HOME ALONE CHALLENGE || Self-Defence Pranks, Home Alone Tricks And Funny Situations by 123 GO!

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If someone breaks into your home you have to do  something about it, right? Like call the police. OR… or maybe set some traps  to teach them a lesson… Yep, I’m looking pretty good today. Hey! I got us some lotto tickets! What? Why? You never win anything. Stop being such a Debbie Downer.  I feel good about our chances! Hello, viewers! It’s time for the lottery draw! All right! Let’s see what the first number is! First number of the day is 10! Huh. I have 10 on my ticket… Next up is 45! I have 45 too… Lucky 11! Ohmygosh ohmygosh… I’ve got almost all of them! No… no way… One more number… Here it comes! *gasp* Oh my… We won. WE WON!!!! We won the lottery! We’re rich! Did you hear that? They’re rich! I can’t wait to cash in this  lotto ticket for the money! Yes! Look at all this money we won! Are we ready to do this? They’ve  got a ton of cash we can take. Ugh. We have to be smart about  this if we want the money. Hey. Do you hear something? Shhhh. Let me listen. Oh no! There’s robber out there! I don’t want them to take our money! I love it! Look. I have an idea. Time to set some traps. Yesssss! I always wanted  to try Home Alone defenses! We’ll just put this on the  door handle and plug it in. Hey. What about some duct tape, too? We’ll need a nice, long strip. Don’t forget to fold the ends over. Now we can stick it to the ground. A whole bunch of them if we  want to protect our money. Done! Phew. I’m feeling a lot better. All right, we better go hide. It sounds quiet in there. Let’s go in. Ahhhh! So hot! My hand is on fire!! Shhhhh! You need to be quiet! Come on. Follow me inside. Looks like the coast is clear. Shut the door. They set traps. They think  they’re smarter than us. We’ll show them when we take their money. Hey. I’m stuck. My boots are stuck! Whoa! Ouch. That hurt. These two are really gonna pay. Phew. Okay, we’re safe in here with the money. Yeah, but for how long? We need to set more traps. I’m not gonna let them through this door. Hmm. That mousetrap gives me a good idea. Hey! Legos! I bet I can do something with these! What do you think? Legos? Sure. But I’ve got mousetraps. Oh no! They’re getting closer! We better hurry. I’ll just dump these Legos all over the floor. And I’ll add some mousetraps, too. Let’s put the money here for bait. Huh! They’re gonna have to cross a pain minefield! Here they come! Hide! Look! There’s the money, right over there! They just left it sitting out in the open. I’ll go get it! EEEEEEEEEE! What happened? Why are you making that sound? I stepped on this Lego. I nearly died! Whoa. The whole floor is covered with them! It’s another trap. I got this. I don’t think I’ll ever walk again! Whoa! What was that? Owww. There’re mousetraps down here, too… I think I need to go home… Hah! We totally got that one! Let’s go! All right. Time to set up our next defenses. What next defenses? The answer is simple: dogs. Ohhhh, I get it! Smart! Let’s get to work. And  hurry. They’ll be here soon. Okay. This is a perfect hiding spot. Not only that, we can watch from here, too. Here they come. Hide. You’re not going home, all right?  Not until we get this money! Look! It’s right over there. Wait. Do you see what I see? A dog muzzle. Okay. Time for the next part. It’s show time! Oh no. They have a guard dog! Be quiet! Don’t let it know we’re here! I hate dogs! I don’t want to get bitten! No no no no NO! No dogs! It’s totally working! I can’t believe they fell for that! They’re so du— Oh that is it. Hey. You! Give us your money or else! Run! That was a close one! They  almost got our precious money! There’s got to be something we can do. Wait… Calm down. I know what we should do next. I know it’s in my purse somewhere… Got it! My stack of dynamite. What?! Do all girls carry bombs in their purses?! The cool ones, anyway. It’s not real. I took a cardboard tube and some  red paper to make the stick. Then I needed some clay. I pressed it to one end of the tube. Next up? Sparklers! I pushed it right into the clay. Voila! My own personal, fake bomb. That’s fantastic! Let’s use it! Oh no! Is that them already? It is! Quick! Hide under the bed! All right. We’re safe under here. Shhh! Grab the lighter! Here we go! Hey! What’s that noise? Is that… a bomb? No no no! What are you doing? Put it down! Oh, right! Here! Catch! Look at them! They’re out of control! Let’s just get out of here! Run! It totally worked! We scared them off! This fake bomb of yours really did the trick. Crafts can always save the day. And hey! We still have all our money! Come on. Let’s get out of this house. Phew. Can you believe that place?  Being a robber has never been so hard. Yay! Money! Money money money! Ready to open it? Let’s go! We are set for life! Making it rain! What would you do with the money if you won  the lottery? Let us know in the comments! And don’t forget to share this video with  your friends and subscribe to our channel for more great videos like this one!
Channel: 123 GO!
Views: 5,297,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, challenge, challenges, fun, funny, 123GO!, 123 go, 123go, friends, friendly, tutorial, howto, how to
Id: zSWokaSQizA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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