Holiday Special

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[Music] we're looking for the king the new messiah we're following the star shining right sir old man won't you help us if you can he shook his head but he pointed his hand there's a new kid in town and he's lying in a manger down the road there's a new kid in town but he's just another baby i suppose heaven knows there's a new kid in town [Music] here i see you've traveled far [Music] bearing treasures you say these gifts are for the new king's pleasure [Music] well i've heard that that king might come but until now there hasn't been one there's a new kid in town and he's lying in a manger down the road there's a new kid in town but he's just another baby i suppose heaven knows [Music] oh [Music] down the road there's a new kid in town but he's just another baby i suppose knows there's a new kid in town [Music] here [Music] there's a new kid in town happy happy holidays everybody thank you so much for tuning in to this broadcast you know this little uh holiday special thank you so much for joining us today i am mahari foster your host sorry i am mahari i am the second born i am michaeli and i am the last born and i am malaika and you guessed it right i am the first boy and these three little musketeers make up the foster triplets you know what i love most about christmas time is when mom and dad and the three of us we sometimes take trips together and when we start with those carols and we start with the christmas songs and then mom puts up her hand in the air and she reaches a high part and she cracks and then she goes up there again and then i mean sometimes that even presses the break in time with the with the music it's a really fun time i mean christmas time is you know it's a season to you know to spend time with your family and friends and just immerse yourself in love and um you know jesus and thank jesus you know a lot of time a lot of times um persons uh forget what um we should be what the real reason behind christmas is um persons celebrate it as the birth of jesus however let us use it as a time to remember not only the birth of jesus but all he has done for us all he has all he is and how he has taken us through the year yes i mean 2020 has been a different year for all of us there hasn't been one unscathed person we've had to deal with at least one thing yes and from the coronavirus i'm talking about and this pandemic has changed the dynamic of the world yes forever for sure uh things that used to be in person are now online and everything is virtual nowadays and it's a surprising time that we're living in but uh let's not fare let's give god praise in this season and um we hope that this this little uh special can be used as some time to be happy you know just let's just be happy let's just put down in the chat what you're thankful for this season i want you to thank god for something because he has done a whole lot for me and i'm sure he has done lot you should at least remember one thing right okay at least one thing that you're thankful for let's give glory to the new born king mary did you know that your baby boy mary never knew that her child would be such he would walk on water um what my child is going to walk on water what i mean imagine telling a pregnant lady your child let's just use something more realistic your child is going to be the president of the united states of america and the mother looks and says okay you're talking gibberish that's pretty startling what was mary thinking listen to this song [Music] mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new this child that you delivered would soon deliver you mary did you know that your baby boy would give sight to a blind man mary did you know that your baby boy would calm the storm with his hand did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels tried when you kiss your little baby you kiss the face of god mary did you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] the blind will see the death will hear the dead will live again the lame will leap the dog will speak the praises of the lamb did you know that your baby boy is lord of all creation mary did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations did you know that your baby boy perfect lamb that sleepy child you're holding is the grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen mary did you know ah so no just sit down for a while i'm tired what if we started um realizing what the parents started realizing that their children were not just here to be there to be here yeah there are many years they have a mandate they have a purpose you know every one of us every single one of us has a purpose because god has made that path for us he's made that purpose for us it's just for us to walk in it we just like to say a special thank you to the people that have been supporting us thank you for subscribing for sharing for liking our social media pages and thank you for donating as well for praying for us because that's that's an important thing prayer keeps us yes yes it keeps us going and we have reached a very special milestone why you don't say what it is it's for the ministry i wonder what it is type it down below in the chat what do you think that milestone is yes also those who have commented on our videos you don't know how much it really really encourages us one day i was really down and i saw a comment and it really lifted my spirit it really lifted it right up you know so thank you we're seeing those comments so even if we don't respond sometimes we're so busy yes so don't worry we will be going back through and responding don't you worry we also have this new feature on our website that you can actually uh send your prayer requests in so go to www dot foster triplets you'll see the options there you know your name your age you know and type your prayer request in and by god's grace we will pray for you and we want to hear those prayers those praise reports as well so um when by faith you get your miracle and your blessing please don't hesitate to share with us yes don't hesitate to send your um your testimony to us also do you recognize anything special with the camera right here do you see it do you see it this camera looks extremely clear right it looks wonderful doesn't it and we have to be grateful for a special person yeah this family mr obey and his family for donating this beautiful camera to purchasing purchasing this camera for us and thank you thank you thank you doesn't it make a difference yes it does doesn't it different and to the donors that have you know sent in uh contributions actually we have this computer that was so slow it took such a long time it was a snail and through your donations we were able to purchase a brand new computer plus other equipment yes and so thank you so much and for those who want to donate you can go to our website as well at yes you know what we're still trying to improve as the years pass and in this coming year 2021 we want to make something oh get up this song is interesting let's go okay oh jesus jesus oh what a wonderful child jesus jesus so lowly making new life new hope your joy he brings won't you listen to the angels sing glory glory glory to the new [Music] jesus jesus oh what a wonderful child jesus jesus so lonely me convince your life you hope your joy he brings won't you listen to the angels sing glory glory to the new one king he was heralded by the angels born in a lonely manger the virgin mary was his mother and joseph was his earthly father three wise men came from afar and they were guided by a shining star to see king jesus where we lay in a manger filled with hate oh jesus [Music] what a jesus child jesus jesus so lonely me and mind your life you hope your joy he brings won't you listen to the angel see glory glory glory to the new born king [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus oh jesus jesus oh what a wonderful child jesus jesus so lonely me combined [Music] glory glory glory to the newborn kingdom glory glory glory [Laughter] to the new born king amen you look tired don't you i am tired she's getting old i mean me too but um there are many names that we can call jesus some call him jehovah god lord and abba father the surprising thing the thing that surprises me every time is that even though we turn our backs on him and we we treat him so badly we treat him like a somebody that we can just take lightly he still keeps coming back over and over again looking out for me looking out for us if it were humans i think we'd have this very spiteful streak to us that um we'd just be okay if they don't want to pay me any attention i'll just do something strike them with lightning bye bye but god is not like that an amen it surprises me that's why i think says your grace still amazes me you're lost still a mystery still a mystery and it it surprises me every single day how jesus is and i want you to never forget the love of your heavenly father so if you are lost if you if you are in sin and you think that you don't you know you don't want to come back because you're ashamed of what where you've been and what you've done i mean god has seen you all along you can't get past his his watchful eyes i mean you think you're lost but jesus has been following behind you right behind you every step of the way he's with you and so come back to him he sees the deepest recesses of your heart and he still loves loves you the same come back to him he wants you and he is going to be happy to have you back in his fold it's a day-to-day process you know for everybody it's a day-to-day process giving yourself back over to him and so this song basically just tells us that there are many names to call him and sometimes we can even groan and he understands what we're trying to say the groans are interpreted yes mary called him jesus but i call him lord what do you call him he knows the very hairs on your head he spends time to know that yet we say i only have time i only have five minutes i'm just going to give you five minutes out of my time today sorry um my schedule is pretty packed he has millions of people on his on his um on in his call list and he's but he wants to talk to you talk to you and you are so fortunate we are so fortunate that we have the king of the universe on speed dial yeah think about that you might not have the president of the united states in your contact list i don't i don't but jesus you have him on speed dial and he'll answer any time of day even in the middle of the night yes you don't have to go through his secretary you just go straight to jesus amen and he'll take you as you are i love this song mary called him jesus but i call him lord lord lord master redeemer savior of the world wonderful counselor bright morning stars lily of beginning [Music] but the angels called him jesus [Music] mg [Music] by [Music] [Music] is [Music] in the sky the fountain of living water that never shall run dry [Music] yes [Music] but i called him lord [Music] but the angels called him jesus mary called him jesus [Music] angel's [Music] [Music] [Music] so we have about five more minutes before the other song to talk your ears off and in this this time right here i'd like to share a couple uh goals no not goals but a few things that will be coming up in 2020 one oh there's so much exciting stuff we have we have been going through such a rough year everybody has but guess what grace carried me here grace carried me here and by grace i will carry on into 2021 and that is the name of our new album our third album our third album that's coming out next year 21 and a new single yes the single is coming out in january and the album is coming out a bit later but the single is just to wait your appetite yes and the name of the single is let's not say it let's not say it let's leave a bit of um suspense suspense mystery there i saw this funny thing malaika uh people were i saw this i think this it was a picture you were saying coming out of 2019 going into 2020 coming out of 2020. you are running out of 2020. of course we're 20 we're really trying to get out of 2020 aren't we and god has been faithful in 2020 and we know that he will continue keeping us straight through 2021 even though you might be depressed even though you might be hurt even though you might have lost family members god is with you he's with you do not worry he will protect you you know this last song yes we're ending very soon this last song it's called chain breaker and i know that many of us we have chains in our life that need or earn our lives that need breaking we have so many and it doesn't matter who you are or where you are in life or in your spiritual walk at this moment we all have problems and we all are in need of them being solved but i know that we serve a god who specializes in specializes yes in unlocking those chains breaking them he specializes in moving us from where we once were and bring us to where we should be and so for those of you that need prayer right now we're going to say a quick prayer for you let's pray father in heaven we [Music] know that you are a god that specializes in miracles and specializes in breakthroughs and you are a god that loves us unconditionally whether we have let you down or not you still love us the same lord it's fascinating how you can take a marred piece of clay like our lives and you can form it into an honorable vessel lord i pray for the persons in the hearing of my voice now lord you know them by name and whatever they are going through and you understand them so father i pray that you may step into their situation be it the chains of a bad marriage or [Music] abuse of drugs or just something that they are wrestling with that they can't seem to get rid of lord would you please grant them freedom thank you lord for your ability to heal and to save and to restore persons back or even better than the way they were before thank you lord for hearing and answering and we know and we are confident that you will answer our prayers because you said you will supply all our needs according to your riches in glory in jesus name amen okay so we have about two more minutes to talk your ass off ass and i didn't do a good british accent did i i don't think so okay i must say once again that or or we have a new feature on our website it's um you can send in your prayer requests so send them right in at and we will pray for you and um by god's grace you will get what you are praying for by his grace by his grace if you're walking according to his will you're praying according to his will okay so we'd also like to say a big thank you to those who have supported us in 2020 i've we've already already been stressing that thank you and for those who have just joined the family who have just subscribed thank you so much for subscribing what took you so long make sure to follow us on instagram and on facebook at fostergirlplace there are some things you will see on facebook that you will not see on youtube and there are some things you'll see on youtube that you definitely won't see on facebook and on instagram we post a lot of pictures there so you're most likely going to see um more stuff on instagram than you will see on facebook yeah yes oh if you've been walking the same old road for miles and miles if you've been hearing the same old voice tell the same all the lies if you're trying to fill the same bold holes inside [Music] there's a better life there's a better life if you've got pain he's a paint taker if you feel lost he's away maker if you need freedom or saving here's a prison shaking savior if you've got chains he's a chain breaker yes he is we both search for the light of day in the dead of night oh yeah oh we've all found ourselves worn out from the same old fight we've all run for things we know just stayed right [Music] if [Music] if you need freedom or saving he's a prison shaking savior if you've got chains [Music] if you believe it if you receive it [Music] [Music] if you can feel it somebody tears the fire if you believe it [Music] if you receive it if you can't feel somebody [Music] if you need he's a prison shaking savior if you've got shades he's a chain amen breaker god bless you it was so fun being with you uh we are the foster triplets and as we say all the time not yet not yet not yet um we'd like to thank our parents look at this beautiful sense i forgot it was mom's a mom's artistic mind that created this that conjured this beautiful science and that added the electronics you know yes yes and that was on the phone the earl this morning speaking gibberish to um someone that's um about technology um someone about technology and it was literally like a different language the three of us are not as gifted in that area well a few of us aren't mom i'm not that fabulous but you know god does god works wonders because mom is operating a camera yes yes camera and she's doing a good job at it let's give a little smile to this camera over here she's over here hi mom but she's making some nice poses and taking a bath she's doing the queen's baby cute but yes we want to uh thank you once again and we pray that your 2021 is better than your 2020 much better than your 2020 filled with god's richest blessings upon your life and your family without protect you and encircle you in his loving arms with or without the mask if we're walking into 2021 with it let's do it with grace and style yes let's do it with style and most of all let's do it with god yes amen and brothers and sisters use your faith muscles yes in 2021. we must say though um before we go that there is going to be a concert in april yes a big concert a big concert for the seven alamar hospital that's where we were born and this will be virtual so don't worry wherever you are you can contrib you can be a part of this and um i just need to say something for those who want to donate it doesn't matter wherever you are in this world you can still donate it's a paid con it's a paid concert it's all going to go towards the car proceeds are going towards the uh seven elemar hospital yep and the pediatric um actually because something almost like a ventilator and we are aiming to get 25 to raise 25 000 u.s so let's see how that goes with your support and with god at the helm we can't raise that did you ever know that children's machine machines for children could be that expensive no i did not know that when when we got the um the the course the quotes for the price mom said oh um 25 000 i said jamaican mom said u.s if you combine it u.s so uh you know we have to give back to where we were born because that's where we were born and you know you want to see children be taken care of properly and so ladies and gentlemen please look out for that and um more details coming soon stay tuned i just got a profound thing to say what's that stop putting what never mind it just flowed up it just went out of my mind that's how things go with me old people challenges you see anyway ladies and gentlemen as we always say we are the foster triplets and we'll see you next time bye thank you
Channel: The Foster Triplets
Views: 99,500
Rating: 4.8826632 out of 5
Keywords: The Foster Triplets, The Foster Sisters, Triplets Singing, Christmas Music, Happy Holidays, Gospel Music Ministers, Jamaican Gospel Singers, Seventh day Adventist Groups, Mary Did You Know, Jesus What A Wonderful Child, I Call Him Lord, Chain Breaker, There's A New Kid In Town, Mark Lowry, Dottie Rambo, Merry Christmas, Christmas Special
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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