Homeworld Remastered 2v2: All Factions War on Rings of Hraal

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[Music] welcome to the dream lands we are back with some more homeworld remastered multiplayer this time around 8 - V - and a very interesting - V - as well we are on the map rings of her all which is a pretty cool map and we've got one of every faction present in the game so that should be pretty damn awesome we will check out the map here for a second as you can see there are this is a very very unusual map super interesting each player basically has a ring of our use all around them really really neat so yeah we'll have to see how this map is out and all of the players spawn kind of equidistant from every other player so pretty balanced map in my opinion and one that should play out differently in like every game so it'll be pretty cool to see what these players do alright so let's get our bearings here we are going to have yellow team versus red team and the yellow team is going to be spawning on the north and east side and red team on the south and west side so let's do our introductions here team yellow spawning on the north side of map playing as the hey Garen it is going to be Dragon Templar this player is making their debut on the channel at least for remastered they have played deserts of Kharak on my channel before and so pretty exciting to have them joining three master casts their ally spawning to the east it is going to be Xena fix playing as the Kushan so that's pretty cool Kushan and hey Garen team their opponents spawning first off on the west side let's see if I can't at their carrier or their mothership in sight flagship it is going to be alpha one SLS playing as the tide an distinctive green color scheme here alpha is a player that I have played deserts of Kharak with as well as remastered and a pretty decent player all around so they're making their debut on the channel so that's pretty exciting as well and alphas teammate playing as the vaguer spawning on the south side of the map it is going to be a person with an opinion aka Toby so we will refer to them as Toby making their debut on the channel as well so pretty much three players making their debut on the channel and one player returning from the desert to fight in space so this should be pretty damn awesome and as we're this game gets underway I just want to comment that a lot of you guys have been enjoying these videos they've been pretty popular and if you are interested in appearing in one of these videos during one of my life casts I encourage you to join the homeworld Universe discord server I will leave a link to that in the video description I'm on there you guys can join that server interact with me and that's how I set up games I basically go into the homeworld remastered channel there and just look for players who want to play the game and set up hopefully balanced balanced games sorry I like Peter bugged Oh for a second there tapped out of the game to apologize for that anyway what have we got here alpha has got a resource controller he has saturated his name and he is expanding off to the south he also has sent his carrier up so doing a double expand here his carrier with another resource controller and he's looking to mine off of a third location so three mining locations getting some Scouts onto the field what if we got four dragon Templar east saturated his main he sent his carrier off to a closer resource pocket and saturated that's a lie off of two locations and Toby has saturated his main where's his carrier at he has sent his carrier off as well to a second resource location so both Toby and Dragan on two resource locations Toby even has some vaguer assault craft already going in and causing some havoc cleaning up some probes and skirmishing with one of Xena fixes scouts two squads of assault craft by the looks of it three squads even holy smokes doing a massive assault raft rash and didn't see no fixes in a bit of trouble here what does he got does have a resource controller which has saturated one of the resource locations saturating his main as well getting his research ship onto the field and another resource controller so saturating to resource locations by the looks of it so all players at - except for oh no he has his carrier up here as well so alpha and Z know both that three resource locations and Z no fix looks like he's in a lot of trouble coming out coming under fire from three squads of assault craft Lance fighters even on holy smokes toby is being super super aggressive he's already got four squads of assault craft on the field Dragon Templar are just commenting that he's a little bit of a noob which is alright he does have gunships already so he needs to get those gunships over and support his ally and get those gunships to clean up all of these assault craft meanwhile in the center of the field Scouts from Alpha SLS starts skirmishing with some interceptors from dragon dragon now two gunships on the field he wants to ignore those Scouts though and send them over here because this is the big threat this is just a minor annoyance but he's doing all right though two squads of gunships and two squads of interceptors alpha doesn't really have much on the field yet other than his Scouts and what's going on over here looks like a frigate click on it oh that's a resource controller so just a few Scouts doing a bit of harassment did a bit of scouting from Alpha pretty good play though he's drawing dragon away from where dragon is really needed which is over here the dragon needs to get over here and help his ally because his ally is in a ton of right now he's being overrun by Lance fighters and assault craft from Toby the beggar player who is beginning to focus down his resource collectors as well as his resource controller so this is you know Xena was in a ton of trouble now trying to desperately hang on spanning out some interceptors and with the homeworld 1 factions interceptors being stronger than the homeworld two factions in the current balance this should be good enough to see him off now that he has a decent number on the field so still mining off of three locations that's fine finally able to drive off all of this harassment with his Kushan interceptors he'll be now in full retreat [Music] and with the greedy openings from xeno fix and alpha which in my opinion are the two more experienced players in this particular matchup we look to be getting set up for a real macro game which is exactly what I wanted to see that's why I cast a 2v2 I just finished casting 1v1 actually and that'll be showing up on my channel a little bit later what have we got over here [Music] not much still mining going on fanning out a couple of scouts to get that scouting information watch the top and bottom as well as its flanks and just building a few more tied at interceptors which look really damn cool my opinion one thing about the tight end I really like other ships look with the exception of their carriers which I think are kind of ugly I guess they're not too bad actually it's not too too bad it's kind of cool I just really just like the way their flagship looks in my personal opinion Oh drag and coming up for a little bit of aggression here a bunch of interceptors bunch of gun ships as well so looks like he wants to maybe do a push on alpha slow down his resourcing just a little bit [Music] interceptors from alpha coming back now to try and slow down dragons push air his problem is gonna be these gunships there are like Corvettes on the field for alpha and I would say these two players are pretty even in terms of unit count we have a couple of squads of gunships and a couple squads of interceptors versus a bunch of interceptors and a handful of like Corvettes I think that can really end the game here but it would be in Dragons best interest to slow down alpha if you can because alpha open really greedy and so he definitely has a distinct macro advantage at current time back on the other side of the field you have another skirmish going on between Z no fix and Toby's you know fix going in for a bit of a counter-attack trying to get some pressure put onto Toby's second mining location [Music] [Music] again nothing decisive you know still mining off of three locations Toby and Dragons still won - who is this up here yeah that's you know and alpha still on three he wasn't able to get pushed off of his third just yet let's go take a look at this combat mm-hmm a little bit of leg there I do apologize for that looks like the home turf advantage is going to 0 for alpha because he can reinforce his units a little bit quicker and look at the amount of forces he has on the field a ton of interceptors some attack bombers as well as some light Corvettes so pretty nice mixed composition that's gonna be pretty effective I wonder if he's anticipating frigates as a follow up or if he's just gearing up with those bombers to do a counter-attack and try and put some damage on dragons carrier we will have to see as the game progresses pretty decisive hold on this side of the map from alpha pretty much the entire force of Dragon gets absolutely rolled over and then these units form into some interesting kind of formation oh they're pouring back into the carrier so all of these damaged units are going to go back to the carrier to get repaired and refueled and back on this side of the map oh my God look at all of these interceptors Cuba and attack bombers as well so Zeno fix spamming massive interceptors backing that up with attack bombers and it looks like he is cleared out oh my God look at this Oh evil evil play by Zeno coming out with a grabbed well generator that's going to prevent any of these fighters that get built out of this carrier from moving if he activates the grab well he's been an assault frigate now so interceptors attack bombers and an assault frigate oh man savage counter-attack from Zeno even moving his mothership over here this carrier is going to get absolutely destroyed here there's just way too many units on the field bombers interceptors and an assault frigate all pouring their fire into this carrier and the gravel generator that was a nice play just to trap any units that come out of this carrier prevent them from escaping it's unfortunately not currently in position to do that to these interceptors oh so he did have interceptors they were all just docked in the carrier nice play by Toby maybe he spotted that gravel generator and docked his units in the carrier looks like his carrier is about to go down though he knows it so he launches all fighters they are going to get swarmed and absolutely over ran so the carrier does go down very nice timing on the attack from Zeno fix for that push there is it gonna go down it has like no life left it's so low on hit points Toby is in full retreat now but I think this assault friggin is gonna close the deal a second one at fresh health hits the field and yeah he pushed that carrier too far this toast and now Toby is in a pretty damn tough spot is alpha going to come help him out or is he going to try and even this up and go deliver a really really devastating blow to Dragon is the question because it could go either way he could go support his ally and try and push him off or he can just even the game up a little bit by going and killing off this carrier if he can do that what does he got let's check out his formation here he's got an assault frigate a number of attack bombers some interceptors like Corvettes by the looks of it and what is that some scouts nice mixed composition does he have any other kind of left to zoom out here a little bit does he have any other kind of Corvette no just like Corvettes like Corvettes assault frigates interceptors and attack bombers to doing to reinforce and still mining off of three locations so big economic advantage going to mellow tea here and especially now that red team has suffered a crushing defeat and it looks like the answer is that [Music] alpha is going to go across the map and some work is a lie which i think is a good play Zeno is proving himself to be quite the threat over there he's leaving his flank open so once the attack is sprung xeno and dragon are gonna know that he is out of position however currently he's actually leaving a couple of assault frigates back which is a good choice because they can counter everything that dragon currently has on the field which is only a number of scouts some interceptors and some gunships and pulsar gunships [Music] if he gets enough pulsar gunships that could be pretty effective attack bombers also do some good damage versus the frigates but both of those choices will suffer pretty heavy casualties against assault frigates if I'm not mistaken was this alpha so his alpha mining off of oh good look at look at this one two three four five six resource locations for alpha holy smokes and a number of them as well for Zeno one two probably like a good for Toby's mining off of like three locations himself dragons still lagging behind a little bit looks like he's mining off of one two three so alpha being super greedy if he's gonna try and get some idol cruisers on the field or something but he currently has a pretty gigantic army what formation is this he's got four groups that are in some sort of formation where the frigate are the Corvettes are taking point surrounded by some strike craft and it looks like we are about to have a nice engagement go down this is what we need to see here the two strong players going at each other and I don't mean that in a disparaging way to many of our other players I mean strong as in they currently have the most military might deployed on the battlefield so alpha going in for a push against Z no fix man tons of Corvettes here so many like Corvettes with a couple of interceptors and attack bombers as well going up against a force that's pretty much entirely attack bombers and interceptors can alpha stem the tide though long enough for Tobi to get back in this game is the question currently there are just so many units on the field for Z no fix he's pushing up as well with these three assault frigates and that is going to be pretty damn deadly [Music] okay there we go so we do have some light Corvettes on the field for Toby that will be pretty nice that will be very helpful in helping him at least hold off these bombers and interceptors they won't do too too much damage to them but they will be able to hold so that hopefully his resourcing maintains a holy look at how many resource collectors he's got down there that is definitely too many and they are going to start bleeding out pretty heavily now that a wing of attack bombers and interceptors has broken off from the main battle group and is starting to clean up these resource harvesters resource collectors we got over here we do have an assault friggin well there's combat going on on the other side as well a big push coming in from Dragon Templar what is God he is on a torpedo frigate a bunch of torpedo frigates some gun ships pulsar gunships Scouts and interceptors as well and he is swarming over forces of alpha on this north side of the map here these assault frigates are doing heavy heavy damage to basically everything in their path though five assault frigates going up against three torpedo frigates there's just too much damage coming up from these assault frigates though in my opinion they are going to clean this up they will take a bit of damage but not quite enough meanwhile some interceptors come out for alpha as well to hold this push oh my lord look at that on the other side tons and tons of light Corvettes from Toby what is this gravel generator coming out from sea no fix he's still got a bunch of assault frigates some repair Corvettes even supporting those frigates which is quite nice a gravel generator to prevent farmers perhaps from coming in and doing too much damage and and we have a bunch of like Corvettes from Toby taking so much damage from those frigates nice play coming out from Zeno fix keeping his interceptor numbers high keeping them away from these Corvettes while his assault frigates clean them up or assault frigates coming in as reinforcements tons of them in fact holy smokes did that whole force from Alpha get cleaned up I think it did so the combined forces of Toby and alpha get overrun by Zeno very very strong play coming out from Zeno really really good choice in unit compositions basically tailored to counter exactly what his opponent has and using some nice positioning and nice micro as well to keep the proper units out of range of these Corvettes well the assault frigates supported by repair Corvettes go in and keep cleaning up all of these frigates looks like the last remnants of Kobe's forces are going to get cleaned up he is in a pretty desperate the spot even building a hyperspace gate that's pretty interesting just as a little backdoor to get the heck out of Dodge if he needs to and now we've got interceptors from Zeno coming out across the field now that Tobi has been dealt with he is going to come and support his ally dragon who is getting overrun by alpha currently once again dragons entire force decimated in a push alpha with a masterful defense again you could see that he basically kept his interceptors out of range of these gunships and just tanked damage and did damage with his frigates which is exactly what you want to do diverting his units now to these interceptors it's going to be some interceptors from alpha versus interceptors from Zeno [Music] what was he trying to do he's trying to get these Scouts which are probably doing some economic harassment must clean those Scouts up those interceptors the problem is these assault frigates though actually doing a respectable amount of damage even to this carrier this carrier is probably going to go down unless xeno can get something over here to stop that but I don't think again dragon just doesn't have anything on the field that can deal with this those pulsars no regular gunships so the combined gunships from Dragon and the interceptors from Xena are going to drive off the interceptors from Alfa and he's actually going to get caught out here with some more reinforcements in the form of attack bombers from Zeno but that's not the real threat the real threat is these assault frigates so that's probably where those plumbers are trying to make a mad dash for no they're not yes they are there we go attack bombers making a mad dash for these assault frigates but they get there too late now they will do some pretty damn good damage bombers can do a good damage versus frigates but oh they just arrived a little bit too late and Dragons carrier does go down he's got Oh Z no coming in coming across the other side of the map with some bomb ion cannon frigates as well so those assault frigates are definitely gonna get cleaned up most likely I shouldn't say definitely does have a ton of them been forcing with more even and that's pretty scary geeks probably gonna clean up all of dragons harvesters before he goes down alpha and Zeno both coming out with pretty strong games oh and dragon goes for the hyperspace jump out of there [Music] is that Tim yeah I think that's him dragon Templar just hyperspace is out of there [Music] looks like alphas got this side of the map on lockdown although these ion cannon frigates are gonna get cleaned up and these assault frigates are still going to rampage through as well as these interceptors pushing forward what's happening on the other side of the map z no fix mothership all the way on the other side oh he's about to kill Toby so he's pumped his mothership basically right on top of Toby's flagship and has a ton of assault frigates as well as a destroyer even and some ion cannon frigates so looks like Toby got just crushed by the advance of Zeno fix meanwhile dragon got crushed by alpha there we go Toby now out of the game had a really really strong early game with some nice assault craft harass emitted to it a little bit too much you my opinion and then committed to Corvettes a little bit too much that basically allows Ino to hard counter his composition and then just slowly through successive counter-attacks push him further and further back and we had no army no resourcing and nothing but his flagship which fell pretty quickly to this sustained amount of firepower assault frigates destroyers two destroyers even handsome ion cannon frigates pardon me last of his resource and getting cleaned up and his fleet is much destroyed at this point entirely while on the other side of the map the unending push from alpha has cleaned up pretty much all of Dragon Templars army as well as pretty much all of his resources he's backed down to hiding in the corner starting to mine off of one resource location and speed a few units as Ken looks like though at the top of the map one of Z no fix carriers is in trouble we have a big battle going on over here though I need to get to that more importantly but is this a heavy cruiser oh yeah nice a heavy cruiser from Alfa going to try and hold this giant force at bay cannot take it but he can do enormous amounts of damage in the meantime and survived for pretty long I don't think you can take it like this is just too much damage to destroyers a number of assault frigates and ion cannon frigates but what have we got for reinforcements a couple more assault frigates coming to reinforce this heavy cruiser this is a fantastic battle and a very very crucial one this is the bulk of sino fix army right here and these heavy cruisers can take serious punishment ion cannon frigate reinforcement as well it's been a nice view of this battle here oh the heavy cruiser is so close oh man so close is it getting healed I think it's getting sealed I swear I saw something in it but it goes down the heavy cruiser goes down to sustain fire from assault frigate slap and ion cannon forgets but it looks like both of the Destroyers went down so very very nice play by Alfa gonna slow down so you know fixed significantly at the same time he's doing some pretty damn good harass up here got multiple battles going on on multiple locations on the map alpha and C know both doing fantastically in this game it's a pretty good place from taupey in the early game and then basically it just came down to the fact that he could not fight against Zino after losing several crucial engagements and being pushed back too far his economy suffered too greatly and his losses were too great to recover so some good place coming out from him Dragan as well with a couple of nice pushes against alpha the same story he basically got overwhelmed at you can have returned by superior unit composition and superior numbers xeno fix telling his team that's weird that I can see I can see team chat you know fix is actually in a bit of trouble here as he's got some assault frigates as well from alpha rampaging through his resourcing operations trying to clean up as much as he can alpha as macro is off the hook he was super super greedy at the start he has one two three carriers on the field he has a destroyer and a ton of assault frigates and ion cannon frigates as well and he's mining unopposed from multiple resource locations and doing some nice harass with these salt frigates he's hard gonna get cleaned up but they did some good amounts of damage Ken dragon Templar support Zeno enough for them to stem the tide of alphas macro alphas macro is just knots at this point as too many units we have another destroyer from Zeno that's good he's got his mothership on the frontlines spewing out units as much as possible let's try and get a overview here to what's going on this Destroyer is gonna go down though eventually all the reinforcements streaming across the map assault forgets ion cannon frigates and a destroyer is the chosen composition for alpha it's a nice repair Corvette's keeping this destroyer alive for as long as possible so that reinforcements in the form of assault frigates what else does he have just repair Corvettes that old gravel generator and that's it OSI knows actually in a ton of trouble right now this destroyer is pretty much all that he has needs to keep that in the fight interceptors from dragon trying to swoop in and do as much damage as he can which is not going to be too much because these are all frigate class vessels and even another destroyer no that's that one destroyer - two carriers and the flagship on the front line spewing out units I wonder if some salvaged Corvettes would be good thing xeno fix playing as the crew Shawn he could pump out a couple salvaged Corvettes and in the chaos of battle try and snag a couple of these units at this point though I think there's just way too much firepower on the field for alpha not a bunch of lag here unfortunately to apologize for that oh and these repair Corvettes desperately trying to repair that destroyer but it goes down I don't know if xeno fix can stay in the game he's got his mothership on the front line let's see where his resource collecting is that he still has a reasonable amount of resource collection going on by the looks of it but he just doesn't have the economy that alpha has and she does not have anywhere near the number of units needed although a nice flank look at this coming out assault frigates from Xena fix and ion cannon frigates gonna make a direct - for alphas flagship a desperate gambit but a very very cool play there are ion cannon frigates and assault frigates though guarding there's one assault frigate and one ion cannon forget what if we got one two three Sault forgets and three ion cannon forgets and they're going to just ignore everything and focus on the flagship I'm gonna try and make a bid to either destroy the flagship or draw all of alphas forces away and give C no time to produce more capital ships another destroyer hits the field this is a super clutch play by Zeno oh he stopped targeting the flagship and he's now trying to clean up the last miss frigates which he's doing a reasonable job of it does still have this grapple generator I don't think he has enough units but can he do it this is a pretty tight battle he's another destroy our that's the same destroyer but I keep thinking this is another story anyway this is that one two story that came up a while ago so let's try and get a quick and dirty unit count we just have that one destroyer an assault frigate a couple of assault frigates bunch of ion cannon frigates oh yeah he's got way too many units here all of alphas forces are gonna get cleaned up pardon me all of xenos forces are gonna get cleaned up my alpha here [Music] Oh Lord Andy's got another heavy cruiser on the field xeno asking his teammate if he's got any heavy units yet he's like a little bit pissed or something that his ally is just over there just sending interceptors what does drag and half-dragon just has interceptors by the looks of it where is he over there in the top corner just has interceptors and that's not really going to be that effective against look at these capital ships he's got a alphas got a heavy cruiser a destroyer and a ton of assault forgets and ion cannon frigates as well as a massive swarm of interceptors man this guy's macro is crazy now one destroyer from Zeno and what else Zeno just has that one destroyer still a hyperspace gate well that's alphas down there interesting I don't even know how these things work maybe someone in the comments can tell me do you have to have two of them I suspect that's the case there gates right so you have one here and one somewhere else and you can use them as a gateway if that's not the case then someone should tell me in the comments what's up [Music] another destroyer on the field for Zeno so it's not over yet he's not totally out of it did his carriers get cleaned up his de question but we want to see is he's got a carrier up there so Zeno has a carrier up there does he have a carrier over here must know he does not so it looks like one of his carriers must have got cleaned up unless he never built a second one but I think he did could be wrong I didn't notice to tell you the truth so so he still has his mothership producing capital ships he still has his carrier at the top of the map there potentially producing units he's still mining dragon is still alive in the corner so it's not totally totally over but at this point alpha has such a massive army I'm not sure that that there's much that can be done this Destroyer is probably going to go down yep so one of the destroyers Falls I think it's the clock is now taking for Zeno fix and dragon [Music] a couple of interceptors cleaning up a probe alphas probe no doubt yep keeping tabs on his opponent and it looks like alpha wants to close the jaws of death dragon Templar a little bit new to the game mm-hmm just fine I think this was a pretty balanced game I tried to put it where each team had one experienced player and one less experienced player and I think it worked out all right it was pretty balanced just alpha has such a greedy opener that he expanded so much his economy is just out of control he's got massive production he has an advantage in tact with these heavy cruisers the ultimate this is like the equivalent of a battle cruiser for homeworld two factions so he definitely has the tech advantage and the econ advantage so I think the teams were pretty balanced and I do like to cast games of like all skill levels so team games are awesome and in that case I try and make them balance so I think this was a pretty decent example of that [Music] and again I encourage you guys if you want to get in on these games and I typically pass them on the weekends sometime so jump into the home world universe discord server and hit me up on there xeno fix going to do a hyperspace jump and get the heck out of Dodge gonna try and buy himself enough time to stay in this game what's up here so you know has a destroyer hidden way up here interesting oh that's where his mothership worked so you know with a little bit of shenanigans I mean this is interesting we get to see the chat actually for this team and see how they're gonna try and pull themselves out of an almost certain loss with I mean it could happen right unless that was dragons mothership that was a pretty damn big explosion [Music] yeah it was so dragon Templar Gigi's out of the game does that mean that Zeno can control his units is that what happens that's I think that's exactly what happens because this is a cushioned carrier oh no he's playing as Kashan so this is still his stuff so I guess he just gg down to the game and his whole fleet disappears it's not like in some other games where if you leave your teammate gets control of your units mm-hmm so it looks like it has come down to a 1v1 between Zeno fix and alpha it's just leg or nobody doing anything it's like there's a fight over here and it's definitely leg I do apologize for that guys so I'm just gonna kick him since he's out of the game anyway look at this fleet that alphas got going pretty big oh yeah dragon might have crashed I never thought of that he may have crashed he may have quit [Music] [Music] yeah it's not really like Dragon he would say something he's a nice guy I've played with him deserts of Kharak a lot I don't think he would just quit but I could be wrong the joy of live castings gets the everything that happens in a game anyway including ragequitting if that happened or at you know BM talk or whatever look at this force man alpha has a giant army and it's pretty damn scary and he's currently just looking for Z know who's up here trying to recover his forces he actually has a decent army here though it might have just been reset to a decent 1v1 he needs to get a couple scouts around the map and find where his opponent is because the longer he leaves it the more of a chance as Ino has of coming back into the game it's currently [Music] there's enough forces on the battlefield that if either of these players catches the other players flagship off guard and just focuses down they could win the game and I think that's what Zeno fix is trying to do he's trying to get above alpha he's trying to get his units out of position and then come straight down and try and kill his flagship because he cannot engage this army like look at this army destroyer destroyer heavy cruiser a massive number of assault frigates an ion cannon frigates he's got even more ion cannon frigates an assault forgets over here he's cut more over here he has another heavy cruiser another destroyer a mass of interceptors like he has so many units that there is no way see no fix can ever take him in a direct confrontation so Zeno fix is gonna try to outmaneuver him and catch his flagship off art and it's just a matter of Ken and alpha Scout him does he have anything that's scouted up here oh yeah there he is so he's found him he has found him and it looks like he's gonna try and force engagements the beauty of three like three dimensionals tactics in this game is pretty damn nice if you can make it work for you it can be pretty damn awesome what are those holders frigates up there gonna try and get his carrier that's a good choice I think stem the tide of unit production and with these two destroyers and a heavy cruiser over there oh my god is that a salvage Corvette it is he needs a few more of these though to correct to grab this heavy cruiser if you can do that oh my God look at this is it gonna work if this works that will be so funny how many does it take it must take hope Alfa's on the ball though he knows what's up he's gonna start killing to all of these salvage Corvettes with his interceptor so really good response and zeno fix his units are just getting cleared up more salvaged Corvettes on the other side trying to grab his other heavy cruiser beautiful play by Xena fix trying to grab both of those cruisers but would be a nice play if it worked but too many units on the field for for Alfa he is gonna clean that up both of his heavy cruisers are gonna stay in his possession [Music] [Music] what's going on up there alpha is cleaning out the rest of Z no fixed forces all of his army has been utterly eradicated at this point this destroyer is going to go down and that's the last thing he has on the field that I can see except for this old Salvage Corvette but it has it has been proven that alpha is aware of those plays and has the appropriate response to them and now that he has found Z no fix mothership it is only a matter of time but what's this ion cannon frigates going right after no that was uh oh those are all alphas looking at his army Jesus look at this look at all those Corvettes he has maxed out pretty much on everything and there we have the gg so alpha is gonna carry the day and take the win congratulations to red team and in particular alpha one SLS for the win really really nice place a macro was just absolutely nuts really good place coming out from alpha and Z no fix I'm pretty impressed with both of these players nice aggression early from Toby that was pretty good and a couple of nice pushes from Dragon Templar and with a little bit more practice I think those both of those players can become pretty formidable so I highly highly enjoyed this game I hope you guys did as well so if you enjoyed this video smash that thumbs up let me know what you think in the comments if you guys enjoy the content at my channel subscribe and back for more and once again I encourage you remastered players to join that discord that I will link in the comments or in the video description pardon me and get in on some of these live cast games so there we have it I will see you guys for the next video
Channel: Dreamlands
Views: 15,471
Rating: 4.9421964 out of 5
Keywords: Homeworld Remastered, Multiplayer, Gameplay, RTS
Id: 97dqZSGC9tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 22sec (2902 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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