Hollyland Lark M2 | microphones the size of a quarter!! Did they sacrifice the quality?

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let's try the sweater I mean this is the size of a quarter hey guys welcome back to the channel let's talk about the lar M2 that I have right here now these it get me excited because they're so small and they work really well it's not just another product another microphone they really did a huge Improvement here when you look at the lar 150 and the lar M1 that I have here they are great and it is a big huge Improvement but when you look at these new guys here I mean these guys they're so small it's hard to beat it really is hard to beat the very first thing I want to talk about here is how you can attach these guys onto your body that's the thing that impressed me the most there are several ways you can do so the first one is the one I'm going to use the most I think is a little magnet like this and all you have to do is put it like so on your T-shirt and you're good to go there that's it stays put make sure it is up and uh up you go now let's say you want to use another type of attachment you don't want to use the magnet uh but you want to use a clip okay so this little attachment here that says holyland is a clip on and all you have to do once again you put the magnet and you can turn the clip on however Direction you want which is very convenient uh let's say I want to put it on my t-shirt here so I can just clip it on like so and uh make sure the mic looks up and off you go and now I can talk and it's clipped on it can be on shirt on the side on the little pocket on on the collar wherever you want and last but not least we have the little necklace so this is the same exact system all you have to do is put your little uh microphone on top like so and you put it around your neck so now you have it on here and you can talk with your little necklace it looks really fancy honestly I think it's cool this little rope black and white here it's not for everyone or every case scenario but I think it looks pretty nice if you're going to be uh I don't know wearing some some sort of shirt that's made in a way that you know it's very uh soft or very thin and if you magnetize this on it it's just going to you know move around if you use it like so you're going to be good to go another I thing they give you is little stickers that I have right here this is the sheet of stickers and what that does is that you can basically take them off and put them straight on your little mic that I have here now I'm going to show you the original mic it looks like this this is the mic that you receive with the ho and logo and it's great I I have nothing against it I love whole land and their logo it's great but there's one thing that sometimes I don't really like is having this white whatever it says this white little thing on your shirt you see you can see it so what I did is I put a little black sticker on it like so and when you look at them side by side you can see that having a black one looks better um obviously you can put like little moods and stuff like that like I showed you but they also give you black ones and white ones down here here as you can see so if you're going to wear for example a white or very light t-shirt maybe you want to stick a little white one on it so you have a black one and a white one especially if you're going to have the duo like I have right here the advantage of having a magnetic attached uh microphone transmitter is the fact that you can you know move freely like it's going to stay attached here and even if you jump around like so it's not going to be a problem in fact I did a little test outdoors and this is how it sounds all right so for this test where I'm jumping around with the mic so I took off my jacket it's really cold um uh but at least I can show you what happens if you jump with the mic on um as you can see it's uh it's okay I think I cannot hear the audio but if you're doing an interview of a soccer player and he's just telling you about the soccer game from last night this is how it's going to be uh I really cannot feel it on me the same as my hands I just can't feel them uh so yeah it's uh I think it's a it's a good product another impressive Point here is is the weight and the size in terms of weight we're talking n g for the little transmitters 9 G I mean if you go any lower than that soon we we're going to compete with the mobile version of the receiver which I have right here weighs six G so this is lighter than the actual transmitter and the camera version weighs 15 G so these are very lightweight little things um you see they're not going to take a lot of space they're not going to be too heavy by all means and you're going to be able to fit them any anywhere in your bag when you go out to shoot uh it really is a runand gun type of setup and I have been using the m1's for now a couple of years this has been my go-to microphones for everything so I think this is going to replace my setup because they're even smaller in case there's a lot of wind they provide you with a de cat um I mean I call it a dead cat it's very small but this is how it looks it is really small but if you compare this to the actual mic uh look at the size difference here it's it's pretty impressive so it really covers the whole thing up to make sure you have no wind going through it is a big dead cat actually it's it's a big piece so here we are outside and we're going to test the wind dead cat it's blowing very nicely it's freaking cold like I'm freezing my butt right now uh but let's see how it sounds afterwards I have no idea because I have no feedback but I'm hoping uh this is going to make a difference it's pretty cool because you have this little uh little furry Bowl on your chest is it's actually neat it looks cool and by the way in case you didn't know there is a little arrow uh at the back of the mic of the transmitter that shows you where the actual mic is pointing so when you put your your little furry cat on here um it it it tells you how to point it up to record yeah that's something you can only find out when you actually test it so that's without the win and this is with the win there as we've seen on the lar M1 the the lar M2 also has noise cancelling so this active noise cancelling feature which is the little yellow button on the side here um allows you to cancel the environment noise so there's no better way to test this than to go outdoor where there's a little bit of noise and to see the difference with and without here you go okay so I'm holding this next to my mouth uh there is a big bus passing by so we can hear uh a lot of uh loud noise we're in the middle of a street and now I'm going close to a water fountain so this is the noise you're going to hear this is without the noise cancelling and now I'm going to turn it on there you go so now the noise cancelling feature is on um this is what you're going to hear I have no idea how good or bad this is going to be but this is with and this is without so that's how much you're going to hear the water around me without and this is with so I look a little bit weird here in the middle of a village close to water fountain talking to the water but um anyways it's great so uh at least you can hear in real life how it looks and how it sounds it comes with a charging case like so uh you can see the little status in the front right here it says holy land on the side so in terms of size USBC is right here in terms of size if you compare this to the lar M1 they are very similar it is a little bit shorter in terms of height but it is a little bit thicker in terms of on the sides so uh not a big difference terms of uh case size but it's what's inside that makes a big difference you can connect this to an iPhone or to any device that has USBC so they give you in this package the iPhone lighting Port uh little adapter and the USBC little adapter I did not try this USBC one but basically all you have to do is plug it under your phone and that's it you take the transmitter put it wherever you need to put it and you're good to go you start recording a video and they're connected I had a lot of issues in the past with people asking me how to connect an iPhone with the lar M1 I even made a dedicated video I mean you can always go check it up here but now it's even simpler all you have to do is really just put this thing at the bottom of your phone or device and start recording here's a test of the iPhone 13 mini so you can see how it would sound if you were to use this little transmitter here on your phone directly and I'm just going to move around hopefully you're going to be able to see me still so here I am moving around the office and if you want to use this for vlogging purposes you can do so the sound is going to be great now I'm going to activate the noise cancelling mode here we go so now it is activated this is how it sounds when you activate nose cancellation we are within the office so there's not a lot of echoing but you can still hear a little bit of a difference between the active noise cancelling and the normal mode now if I want to turn off the video as I said all I have to do is double tap right here so bye-bye let's talk about recording distance and transmission hollyland is working a lot on that aspect be it for their mics but also for their transmission devices such as you know monitors and intercom and all that that good stuff and they claim that this one now has 300 M or 1,000 ft of transmission distance so I went outdoor because there's no better way to test this than than being outside we just did the test and I got to about 100 m you can see me all the way down here uh so so far so good this is the distance you can go to there's a couple cars passing by which is great so we can hear how much noise we he on the microphones I have the dead cat on so it's going to cut some of the wind which is great it's a perfect example and test uh of this little feature and so you can EAS go to 100 m in the middle of a city city or Village like I am now but you're not going to be able to do more than that I tried on the main road just before and we had the same problem at around 100 between 70 and 100 m it starts cutting off even if I'm directed towards the camera it is still going to give you these Cuts uh of signal so they claim 300 M but in real life I don't think you're going to be able to get so much um transmission there you will get a whooping 40 hours of battery life that is 10 hours per charge on your transmitters you can charge each one twice so that's 20 hours that becomes 40 hours with one case fully charged takes about an hour and a half to charge so again very very convenient being able to use it for 10 hours per charge is a long time especially since you don't normally shoot for 10 hours straight what you do is you record and when you're done recording you just put it back in the case and the case is going to charge it up so within an hour hour and a half even if it's dead it's going to be fully charged again so there's really no way to go through a day without being able to record with this little uh transmitters there is a metallic mesh noise-free and stable Wireless transmission what that means is this little transmitters have a little grid and that grid will stop most of the dust from coming inside but also it will stop you hearing the rubbing when you're rubbing this against clothes that's a big problem that you know I had in the past uh when you are doing for example a podcast an interview whatnot and you put the mic let's say there's a girl that has long hair you don't really know always where to put it if she wants to keep the hair down and it might rob and touch and you can hear that in the recording wherein these guys so far didn't give me that problem and something that might you know could be interesting is to test what happens if you you know you rub this little grd surface against clothes and whatnot so that you know what happens in real life if you do so so here let's try the sweater the leather jacket the inside of the leather jacket the pants the shoes okay that's it when I say that they went at a length with these little microphones I mean they really went in detail and added a load of different features one of them is the fact that you can start recording your videos or stop by double pressing the noise cancelling yellow button so when you have it on all you have to do is you double tap and that's going to start recording or it's going to take a photo and when you're done you double tap again so you don't have to go and you know turn off the camera that can be useful if you're for example doing a selfie video or just a selfie you can even use that for that purpose so anyways little detail that I like to have on these little mics when you want to check the volume if you want it to be low mid or high there is a little knob now and when you turn that knob what it does is that it shows you three little dots it says minus plus and you can see exactly where your volume is set I had issues with the M1 where I didn't know I never knew basically how to set my volumes I had to always kind of fiddle around with buttons and try to figure it out and try to have a setup that would work always but if I would touch any button I would not know where to where to press I had to take the manual back and so forth anyway this one is very intuitive you can see right away where you're at if your volumes have changed you can put them back by just turning a knob and that's it another cool feature is the fact that you can connect the receiver to a computer via usba or USBC it is really Plug and Play so you just plug it in take your little transmitter start talking and you're going to be able to record your voice on your computer now if you're using a MacBook Pro for example there's already a microphone but what if you want a better quality or if you want to get real close to your throat here and really get deeper Rich uh levels uh while you can use this little guy that goes for any you know conference call for any video call any anything so again another big plus so all in know I think this is the best upgrade I've seen on microphones so far um I have been using like I said the M1 for a long time and I'm going to be using this guys flat out for any recording from now on it's definitely going to replace my m1's I don't always say that new is better but in this case if you're thinking or considering to buy a set of mics I would definitely just go straight for the M2 and if you have the M1 and you want to upgrade I think it is worth the upgrade honestly they're really small very Compact and if you're someone that does a lot of Run and Gun and that doesn't want to have any any bulk or that wants to have the possibility or the option to clip it in different ways then this is the microphone for you don't forget to subscribe to not miss any of my future contents if you have any question like always write it down the comment section below I'll answer as fast as possible and I see you very soon take care cheers
Channel: Cris with no H
Views: 5,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollyland lark m2, lark, lark m2, lark m1, hollyland lark m1, lark 150, hollyland, test, review, how good are they?, best mics of 2024, small, compact
Id: ww5fvOGfbz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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