HOLY MOLY! This KIRBY GEM Pusher in Japan is Amazing!

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hey everybody it's Jim Pusher time and look at these Kirby's going by whoa so there's some curvy fake some Misty figures a random little durable hamster thing but yeah look at this oh my God so let's see what we have over here over here we have a misty that I can potentially push down along with some other little figures oh man lots of gems now look at this huge Kirby oh my gosh but the little pink thing that I have to knock down in order to get that is all the way back there all right that will take forever and this one just has a bunch of different little kirbys that's pretty cool too but I think I'm gonna go for this right here because there's three prizes three of these pink little things that I have to knock down and hopefully I can get I would like on three but hopefully I can get one or two all right so let's get this party started and take a good look at where these pink little things are so we can see if they move if we make some progress all right let's see what I can get cool give me some gems all right I'm gonna put it in the back and boom let's see okay nothing's happening I didn't get any gems before here comes a lot of things on this side let's see what I can get um you throw that in the front oh yes come on push push oh it's moving that Kirby with the big mouth let's keep on going oh oh I went to wait did I get it oh my gosh I did get it I thought I went too late for that I'm gonna go in the front oh yes oh whoa whoa is it gonna move to Kirby oh my gosh come on it's still moving oh man I'm Gonna Knock the other one down off the platform Oh no you're gonna move it whoa whoa I don't know if that's bad or good all right let's try to go for this um is that a hamster or a gerbil I really don't know school for that thing I missed it no I'm gonna go for the front oh let's see what happens oh let's go right here oh man the front's starting to get crowded I'm a little nervous if I could put that in the back or in the front let's go for the front though oh it went in the back anyway it is pretty big let's try again for that durable okay let me find this just right I think you want to go for go first let's go for the black but yeah I'm gonna go for the back because it's really crowded on that back platform cloth back there it is knocked down that curvy thing okay let's see what Falls here I still get something to fall or should I I don't know it's falling wow okay let's get some gems oh Lord holy bubble suck all right I think I'm gonna aim for the front even though that might be risky try that yes oh my gosh so look at that I got this Kirby the eat you oh yeah oh my gosh so I got one of the big items I got the Mickey oh my gosh I can't believe I got to have to get knocked down so fast what else did I get down here I got this little Kirby thing in the packaging oh my gosh guys so that's one let's see if we can get another let's go for that big Kirby right there on the right that Kirby is ginormous oh man I only got a few Den that's okay though it's gonna go in the back I can't believe I got that to get knocked down that was amazing time for one of these little triangle things ah I missed it put some gems though I go in the back oh that was so awesome I still can't believe it okay let's see what to go for here I think I'm gonna wait until this Kirby that's right here comes around closer and right there but I did get a good jump scoop that's not bad oh I need this one right here to fall oh man okay I'm gonna go for this little Kirby package and there [Music] there oh goodness is it gonna get it [Music] I'm gonna go for the front oh yeah also don't fall off the platform oh my goodness it's gonna fall I know it oh I better put some money in here in here so let's see if I can get I think that little hamster thing is slightly Out Of Reach but I'm gonna go for it there oh pick it up oh darn all right I got three gems put that in the back nothing well just when I thought I could get it all right I'm gonna go in the back you're not gonna make anything fall whoa made my Kirby fall no it was on this it was on the back platform oh useless scoop right there going for the gerbil again but I don't think I will reach it we got three gems and it's falling on the on the bottom platform should at least get some gems that was a lot better and I'm gonna go for the back I want that big thing that's on the top platform to fall down once it falls it'll give me a really good Scoop let's go right here oh oh I almost got that Kirby thing over the front this time see what happens here oh my goodness they're just falling they're not even coming onto the platform sucks let's go right here oh I can maybe get that Kirby next time let me put some more money in money is in let's go let's get some Scoops oh goodness oh my goodness oh oh do I do I go for the fire for the back I really don't know let's go for the front please don't fall oh it's right over there oh my gosh oh and it's a wobbler is definitely wobbling oh I'm gonna go for this Kirby that I had set up last time it's right there I'm gonna wait for it hopefully I can time it just right so there oh goodness oh goodness oh and I pushed it all the way to the back man gonna go for that purple thing I have no idea what it is I think it's a bird oh yes I got a Kirby um package all right I'm gonna go for the back felt that kills the looking thing down I go right here for some gems okay that's pretty good I'm gonna go for the back oh my goodness every time I go oh I need more money every time I go for the back I um the gems they fall off and they don't even get on the platform okay let's see what happens here oh man that thing right there is that Kirby practice once the fall let's go for some more gems give me a good Scoop that is not a good soup go for the front this time and toss in keep it going get a little triangle package here I'm feeling it's gonna fall though where did it go oh okay back there gonna get some gems stupid 's better than none I guess in the bath all fell get some more gems okay that's better and for this one I'm gonna go in the front maybe it'll drop that Kirby in the front plastic oh I got one gem to fall onto the bottom platform finally I'm seeing some movement down here one and oh there goes my little Kirby package it fell on off on the right had to make sure I correctly right there oh my gosh all my gems fell off then I go for the hamster although I don't think I can get it moving on holy moly um I have no idea what to do here do I go for the front of the back tell me what to do I'm gonna go for the front please don't stop oh oh goodness oh there goes my Kirby Barn well at least I have two big put things in the back that can if they fall into the bottom platform that'll really help me out so again nothing happens purple thing oh goodness wow I wanted to hold on oh my gosh all that for two gems yeah oh I got one gem don't fall into the bottom platform oh he wants to move the Kirby okay I like that jump scoop I'm gonna go for the Press [Music] see if this moves anything oh yes I see some stuff moving but nothing that's gonna fall just yet so for that blue thing yeah I wanna try again for that big jumbo Kirby oh my gosh oh I thought I had it but it fell oh all right that is a lot better this time I'm gonna go for the back I'm hoping you can get one of those big figures they'll fall into the bottom bottom platform but you have more gems please yeah hey James okay gonna go for the front here oh my gosh I feel like every time I go for the front they just fall off the platform oh yeah that's a good Scoop right there I'm looking for the back because every time I go for the front they just fall off the sides okay that was pretty decent oh I need another good gem soup like that and maybe that oh bird I'll see what I can get here [Applause] oh okay I got some gems better than nothing every time I go over those Figures it's always a risky thing to do drop it in the back gonna be enough to drop that hamster nope it's not oh should I go for that big Kirby again I don't know if we can reach it first line okay oh I got some gems though that's what matters jumping it oh my God my gems actually landed all in the back oh okay we got a Kirby package down on the first platform oh yes come on oh yeah if it lays flat it will put some stuff down it's just it's just dancing back there no they're big ding okay I'm gonna go for the front on this one at the time it just right though give me some gems okay [Music] dropping it and they both fell off the sides [Music] because that's a good Scoop right there oh my gosh that Kirby wants to fall it wants the ball okay they're gonna fall now more jump more gems oh yeah that's a pretty good Scoop right there for the front should have went through the back I think do another one I'm gonna wait this is kind of empty here so I'm gonna wait for some more gems to come closer to go right here here [Music] yes that's what I'm talking about I have to go for the back because they keep falling off the spine give me a good Scoop decent School put it in the back let's go right there okay I got something to land back there gonna do anything wow look at that hamster thing does not want to fall give me a big scoop of gems please oh I got one Selena oh yeah yeah it's finally that was a really good Scoop gonna go yes it's fun that should be enough to push that no that Circle better not fall off the side I think it is it might roll oh is it is it gonna is it gonna oh my goodness okay there is my Kirby Kirby figure yes I like it let's keep going just a few more tries I feel like I did pretty well got some figures and I got one of the pink things to float I got my little missy pretty awesome come on oh goodness all right that's not gonna drop anything let's go for a good jump scoop right here oh all right and let's put that in the back look at all those three gerbils back there man it's not enough to make it fall so I'm only gonna try one more time I gotta get a good Scoop though gotta end it with a good Scoop give me something good yes all right I like that scoop we're gonna go for the back and let's drop it now all right let's see what happens here oh goodness but I think that's where I'm gonna stop it because those gerbils do not want to fall down well that sounds like oh my gosh I liked it I like this one a lot the one with the Kirby on the star it has some weight to it it feels like a pretty good quality that probably one of that's probably my favorite one and then this one you better watch out this one's really cute too and then my jackpot win was the messy bunny figure oh my God this is so awesome you know I always enjoy playing gem Clippers they're so or the other little figure but I'll see you next time
Channel: Cute Cuddly Cris
Views: 49,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cute cuddly cris, plush time wins crystal, cute cris, plush time wins, gems, gem pusher, pusher, arcade, claw, claw machine, crane game, cute prizes, japan, japan arcade, vlog, wins, claw machine wins, jackpot
Id: _Ea6ZkMF2ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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