Homeless People Who Won The Lottery

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despite the odds of being struck by lightning being greater than the chance of winning the lotto we still hope to win it big for the everyday person it's a bit of a treat but to others it may be their last chance despite all odds here are a few examples of homeless people who won the lottery Josh Bryant being the third largest city in the United States is no surprise that Chicago Illinois has a pretty significant homeless population among them is Josh Bryant he became homeless after a car accident left him with so much medical debt he had to declare bankruptcy he took on odd jobs to survive on the street and one such job offered Bryant a lottery ticket along with his pay using his Lucky Penny to scratch the card he discovered that it was worth $20,000 he used the winnings to pay off his debt and get a new apartment Bryant now manages a fast food restaurant Vanessa good after being injured in combat while fighting in the Middle East Vanessa Goode was unable to work and found herself on the streets of Richmond Virginia when she was no longer able to afford her home suffering from PTSD she bounced between shelters and sleeping on the street as her family was unable to help her trying to cheer her up her family saved up some money for her birthday and bought her a lottery ticket despite the odds good one $150,000 she and her family were overjoyed she bought a new home for them and used the remaining winnings to help other veterans on the streets Steve boric in July 2015 57 year-old Steve boric was living on the streets in Vancouver British Columbia one day on a whim he decided to try his luck on an eight dollar keno ticket and 125 thousand dollars he was thrilled hoping this meant he would be indoors and warm come the harsh winter months but he hit a snag in order to claim his winnings he needed a valid photo ID which he lost years before in order to obtain a new one he needed his Montreal Quebec birth certificate which he also didn't have and ironically requires a photo ID to obtain he tried for nearly five months to get the proper ID to claim his prize before cbc news came across his story and offered to help within a matter of weeks he was able to get new papers and finally claim his money Dennis may hiren after living in a tent in Bloomington Illinois for more than 20 years dennis Mahurin was shocked to discover the scratch card he thought was worth $1000 was actually worth fifty thousand despite the winnings however Mahurin says he's staying put as the Bloomington homeless community has been his home since 1978 instead he wished to share his winnings and help others saying he would give $100 to all the homeless in the area michael enkorz once upon a time 62 year old michael enkorz of Aspen Colorado built doors shelves and wood trim for an exclusive resort town before losing his job during the recession and becoming homeless in 2010 he began living in the Aspen homeless shelter in order to survive he worked odd jobs and one day decided to use ten of his hard-earned dollars to buy a scratch card much to his surprise he hit the 500 thousand dollar jackpot a one in eight hundred and forty thousand chance and Forrest told local news that he wished to travel to New York to find his daughter before settling down somewhere as Aspen is too expensive for his taste Lazlo Andhra Scheck in 2014 last low Andrew Scheck of Gear Hungary was unemployed and living on the streets due to debt terrified of the thought of spending another year outside in the cold Andrew Scheck used his few remaining forint to purchase a lottery ticket he tried not to get his hopes up and continued on his way he later discovered that he had won the 630 million Hungarian forint prize roughly 2.2 million dollars in the u.s. he used the money to pay off his and his family's debt buy homes for his three children and bought a car for his children to drive he also donated a large sum to a hostel for the homeless Glenn Williams Massachusetts single mother of three Sophia Lorena was thrilled when she won $200 on a scratch off lottery ticket but when she looked up she saw a man shivering in the freezing cold wanting to do something to help she bought him a cup of coffee when she found out he would be spending the night outside she took her winning as a sign that she was meant to help him Glenn Williams had been homeless for three years and flux in a tent but that night Sophia took him to the Rosewood Inn in Wareham and used all of her winnings to give him a two night stay the following day she began a GoFundMe account for Williams and ended up raising $1,900 which allowed him to stay at the hotel with warmth food and shelter for a week while she looked for stable housing for him while it may have been Sofia that purchased the ticket it was really Glenn that won the lottery we hope this video made you smile don't forget to subscribe to the riches for more incredible videos daily thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 8,915,675
Rating: 4.7799931 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, richest, people, homeless, poor, money, facts, fact, list, you won't believe
Id: 7_TNiI_5_kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2016
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