Homeless Man Does Tear Dropping Act Social Experiment

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[Music] so I was driving on a beautiful sunny day when out of nowhere an idea hit me why do I start my car on the side of the road and take my tire out and see what happens see who helps me out great idea hey hey sir hi I'm do you know how to change a car's tire yeah you do really nice to me my name is Dora what I was just at the mechanic and and then I just leaving the mechanic and I thought everything was good he switched my tire and I just drove two miles and the tire started wobbling and this nut fell off it just fell off and the tire was wobble these are all loose and I called him but they closed right now you should have a jacket up and a lug wrench in your throat do ideas do you think I mean I have no idea how to change a tire or anything because if do you what do you normally chip oh you don't have one I don't have one what is this because I mean I don't live it anywhere around you I don't know anybody but on here either I'm from San Francisco I moved like just like two days ago hey I have some friends that we're staying right down here uh-huh I'll go see if they got a jack did maybe you can help me out we'll get through this Josh you guys thank you so much I really could you made it okay thank you thank you your friend get your friendly borrows yuck no actually I wouldn't but you would you run bomb me one I took my recycling money and got yeah what I think you said you want to go get your friend happened and auto stores right down there so I didn't know you papi a jack how much was that you need it how much was that I don't worry guys about fifty bucks away fifty bucks that's okay you could have used that money for so many things yeah but you're a young guy yo you're not going around here you could use the help and thank you so much no problem so let's get this taken care yeah for sure awesome so I think a couple different ones I wasn't sure what size you have your you imagine thing as well yeah oh my god which one you needed ha until I get my sizes or something yeah there was a 9/16 and a 5/16 it so I wasn't sure I don't think this one let me see no sounds not going in and let's see if this one is perfect okay perfect good you really didn't have to do that I did mine thank you so much try it faithful work that seriously awesome but you didn't have to spend money you know I'm not pretty sure I could have thought of something you know oh look you're not even from around here what happens if this happens to you on the road yeah Leisha have a cat this time dang yeah I was trying to call the mechanic like so many times it with Cadiz that won't pick up I think that clothes well that was on sale too so it doesn't matter dang David that seriously is really amazing every man I really really appreciate there's so much oh no big deal now I want to help you out okay I'll hold it from the bottom oh there we go a brand new jack yeah I could I could have stopped a car or something it's getting late you I could have you out here all night that's how it means a lot to me man thank you so much I've never looked to Jack in my life so actually it's pretty easy huh you know you you to raise it up on oh you see that next to slow these goes out there good let me check to make sure it's closed there's a little valve right there huh and you close it it all works on hydraulics that's it that's awesome yup it's mommy yeah your tire is loose yeah it was start started wobbling all over the place around the road yeah and then this nut just fell right off well you're lucky you did have hope on the freeway oh yeah I was just about to enter the freeway as well Wow but David that's just that means a lot seem like what what honestly what really just inspired you to do that well you know I've been down on my luck before yeah you know and I've had people turn around and help me and yeah you know I just like returning the favor that's that's amazing you're good to go well good you're good Wow David seriously like you only how to use a while just perfect huh you only had to use it for like five seconds but you really thought it you needed to get the car up man David thank you so much how can I return the favor though great no big deal I wanted to help you out but how about how do I help you out how you know oh yeah is there something you need no I'm pretty good there's nothing you need no you know I get by on what I need hmm have you have you aim yet or no I haven't had a meal yet today but I'm good sure it's like 6:00 p.m. right now oh good well here I want to give you some money oh you don't have to do that no not here here let me just see how much I have and then crap it's only see it's only $80 but not here I want to give you $80 and then I also want to treat you to dinner and I want to buy your clothes as well please it's gonna make me happy it's really gonna make me happy really yeah it makes it's not going to make me really really happy okay please accept the $80 first and then I want to take you out to dinner how was this whole thing how do you like all the clothes I couldn't believe you did all this no of course it took 10 minutes to help you out know the fact the fact that you wanted to help me out you know you buy a jack for me and stuff like that that really means a lot to me a $50
Channel: Johal
Views: 3,711,011
Rating: 4.8704195 out of 5
Keywords: social experiment, homeless experiment, homeless social experiment, rich vs poor, homeless, homeless man, homeless helps others, public prank, Homeless Man Does Tear Dropping Act Social Experiment, homeless man does
Id: HrzyQ7IYFz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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