Homeschooled Kids Explain When The "Real World" Hit Them (AskReddit)

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home sholde kids of Reddit what challenges did you face once you were in the real world remember that awkward part of your life when you experienced your first crush and you kind of made an idiot out of yourself because you weren't sure how to act around them that's okay you were a teenager everyone has awkward moments during their teens okay now imagine going through that same experience but when you're 21 and supposedly old enough to know better I'm 28 now I've dated a couple guys I've liked a couple other people while I still feel awkward around people I like it is nowhere close to how I acted at 21 that entire semester was embarrassing I still cringe at certain things I did everyone in my group of friends knew I like this guy the guy knew I liked him it was really really super obvious I confessed to him on the last day of the semester because I was moving across town and I'd be going to a different Community College I figured that if he liked me back we'd figure something out if he didn't I'd never have to see him again since he only liked me as a friend I think this was a good decision on my part 16 I'm a junior but I'm enrolled in a community college full time now but I was home sholde up until this fall one big thing is that people swear a lot like a ton for some people we are of course never allowed to do that at home and I guess I thought only people on the internet did it either and random people are a lot friendlier than I thought they'd be in general my mother isolated us and had an emotionally incestuous / codependent relationship with me I knew really well how to act to the outside world of adults that we'd encounter a church et Cie but didn't have any friends my own age from 12 - 22 my mother thought friends were unnecessary and ultimately a bad influence on children I went to college at 22 and my biggest learning curve was how in interact in a casual way and I actually found that because I at first didn't know how to read social cues and come off as borderline autistic the biggest real challenge has been personally overcoming my abuse which and similar to others who were isolated and/or had controlling parents I have a lot of anxiety and depression college was great but I feel like I lost many years to my mother which resulted in overcompensation binge drinking depression etc I'm finally getting on an even keel now in my late twenties pros I learned to be able to socialize with any age group not just those my age I was able to pursue a lot of hobbies that I believe made me well-rounded music gardening and acting especially helped me later and there wasn't anybody to bully me about what I liked or if there were I could easily avoid them I was able to duly enroll in my local community college at 14 earning my associates degree very shortly after I got my diploma this allowed me to transfer easily to a better four-year school with less debt than i whould otherwise had cons your parents control your materials if there were topics they didn't want covered e.g evolution you didn't cover them I'm dubious about the legitimacy of my diploma I don't know if my parents filled all the right paperwork it's moot since I have degrees but it's a doubt I have I could never really participate in athletics not because I didn't want to or because there were no opportunities for homeschoolers to do so but because my mom didn't see it as important so she withdrew me from them when it inconvenience tersh a jewel oddly enough acting didn't seem to interfere I didn't really have much of a chance to learn how to socialize romantically so I was behind the eight ball there I'm a bit better positioned now but it took me a while to get my footing I was socially isolated and extremely far behind on my education didn't learn how to multiply and divide until seventh grade this was all due to my mom being a control freak and general manipulator thankfully my parents divorced and my dad put me and my little brother in public school I didn't know how to act around kids my age so I was super weird and didn't realize my actions would have repercussions I was a real dick because of this and once I realized that no one liked me because of this I became extremely shut-in and antisocial I did my best to clean slate my personality and tried to start from zero so that I could act like everyone else around me it was extremely hard to learn this but over the years I've gotten better I caught up with my education and I've made friends along the way but I'm still hit by a lot of social anxiety and general lack of confidence I wasn't home sholde but my room at my junior year of college was her parents didn't believe in sex education and had sheltered her greatly up until this point she had just transferred from a community college where she lived at home she somehow made it to age 22 without having any idea of what sex was and I ended up having to give her the birds and the beasts talk her second week in the dorms not something I ever imagined I'd have to do for a roommate and something that would never have happened had she gone to a traditional school I wasn't still am shocked by the amount of people who see you like you came from a different world I don't hide that I was home sholde because my mom did a great job it made me love learning and try my hardest but people learn you didn't go to public school and a lot of them will flip a switch I've had a teacher assume I had a social disability a guy I had dated from unstacked almost offended by it and tell me he assumed homeschoolers didn't know what sex was and were all super religious because he met one guy like that one college professor refused to believe my papers point that was pro homeschooling it was like having to argue for my right to be raised the way I was rather than about what I did right or wrong on my paper it felt very isolating when I was young a very close friend even casually said well I do twice as much work as you do because your home sholde she changed her mind pretty quick that I was very angry and hurt that she would assume that at the time these were old people who just saw me as normal until I told them I can't speak for everyone else and I'm so sorry for anyone whose parents have used it to shelter and abuse them but whatever tools these parents you abuse and hides things from by our children is still just that a tool they used because it gave them an advantage I learned how to be social around all kinds of groups was encouraged to explore new things and grew up to have a love for learning new subjects I was also taught that different ways of learning work for different people and homeschooling is just one of them so my biggest real-world surprises that so many people can't accept it and they see you as just like them until you bring it up then suddenly their opinion of you changes so drastically I have also known the religious control thing to be true in some circumstances but ironically my mom wanted to teach us about every religion and never pushed biblical stuff on us so I was surprised to learn so many people expected you to know Christian religion and the people in the biblical stories all back to front I just kind of find it weird to be fair though I've never been good at picking up signals from guys because I grew up around them my mom admits she was never able to tell the difference between when a guy is interested in you or just wants to stay friends a kid once gave me a singing bear and a locket with his face on it for Valentine's Day and I still thought he was just being nice you could argue that is from the homeschooling but personally I think I'm just naturally clueless none really a lot of people I know who went to public or private school had trouble after high school because they were used to having a totally structured environment where they had rules to follow and success was clearly defined study hard earned good grades achieved success and recognition me I had no grades and very little structure so by the time I got to college I was already used to having to sort of blaze my own Trail I didn't need to rely on anyone to motivate me or tell me what to do tests and grades were a bit of a struggle especially at first because there's definitely a method of studying for a test that I didn't learn as a home scholar but once you're out of school that knowledge all becomes pointless and if I had a nickel for every person who asked me if I had any friends all must have awful social skills I could now buy a small country my social skills are fine but thanks for your concern not me but my brothers who are 20 and 17 my mom took them out of school when they started getting in trouble for not making it most days they went to every elementary school until my mom found a private school that didn't really care how often the boys made it as long as the tuition was paid they somehow passed through Elementary and into the private middle school next door for high school my stepdad got tired of paying for these private schools and so my older brother went to the public high school for one day the reason he had to drop out and do Internet schoolies because someone offered him drugs I asked for specifics but their winner five years later my older brother got his diploma and no word on the younger brother these two at 20 and 17 still share the same tiny bedroom with the same twin beds they've had since they graduated to big-boy beds my older brother got a job where my stepdad works and I'm always appalled to see a stack of fucking paper checks on the counter current tally is over dollar sign 10k he hasn't gotten around to getting a bank account mom says that he's saving to buy a house younger brother spends his days texting with his girlfriend who he met through commenting on a mutual friend's post she lives in across the country from him and they have a Kip / Allah for nothing going on they've been together for two years and she's perpetually coming to visit any day now I don't know about you guys but I cannot imagine spending the years of 14 to 20 in a room with another boy I literally had a towel that doubled as a nightstand through those years also their house has an entire unfinished basement that could turned a house from a two-bedroom to 3 to 4 easily but despite owning the home for 25 years and refinancing to make these changes several times it never happens I seem to have lost focus here but what I'm saying is that I don't think home school is always necessarily bad if your parents aren't lazy and actually care about your future my only concerns would be making sure that there are social interactions so that kids can learn the real school of operating with a wide variety of personalities my brothers and mum for that matter rarely leave the house myself and my siblings have all been home sholde because my oldest sister's first grade teacher was a moron my parents said screw that we can do better they both have advanced degrees I was part of a homeschool co-op so had many friends through that so socially I don't think being homeschooled had much of an effect my siblings are split between introverted and extroverted so our social education was far from lacking homeschooling was a largely self-driven method of learning so when I got to college and then my first job I had no problems setting my own schedule and managing my workload as well as pursuing what I wanted with abandon I have practically nothing but good things to say about homeschooling if like all schooling it is done properly and with the child's best interests at heart it's definitely not for every child or parent that I hope to home-school some day myself my experience is closer to unschooling than homeschooling since my parents never had a set curriculum for me the flexibility always worked really well for my learning style though this isn't true for everyone my brother was home sholde until he was about eight years old and didn't learn to read until he started public school I never set foot in a public school but when I was 12 I started at an alternative / private / democratic free school k12 no grades no required classes never more than 60 students after graduating from there no official diploma of course but it was a rigorous graduation process I got my Jade and took the ACT in preparation for college scored average or above average in most subjects I got an internship at a behavioral neuroscience lab volunteered there after the internship ended they eventually hired me and I've been here for about two years now as an employee I applied for and got rejected from two colleges one of them on the account that the average of my jet scores was two points too low they both invited me to reapply when I have earned some credits at an other institution since I have no official diploma or transcript that they can go off of I'm 20 now and in my third term of Community College half of the stuff I could do in my sleep half of it is totally new to me so while there are definitely a lot of extra hoops that you have to jump through if you take the alternative schooling routes in my experience there are far more benefits there are some weird trade-offs the week I was rejected from the second college I applied to was the same week that I became a co-author on a published research paper
Channel: ToadFilms
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Keywords: real world, real, world, homeschooling, homeschooled, homeschooled kids, kids, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: f-UtIFB-IE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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