Home Made CNC Plasma Cutter

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yeah hey guys just finished making my own CNC plasma cutter here at home and got to make a quick video just to show you how I did it in case anyone else's we're going to do a similar sort of thing so it's an Arduino based system where the CNC shield on top running NEMA 23 stepper motors I think it's very external drivers software I'm using fusion 360 and Universal machine code center here's the machine we'll start at the electronics box first so it's running off 24 volt that's the Arduino on the CNC shield in there little bulky producer there that's just for the water cooling this relay here turns on/off the plasma it literally has bridges to terminals on the machine and that's the drivers that I'm using to run the namers so all the scenes a specific year how to spore off eBay and that's turned out pretty well so far not too expensive so here's the a plasma cutter I'm using to uni me grazer cut 45 and it'll shear about 12 mil thick steel and this is the plug that turns it on and off so you literally just bridge two terminals in there I think it was pins one and two and the other plug there's for an arc okay and the torch light controller which haven't set up on this system yet but might come in the future so I'm just running it manually at the moment there are water Cooling's a must otherwise your steel is just gonna warp and it's gonna touch the torch while it's trying to cut and move your workpiece and it will ruin everything so that's a must and this is the system that I'm running to pump off eBay and it just pumps water up and then feeds back through into the system in a loop that's the additive that I'm using in the water and that does a pretty good job of preventing the steel from rusting and so yeah that's good stuff one of the biggest issues I had was am interference with the Arduino and it just could just Park it every now and then while it was cutting so what I did to prevent that was install a sheet of stainless steel here and all the wiring is shielded and Earth and so is the frame and that's done a pretty good job limiting that I haven't had too many stuff ups just lately which is good and I think the next next thing I'd better put the electronics in a steel box and if that so these slats are just sprung you and that place aluminium is just Sikaflex teen just to prevent warping yeah trying to hold it so that worked quite well just gluing it in with some brows underneath to stop at bowling but yeah the glue holds hose didn't I say in holds the water back and then slats are removable as soon as they as soon as I get naked say yeah oh I guess next thing is fired up so thought I'd get in early and cut out Christmas present so once you got it designed and you've given it a laser cutting tool path you got a price to process it so the post processor that I'm using my brother actually customized for me so it talks nicely with the Arduino and the system I'm running so if anyone blocks and I'm happy to share so once you have exported the g-code and you've uploaded into Universal decode sender and everything's calibrated you should be alright to run [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] so there you have it starts with the cuts produced a little bit of slag but you just keep that off with a cold chisel or something and same with the underside which I'm still working on hopefully I can play with a few settings and reduce that slag a bit but that just chips off with a cold chisel so the next thing I'd like to do is add a dynamic torch like control the unit to it but I haven't quite figured out how to do that just yet with this system and I also want to tidy up the swag I'm getting just make my cuts a bit cleaner so yeah got a few settings to play around with it but yeah thanks for watching any questions or suggestions let us not
Channel: D Humphris
Views: 581,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1j1_oEGknRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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