Homemade Aloe Vera Gel Soap Using the Hot Process Method

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hi everyone I'm in the garden again today and  the reason why I'm in the garden is that I've   got this massive big aloe vera plant here that's  been here for a couple of years it's only been   fed and watered by what we get from the rainfall  here and we've had a very wet spring in summer   um but this plant is in such a good spot it's  very happy and it's massive the leaves are like   that wide some of them anyway I've got all  this wonderful aloe vera in my garden so I   was really inspired to make some aloe vera soap  make some more and make another batch showing you   a different method so today I'm going to make  hot processed aloe vera soap I'm going to make   it in my slow cooker up inside in the kitchen  I'm going to take some of this fresh aloe gel   and instead of putting the aloe gel through the  process to make the lye solution like I did for   my other cold process aloe vera soap recipe in  this one I'm going to blend up the gel and I'm   just going to add it to the soap batter so it's  going to show you an alternative way to make   aloe vera soap so I'm just going to select  one of these leaves they are really massive   well more than I'm ever going to need I'm going  to see if I can take one from the bottom here didn't bring a knife with me oh here we go so this is not even one of the  biggest leaves but look how big and thick   that is oh my goodness that's amazing I only  need 50 grams of aloe vera for this recipe   and I'm going to have well and truly enough in  that one leaf some of these other leaves are   at least another half size as big as that again  amazing love it all right see you in the kitchen so to get this recipe started I get my fats  and my oils ready and get them melting this   starts off with 75 grams of cocoa butter this is  a really easy recipe this would be a perfect hot   processed soap recipe for beginners if you've want  to start out and this this would be a great recipe   to try next I'm adding some olive oil 300 grams  in total I'm using up to two different types of   olive oil here but they will both work as long as  they're 100 olive oil it doesn't matter if they're   slightly refined or if they're extra virgin as  long as it's olive oil next 225 grams of rice bran   oil this is a basic recipe as I said it's um I'm  just using up some of the the oil common oils that   I have lying around next is 150 grams of coconut  oil that will give this a really nice leather   um straightforward recipe but really nourishing  simple to make and fairly well balanced given   its simplicity so I add the liquid oils into  the cocoa butter and then turn the slow cooker   or the crock pot up to high you don't have to  start on high but I like to make my processes   as quick and efficient as I possibly can with  my soap making so I turn it on high just just   for a little while just to give it all a kick  start because I want that cocoa butter to melt   and while I'm doing that I get my aloe ready  check out the size of this Leaf it is so juicy   this is my method for getting the gel out of the  aloe leaf I take a sharp knife and slice the spiny   parts off the side of the leaf just start at the  top and just cut all the way down to take those   spiky edges off and then with the spoon don't  use a knife because you'll cut the leaf it's   a lot easier with the spoon just face the spoon  with the cup sort of side facing up as you would   normally use it and then push along the leaf in  between the leaf and the gel pressing up against   the leaf and the spoon will separate the leaf from  the gel perfectly for you and then turn your spoon   around and do the same thing on the other side  push down and you'll end up with this amazing   fillet of aloe vera gel it's a really good method  for taking the aloe gel out of the leaf I love it   because if if you use a knife it ends up cutting  the leaves but the um the spoon just works every   time and it looks a bit like a fish it reminds me  of filleting fish so much so once you've got your   aloe gel just chop that up make sure you're  using everything nice and clean chop that up   and put it into a jug something that you can use  to blend it because we want to liquefy this gel so this is my trusty old stick blender  that has seen better days if I'm honest   it sounds a little bit sad in this video  I do have a backup one ready for when it   dies on me but it's still going so I'm  still using it so just blend your aloe until it gets as smooth as you possibly can  like give it a really really good blending you   want to completely break down all the fiber  in the gel in the plant and once you've got   it really liquefied just measure out 50 grams  that's all you need for this aloe soap recipe   I accidentally over poured it and then I this  was a bad decision but I ended up putting 70   grams in and this is a jar of aloe liquid that  I actually had in the fridge from the day before   and you can see how the fiber all went to the top  so that's a neat way to sort of treat it as well   you can get the Liquid out that way if you mix it  up the day before and then let it sit all the all   the fibrous part will float to the top anyway 50  grams of aloe gel that's basically what you need   quick little interlude here just to let you all  know about my membership group if you're not aware   of it it's really affordable it's really fun and  if you like podcasts and soap making and sourdough   bread making you might really enjoy it head to  buymeacoffee.com/ellyseveryday/membership if you'd   like to check that out now back to the recipe so  now we're going to make the lye solution for the   soap recipe you need your safety gear for this so  I've got my goggles that go over my glasses and   I've got gloves and now I'm ready to measure out  my sodium hydroxide so for this lye solution we're   using 100 grams of sodium hydroxide otherwise  known as caustic soda make sure you see my life   safety video if you're new to soap making it's  really important that you know what you're doing   when you're handling this material cover that up  straight away and put it somewhere safe now I get   the water ready I'm using 200 grams of water for  this lye solution and half of that I'm using ice   and that's because it was a really hot day outside  and had the air conditioning on in the house so I   had all the windows shut and if you use half ice  for your lye solution it doesn't give off any   fumes or very very minimal so that's a really good  trick so when you're ready just slowly pour the   sodium hydroxide into the water ice solution never  the other way around always pour the caustic soda   into the water that's really really important and  just give it a mix you'll find that if you use ice   in the mixture it'll stay so cool and you won't  get any horrible gas that comes off it so that's a   good trick as I said next I get my Essential Oils  ready for this recipe I'm using very simple lovely   Australian native oils tea tree and Eucalyptus  20 grams of tea tree and 10 grams of eucalyptus I   find that they just I don't know they just really  suited the aesthetic of this soap um I'm using I   used three teaspoons of french green clay and  that made this soap a lovely nice pale natural   green color you could probably use four teaspoons  if you wanted to make it a little bit more vibrant   um darker green but three teaspoons was good  enough for me just play around with the clay   you can add a little bit more or a bit less  depending on your taste all right so the fats   you can see the cocoa butter was all melted  there and I blended the clay in with my stick   blender into the oils and then I've poured the  lye solution in and I'm starting to mix the soap my poor old stick blender it does  make some terrible sounds I think   I I probably start need to use the  use the backup one that I've got in   my videos but basically you just want  to blend this batter until it thickens it doesn't take long um probably less than a  minute but you just want to blend it make sure   the mixture is fully mixed and then once you've  blended it a little bit you can add your aloe   vera so this is fresh aloe vera that I blended  that morning it's just going straight into the   soap butter you'll notice here that once the aloe  goes in the soap batter thickens up quite quickly   and I think that's because aloe vera  naturally is going to have some sugars in it   and sugars do speed up saponification or they  do accelerate the trace or the chemical reaction   that happens when oils and fats mix with the  lye solution turn into soap so you can see   it goes really thick and glossy it almost  looks a bit like guacamole at this point um but it thickens up super quick once you put the  yellow in so once you've got that all mixed and   it's nice and homogeneous and it's too thick to  stick blend anymore just give it a good stir with   your spoon scrape down the sides of your crock  pot so there's no bits that can get dried out   and crusty on the edges smooth it all out turn  your crock pot down to low I just checked the   temperature here it's fairly low still it's only  54c which is about 120 and that's between 50 and   80 Celsius is a good temperature to cook your hot  processed soap any higher than that is is too high   so cover it up and leave it on low for about 15  to 20 minutes until the soap starts to gel so you   can see here it's a darker color it has started  to transform and turn into soap so you can see   me just gently having a little look at it there  you can see it's a little bit frothy it looks a   little bit like maybe mashed potatoes and there's  all sorts of different phases that hot processed   soap goes through when you're cooking it this  soap definitely went through that pudding phase   that Thick phase at the beginning and and this  mashed potato phase but eventually we're looking   for it to go kind of glossy and Vaseline and nice  and gelled and translucent I just spray a bit of   water on top of my soap I love to do that with my  hot process soap recipes because it prevents them   drying out you don't want crusty bits in your  hot process so I'm not a big fan of that anyway   so the temperature's really up nice and high now  it was close to 77 degrees Celsius there which   is perfect so I left it for another 10 minutes or  so turned the temperature off and now I did test   this soap with pH strips and by this stage it was  done it was ready to go and as long as it's under   80 degrees Celsius it's cool enough to put your  essential oils in you can let it sit a little bit   longer and let it cool down a little bit taking  it out of the cooker like I've done that helps to   um cool it down a little bit but once it's  cool enough pour the essential oils in mix   them through thoroughly and then it's ready to go  in the mold it's as simple as that hot processed   soap making is so satisfying and so fun a lot of  people think that it's a really quick made way to   make soap though and that you can use it straight  away kind of technically you can because it has   it should be completely saponified by the time  it's finished being cooked as this recipe was but   really you should leave it for at least a month  to really get nice and mild and to let it Harden   properly this is a reasonably High liquid soap  amount which keeps the hot processed soap nice   and fluid and easy to handle so it does it does  benefit from a good couple of weeks to dry out   and cleaning up after hot processed soap making is  an absolute Breeze you just put your crock pot in   your sink and fill it with water and let it soak  for a little bit and it all just comes off there's   no oil because it's all turned to soap so I I love  that part about hot processed soap making it's   really cool and here's the soap couple of days  later I left it in the mold for a couple of days   partly because I was just really busy you can see  it got some lines from the draining the rack that   I had it sitting on because it is a little bit  soft but it will harden beautifully especially   if you only use 50 grams of aloe vera and not  70 grams like I did but anyway so I I cut it   um it's gorgeous soap hear all those birds in  the background I love the color it's it's just   subtle it's green it just says to me aloe vera  and with the tea tree and Eucalyptus essential   oil it's really fresh and I think they really  complement the fact that this ingredient came   out of my garden and their Australian native  plants the eucalyptus and the Melaleuca so   that was really nice but you can fragrance it with  your own favorite essential oil if you want to or   a fragrance oil you could add other colors you  could even leave the aloe vera out of this and   just make this as a plain hot processed soap  recipe and there you have it I hope that was   helpful for all of you and if you're a beginner  to hot process soap making I think this would   be a really great one to start with I'll put a  link to everything that's relevant to this in   the description box below the video thanks for  watching everyone see you again next time bye
Channel: Elly's Everyday Soap Making
Views: 531,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aloe vera soap, aloe vera gel, aloe soap, aloe soap recipe, hot process aloe soap, hot process beginner, hp soap recipe, hp aloe vera soap
Id: 7IaDgxKIGzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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