Holistic Living from Home | Lifestyle is a Powerful Medicine

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I hope you having a great day and I hope you staying safe at home because right now at this point the safest thing that you could do is stay home lockdown and try not to go out if you're going out for essentials wear your mask wash your hands sanitize safe distancing to people but stay at home as far as you can today's world health day so let's start off by wishing sending loads of love good luck and press to every single doctor and nurse out there on the front line who is putting their lives at risk to protect us and help patients who are sick at this particular point so today on world health day what should we talk about should we talk about super foods should we talk about exercise sleep no we're not going to talk about that we're going to talk about the most powerful drug that exists on this planet okay and that drug when it comes to the prevention of disease when it comes to the recovery of diseases when it comes to your emotional well-being your physical health the most powerful drug is the lifestyle that you choose now when I say this let's be honest we need doctors we need medicine we need everything everything is there for a reason but we don't need too much of it and we don't need to abuse it we reached a point before the corona virus hit as we reached a point where human beings are controlled by everything that's happening you felt sick you took a pill you didn't even know the side effect of the pill you self medicated you went from one treatment to another it is a shameful statistic to talk about India where we have millions of people I've ities and hypertension together and they go on living life without the slightest motivation to make a change in their disease until they get struck by a kidney disease and then they get to know that a type of tension and diabetes causes kidney disease and no one told that everyone was happy to put them on drugs and tell them go life enjoy your life eat drink do whatever you want no one told them to change their lifestyle and today they get a kidney disease they suffer they drained the the money from their family you know the time of people around who have to look after them and all of that stuff it's Lee White's okay we can fall sick anytime we can meet with a road accident and all of these things we need the medical community and medicine and everything else what we don't need is the false advertising and the lies that we have been fed that you cannot reverse lifestyle diseases as I speak there are millions of people around the world millions of people who no longer have diabetes who whoa no longer have cancer who no longer have tyroid issues who have lost all their weight who have reversed their kidney diseases depending on the stage okay not done by me done by several other people who believe that the human body has the ability to recover and heal when it's given the right things but we depended on the lies that you need to be on a pill for a lifetime there are very few patients who may need a bill for a lifetime but most other people it's not common it's it's it's not a common thing every single day I have one or two or five patients who are consuming 25 medications a day 25 different medications four different medications for their bb2 for their diabetes something else for their kidney something else for their acidity this is ridiculous this is not healthcare this is sick care and I'm not here to blame anyone I am here to tell you that the most powerful drug is your lifestyle the lifestyle that you choose makes you sick or it makes you healthy if you choose to have a lifestyle of ignoring your constantly binging and eating crap food and processed food and overdoing on sugar you are gonna fall sick that's not the fault of your doctor your country or anything that is your fault because you chose that lifestyle if you choose to compromise in your exercise and be sedentary throughout the day you are gonna fall sick with a lifestyle disease and that is your fault it happened because of your choice when people fall sick it's funny how they all wake up to blame the environment and the air and pollution and contamination and foods okay the simple logic is if if all that was causing sickness every one of us should be sick but everyone is not sick yes contamination and food pollution and air these are serious things that can rob us of our health but when it comes to lifestyle diseases you chose that lifestyle you are continuing to live a bad and poor lifestyle and that is why you are sick and right now I'm gonna save right now you may be on drugs for hypertension your cholesterol your diabetes if you think you're healthy you are still not healthy I'm not saying this to demotivate you I'm hoping that in fact it motivates you just because a drug and a chemical is keeping your symptoms in check it doesn't mean you are healthy you still have a problem you still have a symptom which is popping up every time you stop the drug that's why you need the drug to suppress it now you couple lifestyle changes along with your drug what I'm telling you is not a replacement sometimes my medical team will put patients on thyroid medication diabetes cholesterol and all that stuff and tell them you need it at this point take it let your condition get better and as you start making lifestyle changes if your parameters decrease the doctors will reduce medication so this is not about alternative Medicaid this is not about you not taking your medication it is about you taking responsibility and accountability of your life but we can't blame people people have been control their minds with false advertisin beauty in the u.s. you can be a New York City and you've had five buses that pass you by and all the adverts all the advertisements on buses are for prozac for tylenol for ibuprofen for all of the drugs which lead to chronic kidney disease but when you see an advertisement you believe it is safe for you because it's being advertised and it's fda-approved and all of that stuff so you start over medicating and self-medicating yourself until you realize you have a kidney disease and no one's gonna take responsibility for that the lifestyle that you choose if you choose to work hard spend time at work take on more stress in your life because you're ambitious you want to do all of that that's fine but what are the mechanisms that you are building in your life to support that if you have more stress in your life you need to have more outlets to release that stress okay if you are working harder you need to make sure that you're nourishing your body to support you through the hard work that you're doing if you're awake mode you've got a sleep mode if your brain if you're using brain power and physical power you need to rest more at night and sleep but human-being things think human beings think they're arrogant and over smart they think they can do all of this and you know your doctor give you a quick fix you take five extra coffees in the day take a stimulant someone will take a Red Bull at night and you think you go on you go on for a while and all those people who have that lifestyle would eventually fall sick they want to show you that pot on sort of social media they want to show you they're sick they want to show you that they're insomniac they won't tell you that they have a kidney disease they will only show you the part of their life that is going good because every human being creates attention every human being craves attention and most human being get that attention only showing that good sign so you'll have a hundred people doing keto diet and showing you weight loss but they won't show you the osteoporosis that they have that kidney that create levels their high blood pressure they won't show you that part of it they will only show you the part which gets them your admiration which gets them attention and everything else that is the real world that is how people are we put on our mosques because we want the best part of ourselves to be shown everyone me you everyone period so what lifestyle are you choosing to look after your health I still have a bunch of ignorant arrogant people who come to me and say oh look I have uncovered for twenty twenty close my insurance my health insurance is twenty crows I'm like in my mind take that twenty crows insurance and shove it up okay it's not gonna help you when you're sick it's gonna pay your bills it's not it doesn't guarantee you you getting better okay your health insurance is good for you it can pay your medical bills but you still have to invest in prevention because your insurance is not going to take away your health problem it is only paying your bills so please understand that you need to whether you're the CEO of a company you're an actor you're an actress people call you god you're a spiritual guru whatever it is you are okay you still have the same body the same structure as every human being your life may be super special but your body is the same it needs nutrition it needs activity it needs quality sleep and it needs you to take control of your emotions and your stress but a lot of people get confused as they grow in position and grow in Fame and grow in wealth they take that they're invincible they think that nothing can attack them they think that debt will spare them okay and we have enough of cases in our world where debt and suffering and illness will spare anyone if that person has abused their body and abused the laws of nature we are products of nature which means we best thrive in a biology the parameter that defines us so when we align the way we eat the way we move the way we sleep the way we think the way we coexist amongst people with nature we don't tend to have problems and even if we have a problem those problems tend to get better but when we choose the other part out of the cycles of nature where we depend on only technology to fix our life only false and fake socializing to make us happy chemicals and drugs and fake foods like GMO food beyond meat all of that nonsense to fix us we operate outside the biological parameter and we invite sickness in and we cannot heal and we cannot get better okay people get wise you know like I always keep saying most people in the younger generation we've become puppets okay off everyone controlling us beyond meat okay your vegan is asking for beyond me you don't like meat in the first place why do you want an imitation of meat okay which is full of polyunsaturated fats trans fats sodium every possible fate preservative and chemical out there okay if you want to be vegan and you don't want to eat meat you don't need beyond meat just go and eat plants but you see the human minds are so confused they want to give up meat but they want to eat something that psychologically reminds them that they want to eat me okay non vegetarians as well if you're a non-vegetarian eat ethically sourced food understand that all your fast food that you eat is food there are only calories they are not nutrition right now everyone's locked down at home the same kind of people a lot of them who said I cannot do without fast food the kids said I can't do without fast food I can't do it off socializing I can't do without whatever whatever whatever well you're doing without it without it right now and you are surviving okay so you should never allow advertising you should never allow social media and advertising to divert your mind consume content use it to make yourself a better and a healthier person not to make yourself a shallow and an empty person some people consume so much of content on content and they don't do anything about it they're the same person today they're the same person tomorrow they're the same person day after they said on social media they comment they ask questions they want everything free and they don't do anything about it and there are some people who consume content they use it and they make better versions of themselves physically mentally emotionally spiritually and intellectually which kind of person are you the most powerful drug is lifestyle if you have a poor lifestyle you will choose poor food you will choose to be sedentary you will choose to compromise your sleep for something that robs you of your health you will choose to get more and more stressed because you are not you you're living someone else's life you're dancing according to someone else's opinion you're trying to be someone else you're trying to look like someone else okay so you've taken yourself further away from you you can never be happy misery will be your language you will look for short-term happiness like drugs and binging on alcohol and consuming content to make you happy and virtual life's on screams that you watch in movies and TV serials short-term happiness we boost your dopamine you feel good for one hour two hours and then you're back same miserable self because you are disconnected from who you are from who you are right now you lock down you can't socialize you can't wear a pretty dress or that that shirt or a t-shirt or carry a handbag away or Rolex and go out in society pretending to be someone so people say wow what a beautiful dress oh we're looking so hot what a beautiful Rolex watch oh look at your Mercedes all of that stuff and you feel good your dopamine goes up you're not doing that right now you have no dopamine boost because you're not socializing but yet you are surviving and the bitter ugly truth is a lot of people are actually happy right now they are happy without all the facade the fake facade that society has taught us to do every single day so your lifestyle that you choose makes you compromise on your sleep makes you socialize with people that don't like you and that you don't like so you feel moving more and more miserable so your most powerful drug on world health day is your lifestyle your lifestyle when it comes to the food that you eat give you a body simple food look at farmers with the people in villages they eat simple food they have stronger immune system they are way happier than most people out there okay simple eyes simple food you're so happy exercise okay don't be lazy it is your job to get up and move okay be active throughout today just because you're rich doesn't and you have more comforts it doesn't mean that it robs you of exercise be rich have all the comforts in the world that still move your body the human body was not designed to sit for long periods of time it is not designed to be sedentary it doesn't matter what age you are or who you are you need to move your body so what is your lifestyle when it comes to your exercise at the same time are you punishing yourself with exercise are you trying to burn off fat by a blue using your body with like 500 squats and 500 pull-ups and insane workouts which let me tell you right now the thing about exercise exercise involves a muscle a joint of cartilage and a tissue your muscle can grow and regrow your joint your tissue your cartilages has a life it has one life it is wear and tear the more you use it the more it gets used all your glucosamine that you take all the alkylation that you take will not help with regeneration let us understand that right now so if you wear out your joints your knees your shoulders and everything else you're not gonna get it back again so make these decisions okay make these decisions you can be gentle with your body and still lose weight you can be gentle with your body and still have an awesome figure or a great physique okay think about the long run don't think about your short-term goals that oh I need you know it's gonna be December and the wedding season I need to look fit I need to wear a miniskirt I need to wear a tight-fitting t-shirt let me abuse my body and go out there so you've got a great body okay you abuse your body you've got a great body you went out there now what what how did your life change falstaff you got a hundred compliments you got people appreciating you your ego got a boost what changed enlighten your life nothing you just abused your body so I'm saying you can still be that person build a great body go get 500 complements get everyone's appreciation but without abusing your body physically without booze abusing your body mentally so what is your lifestyle when it comes to exercise what is your lifestyle when it comes to sleep there is enough of science after world out there specimen hides behind evidence-based science you tell them to squeeze lemon in water or what's the research what are the case that is wanted to double control blind studies about this just drink your tea lemon water okay it's as simple as that they hide behind research because they're controlled by like puppets like puppets they don't understand that certain things require common sense they don't understand that science and research only studies things that can make money then I'll study yoga Denis and I am ah then I'm studying meditation then of studying simple foods because you can't make money out of that so you know a lot of people need to change their mind sense okay and start working with common sense and wisdom so science and medicine is telling you sleep deprivation causes disease including cancer and a low immune system now you decide what you want to do you decide a lot of arrogant young people and elder people say oh I have one life I want to live it go ahead and live that one life go ahead and do it the way you want like I said it's your choice what you will do the most powerful drug is lifestyle finally when it comes to stress you know what this virus has shown us is the poor negative attitudes of most people who only sit complain and whine every single day not knowing that they're whining and complaining is only increasing their fear and anxiety and distress and lowering their immune system and then they try to chant for one hour and a day they're speaking to spiritual gurus that are your other half of the day but they're not implementing anything that they learned which is acceptance and letting go if you don't understand that stress words will mess up your life I can tell you right now there are millionaires and billionaires who have messed up their life full respect they built empires they have all the money in the world they can't sleep one night without paying a lot of them because they ignore their health can you be the person who bills multi-millions and become a billionaire and maintain your health your relationships your family and everything else that is success so the most powerful drug right now is not your vitamin C there are millions of people who will not have the money to buy vitamin C but yet they will have a stronger immune then the person who's out there scrambling trying to use influence with chemists and trying to stock up and hold vitamin C's okay it is your mindset that will keep you healthy and will keep you strong remember that the lifestyle that you choose is your most powerful drug then of course you fall sick you meet with an accident you get stabbed by a knife you must go to the doctor you must go to the hospital so we're not here to say that doctors are not needed doctors are needed but we also need people that change their lifestyles understand people you get excited when there's a new drug for diabetes you get excited when there's a new drug for high blood pressure that is chronic illness the system is designed to keep you chronically sick because there is no money if you're healthy there is no money if you're dead all the money to be made is in chronic illness what are the top diseases in our country right now chronic illness illness that requires you to take and buy a drug every single day of your life so let's understand that the very bitter ugly tree does exist at the end of today it is a money game okay then that money invested in drugs is also saving lives okay now you be the smarter one and you try to get out of your chronic illness or you try to prevent the onset of an illness by making changes in your lifestyle the most powerful drug is your lifestyle take an example today when the virus has come no one spoke about immunity all these years people will I go immunity I just take a pill I just say vitamin C I take green coffee bean today every single every single scientist doctor Prime Minister president - screaming one-word immunity that is the natural intelligence of your body if you built it you are gonna be safe through this and even if you get the virus you are going to recover like this from the virus because right now there's no back what's healing people all of coronavirus people who are healing and recovering what's working for them when there's no drug and there's no vaccinations it is their immune system back to nature you give your body the right food exercise sleep and you look after your stress levels you get your sunshine you get nature your body has everything it needs to build a strong immune system and that immune system is gonna look after you prevent disease you get struck by illness it'll possibly help you recover the same way so the magic words are lifestyle and immunity you have all the time in the world right now to invest in that and the beauty is everything that you can do for your immunity and your lifestyle doesn't cost you money when you need a fake lifestyle you need a lot of money to dress up an expensive clothing they will do up your hair your face wear fancy watches fancy cars all of that stuff a fake lifestyle needs a lot a lot a lot of money but a single beautiful strong healthy lifestyle needs the basic essentials and that's what you first go give your body give your body the basic essentials and then go ahead and spend your millions and billions on the lifestyle that you want but never let your fake lifestyle consume the real you because that's what brings misery unhappiness sadness depression suicides and everything else be the real you be the real you you were designed to be you you are not designed to be anyone else have a great day everyone until next time eat smart move more sleep write and breathe deep
Channel: Luke Coutinho
Views: 8,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qq9mRJ98Eu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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