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hi guys and welcome back to my channel and to my first ever day of homeschooling at my 3 children today is Monday the 23rd of March and last week it was announced the schools would shut in the UK because of the covert 19 outbreak so from today I will be homeschooling my boys I have a nine year old in year four a six year old in year one and a three year old who just goes to nursery so for him he doesn't have any studies to keep up but for my two older boys I would really like to try and keep up with their studies they've been set some homework and I've also got some resources some books in and I've also joined up there's some great websites which I will also share with you but I thought I would vlog this experience I have no idea how it's gonna go as I said I've never done this before but I do have a plan I actually shared it on Instagram last night I put quite a lot of effort into this schedule just because I personally feel better when I have a plan and a routine and I think the boys really thrive when we have a schedule as well so if you want to check it out is on my Instagram highlights but I will maybe link it down below and put it on my website as well it may change as the week's go on because I'm not sure if like break times in the right place if we might have to do some more academic work and stuff but it's a really funny time because it's not like I am homeschooling in a traditional way I've not chosen to do this I still have to attempt to work from home and so does my husband so we're going to try and take turns give each other lots of breaks so that we can check emails and edit and do work and stuff like that in the past I've watched so many American mums that homeschool and I've always thought it looks like such a nice way to learn but they've been able to do things like take their kids to the museum for the day and then that is their lessons where it's the situation that we're in right now has kind of been pushed on us we do also have to attempt to work alongside teaching our children there are all different ages something so I'm gonna try and do that today and I'll show you how I do it but yeah I think it's gonna be a challenge for everyone but I already did a little white board online I didn't actually check the measurements but the boys were super excited about it and I've done one of the systems that they have at school so at the boys school they have this rainbow system so I've recreated it at home on the whiteboard it's literally just six different colors and at the beginning of each week you just start on the green and then if you do something that is a bit naughty or a bit bad you go down to the orange and eventually the red if you go on the red your teachers get called into the headteacher it's quite serious and then if you do something good you go up to the blue and then the purple and then finally the rainbow and if you get to the rainbow your parents get a text it's like a really good thing so if our children gets the rainbow during this week by being good we're gonna do prizes and stuff like that and they're just really excited about it so we recreated it and then Fraser when I showed him the schedule yesterday he actually wrote it all out on the whiteboard he was super excited about it so first thing this morning we have PE at 9 a.m. so the PE lesson that we're doing this morning is the live YouTube stream that Joe Wix is doing he's also known as the body coach on YouTube so every morning at 9 a.m. he's doing a half our children's PE lesson he's brilliant and the boys have actually done some of his routines and workouts before at school so they kind of know him and I just think that would be a great way to like wake up and shake up so we're gonna put that onto the TV we're hoping we've got enough room for them to do the little session but I'll link his channel down below if you're interested because I think we're gonna do that every morning if it goes well today I don't know how Jackson's gonna do but it was really cute this morning when I said you've got pee first go and get into like your gym clothes ok this looks like mommy where's my PE bag and as I Caleb your clothes are just they do a room but yeah we're gonna do that this morning so I'll blog or a holiday but there was one other thing I wanted to show you before we get started the boys are currently out in the garden just running about because it's actually really nice weather thank God but I've got this snack idea from Instagram so this is a great mum hack if your children are constantly asking for snacks like mine are especially during this self-isolation and social distancing I cannot believe how much the kids have been eating at home so some of you guys tagged me in this little snack hack and I was like that is genius so I will be doing it so all you need for this is some baskets I've had these for ages they're just from Poundland and they're quite a good size then I put the boys names on it this is already falling off but I put phrases kaleb's and then I actually did a little picture for Jackson because obviously he can't read yet so I thought that that would be a really good option because I've got this little insta printer so it's easy to do and then you basically just put all of their snacks into their basket for the day and that is it they can go and get a snack they can choose but that's all they're gonna get for the day so we've got a big drink in there and then for a Fraser he's got crackers with butter he's got skips he's got a brioche he's got caramel rice cake a Nature Valley bar and an apple as well and then for Caleb very similar but he's also got a yoghurt he's got his little rice cake and some little crisps there and then for Jackson sort of similar again and he's also got some strawberries in the fridge he loves them but I just thought that they might go a bit funny if they were left out but I thought it was such a good idea so now they can get their own stuff and I'm also going to only let them have snacks when it's actually like a break time because otherwise again if we are trying to learn or do a bit of a lesson I think they will be constantly asking for food but they've had a really good breakfast so hopefully they'll make it to like I think I've already scheduled a snack for like 9:30 like a drink after the workout so they should be fine then I also picked up a couple of maths books on Amazon these are the Carol Vorderman 10 minute maths ones they're quite interested in the little timer there but to be honest they have got homework to do online and Caleb's got quite a few little workbooks like this that he can do as well and then for art today I ordered this on amazeen it is a glow-in-the-dark sand art we've done something like this before and they really enjoy it and it keeps them busy for quite a while so this one has six sand art projects in it so I thought that they could do two each and that would like kill some time yes so I could go on and on about my schedule for today but I might as well just show you through the video how we're going to do it I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you get some ideas and don't forget to comment below what you guys are doing because I would be really interested to hear that I've got some great websites for their work as well BBC bite-size is a really good well-known one and then so many people have recommended a website to be called twinkle and we love to use reading eggs as well and timetable rock stars so I'll put all of those resources in the description down below feel free to share yours I'm sure all the mums watching we just love as much support and help that we can get really because oh my gosh I don't know what I'm doing I've never wanted to be a teacher but I really do want my kids studies to be kept up really without putting too much pressure on it but now I'm just gonna set up for PE lesson yes let's do this [Music] [Music] so we've now just set up the PE lesson on the TV so it's going to start in just five minutes Jackson is having one of his snacks already it's only five to nine isn't it and phrases just sorting out the whiteboard and Kate it's even gone and got his little gym mat in case this any [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Norris scanning Jackson ordered snacks okay that doesn't want to do it so this is foods lab and we're five minutes in not that funny go crazy you ready jumping jacks right so I'm gonna leave Matt doing the PE lesson because as I said we're gonna take breaks I'm just gonna check my emails but yeah we're five minutes doing caleb was just like resisting and he didn't want to do it but I'm just gonna leave him to chill he's not being disruptive he's just kind of watching rather than joining in and you know I just think he's gonna be a tough time they've been through so much change and they're uncertain like their whole world and routine has changed so I am expecting some pushback see I'm gonna see how he goes he might join in in a minute I'm not sure um but yeah so far so good Jackson was loving it Fraser was really into it and obviously Matt's got them now for like half an hour so I'm just gonna like check any emails and stuff like that I have one thing to send off and then I'm going to be doing maths in English [Music] [Music] [Music] money come on a nation start doing here but we go finish yeah we didn't yoga yeah yeah it's crazy doing yoga [Music] hi five year one my five-year 4x5 you one important yes come on you can do it as well we're just stretching it out are my boys up the good new workout Cape it eventually as well not moving down the rainbow your rainbow on your heads just next up is max in it 9:30 so next time go be other distractions family someone brought their little brother to school so Caleb's actually been sent this at a work book home and phrases got some online work to do you're doing fractions aren't you like mix just doing fractions so yes I mean the teacher said you can do two pages of this a day then that would be great so you're plowing through it aren't you [Music] [Music] we asked the boys I said where do you want to do your work and I said phrasing government debt and even you know Kane okay yeah who'd you sit next to at school no okay now they're adding one or six added to a number is 13 what is the number he's a tricky Bob Oh cat laughing this I mean how many things will be holding up with Jackson's math lesson we're just gonna do this jigsaw puzzle which is from 1 to 10 you have to put it together and then we can count jackson's really good at counting to 10 but he can't quite counter 28 you just always leave number 13 out so that would be something you could work on this week this may take me you know it's a frog yeah -2 from reception you do the puzzle I think you can do it so well [Music] and when stars are aligned liebherr we would know Jaxon's just doing some yoga oh yeah whoa tell me your questions are pretty tough hey doctors you take my temperature mine a drink okay so I kind of joined in with the P in the end so that is a massive win but now it's all gone a bit wrong we were supposed to have like a little break in the snack after but they didn't really like want a break that early so Matt was like let's just start in with the maths in English obviously because I planned what they were going to do then he needed me so I went downstairs and then I just ended up starting to like help with everyone cuz there's three different aged children like they all kind of need our support so the both of us were just doing it but now it means I haven't sent an email that I need to send so I'm gonna bring my laptop downstairs try to like the entertaining Jackson while I just send this email and then I can take over and then Matt can try and go and do some work but my friend is a teacher I phoned her yesterday and she said to me it's easier to teach 30 children that are all the same age then teach like three different aged children and I now know what she means like they're working on completely different stuff it's really cute phrase has been trying to help Caleb which has been just so lovely to see and I think that they're definitely gonna bond over this experience of spending so much time together and like they're kind of just become each other's best friends cuz there's no one else so yeah so I'm gonna tries in this email I mean this is gonna be hard to try and work alongside everything I think we're gonna have to do quite a few late nights to keep our businesses going but that's life see ya [Applause] so much I was impatient school now I'm thinking that teachers should be paid on that what yeah what they are we're now on to English and maths so this is like an hour of academic time which is homework but they probably yeah all right but now Haley's gonna do something on BBC bite-sized they've got some great resources on there so I'm gonna set him up with some footage teachers here I'm gonna set them some spellings for the week you shift phrases doing some of his tuition homework on you English sections running the school kick do you know you might you just you just prep in the lungs yeah what hygiene rates interview baking business captain now five one two three four or five baby okay I think I can eat here have you washed your hands no okay I'm lucky the MS [Music] [Laughter] right so Kiev is just doing a BBC bite-sized English game it's really fun and another win Jackson is really loving watching so this is keeping him entertained I'm entertained and then phrases over here doing his work so what do you think the sentence could be voice good boy that's right are you so cranky yes yeah it's thin and the Sun melts do you read everything well and we've set Jackson up on another BBC bite-sized game and he's loving it you wanna do the sentence game you can't really do it's a bit tricky copy plays 10:30 that was gone yeah don't get into any fights have any other kids all right yeah why's it going to the head teachers office at least the sun's out all right so it's break times the boys are having a drink and snack and I play outside and this is also the time for them to use the toilet if they need to as well so we're gonna try and get in to have a week and then at 11 a.m. we're going to be doing art so I've got this for it I think I did I show you this yeah we've got some and all right to do so I have no idea how long this is going to take them but if they go through it really quickly then we're going to do some drawing tutorials on YouTube they love to follow along with like how to draw tutorials and there's some great ones on there please don't the plan it's actually really nice to have all of the academic work done by 11:00 a.m. because I feel like now we can all relax you've kind of done the homework that's been set by their teachers and I need to take pictures of what they've done and send it back to their teachers to just prove what they've done so I need to like get my head round printing stuff out printing stuff getting to do it and like sending it off like I guess I'm gonna have to like get in the flow with it for ya we were on here we were free and running never bothered about what could be coming much feels nice it's just funny it's a positive way few years earlier I started thinking obviously this pack only came with one funnel I have one other funnel that is working but Jackson doesn't have one at the moment so he's gonna just have a go [Music] [Music] trade of changes but show me life is full of things sometimes clouds scudding our favorite place [Music] tige you so that sound art was actually really good it kept them busy for 30 minutes now Jackson has had enough but it is 11:30 so I've made him a cheese sandwich because he normally eats really early so he's watching Umizoomi and eating his cheese sandwich and the big boys are now doing a drawing tutorial on YouTube they're doing something on art for kids Hub it's a really good channel and what are you drawing boys over there during all Olaf so they're just following the instructions and and doing it but yeah this I think was quite good but Elvis just came with a one funnel so there's a lot of sharing which was tricky and now there is sand everywhere so I really want to Hoover but obviously they're listening to the tutorial so I can't really do that yet so I think I'm gonna Hoover when it's lunchtime we're gonna do lunch for the big boys at twelve so in just 25 minutes the Ajax is pretty happy just chilling out obviously he's only three and he was getting hungry so that's where we are right now while the boys are drawing so nicely I'm going to get their lunch ready so that at twelve they can actually eat so to make cheese sandwiches some great and some drinks and nothing too exciting I cried more it's not quite the hot dinners that they're used to at school but they seem pretty excited about it [Music] cuz you are here to stay every night Oh I got here Hey so lunch time yeah we had a good morning yeah did I yeah oh good and daddy and I are gonna have some leftover chili so we just microwaving it up it's not too exciting it's like the veggie chili I'm showing you a million times so you're gonna have that right so the boys have done well with their bunch so we're now just gonna have some frizzy paws [Music] that's so cool so now they're gonna have their frizzy pops and then they've got an hour of free time so we can go outside cuz it's actually yeah quite an hour it's actually really beautiful outside so we could play some basketball I actually just got Jackson a new sand and water table so I'll show you what it looks like I just got it from Little Tikes because our last one broke because it was so old but yeah it's free time now [Music] [Music] right so if now come outside I've got an hour of free time and I was supposed to be doing some work but Matt needs to just finish something so I've come outside with Fraser the two other boys they're still just chilling out indoors and they seem really happy so the hoof is going round we'll hopefully clean up all the sand that is everywhere and we're gonna what are we gonna play basketball or football [Music] [Music] we're just playing 21 over backwards because we've mastered playing 21s forward so it's like quick game so uh haha this actually keeps getting so good so you basically each take a go but if you score you get to go again and you get one point for a basket you get two points for us to wish and we love playing this so the boys are now playing your game on the computer and Jackson is just playing over there so I'm now gonna have a FaceTime call with Juliette who works with me she helps with my channel and we're gonna catch up on the videos that I'm planning this week because obviously it's quite difficult to find time to film he's like where's Juliette she's at home today so I'm just gonna have a call with her and we're gonna talk about some ideas and then anything else that I need to be getting done this week CS gonna do that now and hope that they're all okay max upstairs oh I think he's coming down now so I can do the call [Music] [Music] I don't so we're now going to teach the boys some life skills we've built as we're at home we might as well teach them some things like cooking and cleaning and actually today we're going to teach Caleb how to tie his shoelaces it hasn't quite mastered it yet because he always wears velcro shoes so we thought this is a good opportunity to try and teach him and I saw this really cool thing online Matt's just making it so you get a bit of cardboard and you like thread through the laces then you get him to draw a shoe around it and you can color the shoe in and then you can actually use this to tie the shoelaces and it's like just a little bit bigger than an actual shoe we're gonna try that I'm gonna let Jackson cut with scissors because he really loves we've got these little scissors he loves cutting with them and then for Fraser I'm going to teach him how to do laundry which he's thrilled about and then that probably won't take very long so that I might do something else with him as well right so I've drawn the little face but he needs a haircut for me yes if you see I can Bowl just be careful any scissors that's it cut it there maybe how long do you want his hair like Jackson's hair good boy [Music] so we're gonna watch the phones today okay it's been a while and I saw a drink on one of them just open it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sit round there and then say that but then they say yeah that's it like that and then you go round no you hold where I'm holding it round round it and then they let go and then that bit and that's free there like that yeah and pull it tight really tight so my asset [Music] so it's now outdoor time need to run around don't you got the bubbles out for Jack hey look they're in this little green thing oh you do it cause it's windy they'll work really well Matt's taking a business call now also doing bubbles Jackson's come in Avenue oh let me help ah are you ready yeah I don't know what this lesson is cold what's this lesson cold it's cold get ready it's like swimming this is swimming lesson there's a swimmin lesson ready three o'clock so that's the end of school the last thing I said that we could do from 3:00 to 4:00 is play a game or learn a tick-tock dance so we're just gonna learn one here oh hi guys so that is it for school today we're just gonna play some more games maybe a bit more ticked up go in the garden like do usual things that we would do after school have it like the rest of the snacks and their big dinner mat and bed so that's it I've survived I hope you enjoyed this video I can't wait to read all your comments on how you guys got on and yeah thank you so much for watching I'll see you in my next word nerd yeah and if you like this kind of content let me know because I can definitely do more of it because we're pretty much stuck in the house and yeah anyway that's you all hope you're all okay and staying safe
Channel: Emily Norris
Views: 149,317
Rating: 4.9026523 out of 5
Keywords: homeschool, homeschooling, emily norris, emilynorris, quarantine, quarantining, covid 19, coronavirus, self isolation, social distancing, uk, day in the life, raw vlog, real, emily norris vlog, emily norris homeschool, emily norris home, matt norris, working from home, working from home while homeschooling, working from home during quarantine, homeschooling in quarantining, how to homeschool, homeschool routine, mom of 3, raising boys, mum of 3, homeschool schedule, entertain kids
Id: VnC6-nw1K6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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