home made SIMPLE BUILD vacuum chamber - by VOG (VegOilGuy)

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hi youtube my name's Jeff and I'm the veg or guy you know me and plasti I'm always messing about with the stuff so I decided to build a simple vacuum chamber to eliminate trapped air and improve the process I took some scraps of plywood and I mean scraps as this is only a small chamber about eight inches square which is ample for my needs it's nothing difficult just gluing and screwing the box together but without a lid at this point I decided to use one of these tank connectors to draw the air through and I began with the world's blunt ease forcing a bit to drill a countersink hole then a spade bit to finish the through-hole it's just a matter of screwing this in with a spanner but I applied a generous dollop of expanding glue to help things remain airtight once this was dry I cleaned up the mess and supported the fitting with some car body filler then the last side of the chamber was glued and screwed into place it's a nice sturdy box but a little untidy so some filler and paint were applied to neaten things along I also added some rubber feet here I used a dremel to cut a slot all the way around the upper rim this will act as a key for the silicon strip that will seal the box this square of plywood is a little larger than the top of the box and the center square has been cut away to reduce its weight and allow venting as you'll see in a moment these got neatly covered with kitchen foil around the edges of this I rub some petroleum jelly a silicon won't stick to that back at the rim a thin bead of silicon is run to fill the key slot then a much thicker bead is applied you'll notice this masking tape on both the inside and outside of the box with most of the silicon tube emptied the foil covered lid is pushed gently home squeezing and flattening the silicon until it's roughly 6 millimeters or a quarter of an inch deep then the fall in the center is pierced to vent air and help the silicon to dry patience just isn't my thing and it always cost me dearly and 24 hours later I peeled away the tape that was holding the fall in place I then removed the plywood and look at the beautifully flat top it's perfect but I should have waited longer before it isn't sticking to the petroleum jelly but the silicon is still wet in places because I was too impatient this means I had to repeat this step again so wait a few days before peeling back the lid now we need to do a little plumbing if soldered in copper parts isn't your thing let me share this tip with you this is how my dad taught me and it's helped plumbing used to be done it makes a perfect joint every time starting with a pipe cleanly and thoroughly wood steel wall or a tool like this add some flux technically you're not supposed to use your fingers but this has always worked for me heat the pipe with the torch but avoid the area where the flux is after a few seconds you'll see a color change notice here that the solder hazard ever flux on it touch the solder to the pipe and when it's hot enough you'll see the solder begin to melt spin the pipe and coat the whole area with solder then using a cotton cloth wipe the area clean the old plumber's called this Tynan and it creates a thin layer of solder across the end of the pipe the process is a little bit quick and hard to see so I'll do another one clean the pipe add flux apply heat a little away from the flux area smear the area with solder then quickly wipe away with a cotton cloth and there's some nicely teamed pipe the old promise used to sweat on fittings but this Tynan approach works great with solder ring fittings take the fitting and clean it well apply some flux clean the tinned area of the pipe and add fluxes before push the fitting on and apply heat focusing mainly on the fitting watch the scene carefully there did you see it that's all the line that's the solder in the fitting melting this creates a sold on solder joint and I've never had a leak yet and when I mean that it's just simple preparation don't apply too much heat once you see the solder liquify at the seam just wait a second or so more and pull the heat away if you continue to heat you'll drive all the solder from the fitting so remember wouldn't you see that silver lined your dog just let it cool down then clean everything up with wild wall to remove the flux residue you can see that I've drilled two small holes here this Pike will release the pressure or rather allow air back in but rather than have a large opening at the top which could become blocked with debris I chose to block the end off and drill finer holes on the sides instead if you prefer you can use compression fittings and plenty of PTFE tape here I've included a non-return or check valve the box needs a lid and I used warnings clear acrylic for this I found it cheaply could the size on the Internet I also found a cheap vacuum gauge on Amazon I needed to drill a small hole in the corner of the acrylic and just twist this into place and that's a completed vacuum chamber it really is that simple but does it work well I made a pump based on the king of randoms design but modifying there's necessary for UK parts and fittings the pump gets connected to the vacuum chamber using flexible reinforced hose and the handle of the pump gets well pumped but first set the leaver valve to the closed position initially it's necessary to apply just the slightest pressure to the lid of the box just until the vacuum begins to grip this is my son Michael doing the honors at this point we can see the pressure building steadily with each push of the handle the pressure can easily be released with the smallest turn of the lever valve so it works the vacuum chamber holds a vacuum unfortunately the hand pump isn't quite as successful it doesn't take long before the pump seems to bottom out it creates a vacuum beautifully and quickly but once the air is too thin and the pressure too high it just can't seem to grab anymore this meant I had to purchase a proper vacuum pump this already had a built-in check valve but for pump safety it's a good idea to change the plumbing arrangement on the chamber to this the secondly the valve shuts off the flow to the vacuum pump and prevents potential damage that could be caused when the pressure release is opened so let's test it he is the classic demonstration using marshmellows the pressure release valve is closed and the pump valve is opened the lid is placed on the box and it's necessary to apply just a little bit of pressure until the vacuum takes hold so the pump is turned on and look at that and remember this is real time it's not speeded up that's the benefit of a smaller chamber [Music] did you see the marshmallows begin to shrink again that means they've released all the trapped air they've got so now comes the fun bit releasing the pressure the pump valve is closed and the pump can be turned off now the release valve can be opened for some reason I'm thinking to my mother-in-law again anyway there you go guys building a vacuum chamber is as simple as that just make it sturdy and airtight with the size that matches your needs I hope you enjoyed this video guys and if you did please like it don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so already and check out my other videos on my youtube channel so take care guys and thanks for watching
Channel: VOG
Views: 483,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vacuum chamber, vacuum, home, made, VegOilGuy, marshmallow, vog
Id: bv3tYR4ROBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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