Homemade Armor Using FLOWERS? (Totally Impenetrable!)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
so far I've made a decent collection a Bronze Age weaponry but they wouldn't be complete without also exploring some of the defenses employed for protection against them so in listing some extra help in this video we'll be attempting to produce a form of ancient body armor supposedly used by conquerors like Alexander the Great by harnessing the power of a small flowering plant the flax plant everything we use comes from 8,000 generations of collective innovation and discovery but could an average person figure it all out themselves and work their way from the Stone Age to today that's a question we're exploring each week I try to take that next step forward in human history my name is Andy and this is how to make everything be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss the next step in this journey but first speaking of protection if you've been watching for a while you know that sometimes I risk life and limb in the process of completing my projects though I don't have life insurance yet perhaps with everything going on the world it might be a good time to consider it policy genius compares quotes from the top life insurance companies in one place it takes just a few minutes to compare quotes from the top insurers to find your best price this doesn't just save a lot of legwork you could save $1500 or more a year by using policy genius to compare life insurance policies since 2014 they've helped over 30 million people shop for life insurance and they've placed forty five billion in coverage applying online only takes a few minutes and it's really easy you just have to answer a few personal questions before getting your quotes once you apply the policy genius team will handle all the paperwork and red tape for free so if you hit on many speed bumps during the application process they'll be there to take care of everything Paul seediness will find you the best rate and handle the process completely they'll get you and your family protected and hopefully give you one less thing to worry about so you can go back to pursuing your passion my hot dogs if you're one of the many people looking to buy life insurance right now we aren't sure where to start at a policy genius calm and see how they can help you since we started the reset there have been two major technologies that have been needed to be unlocked in our tech tree that we've been pulling off textiles and leather two topics I have now covered multiple times and past videos want to explore again with the new restrictions of the reset rules my past efforts have revealed that this textile industry is easily one of the most labor-intensive processes and that was using modern tools so now pushing the challenge even further and needed to make the tools ourselves the initial goal is going to be unlocking these technologies by producing a functional quantity of the items along a supplement our supply with budget quantities for logical allowing us to move forward without getting stuck in an endless grind you realize this is only half the process half of the leading processors not half of the warping process one first up let's get some love they're tanning I've previously covered a few different methods in the past bark tanning with deer hide and brain tanning pig hide using eggs instead of a brain this time want to try a different method but with the most common type of leather cow alright so for a source of leather went to a local butcher shop to try and get some of their leftover leather from one of their cows they killed this one off to kill their own didn't really specify what we wanted like this is literally their face peeled off I think they're inside out yeah it's pretty disgusting we have it now so I guess we got to use it I'm gonna try and tan these using a method called alum tanning use the compound club alum this is method similar to what was used by Romans pretty often and should awfully just a kind of a whiter tanned leather some kind of elector stuff here the ellow mineral is mixed with salt olive oil egg yolks and flour to make a nice gooey paste that he could almost bake into a cake then they left a tan for several weeks now for the extra challenging process of making textiles first I need to grow the flax [Music] over the past summer they grew into short little bushes with small pretty little flowers on them as they progressed they turned into pods containing the flax seeds something we've already been able to put to use and a few projects before but for textiles it's the stocks I'm after [Music] ended up growing two slightly different varieties of flax which were ready to harvest at different time so had to harvest them twice once harvested the next process is called reading where you let them start to decompose which helps separate the inner core from the outer core where after while they sit and read let's repair some tools for the next process for the last project involving cloth making I was able to get some extra assistance with an Elise to help construct a loom but at the beginning of the year she moved on to pursue a job more aligned with their personal goals and we've been in the process of looking for a potential replacement sense but in the middle of that process the global pandemic of kovat 19 struck and we decided to split up these tasks between the couple of potential candidates and see how well they handled the difficult challenges of this job I was tattoo of a corn dog though hi my name is Lauren I'm here with this flax and how to make everything to teach you how to heckle so this is a heckle it looks like a medieval toothbrush but it's not we're gonna be making one from scratch casting bronze out of beeswax and eventually when we make something similar we're going to be taking the flax and raking it through the spikes to make a soft material that we can make clothing out of so hopefully it works and we'll be able to make like a shirts pants shorts whatever we feel like [Music] nervous oh my gosh I hate myself oh my god maybe it'll work still well I may as well use that she was so nerve-racking this looks like a cheap at Red River monster my stick perfect heckled oh my god why do I bother touches away meanwhile for the upcoming bleeding portions Kate start to construct the new loom a warped weighted low nature that might work madam chair like urban Wicker Man I'm gonna go sacrifice the gods [Music] one of the oldest and earliest looms feeding back well into the Neolithic era this construction is pretty straightforward warp loom cuz I've got so far as I'll be the frame it's basically two uprights a Y crotch at the top the clock beam which is the straightest bit of wood you can find I'll be cutting off it either and shaving this down so it's nice and smooth this is what the cloth will be hanging from and then I can secure it around here with a bit of rope maybe some small pegs see what it needs at the bottom we've got the biggest piece of wood will weed the shed bar that is what have the fibers will drape over well the other half will be dangling behind weighted with our blue weights Hart please don't fall apart please will fall apart five thousand years ago they would have no way of knowing if this was level so check out lacquer with just enough lead time we were able to get both of them prepared and set up just in time as our state went into full lockdown and shelter in place and they were able to continue forward from home this is Winky she didn't help me all right let's go okay okay so first I guess we have to take this and break it up [Music] you get 190 [Music] time to go so I tied the heckle to this blog so this process gets rid of all the short stuff and hopefully we'll just leave behind the longer fibers welcome to my home that's Pluto goodie now just to get the shape I'm gonna add my cloth be more secure get my Hetal sticks and bash them into place taking the heckled flocks Lauren Keith could then spin it into a thread with a drop spindle and start weaving now we're at the point where we got to string this thing up hope the cat doesn't attack this string one [Music] hey so I just have to do that about let's shoo for 20 more times noop noop yeah so my next step today is separate out each individual strand I can then string on my little bits of string attaching each individual one to the Hetal bar using these little shorter strips of black strip my shuttle here which I will use to pass through the Loom which will going through the warp which is the threads going vertically yeah so that's the last of that added to my shuttle to do this Oh yep that's I send this back and all of it this is gonna be a shear to Nick switch them back [Music] it's about an hour's worth of weaving it is a much much tighter weave than I was getting initially I'm pretty proud of what I made her name is king Ling I did get a panel the width I wanted but not the quality I wanted to put a much narrower panel fabric this shockingly is roughly half the same amount of warp just scrunched family closely together and I think it's working a lot better what I really want out of this is to make something comparable to what this this material the style of loom could make in the part of the Bronze Age that we're in so yeah I'm just gonna spend the day power weaving possibly a belt or a headband out of this guy one is you know a rustic table setting and I've got this little guy which he's not much of it but I am very proud of it this is a monumental thing for humans to have figured out fix it Kate Lauren we were able to finally unlock textiles from the beginning clothing has been about protection from the Sun or the cooled or from general abuse from the environment the little Forex pushes the limits of that projective ability by utilizing multiple layers of linen glued together with animal fat to provide armor to the wearer against the toughest weapons the bronze and Iron Age could throw at it evidence of its existence is actually pretty scant though as it's nearly entirely biodegradable leaving some to question if it was actually even made from linen itself its earliest mention is in the Iliad suggesting it may have been used as early as a Trojan War but most likely became popular in the Mediterranean world in the seventh and sixth century BCE this belief it's lighter and more flexible material made a more popular than existing metal armor especially in hot arid climates while providing comparable protection in the last video I got to meet Matt an armor maker that showed me some of the armor that would have possibly been worn in the Trojan War and followed up with him to ask if he knew anything about the little thorax I'm Matt portress I run a business called MP film craft which is a production company / props and costumes company I have experience in making a lot of different armors throughout the ages and cultures and anything kind of varying from ancient Mycenaean Greek times - until about the Crusades aforex armor is a armor that's constructed of layers of linen usually 12 to 20 layers alone go into the construction of a set the way I do it is a little differently I haven't actually recreated one with the purposes of like experimental archaeology because I haven't really wanted to Gillette it together so usually what I do is I do two to three layers of linen on the surface of it and then I do backing of like vegetable I miss is an example of one right here that's made out of just a couple layers and actually in the Midwest of this letter and then the belly is made out of the steel scales the hoplites were really known for wearing them originally it was mentioned and Iliad and Odyssey by Homer as Ajax the lesser love wearing to be confused with regular Ajax dishwashing detergent but in the last few years I've made 32 44 various episodes I sold many I've done a couple customers for clients I've did a film called bladder King kind of a response to seeing 301 to see something more historically costumes and Hollywood hasn't been used a whole lot although the movie Alexandre by Oliver Stone used a little thorax a lot Alexander was wearing it for the majority of the time thank you very much for watching now back out of lockdown start building our own lintel 4x unfortunately with everything else going in the world bingston end up working out with Kate so we move forward with Lauren I rolled it out with the charcoal made a little pattern and I'm going to cut out 15 of these because in order to be safe we need to be layered nope ok find something else so we got to get something bigger I think I'll start at a straighter line make it easier for myself just kind of saw back and forth cut this pattern out [Music] very nice then for some pig fat it's been in my freezer since we made soap format several years ago [Music] it's really hot and I forget the chopsticks inside of it said you're hungry all right the next step in making the Leno thorax is what was that right is it lino Leano okay next step in making the linothorax is taking the pig fat that we've boiled and rendered into a nice layer and sticking them all together to make them stick awful oh yeah that's nice okay yep just in there through the whole thing yeah yeah it kind of looks like almond butter wouldn't use it in the same way I'll probably need more than I thought I don't see how this is gonna be like protective but mmm get it all to the edges once it's all layered out will it insert a second layer so there's gonna be 15 layers I'm trying to make sure that I can line it up as good as they can lovely 15 more to go yeah all 15 layers are stacked lined with the fat and now we're onto the next one beautiful two hours later now only four more so this is the first later I will do this four more times then absolutely break my arm and then Andy's got a nice skirt okay so I just found out this this isn't called the skirt it's actually called Petra shoes which I am definitely pronouncing right how the pronounced Petra jizz Petra jizz okay so if P is silent so tear gi's tear you all right so now for our second tier of tear geez done Gaby it is cool [Music] now for the shoulder straps and we're gonna do the exact same thing take each layer put a thin layer of lard in between them to secure them all together let's go so I just got everything wrapped up and we're gonna let it dry out and see if it hardens and as a protective barrier and I'm gonna get all the fat out of my nails what with a cloth pieces all set now it's time to start putting it together but first let's check out those morbid cow heads to see if they actually got reserved put in several months now let these two tan and presently have not rotten so it means they've been preserved gotten rock-hard though not gotten any easier to use I did take one of these cut it open and then I've been working it with a bit of oil to soften it up it's a pretty stiff which actually works pretty good for the purpose of armor that we're going for managed to get least a small piece of functional leather from each of these heads it is leather not a huge quantity probably five or six of these out of it so probably enough to make like a another really weird football less hairy this time but now all you consider this unlocking the technology of leather making something we've done a few times with different animals and different methods trying to find an actual source of cow we don't have to kill a whole call it's presently difficult anybody's head light source for that let us know so they're not crows again a little bit better although I think we're gonna move on to supplementing it with some store box so we can finish up the lineup Forex [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bill what are you doing so here it is the completed and assembled Armour links to be helped of Kate and Lauren I was able to unlock the technology's textiles and leather to make this and then construct the lino thorax got 15 layers of linen mixed with pig fat that should hopefully give you protection against anything an opponent he's gonna throw I mean it'll be a huge pain to actually assemble everything just because of its it's doing what it supposed to be doing it's hard to get through it's hard to cut it's hard to stab it's hard to drill it's hard to do pretty much anything do it it is very resistant allows a lot of mobility and I imagine it's a lot cooler when you're out in the Sun than a tin can surprise how heavy it is because it was chosen supposedly because it's a little bit lighter than actual metal armor this is probably pretty comparable to the armor that Matt had me try before it might still be wet I'm not sure what happens with a fat it might dry out and cure a little bit better let's see what happens it might start to rot I'm not sure very greasy I'm very well moisturized I can tell you that a big debate about is that linen wasn't cheap textiles have always been labor-intensive there's a question of if this is worth all the the cost of the linen that goes into it but for how much this actually cost ourselves if he hadn't done the whole unlocking and tried to actually make all the fabric we used Keaton Loren would have needed to repeat the entire process at least 50 more times do you have a high enough amount of fabric to make this bio thorax multiplying off numbers to add up for that to be 16 weeks of full-time work and if paid are todays minimum wage just producing the material for it alone what would cost nearly six thousand dollars so this technology is actually somewhat similar to modern Kevlar in the terms of a tight knit cloth in multiple layers they can fight production but it is lighter than a metal option so we're gonna put this to the test and see how well it handles everything you know try throwing all the Bronze Age weapons we have at it our swords our Spears our atlatl our bow and arrow and then we're gonna try it with some modern technology too and see if theoretically you can stop a bullet using this technology even if it's just a little bit thicker right so let's go your next video thank you to all of our supporters on patreon thanks for watching [Music] if you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe and check out other content we have covering a wide variety of topics also if you enjoy these series consider supporting us on patreon we are largely a fan funded channel and depend on the support of our viewers in order to keep our series going thanks for watching
Channel: How To Make Everything
Views: 531,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HTME, Fun, Learn, Teach, Maker, History, Science, Innovator, Education, Educational, Invention, Agriculture, Textiles, Industry, how to make everything, brow tidy ox, leather making, leather working, fabric making, loom knitting, armor, flowers, ancient greek, handicraft, homemade, how to make, how to make armor, warp weighted loom, weaving, greek armor, hoplite, diy, handmade textiles, homemade textile medium, armour, flower fabric, homemade fabric, diy fabric flower, flower cloth, ancient greece
Id: wcWu8a9F9Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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