Holy Wars... The Punishment Due (Remastered)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Megadeth - Topic
Views: 8,828,690
Rating: 4.7037315 out of 5
Keywords: Megadeth, メガデス, Rust In Peace, Holy Wars...The Punishment Due, ホリーウォーズザパニッシュメントデュー, ホリー・ウォーズ...ザ・パニッシュメント・デュー
Id: J5o8Daw1ZsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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Such a great and classic song. Everything about it is epic. The lyrics are sick, the rhythm guitar is insane, the solos are amazing, I love the acoustic part, and its just an overall great song.
the song that got me back into metal after a decade long hiatus. this whole album rules.