Hollandaise Sauce & Eggs Royale

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[Music] today you're gonna be learning about hollandaise sauce and then from the hollandaise sauce you'll have the option to make either explorin teen eggs benedict or eggs Royale the first thing you're going to need to do is you're going to need to get your butter out and you're gonna need about 120 grams of butter melted so we're gonna use a double boiler so I've got a bowl here I'm going to put the butter inside I've got a pot here I'm going to turn the stove on to start heating up the water so I can use a double boiler to melt the butter I'm gonna suggest if you have a scale great go ahead and use it however you'll notice that a lot of these butter packs they'll have measurements of like 10 grams or 20 grams little increments just follow that and that will be close enough so I've just counted there's a hundred and 120 so I'm just gonna cut that open and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna cut it if for a few grams off here there it's not a big deal and then I'm just gonna cut this 120 gram into little pieces so I can put it into my pot to begin melting the butter I just cut it down into smaller cubes so that melts a little faster a little bit easier I'm gonna have to wait so long all right after that's done go ahead put your putter back in the fridge next we're gonna prepare our egg yolk so go ahead grab a bowl get your eggs out and you're gonna separate your egg yolks from your egg whites so crack that open and then allow the egg yolk to slide over and you can put the egg yolks into this small bowl or medium-sized bowl you can keep these egg whites for egg white omelet or anything else if you want to make something aside otherwise you can just throw them away so there I go I have got all of my ingredients ready and so I'm gonna move on to the next step now now that the egg yolks are separated from the egg white and the my butter is melting we're gonna go ahead and juice one lemon so just go ahead cut it in half if you don't have a juicer you can just squeeze it into a small bowl but since I have one I'm just gonna go ahead and use it and just squeeze all the lemon juice like so and then like I said if you don't have that go ahead and just squeeze it back and forth what I find sometimes is taking a lemon ahead of time and rolling it really hard on a flat surface will loosen up the lemon so that it's easier to juice as well so just another little tip there we go you got lemon juice I'm gonna put all my lemon juice inside of a little measuring jug ready so now I have pretty much almost all of my ingredients right the butter is melted and I've just transferred the butter into a cup or a measuring jug whatever's easiest for you and I actually transferred my egg yolks into a medium-sized bowl so that it can fit over top a mug double boiler more easily I'm gonna recommend you also put a cloth over top of your double boiler so that when you put it on here and you start whisking it doesn't slide around very easily I'm gonna start adding the remaining ingredients so on the recipe I've asked for about 1/8 teaspoon of salt so I don't have a salt I just got a grinder here so I'm just gonna add about what I think is 1/8 of a teaspoon of salt your grinds there I'm gonna add in around 7 grams which is about if you take a tablespoon you would eat just put about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in or if you have a scale at 7 grams and I'm gonna do one tablespoon of water as well and then I'm gonna make sure that I have a whisk and I'm gonna start to whisk up all of those ingredients together now we want to bring that back over our double boiler so you're gonna turn this on make sure it's not going too crazy you want to heat this up slowly and we're gonna cook this until it starts to thicken okay so I'm gonna take this over here and I'm going to start with Bing and you got to make sure that you constantly whisk otherwise you run the risk of scrambling the eggs inside and you'll know right away if you've done that because it will look like scrambled eggs if you don't have a whisk at home you can also use a hand mixer if you have a hand mixer you could put that inside the pot some people find it easier because it is beating more area so it's less likely to scramble some people find it easier but traditionally you should be using just a hand whisk so after we start to see we get to see that starts to thicken we will then start adding in our butter you can take it off the heat if you're ever worried and then put it back on make sure you're scraping all the sides the bowl gets really hot right so just working slowly you can see lots of bubbles starting to form so I can see it's got a lot thicker now it's no longer that runny yolk that it was earlier then you're gonna start to see I'm just taking off the heat as I whisk it cuz that bowl is still really hot you have to keep that in mind so I'm quite happy with it right now you can see your whisk marks you've seen it bubble up and thicken sometimes it will want to have a suction onto the pot like you just seen I had earlier so now I'm gonna begin starting to add in a little bit of butter when you add the butter in you cannot add it fast you have to add it like a slow drizzle otherwise it will not create an emulsion so our egg yolk in this recipe is our a multiplier it's what's gonna bind the lemon juice and water and butter together because usually fat the butter won't combine easily with the water and lemon juice the water found inside okay but the yolk is what is our multiplier which binds the two things together so you can imagine if you had water and oil and you put them together you know that one the oil would rise to the top and not mix evenly with the water but if you mix or shake that bottle up with the - they're gonna mix together but again they're gonna separate back out because they don't have an emulsifier so the moles the fire grabs pull one end of a water particle and the other end of a fat particle and it holds them in place so that they do not separate out now this gets really tiring for some people do not try to over don't try to rush it by adding the butter in faster because your arms getting tired you can switch hands like this and whisk or you can have a partner help you a friend family member okay but the key is to add the butter and slowly not fast so you can see here it's coming along really nicely and say you mess up this holiday sauce and you have to start over don't throw away the one that you mess up if it doesn't come together and look really nice and smooth like 9 1 here what you can do is you can set it to the side measure up everything again make another one if you have a good one you can save any one that went wrong if the butter split or separated then you would just take your good one like this for example and then you would start adding in the one that was bad a little bit at a time but you have to having a good emulsion to be able to fix one that was bad you can't just keep feeding one and hoping that it will come back together cause that won't happen I'm almost done all my butter here there we have it we have our perfect nice hollandaise sauce now if I wanted a little bit thicker I can just leave it over this heat and keep whisking for a little bit longer and that heat will continue to thicken up the sauce a little bit as it cools down it will also thicken and say you were to make this first and then let it cool it's gonna really thicken a lot and so what you can do is if to make it ready to use again you can just take a tablespoon of really hot water and then add a tablespoon and it will loosen and soften up the sauce to be able to use one more time when you go to crack your egg you're gonna crack it not just directly into the water the best tip that I found is you're gonna take your egg and you're gonna crack it over a small sip something like this not nothing with giant holes but something there's just really small holes and I usually put it over a bowl or measuring jug so tap tap tap crack your egg find that crater go over top of the sieve and then just slowly release the egg inside and what's gonna happen is you're gonna have your egg white one it's gonna remain inside of the sieve but egg white two will start to remove itself the really liquidy part okay because it's not inside that membrane you're not gonna leave it in there for too long and be careful if it's in a bowl if it wants a tip like you can see here in my bowl might be easier in a measuring jug or whatever works best the next thing you're gonna do is you're going to want to have a ladle so take your ladle you're gonna put it in the water and you're gonna dump the egg inside of the ladle just to help keep its shape if you don't have a ladle you can just do it directly in the pot before we put anything in the water though I'm gonna suggest you take a little bit of vinegar and you're gonna add just a little bit of vinegar to the water approximately a teaspoon what that does is it helps the egg collectively or start to change its state really quickly went inside the water so now I'm ready I don't want to leave it in here for more than 30 seconds or so I've got my ladle here and I'm going to go ahead and I'm gonna dump it directly inside you don't need it to be boiling too rapidly just have a nice simmer on in the water so take your ladle up to the surface make sure it's still underneath the water make sure when you move this over you don't let the sieve touch the water so you're just gonna dump it into your ladle like so and then what some people like to do or I like to do is take a spoon but as I lowered it and I'm just gonna make a vortex over top like a tornado spin the water to help the egg to get a nice round shape inside your ladle so you can see here it's turning really nice so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to set a timer and I'm going to set a timer for a total of three minutes okay you want to let the egg poach for three minutes in the water you can go ahead and just leave your ladle there and then allow it to poach after three minutes well you're gonna take it out of the water and you're gonna place it into a bowl of cold water the reason why I put it in cold water is because if I'm not going to eat it right away and I need to poach a number of eggs I can put them all in cold water and stops them from continuing to cook so the yolk stays nice and runny and then when you go to serve it you can take all of the eggs out of this bowl dump them back in the hot water for about 30 to 45 seconds and then they're hot and ready to serve all at once so that's kind of my tips and secrets of how i poach a nice egg there's lots of other ways out there that I've I've watched on YouTube or read about but I personally find that this is the best method of poaching an egg and you'll see here in a moment how nice it is so if I didn't sniff it out you're gonna see this extra egg white that's left in this bowl here what would happen is it would start stringing up all over and it would start releasing and into the water and it makes it foamy and not very nice to to work with so do make sure that you sieve it if you can but if you can't and you don't have a sieve at home don't worry you can do the same process do the vortex over top with your spoon so just gonna spin Smith bin over top of a ladle or inside of a pocket on the ladle and what will happen is you create that vortex and that access egg white number two will spin off and then it will float to the top and then you can just take a spoon and you can skim it off the top and then throw it into the the bulb the timer has just finished so it's time to take the egg out of the water now so when you take it out it might still be in the ladle it might have not be you can either use a spoon or the ladle itself whatever is easiest for you I like to set it on a spoon and then here I'm gonna either put it in the cold water so I've poached my eggs now and I'm gonna reheat them as I go to plate up I've got my salmon out here for eggs Royale I'm gonna take my smoked salmon out and I'm going to also take out my English muffins and toast those if you have a toaster just pop them in a toaster after you cut in half look at this ready first one English muffin take a bread knife cut it in half and you're gonna pop that into the toaster if you don't have a toaster but you have an oven you can place that in the oven to to toast it and then we're gonna start plating this up so well this is toasting and I'm gonna reheat up my poached eggs so I'm going to just take the poached eggs which I showed you how to poach and place them into the hot water and I'm gonna place them in there for approximately 35 45 seconds on a low medium heat just to rewarm them and then they'll be ready to plate everything up my eggs have been in the water now for 45 seconds so it's time to take them out I've got a bowl I've just emptied all the water out I'm gonna carefully remove the egg from here and place it inside of the bowl so as a stop pain they don't overcook and then I'm gonna grab my toast out of the toaster our Egg McMuffin has now come out of our toaster it's nice and toasted so now it's time to start plating them so I'm gonna take we're doing an egg foil for this time so I'm gonna take salmon and have a base salmon on the base if you're doing expanded it you would put bacon if you're doing x14 you can take some spinach and cook that and put that on first after that's on you're gonna go ahead and take your egg make sure when you're taking your egg you tip the spoon sideways to make sure there's no excess water underneath of there place your egg on top the same goes for the last egg remove any excess water and then place that nicely on top here and then the last thing we need to do is we got our sauce give it a little bit of whisk grab a spoon and I want to nicely over top of each egg so that it drips down and around so but one tablespoon EJ should be sufficient unless you like a lot of holiday stuff then you can put more and all these stuffs doesn't have to use just for Eggs Benedict or X 14 or X well as I'm demonstrating here you can put this over top of some grilled asparagus or various different dishes at home I was looking quite good last thing I'm going to do is if you have some chives or some salt pepper a little salt and pepper I'm gonna put on here first and then and then because I'm using dill because I'm using salmon just a little bit of fresh dill from the market so I'm gonna just go ahead I'm gonna pinch a few pieces of fresh dill on top like so and there we have it our eggs Royale you
Channel: Kyle Giesbrecht
Views: 5,242
Rating: 4.7435899 out of 5
Keywords: eggs, eggs benedict, eggs florentine, eggs royale, poached eggs, breakfast, Homelearning, school, jr. chef, cooking video, tasty, yummy, food
Id: _6so-VQiYq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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