Homeworld Cataclysm Story #1

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the war for tea Gaara has left the galaxy in turmoil the past 15 years have seen the birth of new possibilities and the festering of old grudges the once dominant tide an empire has fractured under the strain of civil war the new tide on a republic tries to hold the old territories together while forces loyal to the old Emperor lurk in a new bandit kingdoms waiting for their chance to strike back while the titanic struggle between past and future the Kushan people have established themselves on a guerra building new cities preparing the damage done by the final battle for their homeworld even a fragile piece as it's politics the kids Council has been re-established and the future of Agera is now debated amongst the gathered inside even amongst equals there are power struggle the mothership still orbits high above you gara pressed into the role of shipyard she now builds new carriers to the specifications of each individual kid the need for new ships and the crews to man them is a desperate one military and economic pressure on the new Hague errands is intense resources and technology are at the command of the council gift with little or no political power have been forced to purchase technology from the bentusi and other races he guarantees I take the sign now seek their fortune amongst the Stars the war for homeworld is over now but the galaxy remains a dangerous place coming in on Victor 247 D'Argo's secured clear away second fall empty moving on this is Santa Fleet command to all ships prepare for emergency hyperspace set course for the homeworld I've got your wing either call yeah auto-launch set practical officer online full power de sensors analyzing combat data now command we need to find out where we can do the most good understood tactical attention carrier Viereck this is get some tall mining wrestle khun lon we have arrived in Sector one one two and request targeting dado the debut kun LUN we've got a strike fleet needing cover in Sector one oh nine assists we'll send everything we've got but be advised we are a mining vessel it would be best right strike wing of Ireland's frigates are under attack by Daddy bombers at this position without fighter support the frigates will be destroyed and that flank will collapse send out a squad of acolyte fighters ASAP to assist the frigates we picked up a slight of tide and fighters incoming from the main battle they're probably investigating our hyperspace signature we've done it by taking pressure off Keith Nabal's flank force we've helped hold the line tension kun LUN first imperialist attack wiped out our sensor grid we need you to scout enemy positions for their recon ships we are planning a counter-attack just tell me where to go we have picked up a convoy of enemy resources with escorts in this area they must be resupplying the imperialist attack fleet engage and destroy them stand by Group three target locked in our engineers think there is a way to link our acolytes together to form a Corvette class vessel they are ready to begin research on the project moving to a tower attention get the ball this is the Somme Tom mining vessel come on the animal resources have been destroyed reported hostiles by two weapons charged stand my group one warning the proximity sensor net is under attack in Sector 110 if the net fails the tide and force can run their entire fleet through the hole we must defend the nest immediately receiving stop our forces have taken the upper hand the Imperials are pulling back one of their damaged cruisers is in this area crack it down and make sure it never threaten zagara again dad watch us today hi Dan cruiser has been eliminated objective commissioning to hangar bridge we've got three unexploded warheads on this time Cruiser suggest hang in there please die well have you locked down in a clique careful careful that reactor is unstable good work with the kal-el frigate workers five and seven I'm sure they'll forget to thank us later you got that right Rooker twelve did you track down those suit beacons we picked up in Sector 43 sorry man we found the dudes but the poor dogs didn't have a chance to get their helmets on we tagged them for the burial ship attention their guard ships we have thrown back the Imperial attack fleet hiigara should be safe once again kif no bail would like to thank our brothers and sisters from kitman on the jet and Khalil for their aid in battle Segarra is in their debt as are we auto-launch said we've been asked by Kip man to help them find one of their destroyers the last word the Bouchon ray sent was of a power plant failure there are reports of tyrannic Raider ships operating in this region so all pilots should stay on the lookout for pirate vessels our workers aren't currently fitted for salvage and repair duty we need to build an engineering module in order to prepare our work crews we will have to jettison the upper or canister to make room construction underway or transfer dog storage bays jettisoning canister triggering canister destruct to keep it out of pirate hands confirmed Raider presents go to full alert sensors are picking up fast-moving media bills in the region fighters should have no problem in you've ring through them but if the destroyer drifts into one of them it could be easily destroyed command ship is underway standby group to standby group three Engineering module what is now online research repair and salvage technology so our workers can assist the book on read setting assigned group three settings we have found the bushin ray she's badly damaged we need to send in a worker to help them with repairs successfully picking up incoming hyperspace signatures they appear to be Hegar and support frigates and are indicating they wish to help with the repair of the Bouchon ray continue the repair work and be prepared to cover the frigates if the Raiders try to hit them something's wrong they aren't sending any recognition codes we are attempting to check their markings the frigates have changed shape they are eager for vent using some kind of holographic emitter technology to fool our sensors protect the destroyer at all costs standby crew three bargaining we're picking up a dual signal on the emergency Channel and into parking attention rushan ray did you send out our distress beacon negative can lamb we've been picking up that signal to be drifted into the region must be some kind of derelict source of anomalous signal located it may be a some value recommend sending a worker in to investigate and retrieve source of signal picking up tyrannic Raider calm transmissions they must be after the derelict as will engage and destroy attention Bouchon ray was wondering if you might be able to help out sorry : we barely have nav restored to the point that we can hyperspace besides even on mining kids should be able to handle a few pirates thanks for the help Lucian REO standby group 3 we don't after analyzing the pirate wreckage our engineers believe they can replicate the mimicking technology we can begin researching holographic projectors immediately weapons charged beginning research worker ready report a hostile spy group three standby Group one be advised Fleet command ship is relocating standby Group three worker here salvaging enemy vessel now wonderfully control back in we have retrieved the derelict and handed it over to the engineers for further investigation stand by Group three the Raiders are retreating the derelict is some sort of message pod but the technology is like nothing we have ever seen before we will analyze it further before returning to our mining mission honored greeting Sam Puckett's ah did you receive our data regarding the anomalous artifact we have our researchers agree the signal and design match is nothing currently used by non galactic races where is the part now we have brought it aboard now and are securing it in the main hangar bay what should we do with it we're just a mining vessel we're not equipped to study anything like this we are transmitting design specs so that your manufacturing unit can construct the science module excuse me kids somebody would it not be easier to seek help from another kid we are still within hailing range of than the vault command carrier surely they would have the staff to know a find like this could lead to alien technology the zoo passes energy used by the other Keith some tau needs disadvantaged we have a Science Vessel the tree son studying stellar phenomena in the cartel system they will be ordered to meet with you at these coordinates and transfer over a research team with analysis equipment this matter must be captivating kids son Tao is this clear yes kids are very clear come on up auto-launch said we have arrived at rendezvous coordinates picking up a signal from the clay son something is wrong they're being jammed the CLE son is in some kind of danger find her immediately warning strike wing near minefield underway forces that are down behind a wall of the mine cannot transmit the Raiders have been the cleese on in a globe of Mines if the Cleaves and moves the mines will activate and destroy her the Cleese on is trying to transmit some kind of coded data but the jamming is too strong we need to send a mimic in pass the minds and establish a direct tight m-link acolyte has been decommissioned stopped thank the mayor you got through to us come on you've been able to use their advanced scanners to access the mine transponder codes now you'll be able to see all them on your sensor manager if you're going to break instead it'll have to be soon though this Raider divorce is just pinning us until a larger fleet to get here and board us we have to free the Cleese on immediately the Raider guard fleet must be engaged and destroyed as will stand by Group one we're a big target for those Raider missile Corvettes we need some more firepower of our own have engineering pull up whatever they can find on missile technology and have them begin researching it now ring reporte hostiles by Group three under Nick Leeson is out of danger recommend we escape into hyperspace before the main Raider fleet can arrive all ships return for docking and prepare for hyperspace you some tow a research team lab report Mach 1.2 my team is aboard the Kuhn London preparing for an in-depth analysis of the alien device which was found derelict in Sector one one two we have set up our analysis equipment the hangar bay and are attempting a full surface scan before opening the device which appears to be some sort of beacon or transmitter the data transmission is in the form of a short repeating tone threaded with a strange data stream decoding it will take considerable time and process of power in the meantime we continue with our surface studies samples taken from the beacons all indicate an age of roughly a million he got on years part of a beacon appears to have had some sort of organic layering at some point but this has not been confirmed analysis continues research module this is the bridge we've got power fluctuations in your area and the hangar bay are you running any tests not that I know average that let me check what was that what's going on down there fluctuations spreading to lower engine module ah don't know give me a second you were examining surface material from layers going home now we've got biohazard warnings going off across the lower decks what have you done something it's telling us not to save the rest of the ship jettison the holodeck Tereus bridge to all stations emergency jettison protocols engaged the emergency jettison is left us crippled we must gather resources quickly and rebuild our hangar module we need to know what happened to the lower decks the claisen is going to perform some close-range scans but with all the Raider activity they'll need a large escort force of acolytes acolyte wing reports that they have fallen in alongside and the CLE san is proceeding to the module coordinates a decision this is the fleece on we're closing in to scan and download the modules data recorders sensors are picking up some sort of life sign some of the crew may still be alive wait the modules got active getting an energy spike warning we've lost all contact with the Cleese on and her escorts life signs are are lower non-existent on our ships but they're still incoming on attack vectors with weapons hot whatever happened to the research module must have spread to the other ships we have no choice but to deal with them as hostiles careful research teams studying the tapes and stay away from the research module at all costs
Channel: Chairless
Views: 60,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homeworld: Cataclysm (Video Game), Real-time Strategy (Media Genre), Video Game (Industry), Cinematic, cutscene, Chairless, Story
Id: 3aaaBUHCG-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 24 2015
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