Holmes Inspection Sea 01 Epis 24 Headroom Headache

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I'm so worried that you know we're gonna find some horrible horrible things didn't take me long to watch her the wrong bomb gone wrong and now you start to wonder like should we about the help somebody's really screwed this whoever did it did it wrong that was missed by the home inspector it's got there are two nice people but a house did the right things brought in a home inspector found that the furnace was out you know you should replace the furnace a couple of small things that's it they replaced the furnace then they started to notice a few things that didn't seem right decided to call me in now I'm gonna have to do a home inspection I know what was missed what's wrong and what I'm gonna do to make it right well there's a couple of things that we were looking for for the house one of the things is we knew we wanted to be in an older neighborhood a place that was close to an area where there was a coffee shop and some different things where we could easily walk to we wouldn't have to drive very often and I'm not a big fan of newer homes so we knew we wanted to be in an older neighborhood the other thing too is property and we really really liked the property the backyard for this house was wonderful the house that we ended up buying it was one of the ones that I had seen online and and I just from the picture online I thought what a lovely house neither of us are very handy so having a home inspector which was a good thing because we thought you know having someone come in who knows about homes and can find any issues and could point them out to us would be a great thing so what we were relying on is a home inspector to give us enough good information for us to make a sound decision on whether to purchase a home and what price to offer for the home hi you must be started yet I might like to meet you as pleasure to meet you I guess we started noticing some discrepancies from the home inspector report when we started cleaning the kitchen we open up the covers and we're just cleaning and I noticed that the vent for the gas stove was invented to the exterior I thought that was kind of odd because a home inspector never mentioned anything about that no big deal I could do that but it is the more and more that we look these little things kept coming up and it kept saying in the report acceptable acceptable and now we're questioning I read the report really what I got from it almost everything was acceptable they Don this a a cc acceptable so every report I read is different and it just is funny that we don't have a standard system but that's what I'm trying to do here so let's start in your kitchen why not since we're here the main problem started when I hired a plumber to come in to put a grated dishwasher holes I felt more comfortable at least I know it wouldn't leak and when he went downstairs to shut off the water basically the water shut-off valve was almost disintegrating and could not be turned off once he took it off and he had it in his hands so it just can be heard in his hands so we had to call in the city they had to turn off the water from outside so he could actually start work and he was here for several days it was a major issue if water started leaking into the house there was no way for us to shut it off the basement would've been flooded I don't like the way he's done this for me the plumbing was original we never touched that but he never touched us no never touch that right away I'm looking at your your abs here your drainage it's incorrect when it water runs down this way you see how it comes on this side where's it going sitting that's right it's going this way it's not going forward where it's supposed to I would explain why when we drain the sink the water comes up on the right side so the inspector himself missed the plumbing that was not up to code you brought in a licensed plumber who missed the drainage that is not at the code and he's fixed at her things so now I want to see what else he's done I love to swatch a melon Judges's do you put that up there I did if there is a code and I do not remember reading that the report and the code height is 6 foot 8 so this way when you walk down the stairs I'm 6 feet you don't smash your head coming down all right let's start in here okay I can tell somebody's messed with your your home big time structure see that somebody done something I see the new piece of wood no piece of wood now I can't really see that right now I want to know what they've done with the structure I became very concerned because I was questioning everything the home inspector did I started looking in the basement very carefully at the support beam I'm not a structural engineer I have no idea but it didn't look very stable to me so now I'm quite concerned I don't know if the support beam in the basement is structurally sound you talked about a little bit of funkiness on the beams right and you're correct is what we're seeing there's a small piece here this one's an old one right but we're seeing a piece inside that stops here there's too many small pieces we have another one here right so a small when it comes across on this fan from the here to there is approximately 9 10 feet maximum okay so from here to the block wall this should be all one not pieced but because it's a quad and it's all nailed together if it's nailed correctly it will be okay what did they do in changes in here that's a definite I want this all opened up here somebody has made changes here because we have a new post here why do we have a new post here on the walls why do we have a new post here this tells me the more unlikely structure has been changed in this house so what was changed and why is the pickup here so I'm gonna propose Damon takes out that bulkhead so I can see more to inspect what changes were made and did they do it properly really don't like this don't you explain why somebody's opened up and put in a bigger window so what the issues I see with this structure oh the structure itself with an end rim plate then the four jars coming out will hold a lot of the weight and the window itself has become a structure to that and it shouldn't be we want to see a metal info we want in this case is not a lentil we want to see a double beam out there and then tire are four joists back in that double beam on the outside will help pick up the load if it's a single and the floor joists come up it's going to push down on that window that's a lot of weight load on top of that one eventually is it a freaking window to finish our look at these lines that are stapled to not clip runs and receptacle on the floor it comes up the ties into the junction does not go through the floor joists but strap underneath it continues down over runs across and again nothing's properly strapped on a vertical sitting on top of the ductwork which is not allowed electrical lines are not allowed to be lying on top of the ductwork because once again two things don't mix electricity and metal if for any reason this hit a sharp point on the ductwork right energizes the ductwork anybody touching it can be electrocuted it can be shocked can be killed so this tells me right away that somebody's done some electrical the panel is slightly too high and the reason it's done this way is because this was the intake line right here to outside so the easiest way of doing this was to tie right into it rather than deal with the hydro company so this looks like a bonus to you guys doesn't it well the new panel look news and what else nice yeah without a permit now do you have a peace of mind if it's done properly yeah Erin doesn't know okay so visually I'm gonna take a quick look I see nice stapled lines appears to be fairly neat on the electrical however I'd see a junction point over there despite a lot of electrical in your light box there the new electrical tied into the old electrical and correct the more I look at the electrical the more I go somebody's really screwed this it wasn't electrician it was someone in the house where there was a homeowner a handyman a contract I don't care whoever did it did it wrong and it was missed by the home inspector I mean there's part of me thinking that we shouldn't have bought this house I kind of feel bad because it was sort of mortar for me because I like I found it online I thought what a beautiful house and you know I feel like I kind of got Scott into something that maybe we shouldn't gone down that road you the worst thing is the second guessing kept saying in the report acceptable acceptable if he's saying these things are acceptable and they're not we start questioning whether or not the things that are acceptable are acceptable or what else he did miss come on in here they run the gas line over top of all the spaghetti massive electrical why run it through here this goes up the stove electrical and gas are not smart mixed together if you have the opportunity to run in a clear path where it's not with electrical do you think you should do that let's talk about your plumber for a second okay I don't see proper venting we are too far okay somebody's moved this we're too far from the vent line we're gonna be within 5 feet so this means we have improper air behind water I read in the report plumbing acceptable acceptable acceptable wrong we had a former in here he didn't point this out bathroom so he's added a bathroom to the basement this is not regular that GFI is right here look at I have we have a GFI okay this tells me that we're wired correctly and it is working properly so whoever did this gf5 did that correctly unfortunately I'm the guy that's coming in afterwards and I'm doing an inspection but it's not like a standard home inspection call it a home inspection because now I'm going to look Oh Junction point with Wow oh you got a junction point here with way too many wires guys that did skip the things of electrical all you got do is move some tiles to see this I haven't gone far yet and I'm seeing electrical gas minor structure by the way signs will always tell me where things were really easy to move a tile isn't it so we found all kinds of electrical I moved one tile in the bathroom found two junction boxes with way too many wires so the more I look in here I bet you I'm going to see it everywhere somebody's really played with the electric when you're home all right I have already seen way too much and I've only been here a short period of time and I still have to do the full oral inspection on my own so I'm going to go get my tools I'm going to go through your house then I'm gonna tell you what it's gonna take to fix it I got a bad feeling I get a really bad feeling sir this way this is more than I expected so see how far we gotta go okay so relax thank you very much about thank you thank you times thank you um there's a lot more issues than what I was expecting I'm so glad he's here but learning all the different things that we weren't expecting is just a little overwhelming I can clearly see that the whole house has been all-new vinyl siding and the good thing about this is they use the one-inch styrofoam board maybe not the best but it's warning so this foam underneath it which means they tried to thermal break the outside we can see they put up a screen mesh here to keep the critters out I think that's gonna have to keep replacing this because trust me squirrels and raccoons will easily get in there and make a home they just like pot out get up there minor issues a lot of the things that the inspector missed as a trip hazard at the top of the stairs these are proper step Heights here but he has a trip hazard at the top and unfortunately he didn't point it out he had a camera and I was the first thing I look for when I come into a house it's evidence that things have been changed and soon as I start seeing things have been changed I'll start sourcing out house change what was done electrical plumbing structure it's not a standard Home Inspections me coming in to find out what's wrong what was missed and what I have to do to fix it this was a gas line a main our mains been if he here comes in and feeds the hot-water heater all of a sudden now this line has been teed off to split to feed the dryer and the silve upstairs the lines that I'm seeing here I don't think the size is big enough to accommodate two extra feeds off the desk so try and run this a hot water heater the stove and the drive at the same time there's not enough gas in this line to feed the three of them I looked under the stairs I see that the stairs are wrong the structures wrong everything is tied in is wrong you follow the stringers up but what are they tie into these stringers kind of nothing this needs to be again structure so what's the rely on if it lies on bail to the wall which we see right nailed to this wall and then these two pick up you piece of 2x4 to come up and now hold the way to the stairs it's not the code mr. Damon been a nobody I guess you can see this I can see this yes notice when I first walked in we have a climb over rail right that's an issue so we're gonna have to bring in some round people so that's an issue let's start with where I went what you really how I love that picture is I love to see the suspended seem gently to under tell you right now Paul every single tile in the scene every single one of them I want this ball kept whole because I know they've messed with structure I want to see what they've done I have a feeling that the stairs of the basement were in a different location that's what I was going to city because of that depth line while they move the duct line right all right you're so smacking your frigging not even coming down the stairs but they moved it over right why they move it on right so let's investigate us to want to me it's all minor but put them all together and you got what I got full house hey look at that play cards thanks thank you maybe she wants to help work which she cared that much of the wheel you a man stopped by looking for the foreman I was looking for a job okay and this is his resume it's better than no one out wanna see guys I don't even know what we're looking for yet Mike one sees down because he's afraid of a previous renovation in here we have some electrical issues we have some Junction busted so it's really about just looking around today it's a really good way to finish your basement I mean if you have a lot of wires yeah a lot of duct lines you have stuff in the ceiling that you want to get you want to finish your basement no better way than just doing a drop ceiling using these panels cuz you always have access gives it a nice finish it gives it a bit of soundproofing and a bit of an r-value I'd do it I hear there might be a most problem here but haven't seen any sign of it is there you have mouse cool hey it's kuba Wow a lot of gypsy boxes start taking off all this stuff on productivity so frankly we know that there's been some work done you're we don't know when because there's been no permits polls no electril permits or building permits on this house and there's been at least my takes at least two renovations in the house just a quick look at the panel and how many breakers we have with the size of a house right they're gonna have some overloaded circuits so we'll do the test troubleshoot and report it back to you and we'll take it from there and how far we're gonna go when you're working with unskilled trades I have the biggest problems unifying the electrical industries circuits that are overloaded just not knowing that this panel plug for are going to take should be dedicated it's not it clearly picked up other items on underway already then is it off now okay they're just cutting corners and saving a breaker and now costing you money aren't that have things rewired yeah well so far just on this page here I've got circa nineteen that's got 49 masada and then I've got circuit 23 that has sixteen items on it those two are overloaded I also clearly see now that the washer and the gas dryer are plugged into the same receptacle the gas dryer has a tumbler in it that does require its old circuit together they're going to drop larger than 50 inch it can overload the the circuit here's a prime example of laziness they ran the wire it's touching the duct if this cheating ends up cutting way along those sharp corners and ends up touching a metal this metal will be live shot it's like a first-year apprentice knows this kind of stuff this is it's pretty bad oh it's definitely chilly up here well definitely not enough insulation I can see that right off the bat this insulation here is probably at least 20 years old I'd say there's maybe an hour 25 or 30 up here at the most we definitely get in our 40 or 50 yeah you see a lot of rodent issues here oh yeah okay so we're having some rodent issues as well you can see it on the attic access they're going for the warmth the warmth of the house is actually heating the access panel door they're looking for that warmth I think it's easily fixed I think they're just finding a way up into the roof line here and working the way in here and then from up here they can actually work their way down the walls I mean they can fit in a quarter inch gap I don't like the fact that these two vents are so close to each other I'll get Steve to take a look at it not too much going on with this roof the shingles themselves are in pretty good condition the main entry is a location of the vents we've got a few bets are actually adjacent to each other the problem with depending on which way the wind blows one of these vents will act as an intake and the other one an exhaust air is really just circulating from vents to vent which means your only venting the area directly below the roof has themselves so what we want to do here is we actually want to remove some of the other event locations fill them in with new wood and shingles and install the proper amount event across the one side of the roof the third of the neighbors roof we have appropriate amount of vents all on one side of the roof and we do that just because they will function better but also for aesthetic purposes we don't put them on the front of the home we put them on the rear loan I begin by a plumbing inspection by our investigation of the pool sanitary drain under ground so far the line is clear the orders been draining out perfectly so I'm happy with what I see so this is what the previous contractor discovered it was a shadow bomb that was actually buried pretty much in a in a concrete floor but what puzzles me is the fact that this contractor who was a licensed plumber or perhaps even a master plumber install evolved off with the bleeder valve on the wrong side of a supply line in case if the water is turned off and the system is being drained we open the taps upstairs to let the air in and obviously drain all the water but then the bleeder valve should also be open at the at the very end to drain any residual water that's in a line now if this bleeder valve is on a is on the wrong side it will blast water that's coming from the city at 80 psi and you won't be able to control it at all another form that I discovered is where the laundry tub laundry tub is not vented properly every fixture needs to have its own trap and every trap used to be vented this is the vent that serves that fixture and the distance actually more than five feet so I'm gonna have to reduce that by relocating the actual laundry tub I will actually be able to solve the plumbing problem improve the venting system as well as move away from electrical panel which at the moment or laundry tub is too close to the electrical panel a good idea to document all this stuff this is going to be hard for Mike to see at the very end I mean we're repairing this replacing it before anyone's gonna get their eyes on it I definitely ought to document this for a final report at the end it shows everything that was wrong everything we did to fix it and the finished product you I mean this is all about a home inspector who does not have a background in the building industry if he does shame on him yeah there's too many things have been missed let's just get the whole mortise that's walking through let's tell them everything and then well you know what you have to do oh yeah you have to make it right I will good job good job this is one of those jobs where we actually bring in I'd say everything yeah every journal absolutely everyone little things we're gonna start with the front stairs okay it's we do have a tripping hazard there that we have a long height at the bottom and a wrong light at the top we're gonna pull your stairs we're gonna raise the bottom up to a proper height bring your stairs up and eliminate the tripping hazard okay inspector should have caught that it's minor compared to everything else you're being brought in stevegrace to be on the roof up there because what's happened you have six roof ends up there as far as I'm concerned the inspector should have caught this you're over vented on the top so feeds been out there they pulled off all six pens out of there covered in the holes hold up the shingles put a new vents proper amount for on the back so ever did it fit build right and then we got the inspector looking at I go on looks fine to me we've only been outside ready go inside we're kind of scared to go inside well you know what there's I'm not afraid it's not really big it's just a lot of little crap and a lot of little crap that's gonna feel big bag of money that's what it adds up to as you can tell there's no more watch your melon sign there so watch your melon I'll tell you verbally we know that there's work been done this we can tell by the age of the beam this is something that was good done here they bolted they have one two three four five we call this a five two by ten beam right if you notice nothing is anchored whatsoever we see too much of a telescopic point at the top here in other words too much of a pin at the top which makes this actually structurally weak and not being tied into the beam means that if somebody hits this too hard he comes down we will fix the structure issue your master plumber let's talk about the tap that he installed that tap it actually has an arrow on it that says direction of water flow and how you installed he's installed it upside down so it's 100% upside down that means if you shut it off and you open the air intake nothing but water bleeds him and how much of each urgent 3,000 3,500 well that was a total waste of your money that he benefited from and you know do we want to for him to come back in a fix it no I didn't know what he was doing well that makes sense to me why call him in why what recommend him right I was very surprised I thought that the plumber we hired to come in to fix the things that the inspector miss that that he's that part of it would be good and now we found out that that's not good as well pretty mad about that break him in for the electrical they found a lot of electrical issues they're gonna put in the door panel bring it down and make it proper here's what I get from this we bring in a home inspector it doesn't notice the gas issue doesn't notice that the rails on the stairs upstairs which we're gonna replace Ryan horizontal you're not allowed to do that they must be vertical I kid cannot climb the minor minor but doesn't notice them so he doesn't know this he she I don't care who they are how the hell are you supposed to know anything all right well we add up all these little things roofers electricians plumbers HVAC gas guys yeah we're in the mega number sorry friend that we're in the large thousands thousands of dollars and and how'd you have you know I had the right inspector who said well you're looking at maybe 50 grand worth of fix up here you know would you have something maybe to negotiate now to buy the house yeah yeah we didn't have that did you no okay you do now okay okay but we're gonna do it for you thank you okay so the worse keep smiling I'm thinking don't worry about your Melanie right there oh my gosh I think this guy's in charge he's real good thank you very much yeah it's still kind of angry that whole spectrum is so much does this so many things that Mike found it's just it was kind of shocking for us he did say some of things are small which is great it's just the sheer number of things it's just unbelievable whenever you make a connection in a box or in a pot light or to plug you should always put the wire together before you put the bread on it or you end up having a situation like this we just take the bread off but no lighting goes that reason being is because this wire was never twisted together with the rest of them so all that's holding this connection together is this little tiny Moret now if this ever comes loose for vibrations to the floor or something like that this thing falls off now you have an open connection it's like throwing a match it fires just wait for something to happen don't you three the purpose of this of this class would be to install a new leader Bob obviously in the right position so that the bleeder valve is on a homeowner site so that once the run valve is turned off I can use the bleeder valve to actually let the water out from the housing and make sure that the system is completely empty the reason we're changing this panel is this panel is installed way too high to beginner the way we're moving it it's not really moving it away we're just more turning and installing a better quality panel than the one that's here there little bit more user-friendly they offer a lot more expandability so that's why we're doing first major problem I have here is the slope problem if the drain is not slow properly yeah this is a it allows to water obviously to accumulate as well as the grease this is how it should have been done in the first place basically plumbing 101 building what I have on my left-hand side the water from this compartment drains directly into the trough and then out to the to the sign of our line the water from the right-hand side compartment drains right this way so they both drains sort of independently up to up to this joint and then from here and they continue out to the rest of the line this is the master bedroom in this house and as you can see from the ceiling and or any of the rooms up here there's no light anywhere in the ceilings of these houses so what we're going to do is in each bedroom we're going to put a light the ceiling will search at the door controlling a fixture in each bedroom on the top floor and voila one more job down good job chipper you okay I mean there's some good things here whoever whoever did this is did it right because it's a quad game actually it's five so they applied to buy tens and they bolted it so we have some structural professionalism here this is good this is good the window we really don't see any issues I checked and the up to the upstairs window that I think years ago was the door that load is carried up over in a cross right okay the load of the wall and the second floor is carried on this side and on that side it's allowed in code which is good instead of building their landing properly and supporting the back of the stairs along the top of the stringer like we shoot up the landing is up too high and there's no support holding the back of stairs from falling back or even to give it anything for pushing and sliding out we're going to build the proper a proper landing underneath this landing to give the stairs the bracing that they need now when someone walks up this from these stringers now the weight is transferred back through all four of these cripples back to the frames law very strongly the way should have been from the beginning we're disconnecting the old gas line they had two new feeds coming off that they were feeding the hot water tank a stove a dryer all of Patridge line so we're going to run this all the way back to the one-inch main and bring in a three-quarter inch line and then tee off this is the fitting they had in there it was a 1x1 by half we're changing that fitting into one by one by three-quarters so I have to take the gas pipe out all the way back to this time so now get this one back in and then reconnect everything we will be replacing they have a copper line that's running right over the electrical panel now there's a lot of electrical wires that are touching the gas line all these old copper gas lines we'll be removing them and putting in some gas flex piping with some plastic shielding we're doing a special looking for Rowan activity so we're looking for either droppings or dead dead mice most rodents carry diseases like hantavirus typhoid and Salmonella they also chew on wires so they cause a lot of electrical fires so that's biggest concern also notice a hole in the insulation that's obviously a hole where mice have been going through and nesting in this attractive serious home order use their own traps and first glance that looks like a deer mouse and like I said earlier deer mice are known to carry the hantavirus and here looks like another trap Atta that the homer use is also a live trap the risk of leaving them up their uncle dies a lot you dry up and they howl the smell also the hantavirus epic care so if you're cleaning up the droppings we want to make sure when you do remove them they use a proper mask these are temper resistant bait stations so kids or animals can't get into them so what happens the rodents are going to go on either side and feed on the bait that's in the middle of the block there we're install these bait stations where we see rodent activity so drop ceilings attic areas we try not to put them where there's food so you're not in the kitchen area so if you're seeing droppings or dead mice that's where you want the bait stations a lot of entry points like water lines electrical lines dryer lines stuff like that soldered inspection outside to seal all those holes as well we use copper wool or stainless steel wool and it will around the outside of that as well and it just prevents any myself company the in shops have got numerous problems every corners leaking the most of the profits lost a lot of its slope full of ice and debris so it's really aged and weathered broken down the shops are prematurely so we'll be changing the new 5-inch Nemo Steve straw the other issues here we've got a lot of mature trees a lot of debris frozen into the to the existing yeast we'll be putting on smart screen to eliminating those issues they did a nice set of stairs the stringers are perfect the treads are perfect the heights are perfect one crucial thing they did wrong is give it a trip hazard at the top by an inch and a half you're carrying in groceries you trip on that it's going to be a nasty fall and hopefully not into the glass store that's right in front you never want to bury any type of wooden soil I mean it really should be sitting on some kind of pride that keeps it off the ground the minute you very would you're susceptible for it rod and getting insects and just deteriorating you want to get some kind of concrete pad or a patio stone to actually sink your stairs on so that it's not just absorbing all the noises in the ground the ground carries a lot of moisture especially in the spring thaw we do not want wood rot basically what we're looking at here is a homemade skylight it's a plexiglass that they just sort of constructed into a wood frame and they've got some some flashing over it for some sort of you know it keeps some of the water out because it's just over an exposed porch there's a there's no heat loss through them it's an exterior space so they're basically doing their job we're just going to finish the inside of it just have a cleaner finished look versus just being able to see through the branding section also because we'll be closing this in there's no more entry point for any rodents raccoons or scrolls for birds to get into the ceiling of the porch mask so not only with the closing in fix it cosmetically but it also help protect any animal infiltration basically the old doc was running in this area right here giving us this was our head height for our dock which we didn't have enough cleared from the bottom of the buck to the bottom of our first step so clearly a height issue here basically we removed all the start work we hung our new dock work on the opposite end of the beam again giving us a little bit more height by widening it and shrinking it down giving it a cleaner finish or airtight and making the room livable finish off this basement not have a problem it's a hundred percent better than what it was we're into a bit of a snag today I'm trying to get in a proper sized doors be able to get in appliances get me mitts on the furnace be able to move that stuff came out of this room I need to get a proper door in by code 32 inches so that they can actually get stuff in and out of this room how do I do that when I have an elbow here Gary's brothers Duckworth here nice and neat nice job right through so Gary's done I now have another headache where I have to get a door in here how do I get it go around ductwork so we're gonna move this wall four inches back which allows me to get in a 32 inch door here is what we want I finished off this area giving me my doors shrunk the bathroom now we can finish the bulkheads and maybe go home tonight at some point Cottle says good okay good it is you we're just making a tape reporting righty this was a climate bull rail right here so we got to bring it up to code and you're the man somebody I'm here to do it thank you these guys have done an amazing amount of work in a short period of time by staying late they've done a fantastic job here we're well underway a lot of painting and billing today but is nothing we can't handle we're on our way to giving this one back to make a very hot Oh mr. Bennett this looking pretty good I can tell you didn't just like put in the new set of stairs with new rails and OC stones and concrete yeah we took out the old stuff all for one and a half inch like unbelievable what the amount of work out there passwords huge this is perfect because the last time I was here it was dark the whole eye area was dark so this now because this white is spreaded a light rail and it's brand I live in against the windows I really like it have to be writers they put this in it just lit it right up and it stops the critters from getting in absolutely done its job okay you know what new railings new everything else we're still going downstairs though cleaning so I'll touch up the rails yeah a little bit something tells me it's gonna be a little dark it'll be dark for sure welcome home nice to see you man very good little things you see the real you know what it's something the home inspector shouldn't amiss if you have to make sure that you cannot climb the rail obviously it's a lot of cheap fix but it's the way it should be Daymond found something in attic when you went to the Attic what'd you find I found a lot of stuff not enough insulation and I found a lot of mice evidence of mice which we've taken care of for you thank you more installation from absolutely we talked it up it wasn't it just wasn't enough there was double Pat's of insulation there's not enough we top it up you know what mom we go downstairs oh yeah watch your head no more nor snacks donate why block down you're not gonna hit your head actually don't look too much here let's go to the furnace run on a clock in the furnace room and then I'll bring you out here and tell you what we did cuz there's some changes I don't know if you notice check in case just a few it's fantastic now he's gone through with his crew and he's fixed all the problems it's just great we don't need the cinema it's fantastic clearance down there yep a brand new electrical panel I love Frank and I love his guys that come in one panel whole house protector so it's a surge protector you understand what this is yes for like lightning strikes I guess well yes any any type of surge mainly lightning like may hits the ground it comes in comet hits the ground line comes in it fries the motherboard in the furnace I go on and on I've learned this because my house got hit by electricity home so it doesn't mean it doesn't mean you shouldn't have a surge protector on your stereo or TV it's really the main backup I still don't you know please get a surge protector for all your valuables this is the big one that we want to care about make sure the lights are on I've cleaned up everything electricals done it now let's see what really good plumbers do let's look over here wow what a difference you can now this is not only good formers this is also our HVAC guys and also gas look at your gas lines that's the way we want to see how neat it is no one lines by the panel the bros actually did quite updated awkward and we're gonna have this main line that now comes up under the beam back up and around and what we did was take that whole trunk line and move it on the other side of this wood beam the old truck that used to be here that air is pushing to the end and if it's not directed properly in a proper why you'd lose a large amount especially from the beginning of the furnace a large amount of air that goes through was it cold in the house prior to us being it definitely definitely especially on the upper level now that we've done all this that air is going to be distributed properly throughout the house a lot warmer upstairs if we do follow the ductwork we know what comes up contain here now here's where it runs and shoots off the where it's supposed to go throughout the house all the ball kids have been done new ceiling before we go here what you do here this bathroom was roughly about here at one point because we added this wall we had to give a proper door to be able to move washers and dryers in and out there was no choice but to move this wall back redoing the bathroom on the inside luckily you had enough room inside because there was no room to go to the toilet we would have been in big trouble but we had enough room to do it and is accomplished getting the Dory I like it it's really good now proper registers in the ceiling proper balance throughout and all new tiles which really cleans it up and makes it look better there's almost no one that we know that we didn't bring in but once again that's a lot of money that you don't expect I heard something earlier that was said from you that it made you feel like you bought a lemon you kind of pushed and wanted this older style home and it made you feel like your violin don't think that way I get I understand it I do everything anything can be fix the point is if you if you're going to hire someone you want the right information understand what you just might have to face and a possibility how much it's gonna cost it wasn't your fault okay so we come in we just made it right that's all we did I feel much better okay because this is not your fault so I'm glad and I'm hoping to feel better buddy cuz this is my house everything I think we feel great now good good oh yeah okay again along with it if I can think that I match their budget my father my uncle over was just a relief now that we have back the house we wanted and not the house with all the problems we have a little something for everybody we know that everyone really bonded with our dogs yes she loves everybody she can miss all of you we have no picture a great vision that's a great boy good girl
Channel: Magda Stella
Views: 46,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d9yjwSoegjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2016
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