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so we recently got the first trailer for Venom 3 and I was shocked at how many people were talking about n the Symbiote guy like null is an awesome character I love that character and I've been wanting them to do null for a long time there were a lot of people talking about this and I couldn't get it out of my mind and the more I thought about different elements of the trailer the more I was like damn that that could be no so in this video I want to go over all the reasons why people think think nol is in this trailer why it could actually work for the plot of Venom 3 and I even think I figured out how this could tie into the Multiverse over at Sony cuz we've also heard these crazy reports that Sony wants Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield to be a part of their multiversal plan like Beyond secret War Sony has something cooking in the Multiverse and they want all the they want to do something in the Multiverse I don't know man these post credit scenes don't make any sense the Venom 3 trailer looks confusing as F but apparently there is a plan more I thought about n the more I was like oh okay that could actually work okay so first up who is null why is he awesome why do people want this character so freaking badly this character was created by Donnie Kates drawn by Ryan Stegman and that's kind of significant because yesterday Ryan stagman was one of the dudes that I saw saying that he thought null was being teased in the trailer is awesome dude he's not only the creator of the Symbiote species but he's actually like way older than that like he's actually from the sixth or seventh version of the cosmos meaning literal other versions of the entire Multiverse that's that's how old he is and null comes from a time where there was only Darkness there was no galaxies No Light No Suns just darkness and N thought it was great all of a sudden a bunch of celestials start popping up they're kind of U izing this sort of light Force Power they're creating stars and galaxies and spreading existence and life in the universe and N thought it was [ __ ] he was like no dude it was way better when it was dark these Celestial homies and he literally Cuts one of their heads off yes he cut a Celestial head off he is like crazy powerful Uber powerful the tldr is that he couldn't stand up to all the powers of light and that includes the celestial but also included these like gods that were dressed in gold there's like this concept of the void and the light and the light is like represented by the Enigma Force it's this crazy thing in comics but basically just like the super darkness of like everything and then the super light side of everything that's like really inherent to null and the Symbiotes and all of those stories like the king in black story in Marvel Comics so basically the Light Side beats the dark side and null himself is actually imprisoned in a planet made of Symbiotes now he actually created those symbiotes initially he's making them to be like symbiotes that go out and and suck life and destroy it turning everything back into the void interestingly some of the Symbiotes actually rebel against that and end up kind of being anti null but regardless of all that the point is the clintar actually is a cage clintar is a word for cage in the Symbiote language and the Symbiotes actually surround null and they imprison him ever since like way back in the day during Don and Kate's run of King and black he breaks out of that he comes to Earth he like defeats all the Avengers like covers the entire planet in a big symbiote it was bananas dude that is a very quick tldr on null there's a ton of other great videos out there you can go down a rabbit hole watching stuff about n but one of the things that's important to keep in mind with regards to Venom 3 is this idea in the trailer of Venom's home World finding him my own has found us I think this is where a lot of people believe null comes into the picture for Venom 3 because in the trailer Venom says to Eddie his home world has found them and we see these asteroids coming into orbit and then we see like this monster thing that's fighting Venom and interestingly enough null not only is in the home world of the clintar and does end up breaking out of it in comics and taking over clintar and taking over all the Symbiotes but null also creates literal monsters like he creates different kinds of monsters that go with this symbiotes to try to take over planets now some of them are like symbiotes that become monsters like he Symbio dragons but they're different than the ones that need a host like they're a different kind of creature that null has created and so it's possible this creature we see in the trailer is one of those creatures like I was thinking back to Venom 1 right and Riot was a symbiote that was above the rest of the symbiot he was like the leader of that Army their mission was to take over the planet but we do get it revealed that Venom was a lower class citizen on his home world he was something of a loser over there which makes me kind of think there was a cast system and somebody in control and sending these symbiotes out on missions in the Venom Universe it is possible that null is that person that's in charge of all the Symbiotes and considering that Venom instantly knows what's going on in the trailer when those asteroids kind of come into our atmosphere it's probable that he knows that his Planet would come looking for him like you don't say they found me unless you know somebody's looking for it so maybe in the universe of the Venom movies null is the leader of the the Symbiotes he sends the Symbiotes out to go to planets that have life to take away the life and just replace with symbiote life or darkness and maybe on the off chance that one of his battalions of Symbiotes don't report back he eventually brings in these other creatures and has them try to take over the world like technically speaking they don't even have to show null in venom 3 and I would actually prefer if they didn't to be honest because right now with what Sony's doing I don't exactly trust these guys to handle an awesome incredible character like null but I do think it's possible Sony turns things around brings in new creative talent and sort of maps out a new plan for the Multiverse and that potential new team could utilize things that are set up in the Venom Universe like null we already know that the Symbiotes in the Venom Universe have knowledge beyond their own Universe they have multi ival knowledge that is explained in the post-credit scene of Let There Be Carnage and it's sort of implied when Venom already knows who Spider-Man is when he gets into that universe of the 616 Tom Holland Spider-Man and again we know that something's going on with the Multiverse over at Sony and we quite literally know it has something to do with Spider-Man I'm not sure how I got here has to do with Spider-Man I think so I think it's even possible that Venom 3 will have a storyline that sees null as this sort of offscreen villain figure much like Thanos was for most of the infinity Saga and I do think this movie will be some kind of a closure to the Venom films like maybe they'll send Tom Hardy Venom throughout the Multiverse maybe he's taken this young Peter Parker to Secret Wars and they're going to do something crazy like that but the end of a franchise or the end of a singular Universe does not have to be the end of a multiversal story that is quite literally what happened with Spider-Man no way home and I would argue that Spider-Man no way home takes two different Spider-Man trilogies both of which end on kind of a whimper and yet brings them back with this like rejuvenated energy made it super awesome people went back and even enjoyed those old movies so like you could see them doing that with Venom like maybe this is the last Tom Hardy Venom movie but maybe he comes back for a cameo either in secret Wars or in some other crazy multiversal thing and perhaps this sort of little tease in this movie of null the Symbiote God could end up being utilized as a thread that they would carry on into that multiversal story like that's my best case scenario here that would be so freaking awesome and there is a big part of me that kind of doubts Sony's going to do this that doubts that it would be good even if they did do it but the comic book nerd and me would love it man like I just want old to be brought into live action he's such a freaking cool character one of the coolest modern created characters of the last like 20 30 years like seriously super cool character and I really don't know why it took Sony this long to figure that out like they should have been doing null from the jump maybe Tom Hardy's finally read that story and understands why it's so freaking epic and again maybe they could set it up via the Multiverse or some other thing no the Symbio got in venom 3 do you think it's actually being teased in the trailer do you want it in the movie let me know your thoughts on this in the comment section below if you like this video smash a like on it really does help us out you can come on by stream where we can talk about this live you can ask me any questions or give me a theory that maybe you have about how this could all work and as I always say I hope you're having an awesome and a nerdy day and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: The Den of Nerds
Views: 18,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: venom 3, spider-man 4, venom 3 plot, kevin feige, secret wars, marvel phase 5, marvel studios, mcu x-men, cosmic wonder, deadpool and wolverine, deadpool 3, deadpool 3 trailer, deadpool & wolverine, mcu news, x-men 97, avengers secret wars, new rockstars, secret wars leak, spider man, doctor doom, iron man, mcu x men, heavy spoilers, everything always, kang, loki, screen crush, x-men mcu, mcu secret wars, x-men, marvel, mcu, den of nerds, den of nerds live
Id: W4vfuKKXMr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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