Homeless For A Year vs In Jail For A Year | SquADD Cast Versus | Ep 45 | All Def

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happen no matter what you said yes you could offer here 50 grand don't say nothing no no there's a lot of people who want to say this too so this dude just came in my inbox and said i just found out about you to hear zooming with homies hey man you're funny you ever thought like doing sketches or like doing sketches or [ __ ] you ever thought about it i was like i appreciate it man i'm gonna look into it and i just that's it so listen everybody this this this just happened to hear more look i love your content but you have way too many ads you're literally doing infomercials now with skits in between i pay for no ads on all my streaming services but i have to suffer through 11 of your shits on a 30-minute video i can't even finish squad cast anymore he goes on he attaches three three more to this is that it's literally worse than product placement if people like you enough the money will come you don't need to sell us things that we don't even care about in these times right now you selling cologne like [ __ ] going out and [ __ ] selling paint that's right you mad selling paintings like an eviction crisis isn't going on once that's out of work and you selling 45 60 underwear i'm only saying this because i love the content i really do the ass take away from the enjoyment it's like watching tv when a commercial comes on i change the channel why don't you promote your other content instead you can be number one with no ads just believe so wait wait did you want your ads you wanted the ad break to be like all right now that i have your attention to hear more [Laughter] follow my instagram i'm paying myself for this let me say this for everyone that does not understand the concept of a business you have to make money i know that you guys enjoy all the content that all deaf puts out and explain this here i have to have it i have to have he's not the only person and in his this is a teachable moment he's not the only person other people have been thinking that they just didn't say it so i'm just going to say it there are crazy people never see you be like until this moment to here i've never seen you here let let's let this man get this anger off y'all stop tell him to hear get him get him time what's gonna happen once you once you get it off he's going to reply now i think you took it the wrong way it's going to be another email yes tell him stop watching it's going to be another email and then and we're using that email you don't get another email from somebody else but hey i'm only going to address it once you're not thought addressing it one and this is coming from me who has felt the way you felt and have done what you're about to do it's gonna make you feel better for a second and in three seconds somebody else is gonna say that and they didn't see your thing and you're gonna be like i already talked about it's like tony with the chiefs hat no matter what you do every day somebody's going to be like ain't you from chicago why are you wearing a cheese hat what you calling me to make a chat thing when he goes walking he wears uh his son he wears his son's high school um hat got it but it looks like a chief's hat got it okay no matter what his video is about people be like why are you wearing a cheese head and he bro here's what i love about it i love the the tone of like all right to hear sit down i'm about to teach the almost like the the master class type of tone that's just what i got sick you know we're not we don't care about that part of it what you should do is advertise your own stuff because we're checking out to hear and like you are supposed to be like you know what i never thought of it like that brother let me pay for your subscription class like i just i'll just tell them to stop watching make it easier because here's the messed up thing people like that never complain to like companies only like this one-on-one thing like i don't want to i don't want to watch ads for you but he's watching ads on youtube and all these other things that he's not paying people he pays so that he doesn't have to have ads i heard netflix [Laughter] here load the clip up load that clip up and unload it let them happen i don't think people realize how many people work at all deaf and how the company makes money i think that's what it is i think people just realize oh here's this group of people who just make cool videos they don't think about the editing that goes into it the payroll of the staff and all of that did you pull it up no i'm gonna read some uh i tweeted the other day i'm gonna read it because i feel like it applies it right now and this is uh i say this with love it says uh when social media dictates your emotions you really don't have any friends in real life i'm happy i'll be mad i said have y'all be mad yelling to the camera to people you never gonna meet i said you the food not them carry on i don't mean this disrespectfully but it's the same thing you don't know this man like don't even let him affect your day just be like whatever and just keep you pushing just keep it perfect the quickest thing to say is we don't we don't listen to stuff like that i don't listen like i don't understand why it's so hard to like can you click through the ads that to here does they are not only can you do that and megan you can easily fast forward you could communicate you could you could you could uh you can mute your laptop you can go get you a cup of water while the ad is going you have a lot of options oh to hear he said you're doing infomercials with [Laughter] what you need to do is you need to go ahead and report him as bully bullying and harassment that's what i do for everybody now anything i don't care what it is why why not more than likely he is her ass look y'all saw tahir's freckles turn colors which means he was feeling harassed listen so here you i have all the ads on like one clip i'm just gonna string them all together and i'm gonna just respond with a two minute and twenty sec hit video of just ads now that's that's how you get them back upload a video called adding is hard and it's just all ads it's and then you do like one word game and then it's all ads adding is hard you should make a diss record i'm not doing any of that man it's just did you respond i didn't respond i'm gonna do the video thing that i said i'm just do all the ads together that's not gonna do what you think it's going to do now i mean if you have other things to do with your life just why are you even worried about this keep on making your little info commercials talking about incense and deodorant whenever you talk about the what he's talking about i know the end you'd be selling incense and deodorant and manscape balls ball deodorant whatever whatever just go ahead and keep doing it don't worry about that well man obviously we're going to keep doing that here's what i suggest i i was letting a lot of comments get to me earlier in the year you almost got to be like uh you almost got to look at it as like a uh the quarterback or you know celebrity like whatever the bigger you get people just gonna be like man i'm afraid to hear up just to see if i can get under his skin and they're not real yeah and when they get under your skin they're gonna be like you really gonna walk around pissed eating extra burgers and stuff to calm down and they're gonna go on about their day or they're not invented unless he said let's he said to here if you don't stop these ads i'll slap the [ __ ] out of you that's the only way you need to respond like that's only like what if other than that it's like boy just ignore it you know what's funny to talk to here too as well the fact that he commented that and watched the ads he's already paid you but he's already paying you by commenting and like one of the things i love to do and you can't do this on twitter people write the super long comment let me tell you what kim julie it's such a great feeling to drag your thumb this way and watch all and then they go oh delete that one too you said what what delete the other what one i delete their initial long paragraph comment right and then they get mad like oh you deleting comments and then i delete that and then comment again i delete it and then i block them and on twitter i block one and then i really don't think about it anymore i'm not mad at it you could start there too not thinking about it you could just skip right there if you wanted yeah all right well you know it is what it is they never they never have these they never do this they get it they understand you're creative it's how you make your business it's people who don't really support you it's like hey man make this content the exact way i want it made for me personally and how that affects your life doesn't matter to me and even if you did i probably would still complain and like kind of watch harassment bullying okay again you just want him to go down cindy what are you doing are you looking at brawls too no i'm i'm getting in my um this is going to sound weird and i'm not trying to be weird i'm getting my gun license today and so i'm reading the email of everything i have to bring to go take the test and everything like that where are you getting it's random right so what are you doing uh just reading how many you know what i gotta do i gotta go to now evans just doing it you know now especially with that beard but if i was angry like or what is it yeah it's like you take a course to get certified to say i understand how to have a weapon and then you could you know whatever whatever like you know evans in california you have it's different laws and different states so you know yeah what you got you got the um the new laser gun i believe the fifth i don't want to talk about anything that'll happen i know you know i need uh yeah these mic sounds amazing does it thank you what kind of mic is it uh i think i'm playing when i called to here when i called to here and say hey man i need the ige package i literally went on amazon and just started clicking this is a usb mic i got the lights from to here cindy do you sing you have a singing voice megan keep going i appreciate it i need it in my life right now um [Music] laying down on the vinyl face you got carl thomas oh my god oh all right this is going to be a great show man um we're going to jump right into the first topic right uh right after this what's up i'm tired i want to hit you with some hard hidden facts right out the gate two out of three men two out of three will experience some form of male pattern baldness in their life by the age of 35 that's crazy but that's the truth those are facts listen you can start doing something about it right now the best time to start is when you first start seeing signs of it don't wait you know it's coming you'll see what's happening you saw your uncle you saw your granddaddy you saw your papa okay they all had it so it's a likelihood that you may have it too do something about it while you still have an opportunity to because that's been real a lot of us have a lot of our identity wrapped up in our hair you know how good you feel when you leave the barbershop you know ain't nothing fresher than a new cut the 20s the 30s all the magnificent times once you start noticing that their hairline ain't coming in it's full that's when you need to start doing something about now when your barbie's asking so uh what's what you want me to try to do today when they say try to do today listen listen they know when you know too they just waiting for you to admit it and there's nothing to be ashamed about okay it happens i get it you used to have to go to the doctor's office about hair loss prevention and all of that it was a whole thing it was drawn out you don't have to worry about that anymore now it keeps keeps delivers it directly to your door and the discreet box every three months it doesn't get any easier than that and of the only two fda approved hair loss treatments approved by the fda you may have tried them before but you've never tried them like this and by this i mean at this price point now you might be asking yourself right now at this point what price point to here ten dollars a month that's right ten dollars a month is all it takes to start keeping your hair okay keep your crown king what you waiting on now i will tell you this most treatments okay take between four and six months to see results so do it sooner than later don't wait till your barbers ask you what you want to try to do today you do it today okay get your treatment started and keep your hair and because you guys are listening right now i'm going to hook you up with a free month of keeps all you have to do is go to keeps.com squad that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash squad s-q-u-a what could be easier than that huh what absolutely nothing again go to keeps k-e-e-p-s dot com slash squad s-q-u-a-d and start keeping your hair you heard it here you heard it from your boy all right first topic of the day would you rather be homeless for a year or be in jail for a a couple of year questions yes is this you know homelessness can mean i gotta stay on the couch at pat's house or i sleep in my car or is this on the streets under the bridge homelessness i think in in all these situations this most the most extreme version of it so this would be the most extreme prison well prisoner of jail i mean it more than likely be jail prison is for the long haul jail is like you know a year that's not like a year or less right no you could be in jail for like four years but prison is like usually a long haul but you've been since it's like you know 15 to to life that's when you go to prison you can be in regular jail for four years yeah depending on your sentencing or your your court date if you don't like sometimes they keep pushing court days back you'll be in jail until you get sentenced that's tough because one has a place to sleep and stuff to eat every single day but it's not that good and you you could get your butt touched you could get that on the streets as well pat let's just be clear that's true i actually hear that's a big problem in homelessness see in homosexuality not shanks but like others yep that's a really big problem one more question to hear can we be homeless in l.a where at least it's warm i mean yeah yeah that you're like but wait wait if you're homeless in l.a it's like skid row la right yeah but this is the best place to be homeless oh skid row well i mean you don't have to limit yourself to skid row you know the bridges and highways everywhere man you go to the valley you go sun valley yeah why don't why don't more homeless people travel i feel like i would be very well traveled if i was homeless a lot of municipalities will like run the homeless out of there like they used to do that really big glendale like if if they see too many people there they will literally like put them in a van and take them back downtown if i go to jail i could start a fight and i can go into the hole right depends on how bad the fat fight is you got to make it where you got to go to the hole and then you would have to you would have to start a fight and then you would have you had to possibly shank somebody and you would possibly have to injure uh a guard now here's the thing though if you could add to your sentence yeah see now you're just in there longer by yourself bad plan ah wait has anyone here been to jail so i can get a better first-hand account i'm joking cell block c let's go roblox facebook that's the only jail he's been to he's been able to tonight at twitter wait for real has anybody been to jail they can like say this is how it i don't like is there i just i taught in multiple jails so but you've never been incarcerated it's different when you get to go home at night it is and it's true but you i mean i re i read all the paperwork like i would have i would have inmates as students in my class one week and then the next week they had been moved for various reasons um like huh have you ever been arrested though no i've been arrested i've never been booked what were you arrested for i got arrested um i was working on death oh shut up wait what halloween thing pat yeah when i was uh almost killed for scouting a haunted place you should have got a bonus for that you shouldn't be getting arrested [Music] it's for a year i'ma go you know what i i do this you know what forget it i just i i'll say homeless because now i think i can use my gift to gab and then i i'll fall in love with another homeless woman and we'll just we're going to have a story to tell like uh and it will come out like on top like tyler perry we'll just write plays as homeless people and then one of my friends and then i'm going to be touring and like he used to be homeless well now on my own studio so i'm gonna go homeless oh that is that's a good point sid because having a good story is really helpful you were in jail and you reformed not only yourself but how you did outreach to people in jail and you helped turn their lives around too you could start like that yeah not only if you go to jail for a year that that literally could be child support you know it doesn't matter like nobody goes to jail for just one year on a hard crime so if you you went to jail like that's that's still a comeback story too uh you know what what's her name uh wait wait oh what no the the lady the actress lady who had her kids falsely got her kids into college oh yeah oh becky yeah amber uh lori laughlin yes she went for like it's less than a year right or is it a little bit over a year i think it's a little bit less than the year don't she get to choose her jails or something like that like it was favoritism yeah it's tough because like when you're if you pick homeless i feel like you're gonna have to figure out where every single meal is coming from as opposed to jail where it's like you just have to survive and i don't know i'm coming to your house it's very successful hey do you have friends in this in this homeless situation no you don't have friends in either situation you have friends goodness gracious on the street with no arms and legs what would you do i've seen that before no arms and legs no arms or legs i haven't seen both the torso and i said i was just like wait how does t i'd be man i'd be feeling like that's going to get deep i ain't trying to be i'll be feeling like homeless people are the closest to god to me you know what i mean and i'll be feeling like you know like this homeless dude he's on the corner he told me other days like i'll kill you but i know he's just crazy you know what i mean the next day he was like have some change and i was like yeah you know what i mean i'll be feeling like why that was proof for your first the first thing you said why why is that i'm not at homelessness i'm not like afraid of them or like whatever in jail you probably watch your back and worry about other stuff as a homeless person people gonna leave you alone you just gotta worry about roaches crawling on you that's the one thing i don't worry about food i worry about laying down and roaches crawling on me that's the way i'm like damn that's the one that keeps me from like thinking um naked and afraid on discovery channel like one naked bear one thing keep that from doing what they're keeping you from it huh i said once again i'm thinking that i'm thinking that i could do it it's a listen i'm not going to be on soft in front of those strangers you got to understand me you got to be like hey man there's other stuff you bring to the table i don't think anyone i don't think the girl that you would be there with is even concerned what you look like soft so y'all trying to survive okay that's probably she would be thinking about she'll be like hey bro he out here bad hold his hands off hey what what is naked and afraid this is [Music] and they give you like you're naked obviously and you get like one item like a knife or a machete or a satchel or whatever and like sports teams you get the second one you can put that in front of you oh okay the satchel and then you get like one tool like one other tool uh to work with and it's like four teams and they gotta like feel like they gotta last like 30 minutes that's the that's the next level the basic one is just if each episode is you you meet a stranger there both of you all are trying to survive in the wilderness for how many days oh both naked they got necklaces that has the mic in it and the pack be going down to the satchel and that's it and you all have literally naked have to do with them surviving i don't know because bugs can get on you like you have to figure out oh like we have to make our own clothes it's a it's a survival yeah i'll take jail from that i'm going to tell you why it's because the title naked and afraid you're more likely to watch that if it was just like in jeans and a phrase then you'd be like there's no one like i really missed out on that one like if you haven't hoodies and afraid like man they got hoodies man they can't be that bad but they had survival and they had clothes and that was interesting yeah but then after surprises like extreme survival but you know how pictures go it's like survivable without the clothes ooh he's got something yeah you know man exactly i know they said that in the pitch meeting for that like yeah that's another thing man like like when you're naked there's a there's an extra level of man just fear that comes along with it when you got clothes you could kind of a jacket you could do this in the elements yeah like they'd be in they'd be on naked and afraid and they'd be raining for like six days straight and they're just cold and they ain't got nothing but leaves to cover up with that fire keeps getting put out by the brain of survival to just be naked oh man or anything extreme they have nothing covering their skins and then they're like getting sunburned like i've seen this dude lighting them people up biting the crap out of them man well they be leaving there like 20 pounds lighter blisters all over one lime disease because he kept getting bit by ticks it was dude it's it's the boys i feel like i thought that was over like scurvy oh no there's no vaccination people be getting scurvy hey man i'm not somebody like animals i can't be in the wilderness naked because like my penis blur gonna be different depending on the weather you know i mean if it's warm my blur might be bigger if it's freezing then like where the it's a tiny blurb like first of all it's freezing out here and i don't want i don't want to deal with that for 21 days i don't want to deal with that for 21 days i would be i would be upset about like all the stuff that your sack will touch like if you sit out on a tree or sit down on a on a a stump or a bush that's what you're concerned with your stack is going to be brushing up against all types of textures that you have never felt before that would be terrifying hmm bro you're trying to [Music] there's a lot of things though there's a lot of elements have you ever dropped like a lollipop on the carpet and it has like all the all the the the good examples where you get it you got to stick it you got a sticky dick oh if it was hot and and you were in the jungle you damn right i'ma have a sticky dick bro look 21 days with no deodorant 21 days with no shower you might have a river or a lake close by that you get to jump in but no soap 21 days barefoot barefoot exam that's exactly what i'm saying your dick is going to smell like you ever ever take a river you can jump in the river or the there's always a body of water close it's not always a body of water baby most of the times there would be like babies yeah it's a camera it's a camera crew that follows you right they wearing clothes and everything yeah tent over there for like for legal reasons they're gonna defeat everybody saying look they they be hot dehydrated the cameraman be like this [Laughter] you gotta square up bro you still if you ain't ate in two days you see somebody eating a kind bar we gotta fight bro fine yeah you know how good that dog on kind bar looks when you've been eating ants for three days hey kevin you know you know you know when you're they set up the buffets like they got the candles underneath the steamers or whatever and you start seeing it like that's not for you that's for our crew you'd be like oh i'm gonna kill somebody because it's day six and you're not gonna do this for me y'all could've took that like i couldn't see it i heard it's fake though i heard all the people in survivor bear grylls they would cut and be like throw the raw fish and eat lag you know what the only reason i don't think that's the case for this show is because you see the drastic weight loss that people have that's true though man they lose like 20 30 pounds in a few days and you'd be like dang you gonna lose that much that fast what's the grand prize like if you sub do this what are you is there financial gain a lot of it yeah they definitely get money anytime they're getting filmed obviously but i think there's a cash prize at the end because they also were doing like after that they did um the team one was uh naked and afraid xl and that's when they had like the four different oh yeah and that was the cash that's crazy you gotta be down bad he's like yeah i'll sign up like the way you see people dig water up in the holes like i'm like how do you even find that bro they'd be going out there they'd be knowing how to set like the traps for the fish and all of that i couldn't do it um i'm not a like outside dude though i'm not like a wilderness like i don't hike like that a lot you know i mean just because it's very weird like why don't you like why don't you like the wilderness it's great uh when it says like i ain't gonna hold you when it's like beware of rattlesnakes and be where i'd be thinking you're in their area so if something were to happen to me like you saw the white boy in the cougar or whatever that was chasing him yeah he was like get back get back get back like that's where i'm going to get my gun life is like i don't want everyone to be in a position where the animal has the upper hand that's why i always hike or i run with uh mace i've had the mesa cat how do you know him really careful you expect better from me you're wrong [Laughter] well that's that's probably the scariest feeling to be walking on a trail and to see a wild animal approach you and you know he's approaching you because their cubs are around but that's got to be like yo that's got to be like god i'm i'm going to come meet you because that's got to be wow yeah that that was a big cat and he could have just taken off at any point and killed yeah killed that man easily and that cat wouldn't have thought about after that cat killed that man he wouldn't have thought about it no more than the moment he murdered that dude oh he would have just moved on to the next thing there would have been a whole search party there would have been news stories that's just in a tree licking his legs like black lives matter let's put it to a vote homelessness for a year or in jail for a year this is hard i'll go i got to go homeless i go to jail you're already looking homeless pat so we didn't expect anything different hush meg um he just said hush a prison i think jail jail like county right like you just down yeah downtown yeah it ain't like prison right they don't shank you in jail they shake you in prison right yeah you're fighting [ __ ] shanks in jail regular gym oh you're just getting fights in county right yeah you're getting fights but you get fat i feel like a funny guy though i feel like it's a funny guy we'd be okay yeah i got a medical condition i i need to be in an area where wherever i put meek mill put me there you know you know how many times people tried to joke their way out of a jail ass whoopin it probably doesn't work like that [Music] you serving life he's like he he [ __ ] if i got hands but i don't like to use them written hands you would be the boss in jail meg would be the lunch lady somehow yeah i don't know how i think i would survive meg would be in orange chicken is the new black how would y'all [Music] [Laughter] that one works just let it happen it happened to the rest of us i'm gonna go i'm gonna go prison i think i can survive and the meals are there and it's a little i would say prison's probably a little bit safer for women than being a woman that's homeless on the streets because then you don't have any protection from any men so i'm gonna just say prison you're gonna have to protect yourself from the women you crazy i know but i'm saying it's a different type of protection that you know like i got hands but it's it's harder if i if it's like a group of men that try to like come up on me and i'm sleeping under a bridge you know what i'm saying it's a little scarier that's a good point meg you brought up what you got uh i feel like homelessness i i value my freedom it will be hard and i don't i don't wish that on anybody and you can't fight so yeah so it looks like the uh the jails have that one and we're gonna jump right into this next topic right after this now let me tell you what i'm gonna be honey yeah oh excuse me just singing one of my favorite songs honey nowadays it feels like all of our shopping is done online okay and i'm gonna be honest with you i don't really mind it i don't really mind and i ain't got to go nowhere get a ship straight to the house and that's cool with me but i want to give a big shout out to today's sponsor honey because they have been saving me money for the past couple months now some of y'all might not have heard of honey i didn't until they they reached out to me imma let you know exactly what honey is honey is a free browser extension that scours the internet for promo codes and 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nothing now let me tell you what i'm going to be honey yeah now i'm going to let y'all know something i told you i didn't know about honey until they reached out to me i go to dominoes let me see if this works right i didn't even know if it worked down but went to domino's put in my my id because i got i got the loyalty points right i didn't know if it was going to work there typed in honey check out apply coupons it searched it right had no coupons i'll admit that but it told me if i bought a gift gift card right and paid with my gift card i would save five dollars you so you need to tell me all i gotta do is just buy a gift card for the same amount i was gonna pay right and then i'll get five dollars off of that you think i didn't do that i absolutely did do that i'm gonna say that five dollars i absolutely did let me tell you something every time i go to target i overspend about a hundred dollars okay now i go to target.com buy all the stuff i need hit the coupons apply coupons from 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say you're gonna see some hairs okay now some of you guys might not have the long hairs but some of y'all come on fam okay you just like me i didn't notice mine to my thumb i was like wait when did i get this afro in my nose but you know what you don't have to worry about that thanks to manscape and the new weed whacker first of all let's just talk about how manscape has changed grooming forever for meals okay it is okay it is actually encouraged and it is it's definitely supported when guys have good grooming habits fellas come on get it together don't be walking all around with hair coming out of your ears and your nose how are you oh you're a 65 year old man no you're not so stop looking like one stop doing those same grooming habits from the 60s it's time to step into the new world okay take care of yourself i remember the first time i realized i needed to do something about my nose hair i can't feel like something was flying around my nose i kept doing this kept doing this all in the car i know people thought i was getting the book out but it wasn't it wasn't a booger it was nose hair that was curling under the nose and touching this part right here that's ridiculous all right i should have been ashamed of myself and i was i was but no more thanks to the new weed whacker the new manscape weed whacker has a 9 000 rpm motor powered 360 degree rotary dual blade system now what does that mean i don't know but i can tell you this it works okay it goes really fast and it gets those hair out now i'm gonna tell you this you have a pool like you ever tried to pull the nose hair out and it hurt like it make that one tear come down you don't have to worry about that with this all right this is not that this is something that is comfortable you can use it with easing you can use it with confidence and i'm gonna tell you something else it has a lithium eon rechargeable battery which is good for up to 90 minutes of trimming now if you got 90 minutes of trimming going on in one session you got a problem okay you need you need to get you need to get that looked out i'm gonna pray for your picture on my prayer list but still this can help in addition to getting a weed record you'll get a replaceable blade every three months so you don't ever have to worry about it going dual and not doing its job all you have to do is do your job and if you're ready to get started then listen up okay because i'm giving you guys 20 off that's right twenty percent off and free shipping you heard right twenty percent off a free ship and all you have to do is use a promo code squad that's s q u a d d go to manscape.com use the promo code squad s-q-u-a-d-d and get 20 off and free shipping you need me saying i'm gonna say it again cause y'all act like y'all don't hit me on her manscape.com promo code squad squad 20 off free shipping what are you waiting on baby take control of your hair grab it by the nose hairs and yank them out with the weed whacker holler at your boy next topic we have huh this is this one is near and dear to my heart wasting time versus wasting money now now like kev all right am i wasting my own time and wasting my own money or somebody's wasting my time and they're wasting my money um [Music] let's say the ladder somebody's wasting your time or somebody wasting your money um that's rough uh um the hardest thing for me is that it's kind of twofold because it took time to get my money so if you waste my money you're still wasting my time and if you waste my time then you prevent me from making money so it's college so i don't know if that's i feel like there's always i don't know i i'm a believer that you don't really waste there's not really a waste of my time because there's something i could i've learned from it and i think if you approached it like that then there's really never a waste of time right yeah i really believe that even if somebody's doing something i'm like i could have been doing something else i think about like okay well what did i learn in this instant even if it's like don't trust certain people that say x y z like i learned something what if you learn something and then that thing happens again you don't learn you didn't learn a second time huh then i saw me because then i didn't learn something obviously i'm not i must stay my time because maybe i'll chalk up my finances as a loss but i'll get angry about my time my thing i remember going to this dude's house and he act like he wanted to work and do some things like okay and then we had a whole meeting right at his house nice house whatever had a whole meeting like an hour and a half talk talk talk talk i want you to write a movie for me all right i'm gonna pay you like five thousand dollars to write the whole movie and i was like oh you you wasted my time like this and then i was pissed you know i mean i was so mad about me coming over there me thinking about what are you gonna say in the meeting like all that and like you wasted my time like well you gotta get me mad about time the max yeah you learned i never i'd never want to you know but it's still like that initials like if you're wasting a hundred dollars like all right cool like but like that time is like my mental all that is like i rather not waste my time i think yeah also you don't get more time so when somebody wastes your time that's that's it you can't that's it you can get more money you can make more money in order to make money faster excellent point your time is gone you should be like bro i'm never going to get those life back even with the lesson that sid learn that time is gone forever what about what about like would can you say that if you wasted your own time and took a day off or if you wasted your own money and bought a bunch of stuff for yourself but you enjoyed that wasted time or you enjoyed what you bought with it is that considered not wasted then yeah it's not like but if it's self-inflicted it's a little different because i can kind of like it's on me but and when when someone else is wasting my time this just i guess it's a little different like if i buy something because i want like some new stuff i can it might be a waste of money but i'm enjoying that you know if i take a day off of working i'm probably enjoying the rest if i prepare myself to come spend some time with you i'm not i'm not yeah i wouldn't waste somebody else's time like if kevin was like sydney come meet me tomorrow at 3 i want to talk to you i'm not gonna show up at 3 20 and then like [ __ ] till 3 30. it's like now like i'm wasting time you know what i mean so time time is probably worth more than money because like you said you can't get time back you can make more money you know what i mean this got real deep i love it but i'm really cheap though i don't like people wasting when i think about other people wasting my money it makes my blood boil because you don't understand how much work how much time how much energy what i had to sacrifice to make this money because that means if i'm working i'm not spending time with my family i'm not doing stuff for myself like to me if you're gonna waste my money that's like the biggest fu that you could do because it's like no consideration of what i had to do to get that money on top of that i'm cheap i still use coupons i will use coupons until the day i die i will buy my house with a coupon i don't care so if i'm that cheap how do you think i'm gonna feel about you using my money irresponsibly but here's the question what if somebody wasted your money let's say they wasted like 100 bucks let's say 200 bucks right or you sacrifice some time away from your kid to go somewhere and it was for nothing and it was like maybe i don't ever feel like it's for nothing i always feel like there's something i learned even if it's like don't ever trust people who are this person when they say they talking about business they're not talking about business so next time i need to clarify what people when they say hey let's meet up for xyz well what is xyz like you need to tell that tell me like that's a lesson for me to so next time when somebody approaches me i know to get more details so so to me it's not a it's just not wasted time i just don't feel like any time is wasted examples of me on instagram like that's more of a waste of time but i did that myself what's it what's a good example of somebody wasting your money though because we know how somebody can waste your time when i had the tour we had the um the travel person booked hotels in the wrong city and completely wasted my money and i also did that on my own so but how did that happen she looked at the calendar wrong and she bought uh we were like in detroit on saturday minnesota on sunday she bought uh she bought hotels for the the reverse saturday night minnesota sunday night or sunday in detroit so we had lost both of those we had to pay for both of those so i'm like livid like because i pay you to like you are a travel agent you are paid to book travel now later that year i i had relieved her of her duties and um how did you do how do you do it i had to do when i won't witness he tells them on a monday that they have nothing to worry about because their job is secure and the project that they're working on is the only thing that will change and then gives you false confidence the entire week and then on friday after you finish filming the last episode of said show he comes in and he says can i talk to you for a second that means he probably told the travel agent like i'm booking this huge world tour clear your whole schedule out imma have you working working friday and then you text her hey can you come here for a minute hey can i talk to you for a second hey before you book our next travel don't [Laughter] no i do want to know how you did it uh actually my wife did it um nice we take turns i didn't let people go and it was actually her turn oh you do it a lot you let a lot of people go it is a new crew every time every time we go to your show there's a new crew i noticed is when i had taken over the travel myself to finish off the tour i had made i did the same thing like i had the dates crossed and and booked you are also exploring and doing that as opposed to that being a job well that's true but at the end of the day the money waste is still the waste but i was i i can beat my own self up but if i pay you to do this for me and this is what your company does then i'm i'm less forgiving of you doing messing up your job and to your point pat or me adding something to my plate when i'm not a professional you know travel person you know who didn't mess my travel up meg when she booked a shower the first year listen how'd you fire me i quit i was like i'm gonna just be honest with you this is a lot going on and i'm about to be a single mother so i gotta prepare myself for this meg walked in the office and she was sitting there at the table i got to talk to you i got a whole ass baby at home and you want me to book a hotel in florida so controlling she booked her own firing on his calendar oh but i'm gonna need to book this office from 10 o'clock to 1003. that's all i needed all right meg this is what you could have done better oh man it was like you either gonna fire me or i'ma fire myself how you want to do it the kid was like what [Music] [Laughter] but no but that i mean that's a really good example of what kev says because i because i value i understand people's time it to me time is money it's kind of the same thing but i'm over here booking travel for kev's entire tour what i'm not going gonna do is make sure his money is wasted i'm over here he was actually like megan we don't want to stay there i was like but we're saving fifty dollars in her room and he'd be trying to help us in the red roof inn on twitter bro i was like man come on like 4.5 stars it was a nice red revenge literally you said meg lingard literally would argue me down about my own i'm like girl put me in the courtyard marriott at least no like how are you telling me it's me it's my money that's my money i want to because we can save more money here i remember doing uh what's the college savannah state i think it's venice state and my homegirl tracy i've worked with her for years like literally years and i did like a college run i don't really like doing college like that's all right cool we you know she's like booked i went to the college when i got to the hotel it was in the middle of the hood like the middle of the hood is hotel like like choppers like they're looking for people like all night and i hate her i said where did you go first and she was like no i found it online i googled it it was good it was good price it looked like i got good reviews and i was like what is that noise the helicopters tracy that's that's what you hear so but it was like for one night like you could rough it i was like all right what i was trying to tell meg see i was like meg when you spend a third of the year in hotels you want them to be nice like one night if you don't do it that's that's fine but three nights a weekend four nights a weekend you you want them to have stuff i was that was at the very beginning and i was like okay i was it was only at the beginning but it was a couple of rough ones in there and even like the flights and stuff i'd be like but this this flight if you pick it at this time it's cheaper and he was like maggot so we have to like establish a rule of thumb if it's like if it wasn't more than a hundred dollars difference he was like i don't care right but you do when you're running a business though the one thing that meg was good about that's why i would hire again if i could working with people who treat your money like theirs is who you want like i've had some people in my you know in our lives especially at all that even meg was like that with all deaths money the rest of people were like my mother like i'm getting the best stuff people at all deaf was bro towards the end when the truth starts filling out people had bought shoes and all type of stuff on the uh on the company car most of them was going to lunches you know every day on the company card it felt like a college campus like outside but you know it was it said it was like college it was it was digital media hbcu college see here's the thing it wasn't me though cause i was already fired so it wasn't me that was gonna let me go i just wanna i want to make it wasted meg meg was like trying to book us in in hotels that still had a key like an actual key and like you tried to book us at the bates motel was like but kevin i got two of the rules for free it was like there's blood on the sheets man the cops we could check into our room because the yellow tape was still around the rooms that they had [Music] put it down crime scene you're like your room will be ready at 11. like what that's usually not pretty much hilton should be the standard like hilton has marriott has good like rates like the marriott i feel like it's a good you get a good little room in the marriott you don't always get a good rate i'm just meg i i want to i want to ask you something is there anything that you that you let loose on where you don't you know you'll be like all right this is i'm gonna spend my money i'm not doing coupons hey big underwear what'd you say what'd you say big underwear those big floor covers draws meg would go to town at pennies nope coupons for those two um no actually actually i i started being more relaxed with like my grocery shopping i don't count as much anymore because that takes a lot of time and effort and right like i don't have i have to pick like am i going to take the time to coupon or i'm going to just lose a couple of dollars so for that i will say like coupons and grocery shopping is like so 90s you know what i mean it's like i got a number now do i get anything off all right run it that's how i'd be no i'll be on the app it's on the apps now you can you can if you like uh if you'd be serious about that couponing you can get stuff like this but you can please dedicate your time to it to make it work documentary about couponing where a girl this woman should pull out like this huge bible at the at the cashier she'd get all her groceries and they'd owe her like forty dollars at the end and i don't see how that works nothing better than that but listen you know i used to the cashier what they do it's like double coupon days and all that like if you have a lot of coupons they've got a plan it's people that come in a grocery store i remember in high school being a cashier they will okay so what's today though what's the date today though 17th or something the 19. so 19th so there is meat in there's meat right now in the fridge at ralph's that says cannot be sold by the 19th so people will wait till 11 58 they will find all the meat that says 19th and you have to give it to them for free because you can't sell it after this price on the they're like i need this and then they would come with coupons to match everything it's a way i've seen like 150 bucks pay like about to do that uh the tiger king was feeding them tigers it was it was old walmart meeting stuff they can't sell it they legally can't say if they said sell buy it could be in your fridge till whatever but they can't sell it by that past date so people wait till midnight like it's the 20th and they just midnight no sid you can't be like not but i mean at 16 i'm like doesn't mean you can't you don't have to you have to give it to them no i don't think they're there's i think there's a special situation because um what you call it they that's a reason why people like why don't you just give it to the homeless because there's a liability with selling expired meat or like giving away expired meat because i'm like you're gonna throw it in a dumpster anyway why don't you just give it to somebody who could actually use it because i worked at a lot of like homeless shelters and like feed it in the homeless and it was like why won't y'all just give us y'all stuff that you bout to throw away in the trash yeah i saw this with a homeless shelter in l.a and their stuff that they don't sell by that night they they give it to them which i mean which they should that's like why be wasteful because people are so worried about like a lawsuit but like this stuff is not expired or it's like it's not bad to eat it's just legally you have to put an expiration of a certain amount of days so they do that what homeless person is begging for coffee here was homeless he would be the bugging for for coffee person i definitely would i definitely would just stay here you're addicted to coffee huh you think you're addicted to coffee no i can stop anytime i want to like flavored coffee is a straight black and sugar i just do creamer i don't do any sugar when he was on tour to here wouldn't even calm down until he had his coffee man and it also has no skills and they didn't have the coffee thank god i'm like so when do you guys put the coffee thing up like oh literally we put it away after 11 o'clock i'm like is that procedure because i've been to many marriotts where they always have a procedure so here when did you start drinking coffee i feel like you was in like the fourth grade like like eight or nine i used to drink it with my grandfather eight nine eighty nine is when i started a voter rally on saturday uh i think his name was dino i'm in englewood leaving a voter rally i'm in the old school and i pull over and i hop out uh and he was like here i was like hey what's up man he was like man this is this is a true representation of you you got out the car like an old man out of an old school you close the door real hard i'm all here now in the newspaper i like what i like i like what i like lit up a cigar and everything yep i feel like you and kev have both been old your whole lives but like different kind of old people like kevin's like the old people that go to church and it's like you know planning for holidays with their kids you like the old people like you you you used to be in prison but now you're just an old man i'm the old guy that like wears suits in like long cars kev is the old guy that wears shoes with elastic on them and velcro the mysterious old guy you see at sizzler all the time in a suit and you're like why did you keep messing up to come here it's because i never seen that make like you go to mcdonald's and it'd be oh like five o'clock in the morning already be like six old people like having a meeting stuff that's me that's me you would do that i would absolutely those guys got great stories when i used to work at white castles it was the same six old guys that would come in and they would sit there every morning from like five to seven thirty and then they would go to work i'll go back home had like some of the best coffee watercolor coffee in saint louis is like a great distributor so they would be there for the coffee sometimes they would just go to white castle get a cup of coffee chop and chop it up for two hours every day every that's what a lot of overtired people do every day i guess i'll go home they would come back around lunchtime they never stayed at home hey tom he was doing so well but i think he said go home to the mises i didn't mess up i promised you that you just sent me you're looking you know what i did i love you i love you i love you too let's put it to a vote let's put it to a vote besides the ads bro the word play in here i'm joking man yes wasted time versus wasting money go don't waste my money waste my time i get literally mad over wasting my time money i could chalk up wasting money meg don't waste my money hey kev you said time time is on my side yes it is well i'm gonna go with thomas what was that new clothing merch coming in the bandana and the shirt and the hoodie it's october i'm i'm all in i got i missed the cloudy towels but i had everything else thoughts are super comfortable i i i really enjoy the shorts i like them too i free ball in them that's pretty cool like oh time so we got to keep that moving we're going to get started on this last topic right after this yo what's going on i'm to hear more and i want to ask you guys a real question what is in your multivitamin do you even know you probably don't even know you probably don't even know the amount of sugars or gmos or synthetic fillers that are in it not to mention the animal byproducts i'm talking sheep's wools uh you have gelatin from hooves and heights all the ingredients that you might find in a multivitamin and you didn't even know but i do want to let you know that ritual is not your average day typical multivitamin rituals clean vegan friendly formula is made with key nutrients and forms that your body can actually use no shady extras that's what you really need to pay attention to because everything that's going on a lot of us aren't able to be as active as we once were and i get it okay i completely understand the struggle but that's all the more reason to watch what you're putting in your body i've been taking ritual probably for about two and a half months now because i'm right around two and a half bottles in and i'm telling you is one of the best decisions i made because i know i'm not able to be as active as i was before the world shutdown one of the things i love about ritual is that you'll always know where your nutrients come from thanks to rituals one of a kind visible supply chain ritual is formulated okay with key nutrients including vitamin d3 all right to help fill in those gaps in your diet not only that they're fresh tasting i know a lot of you all have tried multivitamins before and you get that delayed burp you know what they're like kind of fishy but ah i hate it one of the reasons why i stopped taking them but you don't have to worry about that with ritual listen guys you deserve to know what's in your multivitamin which is why ritual is offering 10 off for your first three months for my listeners right now all you have to do is visit ritual.com squad to start your new ritual today again go to ritual.com squad s-q-u-a-d-d get a better diet get a better multivitamin get a better life okay again that's ritual.com squad s-q-u-a-d-d that's all you have to do take control of your life get a better multivitamin know what you're putting in your body and feel good about it last topic of the day what's worse being left on red versus a dry conversation left on right conversation oh at least they're at at least they're giving you the bare minimum crap where it's just like like dry you could always just be like all right i'm good but left on red is just like no but what what if they left your red knot by because they didn't want to talk to you but it was like oh they got they got busy and they were doing something but they're going to get back to you later like that's not that bad i could take a left on red i can't take in person or just trying to talk to somebody and it it's like a dead conversation like my 80d will kick in like i i just walk i can't do it i just i uh you know i'd rather you just not reply because then we don't have to do this wholeheartedly i realize i don't really be having that many conversations with people it's the same people it's the same people all the time i look at my pen uh conversations on my blackberry thing huh like if you're blackberry pin you are old no my pinned conversations like i looked at my pen conversations and this is the same kind of the edd at the end okay what is that what's a pin conversation like your text messages you can like the people that you frequent the most you could pin those to the top of your your chat history or your tech history with the update you got you probably haven't updated your phone pack oh i don't have the update i was like once they started talking to you again kev brennan and tony are in three different like tony's in this one tony's in this one tony's in this one kev's right here he's in this one as well like pat right here like it's it's the same people in three different groups it's just all all my business so i talk to the same people i can handle being left on red because i know how busy i get and sometimes i glance at something and i'm about to reply i get a phone call i i realize i need to do something but a dry conversation it almost goes back to the last topic of wasting my time and i'm just like bro i don't we don't especially over the phone like bro we don't even have to do this let me go ahead and open up these cans i'm gonna catch you later man i'm not a small talk dude i cannot do it and people i think think i'm rude because of it i just don't literally don't know how to act like i i if there's not a point to this conversation i don't know how to play around like i'm okay with just just talking to you about some some just gibberish [ __ ] like what's up with you how you doing you like we could talk or you know what i mean like if i was saying i'm trying to get to know you okay cool but just some random like it's usually like a newer comic it's like hey man what's up how long have you been doing stand up a minute a while well like uh no i'm like i'm out i'm clocked out i'm like i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go like what are we doing like what i mean i assumed we weren't talking about in person because of the on red one right oh yeah yeah yeah no no i mean like does that count um towards the um dry conversation because if we're counting in person then that's for sure worse for me well i think the dry conversation would mainly be in person because like a lot of times if you're having a text conversation with a person y'all are going back it's a real conversation um you're having a conversation with a with a purpose or intent like to to get a means or ends or something and that's that's what i don't like being left on red in the middle of a conversation right but if we're just texting casually through the day like yo hit me when you get a chance or yo have you checked out this video you checked out this me or something like that i i'm not immediately expecting the response but like in the middle if we we're we're taking conversation i mean 10 texts back and forth in and then you just like go silent with like no type of like hey i got to take this call real quick i'll hit you right after this or something like that then then that's annoying but other than that i will i'll take left on red than a dry conversation any day of the week but i feel like i'd be having so much stuff to do or research or whatever if if a conversation go dead i might not even notice you know what i mean like i'll i'll i mean well actually let me let me see if we're like here we're saying we're having a great conversation and then it just goes dead i'm gonna be like well then man what happened there right but that is preferable that is preferable um well actually i don't know man and i i'm confusing myself is that i don't know for me left i look at text messages at least not as like immediate um conversation to me like i'm okay with somebody not responding immediately unless it's something that's urgent but to me if it's urgent we should have had a phone conversation anyway so if somebody if i'm just left on red i'm like okay well you to me you got busy and you were doing something else because the way my self-esteem is set up you didn't just stop talking to me because you didn't you were annoyed with me no you stopped talking to me because she was busy couldn't be that but i don't know i would i think i'd rather take a dry conversation because to me i could spruce anything up right through that room it's just one plant i'm trying to figure out that plant looks uh dorm room look at the yo your paint is boring are you giving that water milk the crazy thing that's hilarious the thing about this room is the the natural light is right here and so there's no place to hang anything you can hang stuff on these sides but you wouldn't see it you got this one the cast is going to come out each door starting right behind you is the door to your over your left shoulder taller than the door right behind you no it's just closer this is a this is a bathroom in the closet and that's actually the door to the thing they're the same height but because it looks farther back it looks higher no no no the those those next to each other the closet and the door oh yeah yeah this one is i was about to lose my [ __ ] too cause i was like no i know it does look a little tired part of the wall is closer i thought you put that door but yeah the the door is higher than the closet okay i don't even know why i asked that did you guys know most about seven feet anyway keep going random information you say exactly most most doorways are about seven feet exactly roughly look at meg like shouldn't give a [ __ ] like and in america but in the united kingdom they're like five standard door sizes that's funny that's a whole article standard door size it's about 80 inches 80 inches that's almost 7 feet 84 7 feet the average interior 500 width of between 28 and 32 by 80. yeah it's almost 7 feet guys i don't know a lot okay but what i do know i know and i feel you're tall i feel like you need to know this stuff so you know where that's hard i know my uh my uncle is six nine and so he would always conduct through the doors i looked it up it's like how tall is the doorway so he never had to duck he was just doing that for aesthetics yeah yeah because he's like no just in case you know get out some shoes you know what i mean but okay we now know that stuff guys good job that's probably brought me on the show man i don't want to um i just don't want to engage in a direct conversation i feel like that's just hold on but here's the thing about you to hear kevin pat i'm assuming you two said is that any time we've had a conversation y'all negroes will find a way to talk about whatever the f you want to talk about you make a way so how is there any dry conversations when all y'all are used to leading a conversation into the way you want to talk anyway because we like having somebody to bounce off of and if it's just everything is just blah blah and you feel like you're working towards the conversation then it's just like ah this person sucks excuse me it's usually a person you don't know like that you're like oh i can't keep up with this combo you just like just get out of there that's my parachute i feel like this is the thing about dating is this is a dating thing too i feel like it's different if you're in a potentially romantic relationship with someone i imagine you ascribe a higher uh sense of importance to their ability to carry conversation and text yeah yeah yeah and i feel like you also give um people you're into more leeway in terms of dryness because like especially like back in the day if a girl was cute they could be a little bit more boring i mean i don't work like that anymore but like i feel like all of us have given like a boring you know attractive person a chance and then after a while it's just like you know what i can't never mind never mind i remember walking up i'm talking i thought i approached you and like you know and i talked to you in that initial like you know conversation if the vibe is like you're really boring i probably i probably would still just like i'd try find a cuter girl a cute girl that could talk or like you know i mean hold a combo because then you like that i don't wanna do this again like a whole date of this oh no oh god that's the worst part and then you're doing this the whole night you guys have to you've been on dates where you didn't know the person was boring until the date started it's like at the comedy show it's quick you know what i mean like you want to go out tomorrow like all right i got to go all right then you go meet him i like to watch ducks like oh okay i remember in college this one chick i went out with she didn't talk about anything except for like like gangster music like trap music like so every conversation was either about like libusi luebbe or yo gotti or something like that you're like you already know gotti i was like no i ain't really hurt man that [ __ ] [Laughter] listen here's the thing though like when she was around her girl she was the life of the party like she was one always dancing and popping her gum and out in college i was like oh i like this little [ __ ] right here and bro i took it out i took her to starbucks she had never been to starbucks she had never had a strawberry red flag right there to here bro i opened her door for her she was like what you doing my [ __ ] i was like my [ __ ] hit me with the strong my [ __ ] what's wrong i was like i was trying to be a general open your door i never had nobody open the door for me did you try to [ __ ] she was like i was already gonna [ __ ] you i was like okay oh [ __ ] time to be rolling pull your dick out that's so wild to open the door right this way me lady oh you know what i was already gonna [ __ ] you like jesus why not be a gentleman took some of the pressure off i was like oh okay what i said got in the game some joe gotti for it made her feel comfortable she hopped so fast what up three six no you don't like me i was i was i was with her i was right with her so but yeah that conversation it was yeah that doesn't make a difference once with this guy i don't even know how i met him i feel like it was almost a blind date situation but i don't really remember but i remember we went on this date i met him at this restaurant it was nothing like it was like a chili's it wasn't even nothing fancy not a fancy restaurant we we sit down and like i hate it when i have a conversation with somebody and if i ask you something and you answer it what's the next step you then ask something of me right or or something until we get a flow going this guy literally answered every question and just like sat there and i was like oh okay and then he ordered a salad for dinner and i was like first of all he was like he was heavy and he ordered a salad and i was just like i know that's not what you eat it was like he was trying to impress me like oh i eat salads and i'm like bro you don't eat on salad so i just ordered whatever i wanted to order and what i wanted to order happened to be the most expensive thing on the menu which was like 25 right but that's what i wanted to eat and i always carry my own money with me so that nobody can so i can you know live my life and if you can't afford it that's okay i'll just pay for myself and you're in the friend zone so then he just he looks at he looks at what i ordered he was like oh you're gonna get that huh and i was like yes i am is that a problem what's he that's 20 years oh it's good it's good um uh well waitress come back here can you i just want to water just change change my dream oh no and your fuel was 25 yeah water probably went better with that salad anyway though to be honest with you you know no silence he was trying to save money and i was in here like why didn't you take me on a date bruh like right i should have went to happy hour if you couldn't afford thank you andre prices and i should have went to a happy hour and just got some tacos he was boring i was like never again delete what's up what's worse somebody with a dry conversation or somebody like like this the whole time y'all talking oh i'm leaving you i'm gonna leave you i don't know i'll leave the restaurant at least drive it seems like they're focused on you they're just boring you know but this is kind of like that just looks that's a bad look for everybody in the restaurant too because let that be a lesson kevin you look live like let that be a lesson because you live your life like that which i found in front of you not with my wife good she don't really go for that did you did she have to get on your case about that at the beginning of this whole like cell phone thing the cell phone starts to pop funny thing we we started dating we didn't neither of us had phones and obviously now we both do uh i don't say at the beginning of the cell phone thing but as technology advanced you know and more work was on my phone that's when it happened probably the all deaf years when it really started because when i was working at the bank there when you leave your job your work is over nobody's hitting you up but all depth was the first job i've ever had that like people would after work emails and like would really expect you to answer at like eight nine o'clock and you know i was really you know trying to impress the bosses at first and i really liked the work that i was doing anyway so i would be on my phone all day all night so now we have to like put like we went to the dinner last night and i was just like no phone but now the phone the the menus are on the phone you got to like scan the thing and then you got to look on the phone to to check your menu out so when you order then you just go over to instagram it'd be feeling like a habit mm-hmm yeah i'm saying but no i don't she don't really go for that so we're like doing dedicated time together or talking i'd be like let me put this phone down cause she ain't not gonna go for that i'm not scared of her she didn't know brother man did you go straight from the bank to all deaf or did you have like a period of time where you weren't working for anybody no i got when i when i moved i left boeing and moved here and we moved here in march of 2013 and i worked you know freelancing did my own youtube stuff and stand up until i got the job at all that in september of 2014. the next year yeah it's about like a year and a half of like trying to make it that's when you was at that was when i was at awesomeness with tracy edmunds uh awesomeness i remember that i remember remember that yeah yeah yeah kevin was crazy about me like i remember meeting you at all deaf and you know you being funny and all that stuff was cool but then somebody said kev used to play basketball and from then i was like yeah he cool i was like you used to play basketball and he was like yeah i was like in college he was like i was like that's what's up and then from there i was like cool didn't he could have been a murderer i was like but he hooped i thought you always it's a different level of cool it's like this wasn't your original dream either all right cool with a black man like that you connected with like man it's a like like uh tank uh marcus who's angel's husband like we were cool even before i met angel but when i found out he was into old school he had an old school i was like oh that's my [ __ ] immediately he became one of my besties we be going cruising talking about your cars huh mm-hmm he's marcus is crafty marcus can literally do just about anything he came over to the crib we just cracked over a bottle of whiskey and then he hung my tv oh yeah that was one of the comedy shows where y'all just oh everybody went to your house and just had drinks and cake and then other people who were your friends didn't get invited at all huh wasn't that a couple weeks ago that was kevin but you know why you have people you have people in this complex i live in the complex i don't even invite it i live let me address each infraction as it can you guys can't build stuff it was a building party fraction tom that's what i said here's the thing kevin we didn't invite you because we knew it was almost at your bedtime and two there was going to be cake and we didn't want another cake gate to happen he didn't invite him because of the cake no no no no no i can't i'm not kidding yeah yeah yeah cam was sneaking there on top of any cake ever okay and cindy it was past hours i didn't i didn't want to get you in trouble with the misses and be like yo come outside and she's like wait where the [ __ ] you going say i don't know her so i didn't i didn't even give you an opportunity sid you're a person we don't get along i'm sorry [Laughter] call me anytime [Laughter] me and sid are old men we literally will beat up and go walk to wraps together and then go grab coffee or something old stuff you bought a pool i'll wait on you you buy the boys [Music] you know the old ball of chain hey when you guys walk do you do this after a sip of coffee after this absolutely got to get all the flavors we're walking away they get they call they be zipping up up and down the street we be like look at these foods just driving off food running the muck coming down this street you see that man ain't got no home training man young man are you voting make sure you use your voice there's no reason we should have on belts with our track pants but we do [Laughter] you sleepy you get enough sleep he's sleepy about me my wife was up late arguing about m c hammer that's why i'm tired and then commented on the post too the first time in my life to hear i've won a marriage argument fair and square because the person in question agreed with me i didn't know he was on instagram i was like this is great huh whose side were you on i was on the slide that mc hammer at no point in his career was bigger than michael jackson and m.c hammer came in instagram was like you're right kev it's like you can't it's like it's so weird like your your opinions about people you used to look look up to like once you drop them online it's like they're in that conversation now no you'd be like i'm not used to that bro i've never in a million years would have thought that if not what's up kev tweeted like i don't like sprite and then sprite corporation camera is like what do you mean kid we can make it right [Music] so i randomly you never heard that man that's 90s on me i have to be my best friend you wasn't messing around with it anyway one of my favorite 90s songs so i put on facebook likes man i wonder what uncle sam is up to man i love that he commented like hey man i'm working on new music i was like really you're like you should say no you know you're not [Laughter] like one single that was dope i remember that that was a hit i remember that song oh my bad i didn't do that but yeah yeah that's so funny for him to be like no i'm still here i'm still around what's up you want to laugh you want to collect subtweet what's worse being left on red versus a dry conversation i got dry conversation dry conversation right i'm gonna go drive two i'm going to say dry conversation oh unanimous in this thing there it is uh dry conversation takes the w on that one ladies and gentlemen there's been another episode of squad cast thank you guys so much for watching want to thank our special guest sidney costillo uh for for jumping in sydney you got a lot of stuff going on right what you got coming up man yeah you know just married life cool all right guys so uh that's all you got i don't like talking about nothing because then something don't come out and you look silly so i always wait if you don't read about it i ain't doing nothing i'm just saying there you go you'll see it on deadline is what he's saying uh thank you to everybody that submits your uh suggestions to my instagram inbox uh or instagram dm however y'all want to say it i appreciate that thank you and we'll see you next week on another episode of squad cast versus peace
Channel: All Def
Views: 448,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All Def, All def, alldef, all def digital, add
Id: Od_ocd3NAlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 9sec (5349 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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