Homemade Cocktail Syrups - 2.0!

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welcome back friends it's anders today we're making more cocktail syrups in a previous video we made four basic cocktail syrups right here if you haven't had a chance to see it but these are for more cocktail syrups and honestly i don't use them as often as the others but they are equally as important and they're good at non-alcoholic cocktails dealers choice cocktails whatever i'm gonna show you how i make my passion fruit syrup raspberry syrup ginger syrup and cream of coconut also if you're new to the channel welcome we're happy to have you hit that subscribe button for more sips tips and recipes and let's get started [Music] first passionfruit syrup last time i talked about how i like to use semi-rich syrups and this is going to be a semi-rich syrup the ratio is going to be one and a half parts sugar to one part water and i like that ratio because it is not quite as sweet as a rich syrup but it offers more texture than a straight simple syrup best of both worlds so we're going to start with passion fruit and this is a great syrup because it is called for in a number of tiki drinks and whenever i use it people love it i think people just love passion fruit i know i do it reminds me of fruit roll-ups my childhood but here in chicago it is hard to come by fresh passion fruit so what i found really works is the frozen passion fruit pulp by goya it's a 14 ounce package and i took the time to thaw this one out because well so you don't have to watch me hacking away at a frozen chunk of passion fruit this will be my liquid for this syrup it's that easy it's just gonna be one part this and one and a half part sugar so we'll start by adding into a pot the passion fruit pulp oh it's all gooey [Music] every drop yeah as far as like how this syrup tastes it tastes way better than it looks in this this bag that's it's the biggest upside of this syrup and two and a half cups of sugar [Music] i'm gonna stir to combine over medium heat you don't need to bring it up to a boil just enough to to combine it's really that easy also enjoy the smell because it smells really pleasant on medium heat it will just take a couple minutes to combine stir constantly and then check every so often but it doesn't take long at all you'll know it's starting to come together when it starts being a little bit more translucent and it is starting to come together yeah today is already a success turn that off so i'm sorry if this fan is really loud uh i'll try to i'll try to speak up so you can hear me in the back the passion fruit syrup is ready take this off the heat and let it cool and then put it into a fancy bottle or a jar or something to store it in [Music] magic so it's gonna make about a quart one quart this is what i'm gonna pour from and then i'm gonna store this in the freezer so now i can wash the pot and we'll go on to next which is raspberry syrup okay raspberry syrup this is not called for in a lot of cocktails but the clover club is a classic that is probably the most popular but it's also good in non-alcoholic drinks and you could pour this over pancakes and it would be fantastic it's just raspberries sugar and water and thyme so we're gonna start by making a simple syrup and for this one i'm doing a one-to-one simple syrup that's because raspberries berries in general have pectin and pectin will help naturally thicken the syrup so i don't need to have a semi-rich syrup i can just use a straight one-to-one simple syrup and it'll give me the texture that i want so i'm going to start by making a one-to-one simple syrup oh no i need sugar so i'll start with three quarters of a cup of water [Music] and three quarters of a cup of sugar plain white sugar you could use brown sugar if you wanted i suppose i won't stop you and then combine overheat keep stirring i'm gonna turn this up maybe make it go a little faster [Music] set it aside because now we're going to deal with the berries take a six ounce package of raspberries and dump it into a jar now i'm going to give it a really quick muddle just to break it up and get some of the juice out but i don't want to pulverize it so i'm just going to tap tap tap that's pretty good once we've done that which we have we can just pour the simple syrup right on top [Music] now we can cap it and put this in the fridge and let it sit overnight up to 24 hours and just let the raspberries do their do their job do your job then after 24 hours we can strain off the fruit and the seeds you can just use a fine mesh strainer like a cocktail strainer you'll have to wash out seeds later but the syrup will be a nice bright red color and it's ready to go next now the ginger syrup ginger syrup there are a couple different ways to make ginger syrup and if you're low on time and you want a really easy way to make it you just take hot water sugar and diced up ginger and you can blend it up in a blender and then strain it off and you're good to go the only thing is you need a really fine mesh strainer for the ginger fibers and i don't have one here at home you need something like a chinois or a nut milk bag which i don't have so i'm going to be doing the standard infusion style it's a little bit more involved because you have to make this a little bit more user-friendly you're going to start with 250 grams of ginger and i just want to say i'm really proud of myself because i picked this out at the grocery store without weighing it and i came home and weighed it and it was 250 grams exactly i'm gonna peel the ginger but you don't have to peel the ginger if you don't peel the ginger the ginger syrup is just gonna be a little bit darker it's fine so i like to peel it just to make sure you get the dirt away if i don't get everything it's not the end of the world for peeling a ginger you may have heard this but a spoon works really well and when i do this i go right for the spots where i see the dirt maybe with a little magic editing we can make this look like i'm really fast at it it's like a giraffe all right i better stop before the camera battery runs out clean up your workspace remember a clean bar is a happy bar now we can slice up the ginger into little disks might find in the little crevices pockets of dirt and you can just cut those out so once it's sliced up set it aside we'll get to it and now we can make the simple syrup for this syrup we're going to go back to the semi-rich syrup so one and a half cups of sugar and one cup of water [Music] combine overheat [Music] again this is only going to take a few minutes keep stirring if you start with hot water it'll go faster and everything's come together turn off the heat for a moment because now i'm going to add the ginger and then over low heat simmer for three to five minutes okay so now i'm gonna take it off the heat i'm gonna put this into a big jar let it steep for one hour and then chill in the fridge for up to 24 hours once it's done strain off the ginger with a fine mesh strainer one more one more syrup and we can we can call it we can get out of here the cream of coconut so cream of coconut is called for most in tiki drinks for years i've been the biggest fan of coco lopez in fact other cream of coconuts to me tastes like suntan lotion and coco lopez is actually really good real coconut flavor however it's not available everywhere and if you want a cream of coconut that doesn't have emulsifiers and preservatives and stabilizers then this recipe is the perfect recipe because it is extremely simple this is the only recipe that is not mine i found this recipe on artofdrink.com and it's really good i feel i should tell you and give credit where credit's due in the recipe on artofdrink.com they do have optional one tablespoon of coconut powder and i went to the store and i could not find coconut powder i did look online and you can purchase it but i don't think it's necessary that's if you want more coconut flavor but i think you get plenty coconut with this recipe do what you do i'm going to start with 400 milliliters which is one can of full fat coconut milk then add one and three quarters of a cup of white sugar and a pinch of salt [Music] combine overheat again don't bring it up to a boil just enough to combine this little burner is getting a workout when you start stirring it's going to be bright white and opaque but then as it heats up and it comes together it's going to become more translucent so that's how you know when it's complete i've been working with coco lopez cream of coconut for years in fact it's probably about 12 or 15 years ago i had come back from puerto rico and so i went out and bought coco lopez because i was obsessed with pina coladas and i opened the can and it separates you get all the fats really go to the top and i thought that my can was bad so i got another can and it did the same thing so i actually contacted coco lopez and i said hey your cream of coconut is separated and is it still good can i use it and they waited a good long while and just wrote back it's fine it's fine i now am smarter now i was not always this brilliant okay starting to become more more translucent that's it i'm gonna kill the heat stir and let it cool down a little bit if you really get into bartending you find most of your time is prepping so if you like bartending better learn how to like prepping cutting fruit making syrups polishing glassware [Music] enough to fill this jar a little bit extra so i can use up this last bit and freeze freeze this yeah that's it those are our syrups [Music] you don't have to put them in cocktails you can put them in non-alcoholic drinks or pour them over pancakes or over waffles room for french toast or dip them dip cookies in them endless possibilities people you can pour these on the counter and attract ants if you want i don't care but enjoy them and keep them in the refrigerator the shelf life will be about two weeks to a month if you want to hang on to them a little bit longer put them in the freezer and they will last indefinitely if you like this video like and subscribe share it with friends if you have friends who are really into sugar and i will see you next time cheers alright bye [Music] you
Channel: Anders Erickson
Views: 259,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade cocktail syrups, passion fruit syrup, How to make syrups for the bar, cocktail syrups, easy cocktail syrups, homemade syrup recipes, how to make passion fruit syrup, how to make cocktail syrups, how to make syrups for cocktails, easy to make syrups, best syrups for cocktails, raspberry syrup, how to make ginger syrup, how to make raspberry syrup, ginger syrup, simple syrups, easy syrup recipes, How to make cream of coconut, cream of coconut, What is cream of coconut
Id: vGBMrJgjZB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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