Home Canning Salmon With Linda's Pantry

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[Music] well hi guys welcome back to linda's pantry and today as you see in the title we're getting salmon this is fresh this just was caught yesterday and this is beautiful fresh salmon out of the columbia river i am super excited i'm very thankful to have this and this is about eight pounds right here all filleted um and scaled okay so i've got um let's see four six jars out i only have uh five of them are wide mouth which i prefer if you're doing um fish of any kind i'm gonna go the ball guidelines and this is out of a complete guide to home canning and preserving on page 394 is on how to can fish now it says to brine this i don't know that i'm going to do that um i just i don't i don't see a need to brine it i've never brined it before and so i'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna can this up it's gotta be pressure canned for uh a hundred minutes and that's whether you're using a half pint jar or a pint jar i'm going to be using my little 10.1 all-american canner today and i've got three inches of water in there 100 minutes is a long canning session but super excited it's very easy because we're gonna raw pack it so i'm gonna get a cutting board out and we're gonna get to pack in these jars and um yeah i've got to get my checklist though because i need to have all my things out and ready so the salmon's gonna go back in the refrigerator until i've got everything out and ready and we're ready to pack the jars all right and i'll bring in clothes for that don't forget if you're not a subscriber i hope you hit that subscribe button right now turn it gray and hit the bell next to it wait and you'll get notified whenever i upload i've got over 200 canning videos um in a playlist so if at the end of this video you'll see a playlist you can go through and almost any kind of canning you'd like to do is right here on my channel all right so today yay we're going to put some salmon on the shelf i love canned salmon for a bunch of different recipes so we'll come back and after this video we'll come back and we'll do a canning chat and we'll also give you a taste test and i'll show you what i do with this all right come on okay first thing i'm gonna do is get my salmon out this has been washed ran scaled everything is absolutely wonderful and i'm going to this is how i'm going to attack this i'm going to put these skin side out in the jar but i want to measure my jar on how i need about that much to go in the jar so i have an inch of headspace does that make sense so literally i'm just gonna cut this right in half this one needs to be cut in half and um so cut that in half look at that beautiful salmon isn't that gorgeous and and it's pretty easy you're just going to roll it onto itself and place it into your jars and this is very cold you want cold cold salmon into cold jars so i can fit another piece in there i want to make sure let's do maybe we'll cut this piece in half again hopefully that makes sense and of course you know you got to do the skin yum my mouth's watering i absolutely love salmon and canned salmon is one of my favorites so you want a healthy inch of head space and that's according to the ball book um of home preserving uh a healthy inch of a headspace it's going to create its own liquid i um i i think that that's going to be perfect for this jar i've got a little bit of air space over there but i'm not going to worry about that i i mean i could maybe maybe i'll fit a little bit more anyway okay so we'll put another chunk down in there there we go and we still have that nice inch of headspace okay i think that's perfect okay then just to get you up to speed i am going to wipe the rims of these jars with vinegar um i normally do not and there's going to be some oils that bent out of here with the salmon but i don't want added oil baking on there in the canning process if that makes sense um so i am gonna absolutely take care of the oil okay i'm gonna fast forward while i fill the rest of the jars and we'll be back okay so i am using vinegar and i've already wiped these down but i want to i want to kind of show you little bits it's not so much the oil or the fat but if let's say a scale or a piece of meat gets on the rim and it's it's really easy fish you know to get little fish particles so and i want the jars clean so i've really wiped the whole rim anything that i feel like i touched with the vinegar several paper paper towels later i have cleaned jars ready and i've heated my uh you can see the steam steam you up um i've heated up my lids and i heat my lids i didn't need a canning funnel but i was uh out of habit so i've got a combination i've got two tattler lids i've already marked the gasket so i know how many times this gasket's been used and we're going to use we're going to place it let's put it on this one there and we're going to get make sure it's on there centered get your lid finger tight then back off about a quarter of an inch and these are the old tattlers cold jars into a cold canner same with the rest of the lids okay so these lids are heated up onto my jar and if you've got any anything on the jar i like to line up the date thing with the decoration on the jar so they look prettier on the shelf if that's where you're going to store them those are just finger tight and in the counter they go this is the one time i don't put them in as i go because you can um it's called jars cold food cold jars right all right so i don't think there's anything else i can tell you about this you do want a generous inch of head space um and that's per the ball canning book and i have six pints i'm super excited about this this is um more than enough for me for the year but um i plan on sharing this so if i can get some more salmon i'm going to do so and i will be um canning that up as well and if you want to come along for that you can because i might put a light little bit of smoke on it i don't want to cook it but i might i might put a little smoky smoke on it like a cold smoke that's our lid is hot center it and that's a brand brand new lid tighten and back off a quarter of an inch in the canner we go and my lid lifter is over here even though i don't really need it all right cold jars cold canner we'll vent it for 10 minutes and then once we put the weight on and it starts dancing and singing to us we're going to time it for 100 minutes um i'll be back when we're done all right guys my counters come down off of pressure and um this is what i do every time so i'm gonna actually i'm gonna pull my mat well no because i really want them over there never mind i was gonna pull them over here but um i've got two tattler lids in here so what i do is i let it come all the way down and when you pick up the weight there's no more hissing no more releasing and pressure and i then unlock everything and barely get it up where it can release a little bit of steam i leave it set for 15 minutes like that then i put the lid kind of halfway over for another 10 or 15 letting that pressure oh i'm so excited it does not smell fishy in here it's still boiling in the jar it doesn't smell fishy at all but look at that salmon look at that ah it's beautiful oh i'm super excited okay so i've gotta tighten that lid because it is a tattler lid and i do you crank them down as tight as you can get them because it's gonna push that seal help it suck down the lids are already stuck down they're not bubbled out so i think we're gonna get a good seal anyway but i'm gonna get this jar and i don't have i have the the water is a little bit cloudy but we haven't added any liquid to these jars at all and man they are still they're still rocking and rolling in there okay don't tip your lids and twist okay that's that's it and the other jars can just come out so seven pints of delicious salmon look at that i will get good pictures and let you know it's you know salmon's one of those beautiful fatty fishes that um they're so healthy and canned salmon for the kind i buy wild caught canned salmon is about for 14 and a half ounce jar which would be um this ring is a little bit loose i don't tighten those per se i just wanted it not swimming around on there um it's almost five dollars a can and this was a gift all this salmon was a gift but i'm buying some more so i'm going to be doing some more salmon i think i want to do maybe some flavored salmon um you know we could do it with some peppers some peppers maybe some jalapeno or a little bit of smoke on that salmon and i love i love how the skin on that looks against the jar it's just beautiful all right there's my canning session i'm super excited and i hope it inspires you to try your hand at home canning try your hand at home canning salmon because if you can put that away you've got this high delicious omega rich rich fat that your body needs with um that protein and you can do a ton of recipes and i'll be bringing you along for my salmon patties or salmon croquettes and i've also got another recipe if you'd like to see it but we're going to do a a taste test and a post canning video so go ahead and leave your comments in the comment section if you have any questions whatsoever i will try to address them alright guys happy canning and if you are new to my channel i hope you subscribe i hope that you will give me a thumbs up and maybe share this on your facebook page because right now it's salmon the salmon is are in it's time to get canning all right and if you're in the northwest or let's say you're not even near a coast go ahead and try to find deals at the grocery store because you should be able to find some pretty good deals all right we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Linda's Pantry
Views: 23,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linda's, Pantry, cooking, home, canning, food, storage, dogs, pantry, meals, scratch, Thrive, Life, freeze, dried, foods, gardening, dehydrating, shtf, bbq, smoking, canned salmon recipes, canned salmon patties, canned salmon salad, canned salmon pasta, canned salmon and rice, canned salmon cakes, canned salmon cakes food wishes, canned salmon burgers, canned salmon commercial, canned salmon sandwich, home canned salmon, canning salmon without a pressure cooker, canning salmon recipe, home preserving
Id: vj2LYMjxJ3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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