically i've got g-clamp and i'm just going to slot in here to put the push the piston back but there's a hole in the end of the piston so what i've actually done i just grab a spanner and put it across there like that give us something to get into and we can just tighten it down and with a bit of luck it'll draw that piston in take it right back right in see if i can you might be able to see it there and that's it you should in theory be able to just push that straight on there okay let's have a look all right looks like we're back on with that no worries let's check for any bondage of seals anything that's getting caught up so we've got our bolt it's all nice and clean so we can chuck that back in actually what i forgot to do is um put some loctite on there i'm gonna put some loctite on there but not quite as much as what they did do you really need i'll leave a uh a bit of a description down below on your talk specs and all that sort of stuff and all the tools that are required to do this job anyway so but uh we're just tightening stuff down make sure everything's put back together properly nice and clean uh everything moves freely and we can put the wheel back together okay so um before we actually uh put our wheel back onto our new rotor it's a really good idea to get rid of all this um well there's not that much rust here but just to clean this up a bit so we'll get stuck into that i'm just going to use a wire brush and some sandpaper nothing too fancy so let's get stuck into that still a tiny bit there the rest of it's pretty smooth though but we just get this little bit off and we'll be right all right so i reckon that's good enough um just give it a bit of a clean off now with some brake clean and a rag and it's ready to go back in the car well guys there's the finished product it looks absolutely amazing if you ask me huge improvement on what um we had before like i said before i didn't actually have to do this the rotors and the brake pads were actually in really good nick but i wanted to give the car a bit of bling so to speak and hopefully add a bit of performance to it so let's go check the other side out there we go look at that all i'd do is um get my wheels put on the right way that'd be a good start too but anyway one more thing before i go is don't forget to tighten down your your reservoir cap and to give your brakes a pump before you go anywhere because they will go to the ground on you all right guys that about wraps it up we're going to do is put your wheel back on and uh go for a drive so don't forget those few few little points before you do take it for a drive just make sure you've got a brake pedal make sure that reservoir cap is back on and everything is tightened down you should be right to go anyway i hope you enjoyed this video please um consider subscribing and let us know down below any ideas on videos you'd like me to do that would be great anyway take care jfix
Channel: JayFix
Views: 3,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5th Gen Prelude
Id: WUzpjY3yI-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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