Homemade Body Armor

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welcome to demolition ranch if you watch this channel at all you've probably seen me shoot body armor before soft body armor hard body armor I really like shooting body armor it's fun to test it and see if it actually works and then I got to thinking I bet I could make some body armor which is how a lot of people die I bet I'm going to be shooting at Lieutenant Dan today this is level 3 a soft body armor kind of like Kevlar it's just made out of a bunch of really finely woven threads and I have a ton of t-shirts at home so I made my own I put all these together this is for t-shirts and I got some silicone caulk and hooked them together so it's still really flexible I'm gonna put it on Lieutenant Dan and shoot him with a variety of calibers to see how good this is at stopping them and by the way this level 3a level 3a is ready to stop all pistol calibers up to 44 Magnum let's see if lieutenant Dan can make it well it looks the part but can it stop the bullets first up 12-gauge birdshot now I know what you're thinking 12-gauge shotgun you're starting at a 12 gauge but birdshot is not very good at penetrating let's see what happens we are about seven yards here so I would say an average in the home invasion distance took that one square to the chest there's the damage those actually stopped they did not go through let's try something a little more powerful than a 12-gauge birdshot shell next up 22 long-rifle out of a pistol now I don't know if I would rather be shot with a 22 long rifle out of a pistol or a birdshot shell out of a 12-gauge shotgun both would suck the the birdshot would do more damage on the outside the 22 a do more damage on the inside this thing would go a lot deeper so theoretically it should go deeper into this t-shirt armor let's find out I'm gonna shoot high right to try to stay out of that 12-gauge spot okay I don't know if he made it through that there's the hit and there is the hole where I went straight through him so that did not stop a 22 long rifle what about a hollow-point out of a 45 ACP now I know what you're thinking that's a lot bigger round and the 22 made it through that should have no problem right maybe it's a lot bigger heavier round but it's a hollow-point so it may open up enough that the t-shirts catch it I'm gonna shoot low left on this one oh yeah he's dead that went right through him entry exit straight through him I don't even came out the back so I had another idea for body armor and this one's pretty obvious because it comes in the perfectly right size to protect your chest paper it's all stacked together this is 200 sheets of paper and paper is actually pretty good at stopping bullets when it's all compacted like this will this thin 200 sheet pack be enough I don't know but I know how to find out so wearing multiple layers of t-shirts is definitely gonna help stop a bullet but if you don't really stop the bullet completely it's not worth a whole lot what's good about the t-shirts and this is they're pretty flexible they'll kind of conform to you and comfort is big when you're being attacked with pistols so let's see if boot in it Dan can stand up to the guns now once again 12-gauge birdshot I'm gonna go bottom right with this one so I don't mess up the middle too much let's check it out so this is perfect you can see that just the first probably one third of these papers are disrupted maybe not even that much maybe 1/4 of these papers are disrupted and after that they're not even bent stop that birdshot pretty easily so 22 long-rifle place your bet I bet it's gonna stop it I'm gonna go bottom left here's our hit and that one's gonna be close I'm gonna have to dissect this and see if it stopped it or not our pieces at least a little piece of lead so if a piece of it would have gone through it probably would not have gone very deep into you that one's on the line of stopping I don't know some of it may have broken the skin center-of-mass I think he's dead there's our hit there's a big exit hole he's dead so what's cool about real body armor is this just made up a little fibers so what else has little fibers duct tape I've got a ton of requests people wanting to see me make body armor out of duct tape so I made it this was four rolls of duct tape I got one super thin little piece of cardboard it was like a cereal box just one of those little panels of cardboard just to put this around and then it's just all thick duct tape this took me like an hour to do so duct tape strong it's about an inch and a half thick it's mildly flexible so it'll kind of Bend and be comfortable because I know that's really important to you guys see if it'll stop some bullets he's stylin starting up again with a bird shot a 12-gauge bottom right again think it worked peppered him and nothing went through very cool let's step it up 22 long-rifle I really want this to work see we got a nice hole there and let's so he stopped it sweet this will be cool I don't have a whole lot of faith for this armor against the 45 no way no way he's dead he's definitely dead our hole and anybody ripped this yep he's dead right there straight into him shucks I saved the best for last a 200 pack of paper is good but 500 is better 500 sheets versus 45 ATP let's go button what that hits so hard I really want this to work though looking like a victory here there's our hole I don't think anything went through nope we're good I guess that means we need to step it up 44 Magnum now this first round I'm shoot shooting is a sort of medium power round it's not as powerful as you can get let's see if it stops it not sure if that went through or not before I go over there I'm gonna fire one more round this one is a bit heavier so it should hit a little harder I go high left on this one let's knocked him over first 44 Magnum second 44 Magnum they both rip paper on the back but I can see metal in both of them try to pull it out and hot so it's looking like it stopped right at the edge oh yeah that's the hole bullet there's the first one totally mangled by paper the second bullet oh that's not the whole bullet that's just a piece that one may have gone into oh no there's more metal in here not much though there's a little bit of metal coming out of this hole but most of that bullet I think went into him so this 500 sheets of paper was right on the edge of being level 3/8 does anyone else find it weird that this thin little pack of cloth can stop a 44 Magnum but this big pack of heavy thick sheets can't 500 rounds of paper I found around 500 pages of paper I think it's witchcraft or some pretty awesome technology this episode is brought to you by audible.com and I usually I give you a book that I've been reading about guns but I'll be honest with you haven't read any gun books in a little while what I did read though was a book called The Millionaire Next Door it's kind of financial book don't don't click off the video yet hear me out it's about some guys who when interviewed a bunch of self-made millionaires like a bunch of them and try to figure out what made them become millionaires when other people were not becoming millionaires I think it's fascinating and pretty interesting and I think society as a whole would definitely benefit from it if everyone read this book if you want to get it for free or if you want to get any of their other 180,000 titles you just need to follow the link in the description below and it goes to support demolition ranch and it's free you get a free 30-day trial and you get to listen to someone read your book I'm so bummed about this thing I work so hard and so long on this thing and it didn't work thanks for watching demolition ranch why wait before you go I have one more thing I thought this video idea was pretty cool and I want to know your ideas for other things you can use in the home to protect yourself from handgun calibers level 3 a tight body armor how can we make it and I'll try it out comment below Bobby
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Views: 2,808,194
Rating: 4.9489059 out of 5
Keywords: homemade, home, made, demo, demolition, demolitionranch, demoranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, shoot, shooting, shot, shotgun, pistol, hand, handgun, rifle, caliber, body, bodyarmor, armor, armour, body armour, body armor, vest, bullet, bullet proof, bulletproof, proof, penetrator, penetrate, flak, penetrating, pierce, piercing, piercer, penetrators, duct, duck, duct tape, paper, printer, cotton, t-shirt, shirt, shirts, guns, .44 magnum, .44, magnum, Bulletproof Vest
Id: v52LIgsY8oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2015
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